Ho EAN t Vs RAR Ul FES VAR F IVAN SE AN CRI ROAR HA RR E V F NT ¢ . : 2 "vavie OF DAYS : . EDITORIAL TOPICS ago GONE BY! To i SALE "ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE hy Dood sl Preventative. Measurer aR YEARS AGO. " . 4 . ' ' The Honourable Matthew B. Dymond, M.D., Minister oa 'anioyabie vee or ~af Health, has announced that 'an. Order in Cauncil spent in "Burns Church" ' filed as Ontario Regulation 197/69 prohibits the use of Ashburn, on Friday, June 6 pesticides containing aldrin, dieldrin or heptachlor chem- "when the whole countryside ~.vicals for all agricultural purposes. This Amendment to ~ gathered at a reception given al Eiki the Pesticides Act and Regulations was enacted purely as - in honour of our soldier boys | a preveitative measure to protect the people of Ontario home from France. against future health hazards. = ° v The church was rendered This regulation makes it a violation of the Pesticides doubly beautiful by the taste- Act and Regulations for any person to use aldrin, ful decoration of flowers.and / dieldrin or heptachlor for any purpose in Agriculture flags. > § ¢ production effective immediately. These three pesticide One 'of the best pieces of : chemicals may be used for non-agricultural purposes such property improvement recent- » : as White Grub Control until December 31, 1969. As of __ 'ly. undertaken has been'done January 1, 1970, only licenced structural exterminators by 'Mr. AM. Roberts' in re- will be permitted to use them and then only for the modelling the lawns' about "purpose. of termite control. However, provision is made . his house on Queen Street. or rs for permission to bé given by the Ontario Department of ; . Health for the use of any of the three if a matter of . 25 YEARS AGO public interest arises. Y ; Pesticides are used in agriculture production to kill Tawa : June '16, 1944 organisms_ injurious .to the crops and animals upon Mrs. N. DeShane has rec: N which man depends for food and shelter. Many insect- eived a letter from her son aj ¢ borne diseases such as typhoid fever, dysentry and ence- : ta el . | Bert who is serving in Italy; : phalitis are controlled through the use of chemicals. cil : oi ' ; : ; : telling that he had been suc- ~The Department of Health, through the application "We'd: bett er st op remin din g him your | cesful in passing a special of regulations contained in the Pesticides Act, 1967, : PE Var Jaci EERE tina | course and has now been keeps strict control over. the use of pesticide, chemicals' la p a i shoulder baits were fa st ened.. re promoted to Craftsman, in. the "province. All exterminators and operators of ts: 0 own or some reason...." |. ; A exterminating equipment must be licensed. Pesticide gets Wm d ak : sr fa The parents and friends of ® [e Control Officers ensure that the regulations are adhered : =~ ; : aN i Mrs. J. E. Jackson's piano - 'to. : : : " . : pupilsspent two very pleasant _ The Pesticides Control Service of the Environmental § : Fa . ES fra LE pep ¥ he Vojisd puisn. : %. Health Services Branch keeps a continuous surveillance EA ---- 'of many very talented young of pesticide chemical residues in faods and their ; : RR ll people. 2 : 3 accumulative effects. When increasing residues of the 3 'SMILEY ahi : SEETREN i EARLS Bo persistent pesticides such as aldrin, dieldrin and heptach- : : : : aE : At the meeting of Fidelity' lor in our food indicate a potential health hazard, the : ! EOE DY J Lodge AF. & AM. Clarke use of these chemicals is then sesiniiod or petibiied. i Sugar a nN % Spice } Williams was elected Master, 3 LT - 7 EK " Soto ; ! 3 : > 5 Mr. 8. Farmer Wis in Tor- + 7 . . FH : , : i gat : ih Either Ha nd ©" GOOD NEIGHBOR BILL nose seemed to be missing. a gay ls Tih BS We all know what happens to good Sa- We put her in her box-bed and stood ir. "Associatio 2 2: "Is The Natur al Ha nd maritans, don't we? They end up holding - about, wringing our hands. My - wife rig Ewart ig & : : the~bag. RET ) Ti ~ shrieked, "She's shrinking!", and I agreed. ~ © ERE ht A child is born right-handed or left-handed, and it ~~ Recently we acquired a kitten." It was Creatures scem to do that when they're 15 YEARS AGO BH is well to let nature take its course, says the federal practically over my wife's dead body, but dying. 2 Rl Ee rave 1 ! Hi \! health department publication, "UP THE YEARS FROM Kim insisted she was going to crack up My wife wailed, "Her eyes' are funny, J Thussday, une 17, ' v pie ) partment py ) J - psychologically if she didn't have a little: and, her ears are turning inside out" I pe : : 4 ONE TO SIX 2 : ; brother for company. As usual, Dad was agreed. The kitten shivered uncontrollably. 'Port' "Perry Brownie's ik + On the basis of a great deal of observation, many . catalyst. No pun. Gd "The death rattle was imminent. . ~~ attended a Day Camp at Camp dl experts maintain that if a child is prevented from using gj turned out to be a little sister, as I've "Better tell Kim," quavered the boss. Samac along with Brownie 548 his natural hand, he will likely have trouble in learning mentioned, but that 'was to be expected. "She'll never forgive us if Pip just dies Packs from Oshawa and Ajax. i to talk, write or read. : She was a little beauty and immediately and she isn't here" ; pp ip 75 : Many babies don't seem to know which hand they took over the house with that mixture of = _ Once again I agreed, and raced upstairs, The first Port Perry Yacht ~~ yg f 6 prefer to use. Some children may be over two before charm and utter arrogance that only a fe- Where Kim was watching Hamlet on' TV, Club race was held Sunday = ; hi : ' .male kitten can muster," alae My face as long as a foot, I intoned, "Kim, affernoon with a good turn ' it is clear which hand they prefer to use. It's important Even the Old 'Battle. Axe became. fond youd, better come quick. I think Pip's out of boats that gave a park- : ~ not to confuse the baby. Always hand him- things from "ihe thing, despite' the usual clawing of been run over, and she's in bad shape." ful of spectators plenty of the "centre-front", so he can freely decide which hand g, nit re and drapes, Kim was ecstatic. She looked up, startled, and said, "Dad, entertainment, : to put to work. I'm the only on¢ in the family who can what have 'you been into? Here she is, ka sn Itis true, as many parents worry, that there are certain barely be civil to cats. - Pd 55 soon have right here." And sur enough, there was Lion Art: Bruton was sel-~. .- & 4 inconveniences for the "southpaw", but these are condit- a baby gorilla, or a pet anaconda, as a cat. Pip lying snoozing-on the couch, as elegant doted fom some Ome ions outside the child to which he can adapt himself Pip. the kitten, had been retrained, after as Cleopatra waiting for Mark Antony. by the International Officers: f 'ha, a8 traumatic lapse when the painters were Well, you don't have to be Sherlock : Ln : without too, much; trouble, Changing handedness, how- here. All was serene. She had run of the 'Holmes, do you? Id rescued the wrong Committee to represent zone ever, may seriously handicap a youngster from within. house, slept with Kim ,and began spending blasted cat. There was some: excuse, 'My' 10 South Dg AF which I Ee OT Ee i : me time playing in the back yard-fiakink. tender heart. 'The thing was screaming... COMPrises me 0s, 4 a like a Hos vith insects and worms. Tra- - And it was exactly the Er hey SY 434 : iin @ P O RT P ER RY S TA R : gedy struck Sunday afternoon. I was sitt- Pip, FRE a Ms. AG. Christie and Miss a COMPANY, LIMITED . 7 'ing outside, reading, when I heard the un- The reason my wife thought the beast i asherine i Christie of Balt: f ; | earthly but unmistakeable ream of an. was shrinking was that it's about a month .imore, Md., are at their sum- 3 ii . animal in its death-throes. "7 - yonger than Pip, The reason its eyes were = mer home here in Manchester. 2, 1 couldn't believe our kittén could make dull Is that it's retarded, I'm sure, A EE BE HANG such a noise. But it was definitely feline, Kim promptly produced 4 saucer of milk, OL - ry : . 7 and-she'd been playing around in the yard - The cat with the broken back 'and paraly- : SE dg . oo 4 Cony a lly eh) hsfre. Leaping up. 1. .vei Tiga Just 38 promplly, vilked over to 10 YEARS AGO. "fF fff : bh tted the direction of the wails, and ran it and drank it, thoug still shivering, then : Thu "J I Serding Port Perry, Brooklin 28 Surrounding Arete; Gp There was Pip, head down," curled up and slept for radii hon Hate dats ' id pst : JP. RVIDSTEN, 'Publisher 7 walling wildly, crouched in the middle of: 'bloody. nose was "probably from: gravel ~~ a ] WM. T. HARRISON, Editor the road, as the cars sped by. ** " ° "' spattering under a cat's wheels, SR ~. Apurebred Holstein owned 3 Le "0 : SEWER I picked her up. as gently as possible, Well, what do you do? . Throw it back bY Edward Oyler, Port Perry, 2 } Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Asioctation certain she'd been run' over, or at least hit on the road? Pip and my wife are furious, 'has completed a- very fine - a BY 7 |. Member 'of the Ontarlo_ Weekly Newspaper Association by a car. She squealed piteously and ¢lut-. one at having an interloper, the other at . Record of Performance Test. * fo Published every. Thursday by The Port Perry hed my sweater. She was shuddering with havifig two cats when she didn't want one. She is Lindette Snow Achilles. : Star Co, Ltd. Port Perry, Ontario, ; ferrorand pain. ~~ Kim is delighted and determined to keep RE} 8 ; far ; ALT I carried her in like a wounded bird and the ugly, stupid little mutt, who eats like wo . ey Second Class Mail Registration Number 0265 called my wife. She-was horrified, : The a lion, David Jackson, young son- Ha . kitten was obviously in shock, eyes glazed, And 1, as usual, despite the fact that this Of Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth- Hg Subscription Rates: In Canada $4.50 per-yr, 1) oo shaking. Her hind legs seemied par- is a cat story, am in the doghouse, where Jackson,receivedsuchasevere wv i Elsewhere $6,00 per year. Single Copy 10¢ |! alysed and I thought her back must be. good Samaritans frequently find themselves, Sunburn. that he was taken : i ; AeA broken. Her face was bloody and half her» _Toronto Telegram Syndicate =~ to hospital for treatment, #0