16 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, July 24, 1969 "ROUND THE TOWN" _ Mr. & Mrs. Elmer leave for vacation next week They will take a motor trip around Lake Superior and visit Fort William, Port Ar- thur and Duluth. ' . » . lee Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gray, Brandon, Man. are visiting the Holtby relatives this week. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Beare and girls, holidaying at Bos- kung Lake, Carnarvon. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Al. Bertrand Jr. have just returned from _a vacation _in the Haliburton area. * Miss Cathy Nelson, Hamil- ton is spending a few days with her parents Mr. & Mrs. G. Nelson. . * * * * Miss Mary Lynn Holtby travelled by plane to visit relatives in Calgary. * * * Mr. and Mrs. E. Kennedy and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ken- nedy are enjoying a week of camping in the Montreal area. * *, = * Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ploughman are on a two week vacation trip to the east coast. Local Couple (Continued) The trains, all electric, carrying commuters to and from the city are running at tremendous speeds and crowded to the extent, one can hardly move. Of all the places the couple visited, Hongkong fascinated and impressed them most. The huge metropolis with a population of four million people built on an area of only 29 sq. miles, proved to be colourful and interesting despite a great deal of poverty. It was quite common to have a family of six, occupy a room 12' x 12', and this is a vast improvement of a few _years ago. "Just imagine four million people living on Scugog Is- Jand," Mr. Beare said. On their return trip, Mr and Mrs. Beare spent a couple of restful days in Honolulu, which--they enjoyed a great' deal. "It was a tiresome tour, but I wouldn't have missed it for anything in the World," Mr. Beare concluded. Five Entries For Dairy Princess - Five contestants will take the Ontario County wy Princess competition ig held at 7 p.m. Friday, Jshawa Fair. The contestants are Marg- 21 Down, R.R. 1 Sunder- 1d; -Joan Smith, R.R. 1, jhawa; June Parliament, R.R. , Cannington; Nellie Zarins, R.R. 2, Canfington and Suzanne Wood, R.R. 2, Can- nington. The winner of the contest will take part in the prov- incial contest to be held during the CNE. BUYING BE "ian R LT My just returned home from a two week Rideau Lake visited with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. George McFarlane. 's. Jessie Robertson has (Continued) vacation in the areca where she credited to the t + * * "That's a heck of Brechin Public Meeting, ownship. a lot les ss "than Oshawa residents pay an increase of only $2 per| paying,' said Mr. Lovell, $1,000 taxes after the prov- incial special relief grants are] of discussion was the taxat- ion system. generally, IMr. Bourne suggesting the are One of the thorniest topics with whole 'philosophy of property! taxation needs to be looked at closely. ict SB ia Mr. Lovell conceded protests that cottagers pav large taxes considering that gd property is occupied only two months of the year, but he pointed out that this is an assess- ment problem to be settled with the provincial govern: ment and not the Board of Education, "On the platform with Mr. Lovell were trustees Gerald township, and Gordon Goode of Port Perry. Seated in the audience was another trustee, Bruce Gowdy' of Ajax. 985.7373 /.-- I £00 BISCUIT FEATURE! -- SUPREME - § VARIETIES Cello Pkgs. FANCY BISCUITS D-A'RA SALE-OF-THE- MONT 4:99 SAVE 40c! -- CANNED HAMS rs 99:|° SPECIALLY SELECTED - VALUE CHECK'D - BRANDED -- CHEF STYLE PRIME RIB ROASTS SX BRAND MIDGET -* 51.59 Mi Ideal for the Barbecue . . . RIB STEAKS mick kicy 1.09 RED HOT WIENERS s-«- 65° 4%-0z. Jars BABY Foods 4:53 GROUND BEEF res mies 59% BEST BUY! -- HEINZ STRAINED SAVE 9c! -- SAICO MANDARIN ORANGE--4: Std 10-0z. Tins BEST BUY! -- Save 6c! -- SUNSPUN CANADIAN BEST BUY! -- Save 17c! -- SOFT DRINK POWDERS Kool-aid 20: 99 | BONELESS SMOKED HAMS 1.09 SCHNEIDERS poish SAUSAGE 79: LUNCHEON MEATS oo. ve 2:65- LIAGUR E-WEEK YORK BRAND FANCY WHOLE KERNEL FEATURE! -- LIBBY'S FANCY 10 \T0 5 29 48-0z. Tin Pineap FEATURE! -- LEE SLICED - TID BITS 19-02. Tins ple 4:99 FEATURE! -- MRS, 1p JAM 24-02. Jar (with pectin) STRAWBERRY | 49 or : RASPBERRY Save 19d -- SQUIRREL PEANUT Butter*1.09 DOWSON'S PORT PERRY LUSCIOUS - FREESTONE NECTARINES - 6 for 49° VINE RIPENED - NO. 1 - JUMBO 27's LADY SCOTT BATHROOM TISSUE _ 2rolls 33¢ Reg. 29¢! -- WESTON CRULLERS 10 to pkg. 25 BEST BUY1- Rog. $1.13 Value! - 25¢ OH Peck Giant Packege --_-- c | SERNARDIN ____ dox. 48 LICORICE ALLSORTS => 28 "| INSTANT COFFEE 6c Ula BEST BUY! -- --- BROWN SUGAR twith pork Vom tim. hore THE 4%oz. TM le SALE -- | SL --. Kl BEEF or IRISH STEWS 49. XE SHRIMP Soa Haven Salad GQ [Sencar sor bunk ie LIBBY'S DEEP. BROWN BEANS "CUDNEY ONTARIO NEW POTATOES worm 5Oe LEMONADE «= ~ 1O+ - 10 LB. BAG 69: _CRISP - FIRM - NO. 1 LARGE HEADS | LETTUCE 2 for 29° | ONTARIO - NEW CROP fi ™ | 'CANTALOUPES 3 tr $1.00 CUCUMBERS 2 for 25° I Tra ~ COMFORT CONDITIONED SHOP IN IN OUR AIR- STORE UNTIL Orders Taken Now For 22 Ib. Pails Of CHERRIES (ved or black) ~~ OPEN EVERY THURS. and FRI. NIGHT 9:00 P.M. "OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY 10 6:00 P.M. Westcott, who represents the ° Zz = " » CEES