A.W. BROCK DEPARTMENT $4.95 - GIRLS MEN'S ie \ TR re Ct te SHOES FOR ALL: THE FAMILY CHILDREN A $6.95 - $8.95 \ $4.95 - $6.95 - $8.95 BOY'S $6.95 ano 58.95 511.95 os $9.95 MEN'S Sport ackers and Suits 25% Discount SYNO) AD SUMMER DRESSES MEN'S - BOY'S & WOMEN'S WINTER --COATS ALL PRICED CANVAS FOOTWEAR FOR ALL THE FAMILY MEN'S & BOY'S WINDBREAKERS 1 3 piscount I sell brand names you SUMMER TOYS 88° NEW SCHOOL | DRESSES, JUMPERS & VEST SUITS HIGH QUALITY NEW 1970 PATTERNS ZNOW IN STOCK OZITE INDOOR -- OUTDOOR CARPET $5.95 $7.95 SQ. YD. x piste an trust. ROS ARTO I Te 8 SA I EE SPURT LEAR LE SA EA Tk Fo oe SEE Va Si se pnd AL BENS LL PIAS SOLE ME a HSE | a o RG i) FY HE IAL IRLE IAN ale MAIR VA ER aS AES CERI SALLE eh OH BITE SRST od SACHS BBY 17% +1 . 7 J wn a ba Tucker preached at a few PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Aug. 21,1969 - 3 ; log seviees, an. Sunday bs Kenneth Torrens, Willow- [I B. ll li on Sunda, : dale is with his grandparents Ay | hayre 3 iran « ~ Mr. and Mr: FB. John<ton. | spen 1 WeeR-¢ ' It is hoped more are able | United Church, Uxbridge last] Mr. and Mrs. Murray Luke, Manchester Mr. & Mrs. B.D. Hitehins, | Mr. and Mrs. R. Ginn and to attend worship next Sun- | Wednesday night. Stoney Creek entertained his Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Roberts Oshawa, called on Mr. LL Mrs. { family. : : dav. Mr, Jas. Young of Osh- Mrs. Bailey. Utica visited] aunts Mrs. Stanton, Mrs. Me- spent several days at Tober i J awit is occunying the pulpit | her sister Mrs. B. Snelgrove | Kerihan and Mrs. Luke to a | mory last week. during the month of August. jand family one day last week, very pleasant trip to Musko- Miss Susan: Roach spent a Hl dal ewe ers We are disappointed to Mr. E. Martyn enjoyed|ka districts viewing Bala, | couple of days at her home note Mr. C. Newnham is|having his grandchildren] port. Carling and enjoying | here, upon her return from| | 193 QULEN STREET -- 985-7641 -- PORT he : againta hospital patient but | Brenda and Ralph Lake of Elgin House. a holiday at the West Coast. we wish him better health | Oakwood for a few days dur-| Afr. and Mrs. Geo. Webb, Mrs. Wanninkhof & daugh- for the future. ing which time they visited | Of(awa spent two weeks with | ter Margaret reutrned on Eri- Mr. and Mrs. E. Jewell and some Toronto highlights. his sister Mrs, Ben Smith. | day, from a three week visit Mr. and Mrs. A. Martyn were Mr. and Mrs. H. Hodgins| During the time other broth-|in Holland. guests 'at the Holman-Teskey | had their family Mrs. Murrin| ers and wives called on the| Mr. Keith Lee, Florida, Mrs. wedding in Birch Cliff Unit-{and Mr. and Mrs. D. Coulter | Chas. Webbs of Kinmount | Sara Alexander, Mrs. Gert- ed Church, Scarborough on|and the twins from Toronto|and Walter Webbs of Hali- | rude Dafoe and daughter and "LovELAcE AND 7% Saturday. for the week-end. burton. Mrs. Florence Williams of a, Mr. and Mrs. I. Beacock Mr. and Mrs. E. Jewell at- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Jones | Toronto ,called on Mrs. Cro- COLUMBIA i were Sunday dinner guests |tended Decoration Service at| and family had her parents |sier on Thursday last weck. ) with others at the home of [§f. John's Cemetery, west|Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay and| : Mr. and Mrs. L. Best, Cathy Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bradburn, |Brock. . The Jewells then| daughter Judy of Brantford | and Ricky motored to Sarnia, fi Blackstock on' Sunday. jeined the family gathering| for the week-end. Collingwood and Owen Sound oi Mr. and Mrs. E. Jewell at-| 2t the home of Mr. and Mrs.| Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mar? | last Saturday. X dended Derry Day at Bramp-| Art Fielding, Manchester. | tin and family are on a holi-| Mr. and Mrs. A. Roach at- {6 o ton and the Steam Show at| Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith | day. motoring in various re-|tended the Feeny. - Wright a 3 ok mahi oi pecan il faa Li) 'of Sularta, ; erga Laren wh Satur. WE 'ALSO HAVE A SELECTION 5 "Mr. and Mrs. G. Hunter | Mr. and Mrs. Colbv. Uxbridge r. and Mrs. Claude Tuck-|day. Miss Susan Roach was and Mr. and Mrs. L. Beacock [ have . all, returned 'from a er and family, Orillia enjoy-|maid of honour. OF GENTS DIAMOND RINGS. he attended the Ontario "Cty"|pleasanti holiday at Lake|ed Sunday with her sister| Mr. and Mrs. Theo Stevens 10% Cash discount on diamonds f Co-op Medical Service ban- Mazinaw at the Revill cott- and husband Mr. and Mrs.|were vacationing- in the Terms may be arranged at no extra charge. quet and meeting in Trinity|age, Colin Cameron and Jim. Mr.| South. pre--c-- f