FINA 350 ELAR ELE S SIAR EDITORIAL TOPICS A -Job Well Donel After 14 years of dedicated service in the Ontario Legislature," Dr. Matthew B. Dymond last week "gsignied from the position of Minister of Health. Prior to the appointment as Minister of Health, Dr. Dymond held two other important cabinet positions, Minister of Reform Institutions and Department of Transport. Dr. Dymond is a "selfmade man'. From the time he came to Canada from his native Scotland, at the dge of 15, he reached his goals by hard work, determination and an iron will to succeed. He completed his high school education in Canada, worked and saved money to put himself through medical school. Dr. Dynfond opened practice in Port Perry following graduation and soon becamt a busy and popular doctor to the residents of the area His political career also began in Port Perry when he first served on the School Board and later as a meniber of the Village Council. The Ontario Hospital Services Commission, primarily: his responsibility, became a reality during his reign in the office of the Health Minister. This accomplishment was probably the greatest piece of legislation achieved during his career at Queen's Park. Dr. Dymond, however, was responsible for a great many other progressive ideas and accomplishments during his 14 years in the legislature. i He has served the Province of Ontario and the Riding of Ontario well, and during his long service, he has always showed a keen and sincere interest in the welfare of the people. We believe Dr. Dymond deserves living a more moderate pace of life, and we are taking the liberty of joining his many well wishers whether political friend... or foe extending him a continued active and happy life. His- resignation from the cabinet, does not mean the end of his political life. He will continue as a sitting ~ member and will still represent the Riding of Ontario. 1 ard Jecus message: and Mr. , dred enjoying some holidays [farther north. Blackstock News By O. Hill There was a "good attend- ance in the United Church Sunday morning to bid fare- well to Rev. sand Mrs. Po Ro- meril wha are to leave Mon- dav for Montreal enroute to Guernsey, England, Channel Islands and the Continent for a vear's holiday. Linda Mountjoy! Leanne apd Hea- ther Dorrell sang a trio --- "There's a Wideness in God's Merey™ ina modern arrange- ment. Mr. Romeril took as his text "Finally Brethren. Ie quofe 'd some parting mes: sages of Moves, David and Paul as "Behold T set hefore vou on open door". "The Reality of God will be the need of vour Life". "Have a Purpose and Vision." "Be True to that which Relates vou to God". "What have vou done with the capacities Ged has endowed vou with", Finally brethren farewell", "Go ve into all the world and pro- claim the word and love". In St. Johns Church Rev. R C. Roce delivered a very thonght provoking sermon from the text "In Christ man is set free". Service next Sundav will he at 2:30. Me- morial and Decoration Serv. Ie. (see coming events). On Wednesday nicht a good number gathered in the Recreation Centre in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Mec- Millan (nee Linda Venning). Stuart Dorrell was chairman and with a few humorous re- marks called on the following programme: --two piano solos bv Kenneth Crawford: Read- ing by Mrs. W.-W. VanCamp and a solo hy Janice Me- Laughlin. At this point the M.C. presented the happy couple with a vacuum cleaner and a space saver with: the geod wishes of the commun- ity. Both Linda and Doug made fitting replies, before they were a ked to move from the platform so they could cee the pictures of their wed: ding and various other scenes cf local interest. A bounte- ous lunch was then served and Mrs. W. Hopps enter- tained with piano music. On Saturday night despite the heavy showers outside and after the hydro came on, following a two and a half Four power failure, a good crowd gathered in the Re- Miss Bonnie McEachern of London has been spending a week's holidays visiting -Miss- Helen Phoenix Mr. and Mrs. George Rahm & Mrs. Stanley Al. 'Matthews. ~ Scugog News 4 A week ago Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Manns cele- brated their 25th Wedding Anniversary with the Hope and Manns families in a pic- nic at Wellspring Par k.| Phoenix at Greenbank. There were 93 people pre-| Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jeffrey sent. All combined to pre-| Sunday dinner guests of' her sent the happy couple with parents Mr. and "Mrs. S. a complete red-wood set of | Theurer at Carnegies Beach. lawn furniture - including Mrs. Nina Craemore of lounge and umbrella. England a' guest of Mr. and On Sat. Mr..and Mrs. Gil- | Mrs.. A. Carter this-week.- "bert" Reader attended the| Mr. and Mrs,. Glen Dem- wedding of Heather's sister, | ara have returned home after Rosemary, at St. Stephen's vacationing at their cottage United Church in Oshawa. "| Cashel Lake. On Sunday the Service in Mrs. Ivan Jeffrey a Sun- ly with her parents Mr. and Mrs. G. Smith. Master Terry Brown spent 'the week-end with his grand. parents -Mr. and Mrs. H. "Grace" Church was con-iday guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. ducted by Mr. Tucker of; Demara. ' i Orillia. His main theme was Mr. and Mrs. T. Eden and E: 7 on our acceptance of the|Mr. and Mrs. J. Raines and As v stranger within our midst. | Kelly of Port Perry holiday- hi Next Sunday we shall have |ing at New Liskard recently. i a member of the O.P.P. . "= Mr. and Mrs. R. Cawker, it Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Col- | Wendy and Ernie attended ol lins 'have had a busy sum-|the Toronto Exhibition on Rik mer entertaining various | Friday. i members of their family. Mr.| Master Stephen McClelland A i and Mrs. Ivan Collins spent | entertained a number of his 7 a week at the familv home. little friends on his fourth Don's two-daughters Brenda & Darlene enjoved holidays | noon. Congratulations Ste- with their grandparents. Re- | phen. } cent callers were Dorothy | Miss Ann Carter spent last with her family and Evelyn | week in Oshawa with Mr. & with hers. Mr. and Mrs. |Mrs. R. Shaw. Collins spent a couple of | Recent guests of Jack and days at Combermere with Joan Kane were Mr. and Mrs. "Donna and her family. Then | M. Kane of the Thousand Is- birthday on Saturday after oh!) Mrs. Collins spent a couple |lands and Mr. and Mrs. K. /® of days at'Sharhot Lake with | Franklin of Oshawa. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pren- Miss Carol Mann is visiting 1 tice. her cousin Miss Sandra Real #8 Mrs. Hollows and Miss Hol- | of Blackwater this week. 'lows of Toronto spent a few days at their cottage, Pine Point. ; : | Mr. and Mrs. F. Thompson | and family, awa . Sunday dinner guests of Mr. & Mrs, 7) E. Prentice. ~ | ~ Mrs. Highet and Karen of i i Mr. and Mrs. L. Ruse and Michael of Toronto Saturday and Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. J. Callan, Mr. and Mrs. R. Parker & Tracey of, Manchester spent last week with Mr. and Mr . T. Eden. On Friday night a miscel- Agincourt spent a day recent. laneous bridal shower given at the home of Mrs. Ken Goreski to Mrs. McClel- -land -by Misses Dianne Gor: eski, Nancy Crozier and Jill Nemif of Whitby. Mr. W. Warren of Vancou- ver spent Wednesday and Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Holt. Mrs. Heath of Toronto is spending this week with Mrs. J. Callan. = ° Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson and son of Oshawa visited Mr. & Mrs. R. Sutherland on Sun- wasi. ~ Greenbank News Mr. and Mrs. M. Ainsworth of Peterborough were at their mother's, Mrs. Harry Guy, on Sunday. Mrs. Alice Wright of Dun- dalk is spendihg a few days with her brother, Mr. Godin future, joy: rell accompanied by Heather creation Centre. This time in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pyzer nee Lynda Kyte). Mr. Gordon Paisley was the MLC and invited Lan- da ard Gordon to seals on tte. platform while Linda Mountjoy played the wedding march, As a means of making them feel at case, Mr. Paisley asked each to tell some in- tere ting thing of their edu: cation and their plans for the Then he called on the following programme: -- Solo hy Jarice McLaughlin; Reading Mrs. W. W. Van Camp; Accordian selection Jamie Malcolm; three little skits by Girl Guides. and Brownies----Anne Marlow, De- bhie McLaughlin, Shelley Me- Mahon, Janice McLaughlin, Cheryl Graham, Terrv Robin- son; Piano solo Linda Mount- vocal solo Leanne Dor- Dorrell: Reading by Margaret Carnaghan. M.C. now pro sented bride and ocanm with an ironiny bond X iron and a set of super health alumin- um' cookware, Both Tanda and Gordon made appropriate replies, then were allowed to sit in the audience and enioy pie. tures of their wedding, ete, shown by Mrs. John Venning, Lunch and a social visit brought another evening to a close. . A group of young ladies of Nestleton and Blackstock: de- "cided to form a baseball team and have. played three games with. a "Bowmanville team coached hy Bruce Col- well. First game was played in Nestleton with score of 33-7 in favour of Bowman- ville. The second and third games were played in Lord Elgin Park, Bowmanville with scores of 12-4 and 10-8 res- pectively for Last score was achieved with the aid of a Bowmanville pit- cher Betty Thertell. Come on girls vou are picking up cach time and may get to top yet. Next game at Nes- tleton Wednesday evening. ( Continued on page 8) PORT PERRY, January her neice, Mrs. Rae Dusty. Mr. & Mrs. entertained Miss Myrtle Blakely. Miss Tla Stone and Mr. and Mrs. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baird spent a few days with Mr. & | Mrs. Morley Parrish at their '| cottage at Port Bolster. A large crowd attended the decoration services at Bethel Cemetery on Sundav with Rev. S. R. Cooper as the speaker. Miss Eva Luke called on day. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hardman of Toronto Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Holt. Mr. and Mrs. L. Empring- ham and Mr. and Mrs. J. Burnham visited with Mrs. E. Lee at Brooklin Tuesday night. Mr: and Mrs. Allan Reesor of Markham Wednesday din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas. Mrs. S. Rzany of Osten is spending' this week with Mr. and Mrs. J. Reese. - Service at Grace at 9 a.m. You are invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. S. Borham of Balsam Lake and Mr. S. Hol- derle of Toronto Saturday dinner guests of Mr. & Mrs. K.-Mueller.- Mr. Grant MR of Port Perry and Mis§ Janice Carter Saturday night guests at'the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. Bright, Raglan. _ : Mr. and Mrs. C,:Fralick, Mr. and Mrs. S. Chandler, Mr. and Mrs. V. Aldred, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Milner, Brook- lin, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Milner, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. C. Heayn of Port Perry attend- ed a family gathering at the cottage of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Russell at Caesarea on Sun- day. Mrs. George Samells, Lin- da and Billy have returned Continued on page 12 Fi Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Dick- son of Downsview visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brandon, on Saturday. Mr. & Mrs. Keith Bagg and Geoffrey had Sunday supper with Miss Jean Phoenix. Mr. Maurice O'Neil and his mother visited friends in Greenbank on Sunday. Mr. Bill Honey of Dartford' vicited John Leask on Sun- day. Mrs. George Benton and Mrs. Roy Leask visited Mrs. Tellie Dure at Fairview Lod- ge. roeently. Garry Lee is at Barrie visiting his- aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Keith Herm for a few days. . Mr. and Mrs. Haslam of Stouffville were at Armour McMillans' on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stone & || Mr. and Mrs. Fred Real are home from their trip to the west coast, Almer Rennies spent a few davs at St. Christopher Beach with George Beaton's at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Church. Jil of Inglewood spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Diamond last week. Terry Brown spent a few days visiting his grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Phoenix, Lorne Blakely]. {- Clarence Scott] 3 some ---friends--in--the village _ April Pre-Natal Classes For Expectant Parents UXBRIDGE AREA A series of seven classes will commence on the following | dates. Request forms may be obtained by phoning Health Unit Office, Uxbridge, 852-6091. There is no - charge for attendance at these classes. = September 17 -- 1969 Evening Classes ' 21 -- 1970 Evening Classes 1- -- 1970 Evening Classes Ontario County Health Unit Brock - Sunderland Branch Mara - Rama Branch . "| Port Perry and District Branch. Scott Township Branch Town of Uxbridge . Township of Uxbridge NORTH ONTARIO COUNTY UNIT Canadian Cancer Society 1969 FINANCIAL CAMPAIGN STATEMENT Beaverton and District Branch . . . Cannington and District Branch Donation Total On behalf of the Unit, I wish-to express a sincere thank you to all who donated to the Society and to the hundreds of volunteer canvassers who gave of their time and effort to make our Campaign a success. pleasant Bowmanville." $13,596.00 Respectfully yours, James Campbell, Unit Campaign Chairmar Uxbridge, Ontario. v PORT PERRY STAR COMPANY, LIMITED Serving Port Perry, Brooklin and Surrounding Areas P. HVIDSTEN, Publisher WM. T. HARRISON, Editor Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Member of the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association Published - every Thursday by The Port Perry Star' Co. Ltd., Port Perry, Ontario. Second Class Mail Registration Number 0265 Subscription Rates: In Canada $4.50 per yr. Elsewhere $6.00 per year. Single Copy 10¢