Really Work A ti S co URs, SEPT. 25th uctio caring farm auction of 3 n ales Factors, 20, side rake, SALE CANCELLED ert. rill, P.T.0. ' mower Please note that the sale|[OWCr spreader, 3 fr. plow previously listed for Wilfrid Bowles, Nestleton will not be held October 7th as has been advertised. Mr. Bowles will continue on in the Dairy Business at the present tine, i you for your co-opera- ion, IAT SUEY SEY RET A AAT Ed A AN Fo } ; AGT NANAAACIRALN [4 Lol # # ali utd datd ine sada leade bt » A Adhbatid col do inbpisndood ati loader, cult 3¢' ipacker, 20" flexi- ble harrows, J.D. Hy. duty wagon, ay, grain, straw, horse cut- ter (like new), also furniture etc, the property of HUGH SHILLINGLAW, the farm, loca elevator, selling pigs, ted at Lot"35, TUESDAY, SEPT. 23rd AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements, Grain & Furniture, the property of FRANK SONLEY, lot 17, con. 4, Brock twp., 2 miles south of Sunderland or 1% mile north of Blackwater, then 2 miles east. 56 Head of Here- Con. 1, Uxbridge Township, being (% mile East of Mount Albert on County Road 21 miles South "of townline) or (7 miles West of Uxbridge) or (3 miles South-East of Mount Albert). Hartman U.C.W. will have a refresh- ment booth. Farm Sold. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale 1.00 p.m. ford & - Holstein Cattle, in- cluding 13" good Hereford Cows with calves at side (re- ATKINSON and WILSON, Sale Mgrs. & Auctioneers 2--Sept.11-18 TUES., SEPT. 23rd--Clear- ing -farm auction of High Grade Holsteins, fresh cows, springers, bred and open heifers, also tractor imple- ments, including 3 tractors, combine, M.H. 15R fert. drill, orn planter, cultipacker, ka mower, snow blower, P.T.O. sprayer, baler, corn picker, P.T.O. spreader, Ham- mer mill, ete., also bulk cool- er, 35 can, 3 Surge milkers, | Milk Quota 507 lbs. Pool #1, Furniture, etc. Selling at the farm for H. A. BUCKING Located at Lot 24, Con. 7, Pickering. Township (being 1%4 miles north of Brougham on Hwy, #7, turn west 1% miles' to the farm) or (9 miles east of Markham on Hwy. #7). Lease Expired. No Reserve. Terms Cash, Sale 1 p.m. Refreshment; available, ATKINSON and WILSON, Sale Mgrs. & Auctioneers 2--Sept.11-18 SAT., SEPT. 20th -- Clear- ing farm auction of choice Herefords(Cows, calf by side) (Heifers due time of sale), also tractor implements, in- cluding a Ford tractor Model bred), 3 Holstein Cows (milk- ing), 2 Jersey Cows (milking & rebred), 2 Jersey Heifers. 4 Hereford Steers (1% yrs., good), 5 Hereford Heifers TUES., SEPT. 30th Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, hay & furniture, the property of ROY HOS- 641, good condition, plow, side rake, P.T.0, mower, spreader, R. T. wagon with rack, Gehl hammer mill, new Hay, SAT. SEPT. 27th--Auction Sale of Furniture, the- Pro- perty of Geoffrey Taylor, 404 Scugog St., Port Perry. Many Antiques including "Walnut dining room suite with .glass china cabinet, Queen™ Anne chair and footstool (solid wal- nut) 3 tapestry chairs and loveseat, Numerous' dressing tables, one Pineapple four poster bed, Duncan Fife Desk and chair, Drumhead table, | Glass cabinet, "2 high back Washington chairs, early American chairs, Arlington Windsor chair, 1 captain chair, ete. Also chest of sil- ver, small table, axminster Rugs, T.V. & Hi-Fi set, floor lamps, bookcase, bed,'studio couch, step tables, 2 dinnette suites, water heater, propane gas furnace, 2 washing ma- chines, frig. and stove, china, glassware, hooks etc, doll carriage (new), lawn mower, tools etc. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m, : TED JACKSON, Auctioneer MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 HOLSTEINS - MILK QUOTA - PIPELINE MILKER Complete Marview Holstein Dispersal, 100 head, 75 reg- istered, 25 grade, R.O.P. test- ed from popular sires, 35 young working cows, many "Good Plus". A very fine group of bred and open heif- PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Sept. 18,1969 -- 15 THURS., OCT, 2nd HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, straw & grain, the property of MARTIN DE HAAN, Lot 20, Ccn. 14, Bro k Twp., 2 miles north of Can- nington or 8 miles north of Sunderland and 2% miles east. Holstein Cattle, 23 milk cows, several fresh or close, [6 fresh or close up: heifers, 17 heifers, yearling & 2 yr. olds. Pure Bred Holstein bull, 728 'Ibs. of Milk Quota, Dari-Kool bulk tank, 2274 lbs. 3000 bales of straw, 3500 bu. Herta barley, 2500 bu. mixed grain. A.C. D15 Diesel trac- tor & loader (good) M.H. 10 ft. self propelled combine, No. 82, A.C. Forage Harves- ter, A.C. 5 furrow plow, A.C. seed drill, 15 disc (3 yrs.), Qu. of other machinery. Owner going out of the milk business. . NOTE--this is a top herd of cattle. Average milk production from July 55 1b. daily with 3.89, test. Farm is for sale. Terms cash. Sale at 12.30. Gerald Graham, Clerk. REG JOHNSON & SON, Ph. Sunderland 357-3270 Sept.18-25 Auctioneers 47 head of high grade SAT., OCT. 4th Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements and furniture,' the property of JOHN MEZENBERG, Lot 7, Con. 4, . Brock Twp., 1%) miles west of Sundreland,'"1% miles south or 1% mile north of Blackwater, 1% miles west, turn north 1st farm. 72 head of Holstein & Hereford and Angus Cattle, 23 milk cows, several P.B. .cows & heifers, 12 heifers, yearlings & 2 yr olds. 6 hereford heifers 1't calf ~with calves by side, 9 Angus steers & heifers (2 yrs.), 6 Hereford & Holstein steers & heifers, 1% yrs. Pony mare 6 yrs. (good with children), 4300 bales of straw 6000 bales of hay, Case model S tractor, Allis Chalmers combine 72, pull type (2 yrs.) Case baler PTO (good), LH.C. hay conditioner, J.D. mower, Case. manure spreader, full line of machinery, Creamery Package bulk tank 2436 Ibs., Badger silo unloader, 14x40 silo, Qu. of furniture, coal oil lamps, bedroom suite, cupboards, tables, ete. Farm sold. Terms cash. Sale at 12.30. Furnituré sells first. Gerald Graham, Clerk. REG JOHNSON & SON, Sept.18-Oct 2 Auctione-r ~~ Ph. Sunderland 357-3270 Arps 3 pt. scraper, grain, straw, DeLaval Ster!- ing milker cpt., scales, furni- ture, including vacuum clean- er, electric broom, 3 pc. B.R. Suite, quantity odd dishes, china. cabinet, writing desk (antique), wash stands, flat irons, a few antique items, etc., the property of HOW. ARD PLAXTON, selling at KIN, Lot 21. Con. 3, Brock Twp., % mile south of Black- water, 3 miles east. 37 head of Holstein Cattle, 10 cows with calves by side, open & bred heifers, 4 sows, 17 wean- ed pigs, 22 chunks, 29 good ewes (Suffolk & Lester) Cock- shutt 550 tractor, L.H.C. 350 tractor & loader, N.H. baler, Yoru Gombl nd male the farm located Lot 18, Con. ip] 5, Pickering Twp. (being 1% | of 401 on Harmony Rd., (end plow, low, i Hew itp 'miles south of Hwy. #7, atfof pavement) and 1 mile east chinery, Beatty stable clean. Brougham) or (9 miles easthor 10 miles N-W of Bowman ory bros Ded picture frames,| of Markham off Hwy. #7).| ville. Terms Cash. Sale at qu. of furniture. Farm sold| Farm Sold. "No Reserve.| 1 p.m. Folders available. T. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m] Terms: Cash. Refreshments.| Robert Flett on pedigrees. Gerald Graham, Clerk. A. M. Wood, Clerk, - TED JACKINN, Fox Pruny (134 yrs., good), 11 Hereford Heifers (baby beef), 2 Here- ford baby beef steers, 1 Hol- stein Steer, NOTE--This is a good herd in excellent con- dition. Approx. 1500 bu. of mixed grain & barley, qu. of wheat. 1966 3% ton IH.C. Truck, model 1200 with racks - grain box & auger (excellent), McCormick B275 Tractor & Loader, McCormick W6 Trac- tor (live power), McCormick #64 Combine (pull type with cug motor), McCormick #45 . Baler, McCormick 7 ft. mow- er (3 pt. hitch), M.H. side rake, Allied Auto bale stook- ers, 647 1b. No. 1 Pool Milk] Quota, Surge Pipeline Milker, 3 units, pipeline for 60 cows, automatic washer, Delaval vacuum bulk tank, milk scopes, all complete. NOTE: This sale is called on short notice because of accident. 'The property of MARK HAN- COCK, Lot 34, Con. 7, Dar- lington Twp., 7 miles north Marty's Restaurant NOW OPEN 6 a.m. to 12 Midnight We would like to take this opportunity to thank our friends for the good wishes extended _to us on our opening. 1 season), McCorm- 7 WILSON. a or plow| REG JOHNSON & SON, | ATKINSON and WILSON, and LLOYD NSO v6 Thank you (nearly new), McCormick | = Ph. Sunderland 357-327 2220 i & atieiionests] elie Mgrs. and Auctioneers grain & fertilizer drill (15 Sept.18-25 Auctioneer. _2--Sept.18-25 D. TIMLECK - disc), McCormick Manure Spreader (model 130, nearly new), 2 wagons, trailer, grain dryer, Gehl hammer mill, full Tine of machinery. Fur- niturd®including 2 bedroom suites, chesterfield suite, an- tique chest of drawers, love seat, antique parlour table, _ dining room table & 6 chairs, ¢ toilet set, butter bowl, ladle and print, rope bed, bells, shutters, etc. Farm Sold. No Reserve. Terms Cash. 3 Sale at 12 noon sharp. NOTE --Furniture sells first. Pine- dale UCW will serve lunch; Gerald Graham & Les Smith, a Clerks. REG JOHNSON and NEIL McLEOD, Auctioneers Ph. Sunderland 357-3270 WED., SEPTEMBER 24 HOLSTEINS - MILK QUOTA|: MACHINERY ETC. 50 holsteins, registered and grade D.H.LA. tested, from * unit sires, 25 milk cows milk- ing up to 90 lbs. per day. This is a top production herd with 305 day records to 17000 milk, 700 fat. Number fresh and springing. Several bred heifers and good group open . heifers, Grades have records v of sire and dam ete. Milk "Quota 537 1b, No. 1 Pool Dairy Equipment - 250 gal. Milkeeper Bulk. Tank, Surge Milking Machine, 3 units. Also an excellent line of farm machinery. Nuffield 10/60 diesel tractor (1100 hrs, like new), Allis Chalm- «ers WD 45 tractor (good) with a new AC hydraulic loader, NH 268 baler, McCormick hay mower, Int. hay conditioner, farm trailer, Ferguson 8 bar side rake, NH forage harves- ter, forage wagon, AC For- age blower, AC double disc (new) McCormick Cultivator. ¥ weed sprayer, McCormick manure spreader, Mec- : b : Cormick 8 furrow trip beam oF Int. one way disc. Complete ~ Olds announces a totally new Escape Machine: 1970 Cutlass Supreme. © nig 3 a oy wd : Jing of STupment. 4000) Ales Orders. Complaints. Another Youngmobile to the rescue! distinguish it: trim new styling and pl pei hi p Bri Thiy one of those days. . Oldsmobile's luxurious new Cutlass an elegantly formal new roofline. NOTE--Mr. Schmidt is an ex. Wouldn't it be nice to have Supreme will whisk you away from Olds Cutlass Supreme. Just one of cellent caretaker. Every- an Escape Machine? routine for as little as it takes to the 29 Escape Machines from . ® thing in top condition. Th ; : own a routine car. To power your Oldsmobile. : ha mi you To want to | getaway: an extraordinary.4-barrel, ' Rane SBSH DANIEL , one mile 350-cutic-inch Rocket V8. To Oldsmobile: Escape from the ordinary Certainitems illustrated or described are optiod at e tru cost. north and % mile west "of Uxbridge. (just off con. 7). Terms cash, Farm sold. Fold- SEE YOUR LOGAL AUTHORIZED OLOSMOBILE DEALER ik available. wa at 12:30 Queen St. sharp. LLOYD WILSON, : y Uxbridge, and Port Perry W. D. ATKINSON, Stouftville A : - Sale Mgrs. and Auctioneers. 7 : wns Beare Motors Limited