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Port Perry Star (1907-), 19 Jun 1969, p. 4

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i ee SL 0 Sr i Fa a i 5 i STAR - EDITORIAL TOPICS oe. mm LE = EF ~ Minor Softball Week "We are proud of the fact that MINOR SOFTBALL in Part Perry has the support of many public-spirited citizens, Service Clubs and other organizations; whose love of the YOUTH of this community: prompts them towards the sponsorship of our local MINOR league, We should focus our appreciation 'and recognition on these truly outstanding citizens and organizations who are making a most significant and valued contribution summer game of SOFTBALL contribute to the healthy, and to the entertainment of SOFTBALL FANS. 'SOFTBALL is a team sport for ALL » for the young, and the not so young. Its heritage is a proud one for its capacity to develop character, self-control, good citizen- 'ment qualities. . We commend you to "GET ON THE BALL" with "MINOR SOFTBALL-WEEK" and to make a FAMILY effort to demonstrate your encouragement and support, of our YOUTHFUL sportsman by attending the . . 2 members "of this sports-conscious community. entertaining . attractions programmed for all of the' SC to contribute much of their time,. talent and experience: to the community in which we live; as does our grand competitive recreational endeavours of our YOUTH --- ship, gentlemanly conduct, sportsmanship and respect - for authority; as well as for its great physical develop- TODAYS CHILD { BY HELEN ALLEN ° TorontoTelegram Syndicate This happy young fellow won't he a year old till July but already he looks like a futurc football' player. He's big and sturdy and loves rough games, especially wrestling, Randy Fa, hair and (alr, sensitive skin. A very soclable boy, he enjoys children and likes to be in the midst of their aclivity, He is also fond of a puppy in his foster home. He Is very active and as he starts to walk is heginning to be independent, though he still likes to be cuddled. Randy's family history is incomplete bit it is known he has onc Indian grandparent and that his mother may have diabetes. The baby himself is in_cxcellent health. He needs parents who will give himlove and stimulation. To inquire- about adopting Randy please A write to Today's Child, Department of Socfal and Family Services, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 182. For general information about adoptid ask your local Children's Aid Society. . i hy --is a solid baby with big blue eyes. light brownslightly curly ------ | PORT PERRY STAR COMPANY, LIMITED bs 7 - 4 i Serving Port Parry, Brooklin and Surrounding Areas "A _ P. HVIDSTEN, Publisher = 3 7 WM. T, HARRISON, Editor 2: Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association 8 | Member of the Ontarlo' Weekly Newspaper Association a Piblished every Thursday by The Port Perry | Star Co. Ltd, Port Perry, Ontario. any - Second Class Mail Registration Number 0265 Subscription Rates: In Canada $4.50 per yr., Elsewhere $6.00 per year. d re BEEF PRICES SPUR: CATTLE RUSTLING- -----t 'BILL SMILEY Z SE EE Hi . TALK ABOUT WILD WEEKENDS ~~ Having onhe"18 year old daughter around - the place is enough to turn you white before your time, as I can verify. For most of last week, we had three and ifs quite an experience. . 5 One. of them had auburn hair, brown 'eyes and freckles. This was one way we could tell our own from the others, who also had brown eyes. Another was that they 'were neat and tidy and made their bed and didn't spill things and didn't slouch around in" ripped, faded jeans and .my oldest shirt. 3 : / Early this spring, pne of our history teachers organized a trip for his students, during the vacation, to Washington D.C., because they were studying American hist- ory. It. was a success. They saw numerous historic sites and visited a high school in "that city. : "There they were warmly . received. As kids will, they respond. with, "Why don't you come to Canada. and-'visit us some time?" You know how this happens. You're away from home at: a' wedding or sonie- thing, meet someorie you like and, vowing that you must see more of each other, throw out one of these meaningless invit- ations: > eho Then one day a strange car, full of strange people, pulls up at your house. 'A couple' and four kids get out. Your ~--wife's hair is up in curlers. You have a two- day beard and smell like a goat after mow- ing the lawn, . . : "Yep, it's Elsie and Herb, the couple you met at the wedding, except that you ~vean't remember their names. And they i . were just coming this way: on a trip, and. thought they'd drop in and say hello, and they've been looking all over for a motel, and everything's full up, Well, that's what happened. Our history teacher got a letter saying that 85 students -and . four teachers from the Washington school were" arriving, as invited. All they needed was billets and a"schedule of sight- seeing. __ He arranged a program that would. exhaust an elephant; historical sites, band concert, 'dance,' boat trip, canoe rides. And billets, There 'was no problem there. Our "i : ' we ERS a) NN ) DL. On PET! Guess whose comms. Sugar and Spice re © DINVER 7! own kids were practically fighting over the visitors, One girl, who comes from a family of eight, snatched four of them; Kim arrived at our place with the two ° prettiest chicks from that entire high school: Sheila and Caroline. It was 11 p.m. they'd been on the road since five' am. and were not only tottering, but-a little shy. But we got along fine, and shooed them off to bed. : The next three days and nights were enough to kill anybody over 20. The. first day, they visited our school and completely disrupted the schedule, which everyone- enjoyed thoroughly. By dinner- "time, our twé guests had -lost all shyness and were giggling and talking frantically about what they were going to wear: for five different events next day. Su Remé&mber, these were city kids. They were used to. concrete and asphalt and apartments. And here they were in a small town "with green grass and blue water everywhere. And houses on big lotst with © trees and shrubs and lawns arid lilac bushes. Saturday - night was 'the grand finale, - with a beach party for the visitors and their teen-age" hosts -- about 120 people, There must have been 500 at it, as every teeny who could get out to the beach gate-crashed the party. I know, because I took the girls out to it and promptly lost.. them in the happy, milling mob. Party ended at five. Bus left at 6, In the a.m. that is. My wife kissed the "girls. They gave us a thoughtful present, - lugged all the way: from Washington. 1 took them to the bus. Confusion and emotion. were rampant, with tears flow- ing freely, and kids wildly writing down , addresses. + « = . iar I got a big hub and kiss from Shéila and' Caroline, stuck them on a bus and headed home for a few desperately needed Four nights and three -days of people ~meeting other people and liking each other: and learning something, and treating each other as individuals. Perhaps I forgot to mention it, but the visitors were all Negroes. .. JE rine ET j sted curfew was 11 p.m. They went "out with Kim and all three got in at three. 6 A letter was received ( | OF DAYS { GONE BY 50 YEARS AGO. Thursday, June 19, 1919 The trustees of thé Church are having their electric light plant installed this week and are expecting to "have it in.' full operation next Sunday and Monday. - Ruthven Mec- Donald, the famous Toronto baritone will entertain on Monday evening at the Sunday School Anniversary here at' Seagrave go get your car ready or hitch up the colt and arrive at Seagrave in time for. supper. . Owing to the metal work- ers' strike the erection of the memorial flagstaff at the high school has been delayed for an indefinite time. * 25 YEARS AGO Thursday, June 22, 1944 : I} The corporation has the distinction of owning the first - 'electric lawn mower in Port' Perry, the "Len Leahy-Elec- ' Fit. Sgt. J.L. Sweetman, =has returned to his 'duties at Toronto after a few weeks at home.' Pte. Ross J. Harding of .the Central Ontario Regiment - '1 has been seriously 'wounded in Haly, 16 YEARS AGO Teper. June 24, 1964 The talent show featuring amateur entertainers from the Port Perry district and spon- sored by the Coronation Track and Field Club, Port Perry, provided a' most' enjoyable -evening for parents and friends "of the contestants who com- 'peted last Friday evening in the Public School. The Port Perry. Legions little "ball league 'opened in " big league style last night. All teams met at Palmer Memorial Park, clad. in their bright uniforms 'and took their place behind the Legion Colour Party and marched to' the fair'grounds to the music of the Bowmanville Pipe Band. - 10 YEARS AGO Thursday June 25, 1959 Barbara Grace Love, only - daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. ~Clifford Love of Port Perry, . graduated ly at "University of Western Oht- recently at the ario with her B.A, +~ council from Arthur Jefford§=- thanking the Reeve and Coun: cillors for the donation of $100 towards his, expenses at the forth coming Boy Scout jamboree. " Mrs. D. L: Crosier was elected Provincial Represent- 'ative of the Ontario County Tuberculosis Association at ~ the annual meeting.

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