PORT PERRY STAR Thursday, Dec. 1 1969 = ALLS ; Orono and ; 'Mrs. Edith Mur- Rd N EWS '| phy, Tyrone' 'were Sunday Ashton and: Mr, McMaster The Intermediate teachers guests of Mr. and Mrs, David : Continued Kyte and Karen visited the Ontario Science went to the Educational show > jc vn rg SE honie from hospital | read by Mrs, Asselstine. The | KY! : Centre, Toronto; Mrs. Hyder-| case, Toronto, and the Senior my a and | assay, compli-| Friday. Treasurer's report was given Mr. and 'Mrs. Roy McLaugh-| man, Mr. Fletcher and Mr. | teachers joined the Sr. High i ° X almers Co. | The December meeting of | by Mrs. Riet Post. Business| jin and Debbie and Louise| Paisley attended the Educa.|School teachers at the Coli- r. and Mrs. Wallace Mar-|the First Cartwright Ladies [for the evening consisted of | yan Camp visited Mr. & Mrs. | tional. Showplace at the In-{seum Building, Exhibition ; : low left Friday to spend the Auxiliary was held Thurs. discussing and planning, to| john Beacock. R.R. Lindsay, | dustry and Coliseum Build- Park, . Toronto. : ¢ * winter in Florida, day evening at the home: of | sell lunch for the. dance to Sunday. ; ings, Exhibition Park, Tor- |-- T . Rev. and Mrs. Merrill Fer-| Mrs. Vera Asselstine; 17 be held Jan. 31st in order to onto. HOMES WANTED guson, 'Toronto were Friday| members were present. Mrs, [raise funds for the Cub and| Mr. & Mrs. Glen VanCamp supper guests of Mrs. Cecil|Jean Adams presided, Fol-|Scouts in Cartwright. It was | and sons; Mr. and Mrs. Jack From the Public - School Hill. lowing the Scout mother's [also decided to help towards | Dowson all of Port: Perry| the Primary teachers visited L MBERT + Mrs. Frank Tobin and babe | Promise, the minutes were |the cost of repairing the | were Sunday guests of Mr.|school in Missassaga. The a --= tents that are used for camp- and Mrs. Harry Van Camp in| Junior Teachers * observed] ® LJ | ing. honour: of Mrs. Glen's birth-| special reading programmes 985-7373 | day. at Cobourg. |B The evening's * entertain- ment provided by Mrs. Sally] The Hi-C LRA a tobo- | and quarters of beef, sides of pork cut and l| Francis was one of great in-| ganning party on Gilbanks sl to your specification. We have the largest terest and I must add great| Hill Sunday afternoon. After selection of grain fed beef in Durham and Ontario, laughter. Sally and sev®ral| the period: outdoors the y " counties. Come in and select your own beef. All other members gave a read-| group returned to the C. E. our meat is government graded and inspected. ing of horoscope, foretelling| Building for refreshments & ° ] of the events of one's life.| the regular meeting. Pine Ridge Packers Ltd. J|s, rem of ones lite oa 4 miles east of Port Perry on 7A highway. 986.4932 [|| meeting was then closed with| Profess Sa velopmen HAROLD FORDER, manager. the Scout Mizpah. A delici- ay IL... : ous lunch was then served Friday, December 5 was Ea py amE etre vee SE ve ed | by the hostess. designed as Professional De- ' y velopment day for all the ; 4 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chapman, | teachers of Northumberland- H Port Perry and Mr. and Mrs.| Durham counties. There was 4 Oscar Graham were Sunday|a variety of meetings and ex- ' guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gord-| hibits available to the teach- EX ' Specializing in Rec Rooms, Kitchens, on Strong. ers according to their inter- , > ¢ 4 Built-ins, etc. Mrs. George Fowler "was | €sts and subject areas. The : 24 Courtesy, Imagination and Estimates Free. moved from Uxbridge to Port | teachers at the High School BULK. FEED. 114%" ADVANTAGES ' Perry hospital last week. We | were present at the follow- Are you using bulk feed handling on your 4 B are glad to report she is|ing meetings -- Miss Robin- fifarm, or are you still lugging bags of supplement ! OB } BERO | progressing as well as pos- [Son and Mrs. UI dean fand mixed feed? ~ ' SEAGRAVE -- 985-7027 sible but of course broken 20 is Rens Senile ¥ With today's pressure on farm profit mar- a ER bones take 2 long time to 0 we. id 2 gy 2 h gins, the extra savings offered by bulk feed de- Y : heal. She is happy to be il FRIENDLY llivery is worth considering. A great many big : My; and Mrs. Cecil Gibson (IL ( feeders have swatched to bulk feed, but many Fi : ; ray moderatesized operations could fit do Now Is The Time Grate and Eleanor, visited J Wl the same. P P y vel \ lie Graham and Mr. To Order Your i Lois sy Graham and A BACHELOR 8% A J! The saving on bag costs alone amounts to family Milbrook. Sanda. ROLLING STONE.., j{s+.00 a ton or more. .On ten tons of feed per A : WINTER ' ' i THAT GATHERS fron, you can save enough money to pay for * Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright, "NO i bulk bin to hold the feed. This doesn't take in- Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton f to account other savings either, such as cutting attended the funeral of Mr. out rodent loss, and spillage from torn bags to ~ Norman McNally in Colborne ot say nothing of reduced labour. : iis Saturday. N | Interestingly enough, while most feeders ; Moni on: DX Premium Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vander: i :switch to bulk feed because of the lower price, Call &*'* Fuel. Oil heul, Julia and Boyd visited A y they soon find this a secondary reason for using: ® 668-3341 friends in Orillia Sunday. v bulk. The majority of feeders find that by using f car R4bulk feed they can substitute electrical power ~ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham jifor muscle power and save a good deal of money 'DX FUEL OIL |v ste Seu Plolemy & Grieve || Sf, ic bi ; were Saturday evening guests : ! . | | ; and Mr. and Mrs. Don-Par-| GUILIF Service SY {AS | United Co-operatives | CALL US TO-DAY aI Station || Be of Ontario ; of Mr. ) > FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE [|| vere, Sunday guests of | (UXBRIDGE BRANCH) NE : Bey, way * | 52 Water St. -- Port Perry |] yy coe 852.3320 Port Porry ZE. 8-4120 Mr. & Mrs. John Hancock,| PHONE -- 985-3182 | " Si -- + v b : A Complete Selection of 4 - i ; hole family: Gifts for the whole family: 'M : 5 S a 4 } dre 13 -