8 | LC IS AA TNA AAT hy A A NA ry a 16 - PORT PERRY STAR ~ Thursday, Aug. 14, 1969 Toronto, and with his family < v "RT if (TT eN EL ie TN & ern fiw \ 5 LHL FT LO 2 AN 2 vn FONE FEA TRAER CEPR St Ra 8, A BE BY Si Na IY RMAY Thiel THE TOWN': Mr. and Mrs, Charles Dyer are openifig an Antique Shop in Port Perry on Queen St., next to the Rio Restaurant. The grand opening will be on Friday, August 15th, Anti. ques of various description will be on display for. the opening.: . J J [ J Mr. & Mrs. Harold Holtby | and Neil spent last week vis- iting relatives in North Bay, and' friends throughout the Muskoka region and Lake St. Peter. They were pleased to see The Reverend Mr. Bra- ham and Mrs. Braham look- ing so well although keeping very busy. LJ] J [J The current issue of The |- Ontario Gazette carries the information that letters pat- ent of -incorporation have 'been issued Ross Duff Limit- ed, Port Perry. 0 J LJ] LJ Mr. Gordon Allen of Al lendale, New Jersey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert 'Allen, Port Perry, spent a few days recently visiting with his parents. Mr. Allen who has been employed in New Jer- sey for a number of years has taken a new 'position in ust 8th. a tour of England, Wales and they will make their. new RTE RE J Scotland. While there they home in. Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Beare] visited at the home of Mr. & BE AEA motored to Quebec City last! Mrs. P, Burberry, Crookham, week and visited relatives. in Montreal and other places of interest. . - Pe RE JR SY Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mr. and Mrs. P. Hvidsten, Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hvidsten Jr, were in Halifax attending the Canadian' Weekly 'Newspaper Conven- ter-in-law, Mrs. Archie Croier Ottawa. Mrs. Crosier and three of her sons, Kim, Paul, and Jeremy were visiting her Samells have been enjoying' parents at. the same time, tion from August 5th to Aug- Hants; parents of their sis-| The roses in England were beautiful and the country- side was so very green, * * % Mr. and 'Mrs, Midgley, and Mr, and Mrs. Bert Bowers and son John, of Oshawa, holidayed at Lake Kashagawigamog last week. CHRISTIES CHOCOLATE FUDGE Selection Of Queen Continued Saturday afternoon field day events were held for child- ren, and adults, Tug of War competitions, Nail Driving contests for ladies and men, and a ball game between married and single men. "The Sunday events started | with a horseshow touranment for men and a treasure hunt for childen at 10 a.m. Boat races were held at 1:30 p.m. a second ball game at 6:30 p.m. and horse shoe tourna- ment for doubles at 8 p.m. Swimming eventsfor adults and children opened Monday activities followed by sail boat and paddling races in the afternoon. Space does not permit the printing of all prize winners during the three day event, but listed below are the trophy winners. : - Albert Putsey trophy for highest score, -boys or girls, Saturday, Anne Falconer, 20 pts. : -James- Woodhouse trophy, 'e for highest score, boys or girls, Sunday, Tammy Carp- enter and Keith Prout, tied. McMillan trophy, high ladies aggregate for week-end Anna Falconer, 31 pts. Ferguson trophy, high aggregate for men, Dan Gence, 24 pts. Don Pargeter trophy, high male or female for weekend, Anne Falconer 31 pts. Miss Falconer also won the same trophy last year. An arrangement such as this annual Regatta involves a great many people and a lot of hard work. Caesarea residents deserve much credit for their excellent arrangements during the three days of events. It is interesting to note, and particularly for a small com- munity that the Regatta is 'the only and the oldest three day Regatta in Canada, has a more varied program, and-is completely supported by res- idents subscription. Free. Evaluations L \ REAL STATE LTD RTALTOR 985-7373 SANDWICH BISCUITS 16<: bss 55¢ [Lames BEST BUY! -- Save 5c! --- KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES help you vier FRIENDLY PEOPLE "SPECIALLY SELECTED" ~ CANADA GRADE "A" ~ EVISCERATED | CHICKEN 2Y4 to 3 Ib. average C .39 WHOLE CUT-UP CHICKEN-IN-A-BASKET :43:| -- 802. PKGS. 259 -- ¢|| LUNCH MEATS il | Tender -- Juicy - Thick Cut RIB STEAK 16-Ox. Pkg. BEST BUY! = RED ROSE ECONOMY Schneiders Famous Red Hols WIENERS 9 TEA B AGS 90 le bag Hb) 12c OFF PACK! CRISCO REG. $1.15 VALUE! -- 8c OFF PACK . .. 380s. Bottle FEATURE! - FINE GRANULATED OIL 95° |SUGA 50-b. bag 4 SAVE 35c! -- HEINZ COOKED SPAGHETTI IN TOMATO SAUCE ox Ta &H ; y | : BUY-OF-THE-WEEK \ SAVE 6¢! -- SUPREME PICKLES Sweet Mixed 29- 15-02. 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SHRIMP - 5 3 CONDITIONED} B&b 10189 STORE UNTIL 9:00 P.M. T0_6:00 P.M. OPEN EVERY THURS. and FRI. NIGHT OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY em prem