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Port Perry Star (1907-), 12 Jun 1969, p. 12

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. age, 12 -- PORT PERRY STAR - Thursday, June 12, 1969] Real Estate : Fray REAL STAVE LowiTED § Sony St. Port Perry 985-7386 Blackstock Frame home, 8 rooms. oil heated, 4 piece bath, family room, broadloom (in living room and master bedroom). Spacious family home in vill- Full price $13,500 with * $3,500 down. Country Home Blackstock, 8 roomed, motl- ern convenience, oil heated, garage, treed lot, 300 foot frontage on paved road. $18,000 with easy terms. 'Nestleton 6 room, 2 storey 'frame home with 3 bedrooms, large kitchen and sunroom, all mo- dern conveniences, full base- ment, attached garage, situ ated on lovely. well treed "11/3 acres, in quiet country 'village. Asking $25,000 with good terms. ° ---- 6149 N.H.A. ReSale Lovely 3 bedroom brick veneer home, in immaculate 3 985.7373 condition, complete with shrubs, landscaping, -and fenced lot, recroom and other extras. Quiet area close -to schools ete. Good value at '$24,000. - Terms. ep p---- Highland Beach Summer cottage, 3 bedroom, * partly insulated, completely - furnished, an upper lot, pic: turesque view of lake, : mile from Port Perry, sii, 700 terms. Commuter Hobby Farm 40 Acres, scenic rolling land, large spring fed pond, corn- er farm, 4 bedroom home, modern conveniences, good barn. . Port Perry _Area. 3000." Terms. Commuter Farm -50 acres, close to Hwy. 12, bt good horse farm, new barm: 6 room brick home, all con- veniences, knotty oe kit- chen, fireplace, 18 miles from Oshawa #12 Hwy at Man- chester. Price $55,000. terms. * Omemee 200 acre beef farm 3% mile off 7 Hwy., 100 acres work- able, ba ance. in pasture, some bush, stately 2 storey, 7 room brick home, immacu- late - with all convenlences, lovely treed setting, close to road, 2 miles from Beaver Park on Pigeon River, excel- lent investment at $45,000. with $20,000 down. Woodville 200 acres, with stream, 184 workable, excellent corn and 'alfalfa land, barnhouse for 250 pigs, stable cleaner, au- tomatic Jesders, "286 ton stor- age bins, barn, steel : stables, eos loafing opera- tion. Seven room modern brick home in attractive set- ting. Full price $80,000. with '$45,000 down. PHONE 985-7386 Evenings call; Howard Forder--655.3853 Ken Middleton--985-7548 George Beaton--985-2987 Maurice Baker--8527288 living room with fire place, % | home, large living room with fire place, separate dining + Full prices $5,000 with terms. HOMES WANTED CURFAUTSTATE UID RrALIOS © : 6%. .mortgage. Real Estate 1% "storey, 7 'room frame home in Port Perry, 3 large bedrooms, separate dining room, garage and workshop, professionally engine. overlooking lake. $21,000 with terms. A 3 bedroom frame and stone bungalow, all modern con- veniences in Port Perry, cor- ner lot. close to downtown, paved drive nicely landscap- ed, owner transferred, good value at $21,000. with terms. 2 storey, frame . duplex, close to downtown, with 2 extra building lots overlook- ing lake. $25,000. Cash. - Raglan Area 3 200 acre Dairy farm, high scenic land, 2 storey brick home," in good repair, mod- ern dairy barn with stable cleaner, more than 1 mile road frontage. Call-for fur- ther information. Sunderland New 3 bedroom brick bunga- low, oil heating, large bright mahogany cupboards, full basement, illness is reason for sale, immediate posses- sion. $19,000 with $4,000. down. : . Scenic. 10. acre lots, with- stream and woods $7900 'with $3,000.down. ; 7 3. bedroom brick bungalow in. Prince. "Albert, prestige room, 2 bathrooms, full base- ment and recreation room, attached garage and pet driveway, extra lot if desire --$34,000.00 with terms. Prestige Cottége at' "Pine Point, 3 lots, boat house, 20' boat and 75 "H.P.-motor, pri- vate back yard, with hara- wood and Pine woods, patio, fireplace, completely furni- shed with automatic washer and dryer, guest house, very exclusive area, $28,000. with terms. Call + GEORGE S. STONE 985.2632 Real Estate Fred Cok | Real Estate LW. 100 acres; 8 room brick home in'good condition; bank barn, implement shed, "fast flowing spring fed stream, have your own private lake. Full price $32,000 with terms. Waterfront lots, 45 miles from Metro, Trent canal sys- tem, good boating & fishing. Commuter Farm 60 acres 3 miles from Port Perry, 5 bedroom. frame héme, new 'aluminum siding, storms & screens, all con- veniences, barn completely renovated 'new roof, new in- sulated poultry house, farm ond, school busses at gate. ull' price $39,500, assume call MORLEY BRUCE 985-2528 1 Juneb-12 alli: BUY + SELL: RENT . SWAP - HIRE « BUY SELL: RENT EES . Real Estate Real Estate MARTIN ['K rt' Perry 46 acres vacant land on High way TA, barn, a small creek, some bush. Full price -- $30,000 with terms. " Udora 3 bedroom, brick bungalow with all modern convenien- ces on a large lot. Full price $19,000, Caesarea 2 bedroom framed bungalow, "attached garage paved drive, sunporch, all. conveniences, close to store, 2 blocks trom lake, on a large lot. Asking $16,500 Excellent retirement home. Cottage Lots 'IOn Lake Scugog, ranging din price from $2,500. Up. Furnished Double A Waterfront lot on Lakeside Beach, gontisting of 2 bed- rooms, kitchen, living room, bath, hot and - cold water, well treed, excellent swim-|. ming and fishing. Carries "| for $60.00 per month,' inter- est 79%. -Asking $15,000. Port Perry 3 bedroom brick bungalow and garage on quiet street, separate dining room, very modern -with'bi-folding "doors; rec. room facilities, many 'extras, on a Jarge lot, beau- +| tifully landscaped with white birch trees and shrubs. Ven: dor is moving up north, any offers will be - considered. Full' Price" ~$26,900.% with terms. ARSE , Lake Scugog 2 acres vacant property; close to hwa¥, some trees, $2.000." down. Full Price $4,500. ' : R. MARTIN REAL ESTATE BROKER .___ Representaiive {Marion Hopkins 985-7215 599 Queen Street, Port Perry Real Estate #"EARMS WANTED" I have a Markham farmer "lanxious to purchase beef farm in Lindsay - Port Perry - Oakwood -- Cannington - Little Britain area. sold farm -but can retain possession until next spring. He will purchase now with "|possession this fall or next WA hi 'Has all cash. LA ¢ alco have a Toronto doc- tor. anxioussto purchase hob- by farm within 60 miles of North Scarborough. Build- ings should be sound and barn high: enough for riding horses. Doctor would use farm sumpper-winter re- treat. Ample water needed. Has all cash. For c¢onfiden- tial appraisal." Call or $rite BOB GOODE, 640-3131 " GERRY MEHARG LTD. Realtor, Box 1017, . Stouffville, Ontario 2 v3 . . o._ h . i Auction Sales .WED.; JUNE 18th---Auction Sale of Implements, 2 tract- ors, Self Propelled Combine, New Manure Spreader. 130 hitshels. Full Tine of Modern Implements, Grain & Straw, the property of ROY WERRY Lot 15, Con. 4." Cortwright Township. 1% miles East of Blackstock. Terms Cash, No Reserve. Farm, Sold. Sale at 1.00 p.m. Harvey Malcolm and Victor Mae erks. TED JACKSO TED Nanny. Auctioneers Scugog Lake. Cottage, heavy wiring, 2 pe. bath, sunporch, furnish ed, close to sand beach. Asking $5,500, terms. 100 acre farm, 70 workable, part hilly and part level. 13%. storey frame house, gas furnace, '4 pe. bath, small stable and - pole barn, 8 springs, could have good pond site, Blizabeth District, Asking $39,000 ; Quiet Retreat 125 acre farm, 102 workable, fairly level, house 2 storey, stone and frame, 8 rooms, oil furnace, 4 pc. bath, newly modernized, large carport, barn 45x90. Asking $16,000. Terms. ~ MARVIN NESBITT. 986-4894, Nestleton Auction Salocs AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements, hay, grain and furniture, the property} of HARRY DYMENT, Lot 6, Con. 8, Brock Twp., 2. 'miles west af Sunderland, 2 miles north (at "Vroomanton) on THURS., JUNE 19th. Short- horn cows, some with Char- alois -calves- by side; 2-bred Charalois"for July, Charalois steer (rising 2 yrs.) 2 Chara- lois 'heifers (B. B.) (good), 2 -Shorthorn- (Baby Beef) -1200 bales of hay, 800 bu. oats, Ford Dextra Diesel Tractor, John Deere M.T. Gas: Tractor Ford 'one arm manure loader (nearly new) Ford 3 furrow trip beam plow, Ford Double Disc 3 pt, A. C. Roto Baler, (good condition) Ford post hole auger, 14 in. (nearly fiew) full line of machinery, Mendelssoln piano (apt size) with bench (good condition) Leather rocking chair, bed- room suites, 2 Alladin lamps Porridge - "grinder, butter, bowl, Carved. model of ship, '(01d Ironsides), Many other articles. Farm Sold. No Re- Juve. Terms. Cash. Sale at PREG. JOHNSON & SON, June 5-12 : Auctioneers Ph. Sunderland 357-3270 Gerald Graham, Clerk J12 3 Thos. N. Shea Ltd., Realtor . 10 Acre Lot On Scugog Island, corner Bes small barn. ' Ideal omesite with numerous fruit trees already started. Enquire for Qetails. . Building Lot In Reach Township, 150x179, building permit available, Asking $3500. Port Perry Newly Pri Ld ® room house on large corner lot. Call to-day for an appoint: ment to see this home. Lake Scugog Several 2 and 3 '% bedroom cottages,- lakefront, well treed, modern conveniences, asking from $7800 to $16,000. all with terms. Enquire for details. i Lake Scugog Cottage lots; various sizes, prices and location on the ake Local Herrosentativece 'MARJORIE TRIPP 985-7608 Real Estate LAKEITH Go PETERS REALTY LTD. 728-7328 103. KING STREET EAST. OSHAWA" - REALTOR "PORT PERRY=:Modern brick bungalow - with finished re. creation room and extra bed- room off the receration room, fireplace" in ' living room, bradloom in living room and dining: room, hot water oil heating, - good garage well landscaped - property with flowérs, -hedges and: trees, Property clear, substantial down | payment. Ratcliffe 6554457, Brooklin. NEW HOMES BEING BUILT IN PORT PERRY -- $21,500. to $28,500. Order now and have 'your choice of colours; large lots, quality -construe- tion by reliable builders. 'These-home won't last" long. Call 728-7328. Non Sales He has: * |wheat, MF." No. AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock. Implements, hay, grain and furniture. the property of HAROLD WILCOX. Lot 3, Con. 4, Brock Twp, 3 miles west 'of Sunderland," 1% miles south (on Brock Rd) on TUES. JUNE -17th. . 45 head of Shorthorn Cattle, 13 milk Cows, 9 pail fed calves, 12 calves, 10 to 12 mon. 3 heifers (fat: yearlings), 4 fat steers (2 yrs), 1.Baby beef.. 500 Shaver-Star Cross hens (laying well), 6 brood sows, 1 due- time of sale, some bred Mar. & April, 11 chunks (180. 1b.), 9 good chunks, Lacombe - & Landrace hog, mow of cut hay, 205 bales of Kty, 400 bu: pats, qu. 'of "Diesel. tractor & M.F. ar (good condition), McCormick Model H tractor, Dion threshing ma- chine on rubber(straw shred- der) good, McKee forage har- vester, McKee forage box, 18 ft. M.F. 3 furrow trip beam plow, McCormick Mounted rain & fertilizer seed drill, 3 disc (2 yrs) Case Manure spreader, J.D. hay fluffer, full line of machinery. Round dining room table, Glass door cupboard, Wicker baby car: riage, Antigue sideboard, qu. of other furniture. 'Farm sold. No reserve. 'Perms cash, Sale at 1230. Note furniture sells first. "Gerald Graham, Clerk, REG. JOHNSON & SON, June 5-12 . Auctioneers "Ph, Sunderland "3573270 CLEARING AUCTION: SALE of Household Furniture and Power Tools SAT, JUNE 21st -- FURNI- TURE-- Frigidaire 'Stove and Refrigerator; Viking Washer and Dryer; Sun room Wicker 'set consisting of 1 couch, 1 table and 2 chairs (in excel: lent condition); stacking chairs, odd - chairs, chests, tables, studio- couch, sewing machine, %: bed with s spring and 'mattress, floor Beh electric iron, portable writer, glassware, Sis pe cooking utensils, rugs, drapes] jn curtains, b and many other 'misc. TOOLS--Drill Press with mo- tor; com leje "Shopsmith" os with jigsaw and a Joint. pint 2 34 sprayer with motor; bet, large wood- ress isis! rgrminid ¢ ter garden tools; 'ext. cords; 24' alum. adder; wheel - barrow: 900 feet hose; large quantity of lumber--mostly walnut, snow | blower, 2 lawn 'mowers along with Yih any 'other articles, on & phat near rubber, 15 : i ALL CONTENTS IN|disc), MH. #15 RR VERY prs .CONDITION. | spreader, many other articles ATTEND. The |of mach fet & small items. BR TA MOW-| N you need any OH QOKLIN, Ont, 24 large. machinery ~in--- good - United Chureh): Tevins Cash. | ape: plan to attend. Farm No Reserve, House Sold. Sale| 1:30 pm. Gerald Graham, iENRY KAHN, Sale Manager and Auctioneer. June12-19 ~ SWAP wdeenfd BUY + SELL: RENT + Auction Sales Sale of Modern Furniture. & Antiques, New Refrigerator, New Deep Freeze, Chester: field Suite' &' 2 chairs,' Bed- room Suite, Etc. the property: of MRS. EARL HEAYN, Scu- gog Island, 4 miles East and: North of Port Perry. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.00 p.m; Roy Scott and G. Wanamaker, Clerks. .. : TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, June5:12 Auctioneers "Phone Bill AUCTION SALE of Farm stock, implements, hay, straw grain and furniture the prop- ERS, Lot 10, Con. 2, Mariposa Township, 3 miles 'south and -|2 miles: west of Little Brit-= ain on SATURDAY, JUNE 14th. 56 head. of Hereford & Shorthorn Cattle. "19 cows with calves by side, 10 open heifers (2 yrs) 9 yearling calves, Hereford bull. 7 sows 14 chunks, 6000 bales of hay 300 bales of straw, 700 bu. mixed grain, 300 bu. wheat, 1962 GMC 1% ton truck. MF. 35 Diesel tractor, M.F. No. 82 self propelled Combine. 10 ft. (7 yrs.) New Idea Manure spreader, 'P.T.0., 'M.F. side vibrator cultivator. 16 ft. trailer, New Idea side rake, full line of machinery. Piano quantity of articles! 'No Re: serve as owner is giving up «farming, Farm is for sale. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 pm REG. JOHNSON & SON. June 5-12 Ph. Sunderland 357-3270 Gerald Graham, Clerk J12 ~AUCTION SALE of Anti- Brass, Jacques & Hayes, Side- board, etc., etc, -the property of OLDENU_ CORNER ANTI- QUES (Mrs. L. G.. Pope) will be held at Baldwin, -2 miles south 'of Sutton on hwy. 48 on SAT. JUNE 21st. hutch, Pine cupboard (strip- ped), Hall Mirror & hat rack (stripped) Jacques & Hayes broken - front side -.board, Arrow back rocker, Love seat Parlour set, Walnut tables, Antique phones, Qu. of other stripped furniture, Blue glass pickle cruet, Large China & glassware, Comports cocoa jugs, Antique cookie Cod fire lighter, Carnival glass, Milk glass, hundreds of other items. Everything must be sold as building is'being renovated. Terms Cash. Sale at 11:30 am. Come early. Ladies will provide lunch, Gerald Graham, Clerk. REG. JOHNSON & SON, : June12-19 Auctioneers Phone Sunderland 357-3270 WED., JUNE 25th--Auction ments, Hay, & Straw, t the perty of PASQUALE ANI, Lo land and 3% mile north. e-| Holstein Heifers, bred Feb & Jugreh, Holstel tein Bul 2 yrs), 4000 bales of good ha hay, qu. of baled straw 830 gas tractor: (1128 Case 4 furtow trip beam hy- draulic plow @ Ja Case hydraulic doub isk uz ft., rubber mounted, 2 yrs.), Case cultivator (12 ft., 22 toothed, 2 yrs), baler (2 yrs., ex. cond side Jake: .. 640, 2° vis) MF. 7ft . power mower, A 2 row corn planter, J.D, i new), M Ds J.D D. Clerk, | ¢ "REG. JOHNSON & SON; Junel2-19 erty of CLARENCE MAST-- jars, bellows, fire dogs, Cape SAT.; JUNE 14th*-Auction * + bred Féb.,. Mar. and April, mount mower 7 ft, 25 tooth. : - Auctioneers que Furniture, Dishes, Clocks Pine of Father & son shaving mug, Sale of. yobs Stock, Imple. : Twp., 1 mile west oe Sunder 1 (ris. hrs., power steering, ex. con.) . bill ~ "Auctioneers, - . Phone 'Sunderland 357-3270 -,

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