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Port Perry Star (1907-), 19 Jun 1969, p. 8

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Sn a, -- RE EE TE, A ANG -- -take- away, TT es R in All Classified Ads must be Chassiticd Advertising Rates (Effective March 1st, 1967) i "ARTICLES FOR SALE -- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE | REAL ESTATE -- WANTED -- CARS FOR SALE LOST -- FOUND -- ETC, Cash Rate--4c. per word 1st week, 3c. extra consecutive . weeks with a minimum of $1.00 1st week, 75c. for i extra consecutive weeks. Must be paid week of insertion--if charged, an additional 25¢. will be added. 50c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR USE OF A BOX NUMBER. NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS ? 4c. a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS -- MARRIAGES -- DEATHS 4c. a word wit ha maximum of 25 words $1.00 « IN MEMORIAMS -- $1.00 minimum for 4-line/verse, 10c. "a line for additional lines. DISPLAY CLASSIFIED--$1.25 per inch with a minimum of one inch I. «5,00 p.m, Tuesday Send cash, stamps or money orders and save money. PHONE 985-7383 --_-- Clip. this out for reference in this Office not later than In Memoriam ANDERSON -- In loving|- memory of my dear husband, Donald who passed awey June 23rd, 1966. It's lonély here without you, We miss you more each day, For life is not the same to us, .. . Since you were called away. Ever remembered by wife Edna COLLINS--In loving mem- ory of my husband' Stewart Collins, who - passed away June 28th, 1966. Sori} the leaves of memory all: Gently we gather treasure from them all, Some may forget now that - you are gone, - We will TEmSinge no matter 'how long. Ever remembered by "his wife Edith and family - COOKE -- In loving mem ory of my.dear husband Clar ence who passed away June "No length' of time can : The thoughts of you today" Never forgotten by his loving wife Flossie. RODMAN---In loving mem. ory of my dear husband Ste- wart who passed away June 21st, 1961. I cannot halt the hand of ; time. Or live again the past, Within my heart are memories That will" forever last. Lovingly, remembered by SEE * his wife Rela Cards of Thanks We . wish to thank our neighbours and friends, also the Senior Citizens for their sympathy and thoughtfulness during our recent bereave- ment Mr. and Mrs. Ernest . E. Healey I would like to thank all . the people who inquired, sent cards, flowers and gifts during my stay in Port Perry Hospital. Special thanks: to Drs. Grant; Allan and Stocks, to nurses and staff who made my stay there quité comfort- able. Mrs. 'Marjorie Free THANK YOU Many thanks to the Scout Mothers who did donate bak- bake sales. Any remaining donations can be forwarded. to Irene Murray; treasurer. wife of- the - or money to the June|p = of Thanks - On behalf of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary we wish to say Thank You to the Ladies who decorated for the Spring Fair, also to all who had donated to the booths and do all who had worked in anyway 'to make our fair so successful. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my many friends and relatives -and neighbors for calls, flow- ers and cards during my stay in Port Perry Hospital, also special thanks to Dr. Price and Dr. Cohvon and nurses for wonderful care. 'Fred Pearce At Rest NN PIERSON, Eva Robena -- Suddenly at her home Rag- lan, Ontario on Sat., June 14, 1969, Eva Robena Garrow, be- loved wife of the late Fred- "erick A. Pierson and dear mother of Rilla (Mrs; John Kellington, Oshawa, Hazel (Mrs. Archi M. Campbell), Raglan and the Late Francis Pierson. In her 81st year. Rested at the.Chapel of Mec- Dermott - Panabaker, Port Perry for Service on Tuesday at 2:00 pm. Interment §roveside Cemetery Brook- in READER, Marion-L. -- At the Port Perry: Communit Hospital on Sat, June 14th, 1969, Marion 1. Williams, wife of John Reader. and dear mother of Murray, Ger- ald, Audrey (Mrs. A. Beau- champ), Ruth . (Mrs. Wayne Cox) all of Port Perry. In her 60th year, Rested at the Chapel of McDermott - Pana. baker, Port Perry for service on Tuesday - at 3.30 p.m. In: terment Pine Gr rove Cemet- IY. { i HEAYN, Delila -- At the Community Hospital, Port Perry on Monday, June 16th, 1969, Delila Wiles, beloved late Robert Heayn, dear mother of Cecil and Norman, both of Port Perry; predeceased by daugh- ter Effie (Mrs. Crawford) and sons Gordon, Charles and Earl. In her 100th year. Resting at the Chapel of Mc- ermott - Panabaker, Port Perry. for service on Wednes- day at 2.00 p.m. Interment The Executive Pine Grove Cemetery. Announcement 'Coming Events "For Sale For Sale Mr. and Mrs. Frank: Lee, | ANNUAL PIANO RECITALS W-4 INTERNATIONAL Tract-| 1964 RAMBLER, automatic, : Lie Greenbank, announce "the |" The. Junior Students of|or in. goodl condition. Price | excellent condition; also a : ¢ forthcoming - marriage of |-Mrs. Gertrude Jackson .and $300,00, also 3 furrow I'H.C,| Piano, Mason & Rich: Phone : their daughter Beatrice Lor-| Mrs. Joan Godley will hold | Plough. Phone 985-7560. | 655-3238. 29 Heber Down Fin fo, Me Edward (Ted) ther Jeni) gn Friday, June | Harry Hill. Crescent, Brooklin. 'rederic urphy son' o th at 8 o'clock, : ; Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy, The Teen-age Students; as- RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS also | QUANTITY of Rodney Oats, 7% Uxbridge.' The wedding will | sisted by singing pupils of Hand painted cushion tops, Phone 9864826. Td take place on Saturday, July | Mrs: Grace Hastings, will | pillow' cases, centre. pleces, ; 19, 1969 at 4 o'clock -in | present their programme on | greeting. catds. Phone Mrs. | ROTO TILLER, approximate: Greenbank United Church. . Monday, June 23rd at 8.00 [Russell 985-2193. 5--June26 [ly new, Price $100.00, can be ~---- | 0'clock.-- Both recitals to be seen-at 60 Union Ave., Port : Dr. and Mrs, A. C. A.|held in the Port Perry Unit-| ONE TON 1951 G.M.C. truck | Perry. -| Bathie, Port Perry, Ont. are [ed Church. Collection in aid | with hoist, 6'x8' platform, leased. to announce the |of the Port Perry Community | four ft. racks, $250.00. Four | ONE NEW FH84 Gehl For orthcoming mirage of Hospital. . Jupartdy 750x20 Hires fiibes 8 Wists age Havester with hay 7 ¢ » their eldest daughter Rhonda $20.00 each. one | up and single row corn hea Marie to Jack Cones 'Tup- DeNURE TOURS for $2005.00, Bs warm. us Son a i ind Js, JUNE 32--North Bay, French | SURGE Sales and Service. | Service, Blackwater, , arenes, upling, Uxbridge, River, Boat Cruise Ribstone Silos & Bulk Tanks. | c= oie $100, Elec. To Te eaaipg to Cy JUNE 29---Upper Canada M. Jackson 985-2459. tric guitar (new) '$50 bass 1969 at 4:30 1y in the Port JULY 6 Ruronia & Gobi: 5-<June2b viol--best offer, bicycle $10. Perey Doliga Chin" gian Bay Boat Cruise | SEVEN ROOM-House in Port | Ehiome kitchen table sto. Mr .and Mrs. Harold Noble | JULY 13--Thousand Island | perry, all conveniences, good poy My Ad » of Uxbridge announce the en, | 5, Boat Cruise lot, garage, oil heat." Phone < | July skoka -2158. SCTE Ty po SN PT Savor, ine son 31 ie. and | 0% Getty" Ol Port Honey. | Sex iver. Craspnall, "One| SoBe: Phone 0852068." mont. Wedding to take place JULY Z8ih-Canzdian West ario, 2 miles south Manilla. | Ann MADE Article of all in the following year. oas - ome kinds, gifts for showers, w ho - [AUGUST 10 & SEPTEMBER | 1967, GLEAMING red Cam-| dings. baby. showers. stutted ~~ ¢ ® / gs, Y. Mrs. Myrtle Eade, former | he Mor) es 3 aro, white racing strip, W/W, | toys, 'hooked rugs and drift. resident of Port Perry, is|AUGUST 7th--Newfoundland| g "cyl floor shift, = radio,| wood at the Louise Patter. pleased to Shou fhe os FRED DeNURE TOURS [stereo tape player, snow tires,| son Guild Handicraft Shop: J engenien' ooh i] Box 238° Phone 324. oie] excellent condition 985-2019. at Ms, Spears lame, 4 Fae NE July20 miles west 0 anchester. mond Edward Hillier, both Lr y QUANTITY of good hay 1969 Open Friday and - Saturday of Port Party, The wedding AT HOME crop, baled. Phone 985.7530| from 9 p.m. to 6 p.m. Other. : in iy og or Salnaday Mr. and Mrs. Norman Junel9-26 | times by appointment. Call " Perey United Charen" = °'*| Tennyson will be at home to! 985-2059. = June19-26 J J y "| their friends and neighbours | POSTS and clothes line poles, : L " on the occasion of their 25th | and poles. for Pole Barns. a Te Coming Events Wedding Anniversary on Sat. | Phone 985-7605. Strawberries : : . June 28th, 1969 'at 8 p.m. in NGLE SHOT F > a Fr AUCTION SALE: Bake and | Caesarea Hall. Junel2-19(.22 SI OT an 2 RR AE Lunch Table, Ashburn, July it semi automatic. $10.00 each. : . > 5th, 1 pm: Auctioneer: % Phone 985-2432." Parkinson's : Henry Kahn. Wide range of | F G O N : » » articles from a cream scpara- " LE 50 ACRES Standing Hay PORT PERRY tor, hooks, Turniture to it : ld Phone 985-7540. oR ORD ink. : the RESERVED ERS Bung rant of eas |) AN ( F (one carenritian smal rice now = ' ity .C , : ozer w ade: and wench: - op burn Community iv : Gas or Diesel Motor. Cheap 42 cts. a qt. (in orders of y i - SATURDAY, JuLy 5th for quick Sale. Phone 985- 30 gts. or more only) BINGO, Friday, Fata ann z 7208. a -| Same Prices and Location-as TY 8 p.m. "Sponsored by Catholic RAY WALKER Last Year os a Men's League. Jackpot $160. 1967 CAMARO, 3 speed floor | ig Bran oll jack-| AND THE AMBASSADORS |shift, $327 engine, includes | (Pick your own Strawberries pot $40.00 in 52 numbers gauges: wire-wheels. Twin | Daily at 35 cts. a qt. during ] * |Admission $8.00 per couple. lights, -- Like new: Phone most of July) BINGO, Thursday, Juac 26| FREE REFRESHMENTS |985-7790. SH CR 4 on re Bon Same Everybody Welcome |4 TIRES size 690-14 for sale or o in 55 numbers. gio - Z . : cial $25.00 in 11" rumbers,| __ id y: Good Condition. - Raspberries oil 20 reg. games. Share the! popy PERRY MINOR ari (App. 2 acres of Raspberries HOCKEY * (available to reserved BANTAM TOURNAMENT Help Wanted strawbery customers only) | port Perry Star Bantam Tour. EX EC UTIVE i : --on pick-your-own basis of ] HELP WANTED-- 25 cts. a pint -- maximum of | . - uy Ju mes som. or D AN C FE __=| PART TIME- -clerk to work| 36 pints per family = : iE mence at -10:30-a.m. - These summer months at Brewer's games will be played at the 7 Retail. Must be 21 years of| ALL RIGHTS RESERVED " » Lake Front Ball Park ax well | gayyppay, JUNE 21st | age or over and have Grade PARES AA PO as the Fair Grounds. Games ! by 11 or equivalent. - Apply in Th ; are entered from Storey Park at CLUB ANNRENE person Brewer's Retail, Port PICKERS NEEDED Oshawa, North Bendale, Sear Tickets $4.00 per couple Perry. : 13 vears of older " borough, Sranthan Towishi. | Available from 'Mores Je Sebesof ier . i= rey or Joe Waldinsperger. othe ake. i Th There are. still a few tickets (ALE HEL wanTeD Parki nson's ' Port Perry Lions Club. A full | 0 the Tent Trailer Evallable. ply in person to Mrs, Eno 4 CONC. 8, REACH ® schedule will appear next unelz- 5h at Flamingo P4stries, 140 One Mile Bast of High. 12 week. June19-26 GOLDEN. KEYS, Organ Club Porgy: Street, North, Port ) . : usical evening, Friday June : Q 85 7 41 5 JUVENILE TOURNAMENT Jib sos Friday Jin x is. being sponsored by Port United - Church. Admission Perry Chamber of Commerce, [Adults $1.00. © 2--June19 LL PUR) | oTORCYCLE, Town mower, This could prove io he ton femme mERL ven garden tractor, 'bicycle le, Snow. $0 © : : TS toh oti Sl For Sale ME [noble mint vi eller oo Savnarines, Coe Palk Sear CONTENTS from -Model| The 1969 model outboard foster ton Honda, Triumph, Cobourg, Kemptville and Bal- | home, chesterfield and mat-| "motors are here. | uzukl, awa, Toro. Par i, . (a lard Lumber, Port Perry. |ching chair, dining room A HP. TO 125 HP. re Whitakar és n win sto " ' * 7 Juneli9.ng| suite, bedroom. suite, desk, +1 % Bot aker i ohn St. ; bookcase stereo & T.V. broad.| Also stern drive units. Port Perry, 985-2276 or 723- AT HOME loom rug; 9 x 12, coffee and' Fibreal d al ni : Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerry end table, etc., ete. All items: ibreglas and aluminum - l : » ® y will be at home to their fs. lke pow. Phone Oshawa boats by INTRODUCING new Services, : | mily and friends on Satur. | 728-3473. . . i, . et June 28th at Mewiory 'WESTERN and! SHTRRS LEAVENS, CUTTER, Stereo' anges Frigs, Sew. LE iol no 0 an es Sl ob Ld) mew shincuow | pill $9. pm. .0 olstein heifers, every wee i ) «4 sion of. their Fiftieth Wed Ivan itt heifers, o 1 South. AND WINNER Lowest Prices; See the all din Anniversary. ; A oe Monaghan. - Phone Bailieboro Canadian Explorer new Roy Washer - $ in Dry: Wishes only. unel9-26 1939.6855, 10 miles South -of plorer er now available at R, WHI- ov & NCERY \Peterborough, Hwy. 28, 2: . Trailers taker, 70 John' St. Port Parry. : - C miles east. TF. ny | Fo 9852276 or 723-9252." 4 . The Golden Keys Organ Club GORD S MARINE > cordially invite you and your (BOAT -- 16 It. Weyniouth 2 § fuels Jo siiend : Concert of Moulded Hull While Conver. ONE WEEK Free vial Tan. : tible to n ont colour gan Music, Whitby Centen- (Motor, Blectric Starter; 5 MERCURY OUTBOARD T.V. some at $429.00, Zig: ; nial Theatre, Centre St. on [Tanks 4 Preservers, Paddles SALES AND SER VICE Zag Sewing - Machines from ri] Tuesday, June 24th, 1969, |inel. 'May be seen at Reg's CLAREMONT .00. R. Wiitaker, gl John 5 J, SE Refreshments.- Door prizes. 086.4083. 649-2007 723.925

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