0 RSE YE Sed A eT mt toge 1 W ; A Dh A ie Ss rg MA a) ir x 5 < " LADIES MONDAY NIGHT Sea CANE RAN kad Volk ha eo RADIA Vis WA a. RONDIAF HWY HELA 129 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday Sept. 18, 1969 Bowling News cott- 257. 231. 220; F. Ven- BOWLING LEAGUE ning -- 270, 239; B. Evans-- Sept. 8th Standing-- " 245, 209; M. Doupe---262, 202 5th Dimension 7 R. Stone--236, 219; D. Gor- Carnival 5 eski--225, 222; M. L. Dowson Guess Who 5 ---226, 206; T. Rowland--2186, Byrds 5 203; J. Storra--248; D. Phin- Box Tops 4 | ney--245; M. Sweetman--234 Supremes 4 | J. Storie--231; C. Warren-- Ventures 3 |224; S. DeHaas--223; S. Tully Flirtation 3 --221; A. Mulder -- 217; M. "Doors y 2 | Eden--217; I. Fraser--210; L. Raiders 2 | Campsell--210; N. Robinson | 49th Parallel 2 | --207; M. DeJong -- 203; L. Turtles '0 | Lyle--203; D. Davies--202. High Triple-- P. Ellicott--708 High Single-- H. McTavish--291 Singles 200 and Over-- H. McTavish--291; P. Elll- Triples Over 600-- P. Ellicott -- 708; F. Ven- ning--1703; R. Stone--654; M. Doupe -- 651; H. McTavish-- 649; D. Goreski -- 616; B. Evans--604. DANCING CLUB ANNRENE Saturday, September 20th, 1969 GEORGE-BEARE and his MERRY MAKERS NO TEENAGE DANCE THIS WEEK. . LADIES MONDAY NIGHT BOWLING Carnival : Doors 5th Dimension Turtles Flirtations Box Tops Guess Whos . Raiders 49th Parallel Byrds Supremes Ventures ...... .... High Triple-- C. Watts--696 High Single-- C. Watts--330 Triples 600 -and Over-- C. Watts--696; C. Wilson-- 643; S. Stone--615; R. Saun- ders--605; J. Van Schaugen --605. Singles 200 and Over-- C. Watts--330, 217; J. Van Schaugen -- 260, 221; M. L. Dowson--228, 206; T. Row- land--223, 203; S. Stone--208 226; A. Scriver--222, 212; D. Phinney--218, 202; P. Conn- ors--211, 206; R. Saunders-- 251; T. Vanderby --251; L. Haugen--248; L. Campsell-- 246; H. McTavish --241; F. Venning--238; M. Smits--229 | N. Robinson--228; D. Davies | --226; M. Reel--223; P. Elli- cott--223; C. Wilson--221; M. Sweetman--221; 'NM. Cookman --220; J. Storra -- 220; M. -- -- NO ITO TIN DOT Rabies--219; R. Beare--215; L. Moore--212; D, Warren-- 210; M.-Moore--210; I. Bow- man--209; D. Wanamaker-- 206; L. Lyle--201; R. Brown --201; S. Tully--200; D. Koch --200. LADIES WEDNESDAY' NIGHT BOWLING Sweet Marie ......... 7 Golden Treasure .......... 7 Baby Ruth 0... 5 Crispy Crunch "...... 5 Ki Kal Dn iiininsinn 5 Turkish Delight ........... 5 - Malted Milk .. : Bar Six ............ Milky Way Jersey Milk Coffee Crisp .. Caramilk Singles Over 210-- M. Cook--216, 217; C. Wil- son -- 213; M. McDougall-- 217; L. Wilson--211; I. Doupe W. Durham -- 212; B. Qke-- --211; W. McLaughlin--244; 216, 215; S. Barton--220; J. Taylor--241; B. Collins--212; L. Bertrand--213; T. Martens --220; M, Geer--233, 238; B. Raines--217; C. Wilbur--211 W. Midgley--212; J. Chand- ler--262, 230; M. Sweetman--| | 233; L. Cook--231; J. Mahaf-|} fy--224; P. Durand--231; V. Chapman--216. ~ Over 600 Triples-- B. Oke--604; B. Collins-- 611; C. Wilbur -- 622; J. EVENING ADULT PROGRAMME Port Perry High School 1969 - 1970 PANNA NANA AA NAN ANA AA AAA A AANA AAAS SAAS AIA L AIA AI AAAI, NANAAAAANAANANS GENERAL INTEREST COURSES Art Ceramics Flower Arranging Instrumental Music Wood Refinishing Upholstery Gourmet Foods Hostess Hints, Foods Beauty Culture Physical Fitness, Men Physical Fitness, Women Basic French Basic Spanish Public Speaking Speed Reading XIII Biology XIII Geography CLASSES ~~ Commence October 14th S.E. LOVELL Chairman GENERAL INTEREST COURSES ~ ACADEMIC COURSES Grade 9 & 10 Upgrading Landscaping (Horticulture) Courses in: : Interior Decorating =~ ~ Mathematics Sewing: * iT English Basic + Science Intermediate Advanced 'Auto Mechanics -- Basic Lawn 'Mower, Outboard & Snowmobile Servicing Basic Drafting : Summer Cottage Design * Basic Electronins 'Television Basic Mac Basic Welding Summer Cottage Construction BUS. & COMM. SUBJECTS Basic Bookkeeping Basic Short Hand * Basic Typing Intermediate Typing Business Machines AANA AAANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANAAA FIFTEEN PEOPLE MUST REGISTER BEFORE A COURSE MAY BE STARTED. A COURSE NOT LISTED MAY BE STARTED FOR ANY FIFTEEN REGISTRANTS. FEE'S -- $10.00 per subject per semester (10 weeks). TIME -- Tuesday evenings, commencing Oct. 14, 7:00 to 10:00 (except for special courses). REGISTRATION ---- Tuesday evening, October 7, 7: 00 to 10:00 at the high school office. For further information telephone the high school, 985-7337. NANA NAA NANI NANANANANINS NININANNNNS TECHNICAL SUBJECTS . NAS NAAN Servicing hine Shop rn G.L. ROBERTS Director Chandler--650; J. Mahaffy-- 616; M. Geer--645. High Triple-- J. Chandler--650. High Single-- J. Chandler--262 MEN'S THURSDAY NIGHT BOWLING Sept. 11th Points Won-- Can, Tire -- 7; Stars--0; Causeway Kids -- 0; Ballard's Lumber--17; Don's Raiders-- 0; Nachur Boys--17; Middle- ton's Meats--5; Majcher Pont y HOME HEAT A Rp Sy - SAMAR A LAA L ALARA ARRRRRRRBRRRRRBRRRRR RRR KEN P. MURRAY Electrical Contractor Domestic & Industrial - WIRING J CALL US FOR FREE ESTIMATES ON COMPLETE ELECTRICAL Phone: .985 - 7005 , '274 ROSA ST. -- PORT PERRY DO YOU NEED A PATIO OR A NEW SIDE- WALK? WE HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY OF THESE PRODUCTS AND NOW IS THE TIME TO PREPARE FOR THE FALL MUD. Reesor Fuel & Lumber Phone: 985-7951 -- Port Perry --2; Beare Chevs--0; Eden's L. Strikes--T7; Dowson's R. & I W.--4; PPILGA-3. ; High Triple-- R. Parker--832 High Single-- R. Parker--363. Triples 625 & Over-- R. Parker--832; B. Owen-- 728; B. Salter--720; R. Hut- chinson--716; F. Hastings-- 716; J. Owen--695; C. Watts --681; G. Wilson -- 661; J. Wilson Sr.--661; B. Ander: son--658 M. Lyle -- 654; P. Crawford--648; C. Graham-- 642; D. Durham--=625. ENR ERRNO NN UCR puppppapapapepupy suggest" cumstances. Uxbridge San CO-OP TOPICS by Don Rixon BARLEY FOR DAIRY COWS Have you switched to growing more barley Mfand less oats for feed because of barley's \ 2 higher yield of energy per acre? Many farm. $8 ers have, especially where it is difficult to Aget top yields of grain corn. -A great many a dairymen hesitate to grow barley as a major crop because they fear the dangers of using too much barley in dairy rations. Barley is not as palatable a feed as corn or' oats, and it is for this reason that the experts a maximum of 60 percent of the total @grain_mix should be barley under normal cir- In unusual situations, however, you can safely go much higher on. the barley. It is a good idea to roll the barley or grind it coarsely. Finely ground barley tends to be- M'come floury and even less palatable. If your ration is very high in barley, watch the high i producers closely to be sure they are eating as much grain as they should. : piss United Co-operatives of Ontario (UXBRIDGE BRANCH) 'Port Perry ZE. 8-4130 1 &