LPR * oy ALS Sh RA RUN E RAE FEE : re LEARN BF ANS A SER TA LES AN "a AJA 0S PREY Mel tanyy \ * ' ENA A 3 31 4 LACEY ? sit AS Er 0 A VERSIE VARY. SREY Ai} SLR) ' DEON REN Mrs. Fred Jackson, Scugog. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wood, Cochrane, Ontario. Brother Murray Smith, officiated at the ceremony. The wedding music wgs sung The bride chose a lime green "ensemble with burnt orange accessories and a cor- sage of Talisman roses fi travelling.- The happy coup journeyed to Michigan and Saulte Ste. Marie before settl- i DEAR of young home for DORIS -- A number married couples get together in the basement of a a party. They-are all very close friends. Is 'it always necessary for . 22 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Nov. 20, 1969 : : : = " Greenbank |: : PORT { PERRY 110]1%3 A ¢ i ; - - The monthly November| : ' meeting was 'held in the| . : home of Mrs, Mildred Rodd] : $ and began with an opening] . ' \ B \ B N T S thought by Joan Lee. Every-| : : ! : one stood for a silent prayer| . : 4 i play followed by the singing of : : . . i Ei : H d |] d | C I d ft i ] | ! d It was moved by Mrs. Ha- NYT 0 a) fen i a + 1 cup cubed cooked or 1/2 cup milk * : milton. and seconded by Au- everyone dn . prayer ~and|: 7 0% can of chicken 3 cooked potatoes "The Nov. meeting of the|approved. N drey Kent al ihe Gui Marie Real read an interest: : 1. 10-0z. can condensed _ 3 cooked onions ; Louise Patterson Handicraft] A letter received by Mrs. |SPend $500 or ig py! ing story titled "The Vigil Of| « ; mushroom soup 1/2 recipe baking powder ; s Guild was held at the Pres-|Naples from Mrs. Patterson |2%¢ of io! oe od 008 = 10ve" Offering 'was taken| 15-0z. can peas . : . Biscuit dough : byterian Church Hall with|of Isaac's Harbour was read, This Holo OORY; Smith. pro.| #d Hymn 516 was sung.|: 1 Cook potatoes and onions in boiling saltéd water until : the president Mrs. Naples| much to the pleasure of the Mrs, Florence . fs P d Joan Lee read some of the| : tender. K "presiding. The meeting com. group. We were glad. to |8Famme convener, in oe ¢ story concerning China fol-| + 2, Prepare biscuit dough. : menced by repeating the|hear that Mrs. Patterson is |US that Mrs. Islay pus > lowed by a discussion about{ : 3. Combine chicken, soup, drained peas, and milk or 5 Lord's Prayer in unison after|enjoying better health. A oe Would be dumns do same. 4 Vefotable cooking water, and hes nti . i it * 4. Add potatoes and onions an our mixture into .: ¥ yu Ms ves and 2 ay 2% Signa 9 spe the art of cake decorating, |- The business meeting be-| : A pour ; one members and visitors. Several ladies took the op- but would be available later gan with a story by our Pre- : 6. Roll dough 1/2-inch thick, cut into small biscuits and PAL Vrs, Innes was smable : . |on. 7 sident, Helen Thomson. Hel-| : arrange on top of chicken. : portunity recently of partici ty will be held] on : weliogiod -and- thanked] + A t 3 . to be present the Pres. gave pating in the leather-craft An artex party ; ~ The nd + 6. Sprinkle with paprika and bake in very hot 'oven, : the treasurer's report. course held at the Presby-|2t the home of Mrs. Cathar-| everyone. The secretary + 426°F, 16 to 20 minutes or until biscuits are cooked. | i ine Martyn on Nov. 19th at| treasurer reports were given.| : . . The minutes from the pre-|terjan Church Hall. Some of : ed i otion that] * . Ta, 2d ; ' vious meeting were read by|the lovely and useful articles | 1:30: Anyone interested in| Joan Lee made @ motion + Plentiful and inexpensive right now, chicken is a good Po. the Sec'y Melba Owen and| : this fascinating work will be| in the future «we put carpet-| : main dish to serve your family or guests. However, here's * EEE more than welcome. - ing in the front lobby off | a word of caution from the Ontario Food Council, Ont- In reply to a letter from|the Church when we have| : ario Department of Agriculture and Food. Poultry is the Chamber of Commerce| money available. - Moved by| : very perishable and must be stored carefully to prevent : Mrs, Naples was appointed | Marie Foster and seconded| : bacterial growth. The bird or pieces should be carefully + to represent the Louise Pat-| by Marie Cookman that we| : washed, freshly wrapped, and then refrigerated or frozen, : terson Handicraft Guild on| accept the Jr. Farmer's Ban-| ; as soon after purchasing as possible. iE ry the Port Perry Centennial| quet on Jan. 17th. Moved] : Once a frozen chicken has been completely thawed, it : Committee. by Mildred Rodd and second.| : should not be refrozen. If plans change and you can't use : A number of articles, on| ed by Brenda Gibson that| : it; Pop theebird or pieces into the oven until cooked : craft made by the members| we donate $10 to each of the : through. Then refreeze with a clear conscience, . throughout the summer were following: Street Haven, en a Ll at on display and thoroughly| Fred Victor Mission, Victor| --Eunice Rahm; Asst. Secre-|J#77/ 0 Wok i enjoyed by those present.| Home and Institute For the| tary -- Mildred Rodd; Trea- LOVELIN ES 1S) . One in particular a beautiful| Blind. The Christmas meeét-| surer--Lorna Fergusson. A : a's \BW wall-hanging done by a lady| ing was discussed and a show| discussion followed with re-| BEAUTY CRITICS 93 years young and without| of hands indicated everyone| gards to a President and the aid of eye-glases. was agreeabl to invite the| Jean Pogue will fill this po- [ENGIN THEIR NS ' At the conclusion of the| ladies of the community to[sition. Moved by Velma Von re) ! meeting a social time follow-f our meeting and also to Foster and seconded by Joan ARE ORIGINAL A b hig) ed when lunch was 'served| charge our.own members 75¢| Lee that we accept the slate| (SOND OF ART ny i" by Mesdames L. Butson, D.|for the lunch. Moved by|of officers for the coming if 5 Naples, M. Owen. Then sev-| Marie Foster and seconded| year. The evening closed i | eral ladies journeyed to the|by Marie Cookman. that we| with a lovely lunch and fel- 3 1 § 3 pO Gift-Shop at the hone of| take our tur in the Tuck| lowship. : A nh X : Mrs. Skerratt, west of Utica Shop at the Port Perry Hos-|- : . oy store. A delightful place in| pital, Moved by Doris Bacon Cottages Wanted 7) i WOOD - JAC KSON which to browse and do some| and seconded by Lorna Fer- f : S JL xmas shopping. gusson that we order 75 pens : Foy WR A candlelight ceremony in} a wedding ring hat and brown We hope to see you all on| 4g sell to raise money. Helen L RI C H ARD S Church of Christ, Ajax united] shoes. Mrs. Wood wore a| the second Wednesday of] Thomsori read the list for HAL STATE VIB ATOR / Ruhlsen baie Sse an Jrowt Shes) dite Feeensed Dec. at the Presbyterian] the new executive. Vice-Pre-| ad . BE AUTY STUDIO rnest Lee Wood in marriage | by- sequins a e hemline. rch-Hall at 2 o'clock. i . : . ? . September 26,1969. The bro Both mothers wore corsages Caren Ye sident--Dorie: Hill; Secretary 985 7373 PHONE -- 985-7991 is the daughter of Mr. and|of Talisman roses. " | Doris Clark by Mrs. Nancy Jackson. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore an A- both host and hostess to escort 3 Li each couple to the door when _ they leave at different inter- ing in their new residence at 71 Jonesville Cres., Apt. 102, line dress of white lace, The | Toronto 375. i vals, or is it acceptable for the dress was complemented -by Guests attended from earlier couples leaving to say 23k a peau-de-soie floor length|Scugog, Port Perry, Cochrane, ; 100ir Soodiyves downstaies, 2d by coat with bell sleeves. Tiny|Englehart, Ajax, Calgary, I' f oo d I : rosie dy Ran : flowers held the elbow length| North Bay and Toronto. mirigia, 1 guess : Wondering : \ veil in place. She carried a A miscellaneous gist : ) ' 3 4 white satin Bible from which|was held for Kay at the ; ' : . DEAR WONDERING -- No fell streamers of flowers. home . of Mrs. Lillian Mec- DEAR DORIS -- I have al- I'd make an educated guess need for both to go -- but it is that affection has been lacking in your life, or you'd have sol _ id, hand-squeezing, heartwarm- ing habits for the man in your life. Practice makes perfect 'Nuff said? DEAR DORIS -- I .would like to know' on which: side ° should the mothers of the bride and: groom wear their rorsages. My mother wore hers on the right shoulder and the bride's 'mother wore hers on the left. ways found it hard to show affection. Now I am 30. I am engaged to marry a man 35, 1 love him, but he is always the first to squeeze my hand or give me a hug. - It leaves me feeling unhappy with myself when my boy ° friend says: "It would be nice if just once in a while you would put your arms around me instead!" Will this cause future heartaches if 1 marry him? : . Arm's Length Miss Lynne Wood, sister of -the groom was maid-of- honour. Lynne wore a floor length gown of yellow peau- de-soie, and carried a satin Bible with streamers of yellow flowers. : Mr. Dave Jackson, brother of the bride was best man. Mr. George Jackson, also brother of the bride, did the ushering duties. Donald, Toronto. . Mrs. Nancy Jackson hosted a pantry shower in jax. Mrs. Joycé K+. 'nd Mrs. | Linda Kennedy, Tore to, co- hosted a personal shower. A family miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. Sid Chandler, Scugog. Mrs. Bonnie Mahony, Port Perry and Mrs. Carol Mitchell Oshawa, co-hosted a miscel- Mrs. Jackson wore a rust||aneous shower for high school brown dress complemented by | friends. BRIDES TO For Your FREE Gift Clip 'and Mail This Coupon -To BOX 50, PORT PERRY STAR PORT PERRY, ONTARIO ° proper etiquette for at least one of the home team to see guests-to the door. DEAR DORIS -- When this boy takes me out'with a group of others we have a good time, but when we go anywhere alone it is a boring evening. Is it fair to him for me to let him think I like him the same way he likes me? He has asked me to go out 2 again, to dinner and a show. I don't' think" I should, but my mother thinks I should. DEAR WANTING -- They To Go Or Not To.Go were both right since DEAR TO GO OR NOT -- there's no special rule. Some No sense in leading him on; times when a girl is. dancing, yet we can't expect every date { she pins her corsage on the to be terrific. XK i 4 right shoulder where it is less ' * If you have done your level } likely to be crushed. Or she best to draw him 'out, if you can transfer it to her evening are certain there are no hidden | bag. : depths and that you are simply operating on different wave It might land at her waist lengths, I can't see stretching line, or on a bracelet -- wher- it out. ever it looks and feels best: Toronlo Telegram News Service ; EE 4 Wanting To Know . - a ---- DEAR ARM'S -- It might -- if you let it stand at that. We need the human touch for ful- -filment. Demonstrations of af- fection can actually help love grow. : * The psychologists tell us we run not only because we are afraid; also, the more we run the scareder we get! Similarly, we commit ourselves with a hug and: a kiss, and find that we love our dear one more!