x. ESE 3 aa £3 SE SOREN PERE FEU SIT AAT Ses CIES 3X TRA BESS "from Phyllis 6G - PORT PERRY STAR ea LN Sa ey 5 SACRE SNEWS ht EON \ LIS abd TERI RY = Thursday, July 31, 1969 BLACKSTOCK NEWS Continued a four week's trip to the west coast. ' Mrs. Ron Hoskin and Mrs. Les Russell returned home hospital each with a new son. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Van Curen (Joye Ferguson) of 'Buffalo were supper guests "of Mrs. C. Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahm on Thursday and called on the Bill Fer- gusons and Lloyd Wrights. Mrs. Wilfred Hobden is guest of her brother and\is- ter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Au tin Beacock and calling on numerous other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Johns- ton and girls of - Belleville "were Saturday night guests of his mother, Mrs. J. A. Johnston and all attended the golden wedding of Mr. & Mys. Milliard Fallis, Oakville on Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Dorrell, and Mr. Earl Dorrell also at- "tended this anniversary par- ty. The Dorrell children were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLaughlin and family. ' Ian Ferguson of Toronto-is spending some time, with his - uncle, Bill Ferguson and fa- mily. Douglas Larmer enjoyed last week at Quin-mo-lac camp. Revs. Clarence and Merrill Ferguson and their wives and Verona, were week-end guests of Mrs. C. Hill. Mrs. Hill returned with!ed a trip to U.S.;-Quebec and them to Springhurst Beach (Northern Ontario from Mon- [Ahad A A A A RE EL SE EEN TEN SCR RR "HOWARD VICE, Prop; BROADLOOM Draperies by the Yard Venetian & Cloth Blinds Custom Made Slip Covers Drapery Rods & Tracks Interior Decorating Service | Phone 725-3144 OSHAWA 926 Simcoe St. N. IMMER NEEDS Aluminum Combination on Nottawasaga Bay where they are holidaying. McLaughlin Reunion About 75 descendants of the late James McLaughlin and Hannah Marlow attended the 15th #annual family. re- union at Cartwright Com- munity Park. The oldest person attending was Mrs. Elizabeth Forder, 96. The ex: ecutive for 1970 are: presi- dents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bail- ey, secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Harold Wright; sports. com- mittee, Mr, and Mrs. Don | Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tay- lor and family, Solina were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer. Mr. and Mrs. --Ernest--Larmer---were Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees and family who had attend- ed church service in Black- stock United Church. Miss Linda McLaughlin is spending a few days with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Snaith, Jr.,, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Snaith, Sheffield. England, were Sunday callers on Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Me- Laughlin, Janis and Kelly spent Wednesday at the cott- age of Mr. and Mrs. James Grant, Koshlong Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Say- well and Margaret, Misses Helen and Mabel VanCamp, / [4 : BOB'S CARPENTRY ' : : f ' / / / ' ; : ' / ' ' _ Specializing in Rec Rooms, Kitchens, / , Built-ins, etc. / | Courtesy, Imagination and Estimates Free. ' ' : : [] ' ' : BOB BERO : ' SEAGRAVE -- 985-7027 ' Howard's Draperies STORM & SCREEN Doors CEDAR PICNIC TABLES : FOR OUTDOOR LIVING | Window Air FOR INDOOR COMFORT Reesor Fuel & Lumber "Phone: 985-7951 -- Port Perry | Mis. W. W. VanCamp enjoy- Custom: Made- Drapes Conditioners day until Friday evening. Miss Aileen -VanCamp-teft on Saturday to go by train tq join Mr, and Murs. Keith VanCamp and family on their extended trip through the Western provinces exhibiting sheep at various fairs. Weekend guests of Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Dunsmoor were Mr. & Mrs. James Vaughan, Mr, and Mrs. C. J. Vaughan and family, Markdale. Beth Dunsmoor returned with them. 3 On Saturday evening a group of neighbours and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mec- Laughlin in honour of John and Mary Beacock prior to their leaving this community to move to the Lindsay area. The informal evening ended with the. presentation of a pair of table lamps and two cups and saucers.' The com- munity's best wishes go with | them. Sincere sympathy is ex: tended to Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man- Rohrer and family on death of their son Raymond on Saturday, Ferguson Reunion The thirty-second annual Eastern Ontario reunion of the descendants of Samuel July 26th. Sixty-five per- sons, representing the bran- ches of Joshua and Samuel T. registered. After the picnic supper, greetings were presented from Ferguson reunions held earlier this year in Red Deer, Alta. and Stratford, Ont. The president, Dalton Dorrell, who with his wife and fam- ilv, his brother Roger, wife and family, and Frank and Muriel Hoskin had attended the reunion in Western Can- ada, brought the greetings from there in person. The following persons were elected to arrange a reunion at Blackstock in 1970 for all the connection in Ontario: Presidents--Bill and Shirley Pate. u Vice-Presidents--Stan and Marion Rahm Treasurer--Aileen Byers Recording. Secretary-- . Thelma Wright Communications Secretary-- -- Clarence Ferguson. Program Committee--Keith & Ruth Johnston, Bill and Jean Ferguson. "A program of 'sports and misce)]laneous events was held with the following per- sons receiving prizes: HOMES WANTED L BEAL ESTATE {1D REALTOR Ferguson and Sarah Hooey ~ Wright was held at Cartwright Park, . Flood Race--Doug Caesarea, Saturday afternoon 985 7373 _. Beckberger. "Oldest 'Man--Charles Smith, '| Oldest Lady--Mrs. J. A. Crawl Race, Girls 5 and under--(1) 'Melody Dorrell, (2) Lisa Dorrell. Backward Race, Boys 5 & under--Alan Ferguson } Jockey Race, Boys & Girls --Heather. Dorrell and Melody Dorrell Running Race, Girls 6 - 8-- Lisa Jolly, Ann Dorrell. Backward Crab Race,. Boys 6-8--Darcy Dorrell. Shoe Scramble, Boys 9-11-- Harold Wright. " One-legged Race, Girls 12- 15--Cheryl Wright, Leslie Wright, Somersault Race, Boys 12- 15--Brad Jolly, Mark Hamilton, ° : . Three-legged Race--Leslie : Wright and Heather Dorrell. Sir Walter Raleigh-- Heather Dorrell and Annie Dorrell. ' A Peanut Scramble was en- joyed by all the boys & girls. school Cedar Creek News Miss Arrianne den Boer, who is attending summer College, - Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA was home last week-end. at "Calvin Mr. and Mrs. Victor Laroc- que spent the week-end. with Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips of Raglan at West Lake. _ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Arm- strong and. children have moved into their new house. They have been living. with George Kilpatrick since their house burned down in March. Jane den Boer celebrated her 14th birthday on Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Laroc- que and Paul Jr. of Port Perry were Sunday afternoon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Larocque. Johnston Person from farthest distance --Keith Johnston Youngest child--Kevin Ferguson . Largest family--Stuart Dorrells Longest married--Merrill Fergusons Most recently married-- Doug Backbergers Best newspaper hat-- Vernon Ferguson Kick the slipper--Thelma (CHIE . Look both ways be- . Keep from betwee . Ride your bike safely . Play your games in a - Walk when you leave . Where there are no fore you cross the street. parked cars. and obey all signs_and™-- signals. safe place away from the street. the curb. sidewalks walk on the left side of the road facing traffic. ACE EVER FIND THE BROKEN RULE CCM (RAMBLER SCRAMBLER) 3. BIKES A TWO BOYS' TWO GIRLS' FLYTE : ( Y ACCESSORY KITS Each kit contains valuable items for your bike. -- -- ---- -- ---- -- -- ---- -- 1. Show w J fen 2. Fill "out name an . Cut oul "and mai in box. of Elmer being "broken COLOR the picture. Any Canadian child of elemen.. tary school age may enter. All entri Judges' decision is final, ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE hich Elmer rule is above, then box with: your- FULL~ d address. along dotted lines | to address shown . es become property the Safety Elephant. ihn WLI TELEPHONE MAIL serore AUG. 5 To: ELMER, BOX 4072, STATION A, TORONTO 1, ONT. vn 8 Q & Ld 4