/» "0 & ERE - 98 ; MOTORCYCLE--1066 Yams: : - Drug automatic defrost. 7943 - for summer cottage. . 985-7995. PTW : SELL. R A For Sal e FRIGIDAIRE. STOVE - 30", yellow good condition $50.00 Call 985-7027. w4 INTERNATIONAL Tract- or in good condition. Price $300.00, also 3 furrow TH.C. Plough, Phone 985-7560. Harry Hill. ne For Sale CONTENTS of home can be seen Thurs. & Fri. evening after 5 p.m. also all day Saturday. at - Wick corner, 'south of Blackwater, at the Supertest Station. hod =13 hi =1 RENT - SWAPR + HIRE * SIR SELL EEE | Wanted To Rent Work Wanted APARTMENT or' small country. home. Phone 986- Z SWAPR™ HIRE * = "BELL RENT PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, June 12, 1969 -- 11 ROOFING, ehvestroughing; cement work, chimneys built 'land repaired. iCall Jim 986- For JULY and AUGUST -- [4832 ~ TF. Furnished house or "apart: ment, - Retired . couple will PONY, 5 years old, Gelding. Price $40.00. Phone 983-7794. take excellent care of. pro: perty, moderate rent. Refer: ONE TON 1951 G.M.C. truck with hoist, 6x8' platform, four ft. racks, $250.00. Four 750x20 tires ,tubes & wheels. $20.00 each. Phone 655-4839. TWO PROPANE gas yanges, new condition. Phone R. Baird 9852710. Greenbank. 'CEDAR POSTS and Poles. : Phone. 985-7605. ' ln rE ny RY J The 1969 model outisoard 1 motors are here. 4 HP. TO 125 HP. Also stern drive > units, Fibreglas and aluminum . boats by LEAVENS, CUTTER, GREW, SPRINGBOK AND WINNER Canadian Explorer Trailers GORD'S MARINE MERCURY OUTBOARD| SALES AND SERVICE ~ CLAREMONT 649-2007 4 SEVEN ROOM House in Port Perry, all conyeniences, good lo rial oil heat. -Phone ha Big Bear; 250 c.c., excel: Strawberries Parkinson's PORT PERRY RESERVED ORDERS . TAKEN NOW 42 cts. a qt. (in orders of 30 qts. or more only) Same Prices and Location as - Last Year (Pick Your own Strawberries Daily at 35 cts. a"qt. during ' " most of July). Raspberries (App.) 2 acres of Raspberries (available to reserved strawberry customers only) --on pick-your-own basis of 25 cts. a pint -- maximum of . 36 pints per family "ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ; > ol Parkinson's - CONC. 8,.REACH One Mile East of High. 12 985-2415 Shoes. Phone Toronto 691. 3351. : . 4--Junel9 Wanted EDISON phonograph, 6 or 7 table, 'glass top cupboard, corner or flat to wall type, old clocks, china and glass ete. Call Vera Lee's Antiques Greenbank 985-7723 10 to 50 ACRES Land, river "| or creek frontage preferred. Port Perry. Area. Principals only. ' Low down payment. esta oisY 267-6715 Collect. 2--Junel2 BOOKS, Furniture, China, Glass, etc. "Call 985-7723. ~ Vera Lee's' Antiques Greenbank T.F. L foot pine table, round dining| 'TF. INTERIOR or EXTERIOR PAINTING . Call John Holtby og570% after 4 P. m., Dead or Crip, led Form Stoc Picked up promptly. Telephone collect HAMPTON 263-2721 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone - ; Licence 204-C-69 PARRY'S SEPTIC TANK - GLEANING "AND REPAIR SERVICE Norm Parry PORT PERRY 985-7237 TYPEWRITER in. workable 'Jcondition to' be 'used for stencil work only. Phone 985-7383. y Help Wanted 6 STUDENTS, ~~ . ladies, men «| who" drive to service Fuller customers in Port Perry, East Whitby & Reach Townships. $40 for 15 hrs. weekly or more. Phone 7284922. . 4--Junel9 BILL TAYLOR|| CONCRETE CONTRACTOR Coloured Floors Cement Finishings Phone 852-7101 Uxbridge, Ontario DEAD OR CRIPPLED. FARM ANIMALS Picked up Promptly For .direct line call. Long REAL ESTATE CAREER area. to help you plus extra adver- tising to expand commission. lent condition, 8,400 miles, $480. Sunderland 357-3671." 2--Junel2 1959, 60 SERIES, Chevrolet truck, 8 cylinder 3 tier Ebro hoist, 12 ft. n box, safety checked. Call 416 - 986-4369. Floyd Stinson, Janetville. town water. ~ BIRDSEYE CENTER by Jim- mie Frise & Gregory Clark. a collector's item.. Bruton's Store. BOX PLANTS_Flowers and Vegetables. 3 for $1.00: Member of most Real Estate Boards." Contact Lloyd G. Lee," F.R.I, Vice President, H. Keith Ltd. Realtor, 181 3. CHO!CE large building lots" in "Prince Albert with For informa- tion' Call 985-7310. Eglinton Ave., Toronto 12. Phone 487-3333. Wanted a full time--real estate agent for Blackstock Experienced manager Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. .- Call anytime i ED PECONI & SON Woodville, Ont. wt - Licence No. 324C-66 | [- UTICA® SIGN ; SHOP MAN, single, young or mid- {dle 'aged for general farm 17 FT. CABIN Cruiser - 50 H.P. Johnson Electric. Trail- er and dther extras $795 00. work, good wages, permanent position for right man Write 'Box #13, Port Perry Star. FIRST CLASS LETTERING AND ILLUSTRATING, ANY SIZE, REASONABLE RATES "| B.LANGILLE Ph. 9852916 | in TW 12 ft..aluminum car-top boat $175.00. 985-7020. EXPERIENCED Operator for backhoe and front-end loader LACOMBE - YORK Gilts brad to Iow back: fat probe | Hamp: "shire sire, Phone 985- 1 INTERNATIONAL tractor Mower, Internatiinal side rake. Phone 985.7554 '67 V.W. 1500 Fast Back De- Luxe - Sun Roof, gas heater, Blau Punkt Radio, Leather- ette, White Walls & Disc Very Clean, $1495.00. 985- CUNNINGHAM Hay condi- tioner and Intarnational PTO]. Graham. | Mower, Harvey. Blackstock 9864856. GE. REFRIGERATOR with|: Call 985- be 1 ABOUT 12 ACRES of =tand- _ing meadow hay. Phone 985-7710. 35s § LARGE 3 ne. Sectional Ches- ariel double: continental] (nearly new), 'lamps,| bi basin with chrome towel and racks, numerous household articles, suitable Phone sy CHEV SEDAN standard, condition. Best. offer. Phone 9854075. LIGHT GREEN Drapes, fully new. Call Blackstock 986 4737. SMALL 5 room house. "No Real Estate involved. Call 985-2641. : 2Junel2 AUSTIN M 6 Rover Triumph Land Rover Sales Parts and Service 'Joe McCullough + MOTORS Ph. 649-2101 CLAREMONT - "918 BROCK ROAD . WHITBY work. Reply to Douglas Sovpins Ltd. Phone" 852- L! WE ARE LOOKING for good BE ER LLLE \T * | men any age over 21, with or without experience to be- come Local" Representatives Hin---our © rapidly expanding rural real estate department. For confidential interview, call or write to Bruce Taylor, J. J. Lambert Real Estate Limited, 170 The Donwa West, Don Mills. 447-8518 or Port Perry 985-7373. TF. In the matter of the Estate: of Irene Clark, Widow, "Deceased All persons having - claims |against the Estate of Irene Clark, late of the village of 1 Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Widow, who died on or about the 9th day of May, 1969, are hereby notified to send .to the undersigned on or before: the 30th day of June, 1969, full particulars of their elaims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled. thereto, having' re. Y | gard only to claims of which tRey shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ont- Work Wanted . For Rent 1 GARAGE -- Gas Pumps and Store. Phone, 085-2982. 2 unel2 - ncn RENTAL -- Tag-A-Long Trailers, $35.00 per week. Call early, due to demand during summer hol: idays. For information phone 0864760, Highwiy 7A oppo: site" Wilson Ave., Nestleton. A Jus12 Jly 3- 10, HOUSE in Port Perry, 3 ENGLISH Master - Painter, interior and exterior, quality J aio, this 27th day of May, 'GREER, KELLY & JERMYN! Barristers and 'Solicitors,, . Box 131, Port Perry, Ont. Solicitors for the above craftmanship, reasonable 3--Junel2 estate, Ta free estimates. Call ges 3~June?s Miscellaneous GRAIN SPRAYING Call 985.2090" / STUD SERVICE PALAMENO Stallion stand- %; TON GM.C. Truck with driver available for 24 hour service and 'deliveries, fully | ° insured, for information Ph. 5-R-14 Little Britain anvtime and ask for Ed. or Keith. anyone at this phone. ing at stud. Donald Hunter, RR. 2, Seagrave. Phone 985-7871. : 8--June 19 ~ _ BUYING bedrooms. . Phone Sunder- lined, 2 lengths 154 x 95. 5] land 3534, y lengths 45% 55. fod condi. and 357 | on; 'also 9 x axminster]| ; : rug, brown patterned. like| Check The Label FURNACES CLEANED re- paired, sold & installed. -- Space Heaters cleaned and J |Serviced. Hot Water Heators, g * | Presure Systems, 'Electrical | & Plumbing. 9965521. T. Wilson. th TF. Sd CACHAN (PD STAIO8 985-7373 TF.| Notice to ey All persons REAL ESTATE JTD--REALTOR Ss ToT "EXCLUSIVE AND M.L.S. MEMBERS OF THE TORONTO AND YORK COUNTY AND OSHAWA REAL ESTATE BOARDS. 4 Village Building Lots, 1 acre parcel Scugog Is- land, 2-10 acre" parcels-- Mariposa, 2-10 acre par- cels North of Uxbridge, 30 acre parcel on #7 Highway east of Omemee 'lakefront and access lots. Contact Allan Bertrand. 3 Bedroom, split level, attached garage, in village of Prince Albert. Asking price $27,500.00. Contact sala Bertrand. =3 Bedrooms, permanent home on Sunrise Beach, frame Bungalow, exira lot for garden, access to la- goon and from here to Lake. Asking price ey 500.00. Contact Allan Bertrand. - Rodd. Lake Scugog 3 bedroom cottage all mo- "dern convenjences, fire- place, panelled interior, .sun deck facing Lake, good beach, very quiet area, asking $14,500.00 with terms. Call Madeline Prince Albert . 11 storey home, in good condition throughout, all conveniences, nice lot, close to school 'and shop- - ping. Asking $18,500.00. To inspect call Madeline Rodd. 7 8 Room Brick home in Cobourg -Hardwood floors through- out, drapes, new plastered. Asking $23,900. Further details available from Joan Scott. : 10 Acre Parcel at Caesarea Suitable for sub-divid- 3 ing--$1000 an acre. Call Lake Sc ) 2% adi oining lots at Joan Scott. cugog Point overloo ne .00--5 Bed lake. Asking $2,300.00 -. oi, at Baton drooms cash or terms. To-inspect oo" "sro jake Call _call- Madeline Rodd. : Joan Scott. | AFTER HOURS -MADELINE®~ RODD 985-2819 JOAN SCOTT 985-7014 ALLAN BERTRAND 985-7251 Notleo iceto Creditors Notice to Creditors aving claims Il against the Estate of Rodol- phus Jack Hayden, late of the County of Ontario, La- bourer, who died on or about the 29th day of April, 1969, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or be- fore the 30th day. of June, 1969, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. - DATED at Port Perty. 'Ont- ario, this 27th day of May, 1969. rod GREER, KELLY & JERMYN. Barristers and Solicitors, Box 131, Port Perry, Ont. Solicitors for the above 3-Junel2 estate, Auction Sales SAT., JUNE 21st-- Auction Sale of 30 Beef Cattle, Sow & Pigs, Int. Diesel Tractor No. 275, Int. Plow, 3 Furrow, Int. Cult, 8% ft, J. D. Mow- er, Full Line of 'Implements, Hay; Grain, Furniture, the property. of WALTER BRY- Lot 18, Con. 4, Mari- posa, 1 mile South & 1 mile t of Little Britain. Terms Cash. Farm Sold. Sale at 1.00 p.m. Roy Scott and G. Wanamaker, Clerks. JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, Junel2:19 Auctioneers the Village of Port Perry, in JOHN SOMERVILLE, Retired Farmer, Deceased All persons. having claims against the Estate of William John Somerville, who died March 6th, 1969, late of the Township' of Reach, are -here- - by notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Repre- sentatives on or before the 30th day of June, 1969, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the said Personal Rep- resentatives - will * distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to claims then- filed. Dated at Uxbridge, Ontario the 28th day of May, 1569. Lloyd Somerville and Robert John Somerville, Exectuors, by HARRIS & HARRIS. 3--Junel9 Uxbridge + their Solicitors herein - Auction Sales AUCTION SALE of New ens the property of PINKHAM FUR TURE will be held in. the Village of Sunderliind (In the Arena) on WED., JUNE 18th. Kitchen table & chairs, Hostess wag- on, Hair Dryer, Doll carri- ages, Duncan Phyfe round table, Jardiniers, Coffee tab- les, Mirrors, Magazine racks, records, Vanity cnairs, Panel' beds & springs, Floor & table Lamps, High chairs, Scafter mats, Cot & Mattress, Numer- ous other articles. 2 us Dinnette Suites. Business has been sold, everything. must go, be sure and atten this sale.: Terms Cash. Sale Lat 1.30, - Gerald Graham, Clerk. REG. JOHNSON & SON, ot] Auctioneers RE a I -------------- Ema Phone Sunderland 357-3270 In the Estate of WILLIAM