aN - 7328. ¥ many extras, SAV RIM FET RPSEA i FEIT ORY CH TARR SHE RA I AFAR LEA COR, WIAA P NTE TTX CIA Coming Events CANCER SOCIETY FILMS North Ontario County Unit of the Canadian Cancer So. ciety are showing two films on the early detection of Cancer on Sunday, October 5th at 8:00 p.m. at the Roxy Theatre, Uxbridge. Every- one are welcome. 2--Sept.25 TURKEY Supper Wednesday, October 5th at Prince Albert United Church. Sponsored by-UCW. Settings at.5, 6 and 7 p.m. Advance sale of tickets. Contact Mrs. T. Hodgins 985-2487. Adults $1.75, years 75c. Sept.18-25 "RUMMAGE SALE Saturday, September 27th, from 1 pm. - 4 pm. In An- glican Parish Hall. Sponsor- ed by Legion Ladies Auxili- ary: Sept.18-25 For Sale COLEMAN Oil burning floor furnace, good condition, cheap heat for your cottage. Sam Arnold. Phone 985-2685. TRAVEL CAN BE FUN Programme by Ida Burns and Associates, Wednesday, Octo- ber 1st at 8 p.m.-in the Port Perry United Church Audi- torium. Prizes and refresh- ments. Admission $1.00. Tic- kets available from .Unit 7, Mrs. Elizabeth Fulford, Ph. 985-7100, and Unit 8, Mr. Freida Cochrane, Ph. 985. = 2--Sept.18-25 101 WINNERS for AUGUST $50.00--John Majcher $50.00--W. A. Johnston $25.00--Gord Thomas $25.00--Doug McCague $25.00--Ross Murray . SEPTEMBER WINNERS $50.00--Ken Jackson $50.00--James Bower & Ray Wilson $25.00--Al1 Hatelie ~~ $25.00--Ken Murray $25.00--Carl Bagg Miscellaneous WILL BOARD 15 to 20 head of cattle for winter months Phone 985-7892. "HILLCREST LICENCED NURSING HOME Now Operated by Mr. & Mrs. Allen Beacock TELEPHONE No. 985-3002 Convalescent, or bed, or up Patients accepted. Reg. & R.N.A. Nurse in attendance, FORD TRACTOR, good condi- tion, 3 pt. hitch. $550. Phone 723-6420. PICKLING Cucumbers '$1 50 bushel. Pick your own. Phone 985-7807. ) NOTICE--1969, 20" Portable Colour T.V,, deluxe wood grain cabinet, regular $589.00 to clear $498.00,. less trade allowance. Call collect 723- Children under 12( 9341 "For Sale : 11 ONLY, slightly scratched zig-zag automatic sewing ma- chine, makes buttonholes, sews on buttons etc. National ad price $149.95, to clear-- $88.20. Terms, trades accept- ed. Call Collect 723-9341. SERVICE - AGE Yorkshire boars, also younger crossbred Hampshire - Yorkshire boars and gilts from top quality blood lines. LARMER BROS. Blackstock 986-4250. CROSSBRED Hampshire sows springing. Ron 'Crosier, Saintfield. 1 Clothing, SKI-DOO Sales & Service, new 1970 models on display, let's deal now. Early Bird Specials, no carrying charges till- fall. Used machines wanted. Lindsay, area's BOMBARDIER SKI-DOO deal- er.. Yes we sell, service and rent SEA-DOO. MIDTOWN, 30 William St. South Lindsay. SKI - DOO SALES and SERVICE 1970 Models on Display MAJCHER PONTIAC - BUICK LTD. Phone 7361 - 62 "Arctic Cat" Before you buy a snowmobile, you owe yourself a look at Artcic Cat for /70. Snowmobile Trailers and Trucks, - Camper Tops. Ideal for hunting, fishing trips and cargo "protection. Ride down that autumn trail on your own 'Lil' Indian Mini Bike Guns, Guns, Guns Winchester. Cooey, Parker FOR SALE OR RENT 3 BEDROOM, 2 storey Brick House, dining living room. Newly renovated, all con- veniences. Electric heating, new roof. Two blocks from business section of Lindsay. Immediate possession. Lease can be arranged. Phone 705- Found - WHITE DOG with part brown| ears and face, in 7th con- cession area. Phone 985-2082. STRAYED HOLSTEIN Heifer, about 750 Ibs, mostly white with a few black spots. From lot 1, Con. '6, Reach. .Phone 852-6716, STRAYED from lot 15, con. 12, Reach Twp., 1 Holstein heifer in calf. No vacc or T.B. tag. Carries néck tag. Kindly phone Heidt & Stein Dairy. Cattle Ltd., Port Perry. 985-2312. For Sale 'HEAVY DUTY Stove suit- able for cottage. $20. Phone 986-4713. 30 PIGS, 9 weeks old. Phone © 085-2097. LARGE SIZE oil burner and pipes, suitable for cottage. Phone 985-7676. : 1964 PONTIAC, 4 door sedan, V8 automatic, radio' safety checked, good' condition. Phone 985-7063. "Ivan, Johnson, R.R. 1965 CHRYSLER. 4 door hard top, excellent condition, Priced to sell. Phone 985-3072 after 6 p.m. \ ' . - 357-3693. Sept.18-25 (gam 2 --e [23 er. bin INVER UIRY gy The 1969 model outboard motors are here. 4 HP. TO 125 HP. Also stern drive units. "Fibreglas and aluminum boats by - LEAVENS, CUTTER, GREW, SPRINGBOK AND WINNER 'Canadian Explorer GORD'S MARINE MERCURY OUTBOARD SALES AND SER VICE CLAREMONT 649-2007 MIDSEASON Clearance--Left over stock, of 2 wheeler boys cost and below cost. Also racers. Whitaker Sales and Service 985-2276, 70 John St. Port Perry. CONTENTS from Model home, chesterfield and mat-. ching chair, dining room bookcase stereo & T.V. broad. loom rug, 9 x 12, coffee and end table, etc; ete. All items r like new. Phone Oshawai|. TOMATOES -- $1.50 per bus. Pick your own, bring con- tainers. One mile east of Raglan. D. Linton, R.R. 1, Oshawa. : T.F. Hale, Mossberg. Schultz & Larsen, Adanac, . Alpine, Savage, C.LL., Monarch, Charles Daly. Special pre-season discount sale on all popular makes . of guns. Village Sales & Rentals JANETVILLE, ONTARIO Phone 705 - 324-2050 Closed Sundays For Rent TWO STOREY solid brick house on Con. 6, Reach Twp. on the boundary of Port Perry. Eight rooms, four piece bathroom, oil furnace. Write Box #22, Port Perry Star, 2--Sept.11-18 HOMES TO RENT Phone 985-3068 Wanted To Rent HOUSE with BARN and acre- age, Port Perry area. Rhone 985-3187. ) Wanted BOOKS, Furniture, China, Glass, etc. Call 985-7723. | Vera Lee's Antiques Greenbank T.F. HORSES BOARDED Reasonable rates. Call 985. 7820. Gray .Brothers Farm, RR. #4, Port Perry. 4--Sept.25 COAL & WOOD Cook Stove and girls bicycles, selling at|«-- Help Wanted WAITRESS wanted, part or full time. Phone 085-2402, Apply Haugen's Barbecue. WOMAN to do housework. in town--8 to 10 hours a week. Choose your own hours. Call 085-2539, after 6:00. . Help Wanted in good condition. Phone 985. suite, bedroom _suite, desk, 2093. > 1963 Laurentian Pontiac, 6 cylinder "standard transmis- sion, plus accessories with safety certificate. Phone 985-7564. Stockers, Stock calves, and Holstein heifers, every week. 1, South Monaghan. Phone Bailieboro 939-6855. 10 miles South, of Peterborough, Hwy. Ve | miles east, - ° Bo WESTERN and ONTARIO [° "OPPORTUNITY" Men: wish- ing to su plement their in. come; will earn 'minium of $50.00 per week for as little as two evenings a week. Phone 985-7704 or Oshawa 76-3560. 4--Sept.25 URGENTLY required, mature Cleaning - Ladies, Homemak- ers. Both temporary and permanent positions avail- able. Telephone Oshawa 576- Personn L WE ARE LOOKING for good men any age over 21, with or without experience to be- come Local Representatives in our rapidly expanding rural real estate department. For confidential interview, call or write to Bruce Taylor, J. J. Lambert Real Estate Limited, 170 The Donway West, Don Mills. 447-8518 or Port Perry 985-7373. T.F. "REAL GTATE UID 2eALTON SWAP + HIRE SSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS NORTHUMBERLAND AND 'DURHAM COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION -- requires -- Teachers Aid to assist Kindergarten Teacher at Cartwright Central Public School, Blackstock i -- Apply to 'MR. H. R. MOORCROFT, Area Superintendent <- Box 470 Cobourg, Ont. Female Help Required FOR PRODUCTION WORK FLAMINGO PASTRIES LIMITED 140 Simcoe St. North Port Perry Mrs. Joy Thompson. Work Wanted - Work: Wanted Dead or Crippled Farm Stock Picked up promptly. Telephone collect HAMPTON 263-2721. MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone : Licence 204-C-69 ROOFING, Eavestroughing & aluminum siding. All work fully guaranteed. : For Free Estimates. Call Caesarea 986-4624. T.F. PARRY'S SEPTIC TANK GLEANING AND REPAIR SERVICE Norm Parry PORT PERRY 985.7237 | & Plumbing. 986-5521. - FURNACES CLEANED re- paired, sold & installed. -- Space Heaters cleaned and Serviced. Hot Water Heaters, Presure Systems, Electrical T. Win, T.F. BILL TAYLOR CONCRETE CONTRACTOR Coloured Floors Cement Finishings Phone 852-7101 Uxbridge, Ontario LOTS, park and school yards grass cut with 5 rotary mower. Phone 985-7844. PILE DRIVING ~ Call 985-3068. DAVE'S TRENCHING and Excavating, sewer and water mains, complete septic tank service, also snow removal. R.R. 2 Port Perry, 985-2925. » T.F. ATTENTION FARMERS -- Custom ploughing as little as $3.25 per acre with as many as 10 bottoms; also discing, cultivating, combin- ing and . manure removal; with all the up-to-date eauip- ment. * Gord Masters, 14R21, Little Britain. Sept. 25 A R.R. 3, Uxbridge g52.8888 Lyle Excavating Canals -- Ponds -- Ditches Shore Line, etc. - All Types of Dragline Work BARRY LYLE Notice DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS Picked up Promptly For direct line call Long Distance and ask for' Zenith 32800. Call anytime ED PECONI & SON Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C-66 "D&D CONSTRUCTION CARPENTRY, CONCRETE, MASONRY . COLORLOX SIDING For Free Estimates Contact DALE ROSBOROUGH DON BRONSON Port Perry 985.7081 TOWNSHIP OF REACH TREASURER"S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Township of Reach County of Ontario TO WIT: . . - By virtue of a warrant is- sued by the Reeve of the TOWNSHIP of REACH under his hand and the seal of the said corporation bearing date the 15th day of JULY, 1969 sale of lands-in arrears of taxes in the TOWNSHIP of REACH will be held at the Township Hall.. Manchester, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon on the 11th day PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Sept. 18,1969 -- 13 'Real Estate Retirement Income - 3 Apts. 2 storey frame dwelling, aluminum siding, 3 self con- .| tained apts, newly renovated with all modern convenien- ces, overlooking lake & close to shopping. Live in 1 apt and let other 2 apts keep you. $29,500 with attractive terms, 2 storey frame duplex, close downtown on quiet street, 2 self contained apts with all modern conveniences, large nicely dec. rooms. $24,900. with terms. 2 storey<9 room frame home in Port Perry, on nice- ly treed corner lot, large nicely decorated rooms, ex- cellent family home with rea- sonable taxes. $24,500 with terms. z 2 storey frame duplex with 2 self contained apts, close downtown, very nicely decor-- ated throughout, 2 extra. building lots, all for only $25,000. with terms. 22 Immaculate 3 bedroom brick & frame bungalow in Port Perry, spot- less condition, excellent lot, paved drive, rose garden, beautiful trees- and land- scaping, overlooking lake-- $25,500 with terms. 100 acres clay loam, 2 storey 8 room brick home, all modern conveniences, 30 acres bush, pond, school bus- es at gate. Only $47,000. with terms. ) Dairy Farm - Greenbank Area . 100 acres clay loam, 114 storey 8 room brick home, all conveniences and nicely decorated throughout, large painted barns in good condi- tion, spring creek and excel- lent pond site. Priced to sell. Call GEORGE S. STONE 985-2632 Port Perry Houce, 1 storey, 6 rooms fully insulated, per- manent stone setting, 4 piece bath, oil furnace. ern kitchen, hardwood and tile floors.- Nicely landscaped with garage and paved drive. Priced to sell $23,500.00 with terms. 86 acre farm, 65 workable, 3 spring creeks for ponds, 11% storey 7 room frame house, 4 piece bath, forced air gas furnace, small barn and pole barn, Oshawa, 25 mile. Ask. ing $32,000. Terms. Mr. MARVIN NESBITT, Phone 986-4894, Nestleton Auction Sales of DECEMBER, 1969 unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is here- by given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in The Ontario Gaztete on the 6th day of SEPTEMBER, 1969, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's Office, this 8th day of SEPTEMBER, 1969. A. R. JOHNS, Treasurer 13--Dec.4 5 INTERIOR or EXTERIOR " PAINTING Call John Holtby 085.7533 4 P.m. 6271 County of Ontario Home | after TF. Free Evaluations L REALESTATE LID -0EALION 985.7373 WED., SEPT. 24th, 1969 of Farm Machinery. including International 504 Tractor, Allis Chalmers--D14 Tractor, McCormick self propelled Combine No. 91, 1964 % ton Chev. truck. The Property of PERCEY LEATHERDALE, Lot 28, Con. 5, Vaughan Twp. 1% mile west of Maple, 2 mile north on-Jane St. Farm - sold. No Reserve. Terms Cash. Marvin Hunter, Clerk. GORDON ORR, Auctioneer For information Phone 832-8995 a ---- LI FL PFA LAAT Dell dorsi ilimadism Wl hy - A RN og ~ A -- - > ° i --r------C _ a Sr >. - . TR i PR oR ed