[| § Continued Congratulations to the fol- lowing upils of Mrs. Ruth Wilson: Theory Grade II 1st Class Honours-- Debbie Swain, Susan Thompson, Cheryl. Wright, Grade 1 Ist Class Honours--Sherry Johnston and Denise Edgerton (equal), Cathy Bristow, ' Anne 'Marlow. Honours--Marrie VanCamp, Wendy Lee, Alice Carnaghan, Mr. and Mrs. Harry. Van Camp and Mr. and Mrs. Wal- lace Marlow attended the Howard's Draperies ioe HOWARD VICE, Prop. BROADLOOM Draperies by the Yard Venetian & Cloth Blinds Custom Made Slip Covers Drapery Rods & Tracks - Interior Decorating Service Phone 725-3144 OSHAWA 926 Simcoe St. N. BLACKSTOCK NEWS John's Church, Ida, Sunday p.m. Mrs. Blanch Armstrong and Mr. Rud Heaslip, Toronto are visiting the Wallace Marlows and Harry VanCamps. Miss Elizabeth Thompson and Mrs. David Kvte enter- tained several friends and neighbors at a miscellaneous shower for Miss Linda Kyte at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thompson, July 9th Mr. Doug Beckberger, Ux- bridge, visited Mr. and Mrs Stan Rahm and Paul, Fridav. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Yates, Willowdale, called on several friends in the village and area, Monday. Custom Made Drapes McLaughlin' Picnic 1969 Sunny skies. and warm sunshine brought about 75 descendants of the late James McLaughlin and Hannah Mar- low to the Cartwright Com- munity Park at Caesarea on Sunday afternoon for the 15th Annual McLaughlin picnic. . A lively sports programme was conducted bv Mrs. Mur- ray Malcolm, Marleah and Darlene for 'the many child- ren present. Oldest person--Mrs. Eliza- beth Forder 96 vear:z voung last March 23. She.was ac- companied to the 'picnic -by Mrs. King with whom she stavs at Port Perry. Youngest Pérson -- Karen Kvte. Largest Family Present -- Mr .and Mrs. Ross Ashton. From the Farthest Away-- Mrs. Jovee Read and girls, Brampton. Guessing the weight of the watermelon -- Mrs. Richard Griffin. Those who came from a distance to attend were: Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McLaughlin from _ Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McLaughlin and Paul and. Mr. Gordon Ratcliffe, Fenelon Falls. The executive for 1970 are: President--Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey; Secretary Treasurer --Mrs. Harold Wright; Sports Committee -- Mr. and Mi<] Qa yrrstieds LC UES 8 EER For PERRY STAR -- Thursday, July 24, 1969 43 Don Griffin. } Werry - Wright - Philp Picnic Saturday, July 19th the 96th picnic of the Werry - Wright - Philp. family was held at the home of Allan Werry, Enniskillen. Recon tion committee Ralph and Peggv Larmer registered 130 people. The picnic meal was ser- ved buffet style and eaten on the lovely, spacious lawn. Then came the highlight of the afternoon-- a birthday cake, complete with candles in honour of James Arthur Werry. 96 years old. President Allan Werry con- ducted a short business period. Minutes of the exe- cutive meeting in June. were read by Eleanor Werry. Peggy Larmer gave the Trea- surer's report. Executive for the next two years. is as follows: -- Past President -- Allan Werry; President -- Wm. Werry; Vice Pres. -- Dave Werry; Secretary Eleanor Werry; Treasurer-- Peggy Larmer; Management committee--Glen and Marion Larmer; Ralph and Joyce Virtue. It was decided to hold the 1970 picnic in Blackstock Re- creation Centre with 12:30 dinner. Dave and Margaret Werry distributed the following spe- cial prizes:-- .~ Oldest person -- James A! . look both ways be- "4. Play your games in a ~ safe place away from fore you cross the street. . Keep from between parked cars. ) Ride your bike safely and obey all signs and signals. ) the street. Walk when you leave the curb. Where there are no' sidewalks walk on the Elmer says: FIND THE BROKEN RULE left side of the road facing traffic. 1. Show which Elmer rule is being broken COLOR the picture. Any Canadian child of elemen: then above, MAIL sore JULY 29 To: ELMER, BOX 4072, STATION A, | | TORONTO 1, ONT. CCM: tary 3chool age may enter. NAME «o.oo nis iis bird CRAMBLER SCRAMBLER) A 3. Fill out box with your FULL name and ackdress. ' BIKES : 4. Cul out along dotted lines . IWO BOYS . TWO GIRLS" - and mail to address shown ADDRESS... ee % in box. ( ; ; 5. All entries become property RT Sees ei FLYTE * of Elmer the Safety Elephant ¥Town 'ot Cliy) z ACCESSORY KITS Judges' decision is final. "TELEPHONE .. ............ g Each kit contains valuable : Fr pm -- i ---- a ------ p---- i a] --- items for)your bike. {ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE hr -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- Werry, 96 years. oo Youngest baby -- Jay Van Camp, 1 year. Dirtiest car--Allan Werry Oldest car--Clarence Werry Most recent dental appoint- ment--Norma Van Camp. Most pieces of pie for din- ner--Don Werry, who ate 4 pieces. d Longest fingernails--Aileen VanCamp. . Doug and Lane 'assiste Dave and Margaret with the following races:-- Children 6 and under-- Wendel Werry; girls 7 & 8-- Susan Werry; boys 7-8---Jas. Werry; boys 9-11--Paul" Lar- mbr; girls 12-14 -- Barbara Ashton; boys 12-14--Stanley Lane; girls 15-17--Beth Ash- ton; boys 15-17 -- Paul Dia- mond; girls over 17--Marg- aret Werry; boys over 17 -- 'Joe McGill; wheelbarrow race--Larry Werry and Dave Larmer; shoe scramble Dave Larmer; shoe kick -- BatBara Ashton; two relay rares & a couples egg throw caused a lot of merriment; The little ones enjoyed a peanut scramble. Minutes of a Regular Meet- irg o Cpuncil of the Village of Port Perry, held in the Municipal Office on Wednes- day, July 16th. On .a request by Don Car- regie. Plumbing Inspector, the Village of Port Perry decided to be responsible for collecting Plumbing Inspec- tion charges, after the in- Spector sends in the report and that his fees be paid on a monthly basis. The Clerk was instructed to contact the Department of Transport and to have Taxi Bv-Law amended. Mr. and Mrs. T. Dyer ap- proached Council for per- mission to open an antiaue store on Queen Street. Mr. and Mrs. Dyer were informed that no - particular license would be necessary, in their race. heing residents of the Village. but there would be a husiness tax to pav. Thev also inquired about being open on Sundays from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The Clerk was instructed to get legal advise from the Village Solicitor on. being open on Sunday. * * * . The following Statement of | Port Perry Council News Accounts for 1969 was auth- orized for payment: Gen. Depart. . ... $53,800.84 Street Maint. .... 477.99 Relief Depart. 225.70 Truck & Tractor "318.80 Prop. & Parks 160.67 Waterworks 2,671.37 Fire Commission, 145.81 P.P. Athletic Field 207.29 $58,008.47 Statement of Insurance Coverage at the E. G. Michell property showing total of $25 000.00. The Clerk was instructed to place an additional $5,000. on the E G. Michell prorertv and ask for .a statement of the premium. Letter from the Depart. ment of Agriculture & Food dated July 7, 1969. "Your attention is respect- fully drawn to Subsection 4 of Section 2 of the Act where- by grants are payable out of the moneys appropriated by the Legislature. . Due to in- creasing demands on the Province's finances, careful budgeting is necessary on the part of each department. Also, due to the increased in- . |terest in the building of pro- jects" under the Community (Continued on Page 15) { ) lone. Lice and mites CO-OP TOPICS by Don Rixon Your livestock provides a costly target for the 4 'ravages of the insect population. Damages can- not be accurately estimated'in dollars and cents, but certainly it is high -- and it comes out of beef carcasses are caused by the warble fly a- result in unhealthy, run- down 'animals, and many livestock diseases are | transmitted by insects. ERAT: TaN Sa eR Ah Ea OW. pe way -- a a Son < = a ey >t ng es ---l "a EN eX yO a