a TO Ra 44 . bor Council education com- " Gwen King of Port Perry 24 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday Sepl. 18, 1969 Durham College To Offer Course In Labour Relations _ Robert Durham apening College will be ts doors this vear on oan extension course in labor relations, David Butler, chairman of the Oshawa and District La- mittee. told the council this 'Friendly Visitors Are Active © On July 8th, 1969 several members of the group took the special guests for a' pleas- ant afternoon drive-and treat- ed them to refreshments be- fore returning them to their homes. ) On July 22nd, 1969 guests and members of the friendly visitors, were entertained by a group of ladies from the Port Perry U.C.W. at the lake front park, to a picnic lunch and an afternoon of games: This was very much appreci- ated and enjoyed by every- one. i On August 5th, 1969 mem- bers of the group entertain- ed special guests to an after- noon of games in Port Perry Park then to a Restaurant for 'coffee and donuts. August 26, 1969 friendly visitors and guests were in- vited to the home of Mrs. Anne Parker where the men entertained with music and games followed by a corn & wiener roast plus refresh- ments and the usual birth- day cake. Mr. Simpson from Wasago Beach a friend of Mrs. Parkers donated most of these refreshments, This was enjoyed very much by all. Plans have been completed to take the special guests to Lindsay Fair, September 20, by DeNure's Bus Line. Friendly Visitors appreciate the generosity of the Lind- say Fair Board and DeNure Bus Lines which make this possible. The group is in need of volunteer drivers to help in transportation to and from gatherings. If you are inter- ested please call Mrs. R. Deeth, 985-7267. : Mrs. Mildred Hope "4 "ROUND THE BiaTown. Mr. and Mrs. E.L. McLean, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pearce of Orangeville, Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Connor of Ottawa were guests of Mrs. C.C. Jeffrey and Mr. and Mrs. F.D. Slemmon last week. x x * Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nott of Scarborough - and Mrs. were in Cape Cod recently on holidays. x x * Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Don Beacock spent the week-end in Niagara Falls, N.Y. * Xx * . Remember Saturday, Sept- ember 20th is Boy Scout Paper day so have all papers, books and magazines neatly tied and out on the sidewalk or at the Scofit Hall by 12:00 noon. If your papers are missed or for special pick-up contact 985-2426. x x Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harrison attended the Adc¢ock-Brooks wedding at St. Pauls Presby- terian Church, Bowmanville. x x *% Mrs. H. Mulligan has return- ed home from Victoria B.C. after spending the past two weeks with. her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. C.O' Courior. week the 10-week course is | cation. expected to cost about $30. chairman of the The course was prepared | division at Durh by Durham in co-operation with the education committee and the Department of Edu-l community; "a middle of the road pro- gram" that serves the whole he said .manage-{ and Mr. Crichton, | ment applied arts| just as am called it{ labor spokesmen. people have reacted timelabling will he set un to accommodate shift workers ternoon and evening. - v negotiations for a contract; The course is also open to| content of a collective agree- people outside labor circles, ment; union security; man- Crichton said the| agement rights; grievances & with courses in hoth the af: Included in the course are; enthusiastically as| employer-employee relations; arbitration; wages, classifica. tiond.and benefits; establish ment of bargaining rights & administration of a collec- tive agreement. The teacher of the course, a former Department of La- bor man, will also hold an evaluation of the course af ter it is finished, | Sih Selected -- Choice -- Plump -- Canada Grade "A" CHICKENS - heFRIENDLY FOLHS +: 39: who save FOR YOUR FREEZER ! BRANDED Beef HASURLITR A F.B.l. 100% PURE RECONSTITUTED ORANGE |} JUG K 32-01. 1 ZIBBY'S QUALITY FOODS? | SPAGHETTI 2:49: | Hil FEATURE! -- WINE FLAVOURED (SAUERKRAUT 35+] SAVE 6c! -- CATELLI'S SAVE 4c! FEATURE! -- POUCH PAK MONARCH In colourful Individual pliofilm bag RGULAR $5.28 vain RED & WHITE 80K4Ys 80Y! BEST BUY! -- Pre-Priced 79¢! ) 60 SAVE 20c! St. Lawrence { Corn Oil Doty Rha -- ron OLE OR BUTT HALF -- FOR LEG '0° LAMB 59: IDEAL FOR BOILING OR FRYING -- THICK CUT RIB Lamb Chops 59: THREE MEALS IN ONE -- "ROAST™ -- "FRY" -- "STEW™ nl 24¢ Off P MAXWELL HOUSE ' - BEST BUY! -- Reg. $1.75 Value! - WHOLE CUT UP CHICKEN IN - A - BASKET a3. Chucks Roast, Stew Ground Meats SCHNEIDERS LUNCHEON MEATS & CHICKEN LOAF . NAHE MEAT PICKLE & Lisi 0 AON» PORK LOAF with DTC LOAF LOAF MACARONI 3 Here Th LOAF - LUNCHEON MEAT LOAF 6 TO 70 LS. AVERAGE * DD Cut and Wrapped: COFFEE ii "144 "BEST BUY! -- SAVE scl KELLOGG'S SPECIAL "K" Cereal 49: SAVE 12c! WHITE SWAN Household TOWELS 49- REG. 29c VALUE! -- 4c OFF PACK -- COLOURED -- PARCHMENT SOLO BRAND MARGARINE SAVE 35c! -- STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY E.D. SMITH PURE JAMS 1502. Pkgs. or Spaghetti i 43. CRISCO SHORTENING "39. -- ASSORTED Cake Mixes 6:51 REG. 79c VALUE! -- 8c OFF PACK SUCCESS ser Wits WAX 65. to Package Salada oranse Pekoe | Tea Bags 11-Oz. Pkg. "Twin Pack - 1-Lb. - Pkg: 2: i145. SE 3 is FEATURE! -- HOUSE & GARDEN BUG KILLER 11-0z. Tin Raid sir 81,19 REG. 75¢! are Gi 69 -- WESTON TEA TIME COCOANUT CREAM POTATO -- 5-o0z. Pkg. Mini Chips | FRESH FRUITS - VEGETABLES | | ONTARIO NO.I GRADE CABBAGE | ONTARIO NO.1 GRADE 251b. Bag - BIRDS EYE "A Facial Tissue, ORANGE DRINK ven 2189 | Pkgs. 360's 49: ZIP -- 14 oz. Dog Food 10:1.00 MAPLE LEAF -- 28 oz, Mincemeat SHOP IN COMFORT IN OUR AIR- CONDITIONED STORE 65 OPEN EVERY THURS. and FRI. NIGHT UNTIL 9:00 P.M. OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY - ha 70 -6:00 P.M. 19] POTATOES 75¢| yg 5 4 + } » I | MN 5 ( » 4" vl « | j ( v Mo f [ i =)