Amik #1 faa i 5 a Cy AIR Ue | en os a aL Vie ne - i pres Sa Ry a ay NRE hn ARITA LS ALOU INUIT 0054 Mi = = NSO = J =f Na i 14 - PORT PERRY STAR - Thursday, Dec. 11.1969 3 3 [AAA AAA AL LX SS ANNAN NNN NEN NNS AAR A A AA SAN NNSNNY Classified Advertising Rates (Bttective March 1st, 1967) ARTICLES FOR SALE -- - LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REAL ESTATE -- WANTED -- -- CARS FOR SALE LOST -- FOUND -- ETC. Cash Rate--4c. per word 1st weeks with a minimum of A 3 3 LX NX XN RCT pay extra consecutive weeks. " Must be paid week of insertion--if, charged, an additional 25c. will be added. 50c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR USE OF A BOX NUMBER. SWAP + HIRE * BUY + SELL: RENT + SWAR + HIRE + BUY CCX) GIASSIFIED ADS BH RE Coming Events week, 3c. extra consecutive $1.00 1st week, 75c¢. for NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS 4c. a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS -- ~~ 4c. a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 hp. MARRIAGES -- DEATH IN MEMORIAMS -- $1.00 minimum for 4-line verse, 10c. a line for additional lines. of one DISPLAY CLASSIFIED--$1.25 per inch with a minimum inch. All Classified Ads must bei 4:00 p.m. | ampli patria wi ie i i ah Send cash, stamps or money orders and save money. PHONE 985-7383 -- Clip this out for reference. Anh tut EA at SSRN RN A at n this Office not later than Tuesday AT SRR EIN ATE Cards Of Thanks SARL LLLRALRRLLRBLR BRR RRBB RES Tne nnal BARRY--In loving memory of a dear father, Herkless Barry, December 8th, 1962. Although we smile and make no fuss, No one misses him more an us. And when old times we oft recall That's when we miss him most of all. -I wish to say thanks to my friends, relatives, neighbours, U.C.W. and Rev. Reeves for the lovely cards, gifts and flowers which I received while in Oshawa and Toronto Hospitals. - Also a big thanks to the Doctors, nurses and Brignall's their kindness. Ambulance for Rhonda Forder Lovingly remembered by Ted, Noreen, Ella, Lloyd and grandchildren LOVE--In loving memory of brother, Tilford, one year ago Dec. 9th, 1968. What we would give if we could say Hello brother in the same old way To hear your voice, see your In the midst of our sorrow & deep loss we wish friends, neighbours and relatives to know their consoling words, cards of sympathy, donations to the Heart fund, floral tri- butes and thoughtful deeds were a great comfort. Rev. Mark Reeves a source of strength. The Honeydale. Wo- men's Institute, McDermott- Panabaker Funeral Home, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Powell announce the marriage of Sandra Christine Parker of Scottsdale, Arizona, to their son Ronald Graham Powell, Friday, November 21st, 1969. 0 Birth TOBIN--Kimberley is happy to announce the safe arrival of her brother Robert Fran- cis on November 28, 1969 weighing 7 lbs. 3 oz. in Port Perry Hospital. The proud parents are Frank and Diane (nee Davey). Special thanks to Dr. Cohoon. EDGAR -- Jack & Darlene | (nee Warren) wish to an- nounce the birth of a son, Donnely George, 9 lbs, 15 ozs. on November 25th, 1969 at Port Perry Hospital. Baby brother for Jackie and Tracy. Coming Events CHRISTMAS CHORAL FESTIVAL The annual Christmas Choral Festival featuring. both Junior and Senior Choirs of the Port Perry United Church, will be présented Sunday, Dec. 14th at 4 p.m.} at Port Perry United Church. 3--Dec.11 _ DENURE TOURS --16 day Florida Tours --Frequent departures - --Nov. Dec. Jan.--$110.00 : For Information 'FRED DENURE TOURS Box 238, Lindsay (705) 324-9161 DANCE-- Saturday. December 13th and 27th at Utica Com- munity: Hall at 9 p.m. Modern and Old Time Music supplied by the Canadian Valley. Boys. Admission $2.00. EUCHRE PARTY, Thursday, evening, December 11th at 8.30 p.m. in Myrtle Commun- ity Centre. Good prizes, Ad- mission 50c. Ladies Plows bring lunch. EUCHRE Saturday December 13th at 8 p.m. in Oddfellows Hall. Sponsored by Maybelle Rebekah Lodge. Prizes and Lunch, Admission 50c.- NOTICE No dance at Tyrone Hall on Dec. 13th due to annual Christmas party. Our next dance Dec. 27th. Your New Year's Eve tickets are still on sale. Advance tickets only. Just a few more left. Call "Cecil Hubbard 985-7052. $5.00 per couple. Will Give Away MALE DOG, 6 months old, part Spaniel 'and nicely mark: ed. Phone 985-7111. Lost 1 PR. WHITE. figure skates, size 4, at arena last Wednes- day. Phone 985-2621. Found BLACK female dog. Found in area of the ridges. Phone. 985-2915. face |Toale Brothers Memorial To sit with you and chat Funeral Home, Sarasota, awhile Florida, friends at Pine So you who have a brother Shores-- THANK YOU or brothers The family of Cherish him with care Mrs. Mabel Howsam _For you will never know the "Cerely. Till you see his vacant chair. Sadly missed by loving sister-Elva, Mrs. Gordon Taylor and 'Family LOVE--In loving memory Hooey staff of 'Hillcrest Nursing Home, Port Perry Hospital The family of Mrs. Helena wish' to thank the and her many friends for kindness shown her through of our dear brother James|her long illness. Tilford Love who passed away Dec. 9th, 1968. Every day in some small way Mon of you come our Though absent you are ever near Still missed, still loved, and "+ always dear. Lovingly remembered, George & Ellen lams, thank their family, friends, relatives and neighbours for fhe lovely gifts, cards and Mr. and Mrs, Clarke Wil. Nestleton,, wish to t wishes on the occasion of their. 50th anniversary, also thanks to the Blue Ray Chapter Eastern Star for catering and the Masons for the use of the Masonic. Tem- ple Port Perry. : Cards Of Thanks THANK YOU We would like to thank the nurses and staff, Drs. Kandel and Dalrymple, Rev. L. Critch and everyone else who help-| £ The family of the . late Edgar Gibson wishes to thank all who have been so kind durin of Ing of the illness and pass- our dear husband and CANTATAMusic of Christmas * The Prince' Albert JUnited Church senior choir will pre- 1 sent on Dec. 14th at 2 p.m. a Cantata 'Sound of Music' and will also feature the Jr. Choir in a number of selec- tions. 2--Dec.11| 852-3870 For Sale . For Sale or Rent: $18,000--$1,000 DOWN, $165 monthly or $120 month rent, 3 bedroom, living room and Sing | room, on large corner lot, 344 Scugog, Port Perry. TURKEY BINGO Tues., Dec. 16th, 8:00 p.m. Catholic Hall, John St. 20 games for 20° turkeys. 3 special cash games. Attend- ance and lucky draws. Ad- mission 75¢c. - Minor Softball Assoc. 2--Dec.11 BINGO, Thursday, December KODAK MOVIE CAMERA Model M-12, Brand New, with a colour film. Sale price was $47.75. ~ Sacrifice--$34.95. Bruton's Drugs 985-2511. 8 Plos 9 Weeks 'old. Phone 985-7807. 20 EWES -- Phone 985-7478 For Sale SEE 'our large selection of "Lavra Secord Candies". A new shipment has just artiv. ed: - get your order while they last. Bruton's Drugs-- Your Laura Secord Store in Port Perry. For Sale CHRISTMAS TREES Pine from $1.50 Spruce from $2.50 Will deliver 404 SCUGOG STREET 985-2494 2--Dec.18 GIVE THE SHORES OF " $CUGOG -- and -- "Scenes from the Shores of Scugey HASTI-NOTES for Christmas this year : To order CALL 985-7134 SNOWMOBILE Trailers, Will tilt or turn. 8 ft. long. Phone 9864406." 2--Dec.18 BABY PRAM can be made into a car bed. Good condi: tion. Phone 985-2026. BEATTY floor polisher. A-1 condition. $18.00. Phone 985-2908. SNOW TIRE & wheel 750 by 14, also one wheel only, same size. 1 child's doll car- riage; Easy floor polisher. Phone 985-2852. HOUSE, double garage, small . barn, 2° acres; for 'sale by Auction SAT., DEC. 13th. Estate of late EARNEST TIPLING, Oakwood, also 200 acre ranch, stream' (reserve bids) 3 p.m, Full Furniture auction at 1 p.m... Orval Mec- Lean, auctioneer, 324-2791, Lindsay. TWA EXPENSE. Ex NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT CARS PARKED ON TOWNSHIP ROADS IN THE WAY OF SNOW REMOVAL WILL BE TOWED AWAY AT OWNERS OF SCUGOG _S. H. CHANDLER, dark TOWNSHIP a Superintendent of Roads the hours.of 8:30 a.m. and HELP WANTED Applications will:be received by. the clerk. of 'the. % township of Scugog until 5 pm. Dees: 22nd,' pay to be $2.50 per hr. Further' information may be obtained from the clerk at the township office between OF _SCUGOG. s 1989! for § and Public 'work. 'Rate of 12 noon. S. H. CHANDLER, clerk® 11th at 8 o'clock at Legion Hall. Jackpot $170.00 in 57 numbers, Legion Special $85. in 22 numbers, top line, 20 regular games, | share the wealth, NOTICE Catholic Men's League Bingo will be cancelled during the holidays, will commence again on Friday, January 9th. ed to make Mrs. Baker com- fortable and happy during At Rest ® Coming To SUN VALLEY SATURDAY, DEC. 13th "Harper Valley Boys" Let's Support your local talent $4.00 per couple Refreshments, spot dance, door prize. 9p .m, - 1 a.m. New Year's tickets now © on sale -- 'ATTENTION TEENS Don't forget JANUARY 2nd Live the "Round About Way" $1.00 per person Dancing any P Friday night to the Jute box free Admission OUR FIRST Anniversa at Exquisite Fabric Shoppe, Cannington. For one week only. Genuine reductions in every department. Free pat- tern with any dress length of our gorgeous brocades. Lovely free toor prizes. New items arriving da aily. Our prices are the lowest any- where, Sew and Save, Sale | Mister T.V. Towers 378 King St. W. 723.9525 "Christmas . n Specials' INSTALLED | 40' tower with all channel antenna--$65.00 40' tower with rotator and colour . antenna--$135.00 Extra 10 So Ln ng - Res. 7h K King %. ws her stay in Port Perry Hos- Her daughters Hazel "Baker and Inez McCaig Sincere thanks to my friends and relatives for cards, flow- ers and gifts received and a special thanks to the nurses and staff of Port Perry Hos- pital, Dr. Campbell and Dr. alrymple( also {0 my neigh- bours for their acts of kind- ness, I thank them all sin- Rose Ksenica GIBSON, Edgar (Ted) -- At the Community Hospital, Port Perry on Tues., Dec. 2, 1969, Edgar Gibson, beloved husband of Emily Fallis, dear father of Glenn of Hamilton and Birdie (Mrs. W. C. Ro- bjnson) of Kingston, brother 0 Bowmanville, also survived y & 84th Chape baker, Port Perry for service on Friday at 2 & ment Nestleton Ce Mrs. Geo. Thompson of grandchildren, In his ear. Rested 'at the of McDermott-Pana- .m. Inter. metery. DOLL DRAW The annual Hospital Auxi- liary Doll Draw will be held on Dec. 13th by Greer and Kelly's office at 3.00 p Please have all ticket stubs in before, KODAK INSTAMATIC M4 Movie Camera with electric eye, was $89.50 "Brand New" with a colour film--$39.95 Bruton's Drugs 985-2511. | GIVE the children a pet for Christmas, healthy, young | Guinea Pig. Phone 985-3158. CHRISTMAS: MEETING . The Christmas Meeting of the Hospital Aux. will. be held at the Hospital on Dec. 15th at 2.00 p.m. Everyone welcome, Please bring an article for the Tuck Shop. BEATTY MANGLE IRONER Automatic Left Kiee Control, Heavy Duty $125.00 PHONE 985-7176 ; TF TRY SELLING REAL ESTATE . ven and pay for your own home in two years!! Come to us and we will tell you how, generous commission paid by our company to active salesman, special bonus re- tirement plan and much more. We-can give you the - necessary help, professional advise and: teach. you how to sell Real Estate and be successful. - We're planning. an evening discussion session in December and you're invited to come in meet our Sales Staff and learn what 'Real Estate Selling can do for you. opportunity -to ask questions. This is an offer that could change your life, your- way of living, yes, to even drive a Cadillac.' Don't wait; we Tead you: now! "Just dial 576-2421 ask for MR. TRICK, No obligation' Starting following course. Director of Nursing, - Refresher Course ; = For Registered Nurses to be held at Community - Memorial Hospital, ; February. 1970 Instructor Mrs. Judy MacColl Reg. N. B Sc.N. Classes two evenings: weekly for 6 weeks for nurses interested in working full or part time Please direct inquiries to Hospital, Port for. 985-7321. Community Memorial FEATURING- 8.30-12.00 Teenage Dance 'Friday, December 19, 1969 PRINCE ALBERT COMMUNITY CENTRE THE JUDAS «<P 5;