business which terminated on Decémber 31st, 1969, after over forty-seven years of con- tinuous fathful service to Utica and the . surrounding communities, Through the years the "Lakey and Macgregor Store" has developed from a small country store on the corner of the Brock Road and the fifth. concession of Reach Township to a prosperous modern business on High way 1A. «® - "could purchase anythingf "been a store with a complete ed has been sold to Brookside- Price's Dairy Ltd. of Kingston. Since the early demise of Mrs. Lakey and the more re- cent deaths of Mr. Lakey and Mr. Merle Macgregor, Mr. & 'Mrs. Frank Macgregor con- tinued to carry on the busi- ness until Frank's illness made it advisable, to sell and retire to their_home in Kes wick. We have had reason to be proud of the Lakey and Mac gregor Store. Not only has it been a store where ladies could buy. anything from a hair-net to a freezer, where men could get anything from a pair of socks to a garden tractor, or where youhgsters from a chocolate bar to a dober pinscher, but .it has line eof groceries, fruits, ve: getables, meats and hard- ware, until recently delivered Ideal Dairy Ltd. Changes Hands Ideal Dairy Products. Limit- The announcement was Lakeys and the Macgregors ups, from far and near have most important but more im- portant still have been the many "extras" given amiably by the store. To most of us "the Store" "has been mail man, banker, shopper-in- town, delivery man, and re- pair man; as well ag a visit ing centre or a waiting room for both young and old. Through the years. the shut: ins, the school children, the Church organizations and the hall and its activities have all been indebted to the for many favours. Many children and grown- re Yeeome Mr. and Mrs. shared with them thelr en- wild geese and ducks, the pheasants, the peacocks, the deer, the monkeys, and the dogs which they housed in their yard. . : As we thank Frank and Ruth for "everything" we wish them many happy years in their new home. On January 5th, the Utica Store-opened under the new ownership of Mr. and Mrs. A. McKenzie of Port Perry. McKenzie to Utica and wish them a happy and prosperous The Chargex credit card CHARGEX time in our community. joyment of the ponies, the of London were guests at the Roberts home for several days. } Mr. & Mrs. A. Roach were with relatives in Toronto over New Year's. With Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dobson for New Year's were Mr. and Mrs. K. Proctor, Oshawa, Miss Olive McMillan, Whitby, and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Christie Uxbridge. Mrs. Freda Shehy, Uxbrid- ge called on Mrs. Crosier one day recently. Mrs. W. J. Mitchell is home! from Hospital in Port Perry, following minor foot surgery. Mrs. W. S. Taylor and It buys almost anything AYTEX aii noon, Jan. 8th at two o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. R. McKenzie, Lisa and Leanne were with Brooklin relatives on New Year's day. : Please phone your news items to Mrs. L. B. Roberts 985-2758. Mr. Glen Reazin, Brooklin, called on Mrs. Crosier Wed- nesday of last week. HOMES WANTED L REAL ESTATE LID REALTOR 985-7373 DEPARTMENT i SAVE $2.00 PLAYTEX made with LYCRA* GIRD --Fitm-n-Flatter Girdle: only $10.00, reg. $12.00. Panty: only $13.00, reg. $15.00. ' Long Leg Panty (shown): only $13.00, . reg. $15.00. SAVE $2.00 PLAYTEX SYNO) 3D LE "6 LBS. THINNER" GIRDLE Long Leg Panty only $13.00, reg. $15.00. Panty only $12.00, reg. $14.00. Girdle, only $11.00, reg. $13.00. Long Leg Zipper only $15.00, reg. $17.00. Zipper With Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Roach on Sunday were Susan Roach, Hal Martin. John Gor- don. Barbara Ridell, Jim Ben- nett, and Geri Grand, all of Toronto. PARKING at Rear For Over . PORT PERRY STAR -- Thurs, January 8, 1970 -- 3 i" Ad MILAN IAS hur NY Lit y) = Af fica tore Operated By Mr. and Mrs. L. Best visit- 4 : : - ed friends in Apsley on Sat- 3 Same Family For 47 anchester News|: | dime aml For 4] Y . : Mr. and Mrs. Lawless, |i} c This community was sad-| tended to the bereaved ones. daughter, Stouffville were|whithy were guests of her | Ag : : dened to learn of the death| Mr. and Mrs. Gordon King | with Mrs. Crosier over New brother, Mr. L.. Best and fa- | i On April 22, 1922, Mr. and | to. our homes, first by hand fof Mr. Clinton Midgley, a|and family of Toronto were | Years. Ln) 18 Mrs. Charles Lakey and their | Sled or ponies and sleigh and [kindly gentleman and good guests of Mr. and Mrs. Len| The U.C.W. will meet at A U.C.W ladies are asked i nephew, Frank Macgregor, |later by truck. neighbor. He 'will be great- | Roberts during the holidays. | the home of Mrs. Grant 0 pring their used stamps 10 purchased the General Store| To the community the |ly missed. Sympthy is 'ex- Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Crowden | Franklin on Thursday after-| meeting on Thursday. in Utica, and operated the|above services have been ; Fa v Girdle only $13.00, reg. $15.00, made by Wilfred W. Pascoe "1 (xs, 5, m, I, --x1-- $1.00 more) who will continue 'with Ideal as president and general man- ager of Ideal Dairy Products Limited, an. old established dairy of Oshawa. SAVE $1.00 PLAYTEX "LIVING"®.LONG LINE __ STRETCH BRA Living * Long-Line Stretch Bra with adjustable stretch straps. Trims your midriff 2 to 4 inches. White, sizes 34B-40C. Regular $9.00... only $8.00. With 2" Bice i waistband, regular $9.95 now only $8.95 Financial details were not made public. Brookside - Price's Dairy Ltd. is one of Kingston's oldest dairies and is a divis- ion operation = of Beatrice Foods with its headquarters in Chicago. Beatrice Foods is a diversified international food company. 5 INVEST NOW! VICTORIA & GREY TRUST Guaranteed Investments 1-2 Years. . 82% 3-4-5 ears 8%% Interest is payable half yearly or may be left to compound. EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED 191. Queen St. - Port Perry: PHONE 985-7306 SAVE $1.00 PLAYTEX : "CROSS-YOUR-HEART"® SLIGHTLY PADDED BRA with stretch sides, back and straps and full lace cups, only $5.50, reg. $6.50, Sizes 32A--38C., SAVE $1.00 PLAYTEX "LIVING"®. STRETCH BRA Living Stretch Bra, with adjusfable stretch straps. Machine washable in bleach. White, sizes 34A-40C. Regular $6.00 . i. only $5.00. Sizes 34D-40D, regular $7.00... only $6.00. SAVE $1.00 "PLAYTEX SOFT-LINE"® PADDED BRA with stretch sides, back and straps and full lace cups. only $5,50, reg. $6.5 Sizes 32A-368, 180. $959, Al Bras and Girdles--Whité only, *Duponts Registered Trade Mark ®Rogistered Trademark of Playtex ah aaada 2" §