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Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 Dec 1969, p. 22

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- x LA RA ¥ DE PHURERS FEE IVR X AAD SERN Ba AEN SLU ST ETH BCA [SESE PRESRIS BOE SA Wd. TAX. 22 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Dec. 11 1969 P2RT { PERRY LT ITAR Greenbank UCW The annual Christmas meet their help in the Hospital ing of the evening -UCW began| Gift Shop. Doris Hill, Eunice . with Betty McGee playing Rahm and Iva Phoenix vol- quiet music on the piano.|unteered to make up the bags Shirley Lee gave an opening|of candy for the Xmas Con: thought and led in the singing] cert. Everyone is to have their of Hymns 59, 63 and vl candy at the Church by Sun- Muriel Gibson read the script-| day, Dec. 14th or leave it at ure and Janice and Betty] Doris Hill's by Monday morn- +~Stone played a lovely piano|ing, Dec. 15th. Moved by Joan duet. Helen Thomson led in| Lee and seconded by Betty prayer and the offering was|Stone that we donate $50. Ho ' taken and received. Jean|to the M & M and $50. to 3h Hunter read a story about|the Church. The money in 2 the customs observed by|the Birthday Box is to be other countries at Christmas 3) time. A lovely solo, "Star Of ¢ The East" was rendered by Jean Pogue and enjoyed im: mensley by everyone. Ruth Stone read a short story fol- lowed by the singing of carols 55,57 and 53 to conclude the devotional. Helen Thomson, our Presi- dent, welcomed and thanked everyone. Mr. Critch -then proceeded to install the new officers for 1970. The secre- tary and treasurer reports were given and Jean Hunter gave * the Manse Committee report. Helen thanked the girls fo left until the Jan. meeting to decide what special project to spend it on. The Praying Hands pens were for sale and it was moved by Norrine Cook and seconded by Lorna Fergu- sson that we give the pens wholesale to those purchased for Sunday School Classes. Helen then thanked the execu- tive ete. for their help during the past year and wished Jean Pogue good wishes for her coming year as President and the evening concluded with a lovely lunch which was enjoyed by many mem- bers and visitors. « LE oS er Sarl Howard's Draperies [iit HOWARD VICE, Prop. BROADLOOM Draperies by the Yard p Venetian & Cloth Blinds Custom Made Drapes Drapery Rods & Tracks WOMEN? NEWS « BVYENTS Honeydale w. I. On THursday, Dec. 4th the municipal hall, gay. with Christmas decorations, was an appropriate setting for the Christmas luncheon of the W.L. with Mrs. Whitfield and her group in charge. At 2 p.m. the Pres. Miss Alice Dodd, with Mrs. G. Morrow at the piano, opened the meeting with a group of Christmas carols. : Mrs. S. Ploughman record- ed the minutes & Miss Dodd read the report of the Treas. in the absence of Mrs. H. Honey. The roll call "What gives me pep" got a good response from the members. The usual donation to the retarded child in Orillia was made. Mrs. De Yonge reported for "Current Events". . * Mrs. Duff for the cancer work. - Since the rooms over the Post Office will no long- er be available for making cancer dressings, we are in- debted to Mrs. Duff for ar- ranging that the rooms be cleared.. Mrs. Cawker took care .of the completed bed pads. - Mrs. Sam Naples and Mrs. Frank Whitfield are at work on a W.I float for the Santa Claus parade. Mrs. Nelson Williams, dis: trict director, reported that the handbook and life mem. bership lists were being re vised. She said $360.00 had been realized at the auction sale at the Convention. 'In a few well chosen words the Pres. spoke of our great BUY -- SELL L EAL BSTATE LTD REASON, 985-7373 C. Howsam who was an ac tive worker and a' true and faithful friend to all. A minute of slience was obser: ved in her memory. The Pres. named Mrs, Law: son Honey, Mrs. Bassant and Mrs. Duff to take care of the Christmas boxes, The motto, "Health is wealth, let no man be a spendthrift", was well taken by Mrs. G. Morrow, who is a graduate nurse. A reading on "Growing Old", by Miss Kent brought forth many laughs. There were .three draws for Christmas gifts. Mrs. Stan Ploughman had the lucky teacup, Mrs. Diamond the birthday near est the meeting date and Mrs. M. Hardy the lucky number prize. From the handicraft group Mrs. Naples invited the mem. bers to a two hour demon. stration in candle making, in the Presbyterian Church Hall at 2 p.m., Dec. 10. Admission 50c. Dec. 13 Achievement Day for the 4-H groups is being held in Uxbridge. Dec. 23 at 2 p.m. in Prince Albert Community = Centre "The Friendly Visitors" have invited us to their party. Fout of our ladies offered to supply cookies. tl Everyone including our two visitors enjoyed the meeting - which closed by singing a couple of Christ: mag carols.' Members remember the Roll Call for. January is "Display a product Paul || 1: TOMATO BAKED BEANS WITH SAUTEED WIENERS "CABBAGE SLAW SLICED PEARS _ Easy on'the dollar, easy on the cook, bean-based dishes pep up mealtime with old-fashioned goodness. For a real protein-packed meal, the Ontario Food Council, Ontario Department of Agriculture'and Food, suggests you serve beans with wieners, luncheon meat, sausages or Cheddar cheese. Or top beans temptingly with chopped apple, tomato, plump raisins, or maple syrup. Plentiful and priced right, pears are an ideal comple- ment for this fall meal. TOMATO BAKED BEANS 7% cups boiling water 1 tsp salt 2% cups dry white beans 1/8 tsp. mustard 1 medium onion, sliced thin pinch of ginger 1/3 cup butter dash of cayenne 1 28 oz. can tomatoes and juice 1/3 cup molasses 2 cups bean liquid (add water if 1/3 cup chili sauce necessary) : -1. Add beans to boiling water. Boil for 2 minutes. Cover tightly, remove from heat, and let stand 1 hour. Drain, reserving liquid, and turn beans into large saucepan. . Combine 2 cups of reserved liquid with all remaining ingredients except molasses and chili sauce, and pour over beans. Bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer for 1 hour. Turn into 2-quart baking dish. . Combine molasses and chili sauce. Pour over beans. . Cover beans and bake 325° for 1 hour. Remove cover and bake 1 hour longer or until beans are tender. . Serves six to eight. Manchester News - December 14th is White|the family of Mr. and Mrs." Gift Sunday at our Church.|W. J. Mitchell were at the Service at 11:15 a.m. You/parents home on Sunday in are invited. honor of Mr. Mitchell's Birth-' Mrs, Muriel Hewitt, Car-|day --Mrs. June Thompson, narvon is visiting her sister |Oshawa, Mr. and 'Mrs. Hogg, 2. 2 PRESEN Mrs. A. Roach and Mr. Roach. Recent guests of Mrs. Crosier were Mrs, May Clark, Myrtle and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks, Prince Albert. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, B, Hit. * chins, daughter Wendy and Mr Phil Harrington, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Ro- berts, : ; made in Phone ; Interior Decorating | FT VVVVVVVVVYVV VIVO IY CVVVVVVVVVVVVITITITIO000009000000009e" ye , #4 fh loss in the passing of Mrs, Canada" The following members of | Continued on' page 23 vice 725-3144 OSHAWA 2 2 Custom Made Slip Covers 926 Simcoe St. N. 3 Mh has tS are thrown together at family ' affairs, and he is welcomed. fc where you are in a way that no Doris Clark other friend is accepted. : Add- to this his two-year ad- ® . : : ; vantage over you in polish, and IS COMING you may well find him irresist-- . : ible. i : _ 3 v . pan 1 " Better keep your cool. Go <3 only Those Christmas problems out with heaps of other boys. 5 : ; Fi or I \: / oy DEAR DORIS -- Is it better . can peep out from behind their es oy? Wearing # a J to give a Christmas basket or curtains to see a Christmas DEAR 1 ' Fl Mr 2 Weeks to give the money to a family? basket being delivered to that h EAR DORIS -- Haye you ' Sl I' am thinking of a-widowed home on Christmas Eve. card about the Sturrock Y mother who js getting welfare DEAR DORIS -- I am a Tours? There is a couple in en dai ewe ers assistance in order to raise her ~~ 17-year-old girl, fairly normal Vancouver who have been in- " tos children. in most respects except that I menial In esting 2 Bosp of : e cannot afford any ex- or some reason devel- 193 QUEEN" STREET -- 985.7641 -- PORT PERRY. tras, and Td love to have a oped a powerful crush on my and Off on adventures. They f j rp ram hand in making sure that they first cousin. He is 19. el the trips "Passports At N | have a happy Christmas. I just I see quite a lot of him in-- Sixty. : don't know how to go about it, the holidays and until recently, Even handicapped people go, "without offending them, we had a lot of fun: doing sometimes. A woman with ar- . Walking On Eggs things together, but now I can thritis, a man on two crutches, DEAR WALKING -- People hardly speak to him and when a young woman in a wheel don't starve -- like they used we do talk, it's like a pair of chair (with her own compan- to. Not in Canada. But money strangers meeting for the first ~~. ion helping her); they all flew can be pretty short for-a moth- time. ps aie . or sailed far from. home, with er who is raising a family with- I'm dating two other boys one of these groups. A A out earned income. She is the intermittently but I can't get vil went on one: myself and rh one who knows exactly what worked up over either of them 3 yen iE stopped talking yet DIAMOND RING her children want and need, . as I am for my cousin, I know about the fun I had, : . - and the kind of food they will it's unnatural and I should. for- Nearly Eighty OR consider a treat. : get him, but unfortunately this DEAR NEARLY '-- Yes. Visit her as a friend, at a is biqlogically impossible] ..And there was a man almost FINE WATCH time when you can be alone "7 Can't Stand It totally blind who went with with her. Ask her to let you DEAR CAN'T -- Who said it ~~, One group. A good deal depends' oa] Or choose from our wide 7. selection of gifts for the whole family. We Also Have A Selection: Of Gents Diamond Rings on the individual -- just how much git-up-and-go he has but there are ways to get around, if you've a mind to. I'll give details about the Tours to anyone writing in, Toronto Telegram Syndicate share in the fun she will have by supplying a little of the money she is going to spend. This way the gift is a secret. She and you are in conspiracy to play Santa Claus. And none of the neighbors was unnatural? First cousins are people too. What makes it different and sometimes devastating to teen- age calm, is the nearness, the: informality of the relationship. Because he is your cousin you 10% cash discount on diamonds or terms may be arranged at no extra charge.

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