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Port Perry Star (1907-), 15 Jan 1970, p. 14

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14 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Thurs., January 15, 1970 P2RT § PERRY WOMENS NEWS ¢ EVENTS Honeydale Women's Institute Observes 35 Years In The January meeting of the Women's Institute got off to a good start when the members answered the roll call by showing some article made and produced in Can- ada. The results ranged from a wooden tray made in B.C. to a piece of cheese made in Ontario. Miss Alice Dodd the presi- - dent announced an officers conference April 29 and 30 at the University of Guelph, to which a representative from our branch, yet to be appointed, will attend. Summary day for the hat course takes place in the Ux- bridge United Church Hall on Jan. 13, at 1.30 p.m. It was decided that the leaders of the course, Mrs. Catherine Martyn and Mrs. Naples should be paid their travelling expenses. Miss Dodd read a list of articles for the Port Perry Fair next fall." Several mem- bers volunteered to work for this project. . In May of this year the lo- cal branch of the W.I. will] be thirty-five years old. All members should be thinking of ways and means to cele- ~ brate the occasion. Mrs. Mabel Cawker speak- ing for Mrs. Margaret Corn- ish urged all those who had been asked for histories to try to complete their work and hand it to her for her Twedsmuir History Book. At the conclusion of the business session Mrs. Clara Warren gave a very infor- mative paper on the uses of "Salt" and where found and manufactured. For "Home - Economics", Mrs. Irene Whitfield gave a|- list of excellent household hints. Dorothy |: May For "Current Events", Mrs. DeYounge mentioned the po- pularity of skidoos at this season and the success of the "Santa Claus" parade but hoped there would be no pot holes in the streets by an- other year to cause a float to be ruined. Mrs. Stone for '"Resolu- tions" said "If you don't make a New Year's Resolu- tion you can't break it." Mrs. Duff reporting for the cancer work said that, since the room above the Post Of- fice had to be vacated by the end of the year, the furniture in the room had been sold. Apparently there is no need for a sewing group at this time, A motion to invite Green- bank and Shirley Institutes to the February meeting. a pot luck luncheon at 1:00 o'clock, and have them each provide 'a musical number for the programme, was up- held. A guest speaker is ex- pected for -that occasion. Miss Alice Dodd thanked Mrs. Duff for her work at the Cancer rooms, Mrs. Alice Barthau for her contribution of "Fair" money and all those who sent cookies for the party at the Prince Al- bert Hall. The motto "A drop of ink makes thousands think", was very ably written by Mrs. Alice Moase and in her ab- sence real by Miss Dodd. Inthe absence of Mrs, The January meeting of the Evening U.C.W. was held in the Church basement and began with an openingthought by Brenda Gibson. Hymn 668 was sung followed by script- ure reading, + Phillipians 4 verses 7, 8 and 9, by Betty Gotthelf. A New Years' Pray- er was read by Brenda Gibson followed by a reading by Marie Real. Offering was taken and received. "New Years' Meditation" a short story, was read by Betty Gotthelf. Hymn 214 was fol- lowed by a Prayer of Reded- ication by Marie Real which brought the worship service to a close. Jean Pogue, our new Presi- dent, began the business with an opening thought and then welcomed and thanked every- one. The Secretary's report was given. It was moved by Brenda Gibson and second- ed by Ruby Beare that we accept our committees for 1970. Correspondence was read followed by the Treasur- er's report. Jean Pogue remind- ed everyone their membership fees were due and also for flowers to be placed in the church. The Birthday Box was discussed and it was moved by Helen Thomson that a committee of Betty Cottages Wanted L REAL BSTATELID REALTOR 985-7373 GREENBANK UCW Stone and Joan Lee decide on 'an extension cord for the upstairs - piano. 'Seconded by Betty Gotthelf. Moved. by Mary Jean Till and seconded by Janet McKean that we continue the Birthday Box again this year. The new Study Book was discussed and this. will be left until next month to decide if we will order. it or not, Moved by Marie Cookman and seconded by Marie Real that we have our annual skating party this year. Betty Got- thelf, Doris Bacon and Eunice Rahm volunteered to look after the arrangements for the skating party. = Jean Pogue reminded everyone about the Jr. Farmers Banquet on Jan- uary 17th and requested the girls help set tables on Fri- day evening, the 17th at 8 p.m. Marie Cookman nomin- ated Helen Thomson for our Overall Treasurer and Helen accepted. Ways and means of making money was dis- cussed and it is to be left until next month. Moved by Mary Jean Till and seconded by Betty Gotthelf that we have a Spring Luncheon again this year. Brenda Gibson nominated a committee con- sisting of Ruby Beare, Roberta Baird and Doris Bacon to look Ploughman, Mrs. Vera Honey acted as both secretary and Treasurer. The meeting closed with "0 Canada", after which Mrs. Mabel Cawker led in a-sing song while the kettle boiled. As we sat around the table for tea the members signed cards -to Flossie Ploughman, Dorothy Naples and Helen MacMaster who are indispos- Free. Evaluations L REAL ESTATE ATO REALTOR 985-7373 KAYVAN'S LADIES WEAR! © ® Phone: 985-2281 --~ Port Perry. ROR drt BRAS - $3.00 ed at home and Mrs. Violet Bell, Miss Dorothy Carno- chan and Mrs. Florence Shunk in Hospital, with best wishes for their speedy re- covery. Miss Audrey Kent had the lucky cup for tea. SPECIAL SALE on PETER PAN ANTI GIRDLES $5.00 served to 14 members and a lovely evening came to a close. [05 Obituary MRS. HENRY MAHAFFEY Following an illness of about two weeks, the death of Annie Florence Mahaffy occurred at the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital on Decem- ber 24th, 1969. She was in her 82nd year. © ~ Daughter of the late Ar- thur Gibson and Mary Ann Bruce, the deceased was born in Cartwright Township where she was educated and resided for all her life. On November 17, 1909 she mar- ried James Henry . Mahaffy who survives. Just the month previous to her death: Mr. and Mrs. Mahaffy cele- brated their Diamond Wed- ding Anniversary. Mrs. Mahaffy was a. devot- ed wife and mother. She was a member of the Shirley Women's Institute, and of the Blackstock United Church. Surviving besides her hus- band Henry, are her sons, Thomas and Bruce of Osha. |wa, Robert, St. Mary's, Nor man, Ottawa, William, Black. stock and Grant, Port Perry. '| Her daughters are Viola, Buf. falo, N.Y., Mary (Mrs. George Fowler), Iva (Mrs. F. Mount. joy) both of Bowmanville, Doris, (Mrs. George Wright) Hampton, Ella (Mrs. Chas. Frayne) Toronto. One son, Harvey Mahaffy was killed in active service . during World War II. t The funeral service was held from McDermott - Pana. baker Funeral Home, Port Pérry on December 27, 1969 and was conducted by Rev. Victor Parsons. Interment was in Union Cemetery Cad- after the luncheon. Lunch was | RELY So NEA SR IY (TE Sh a LU reser ---- CREAMED TURKEY CREPES CARROT AND CELERY STICKS MIXED PICKLES : a MINCEMEAT BARS «ir : Turkey-filled crepes are a great mid-day brunch,. or late evening lunch idea. Prepare them ahead of time and freeze, then simply warm them in the oven for unhurried, elegant entertaining, suggest fhe Ontario i Food Council, Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food. Crepes Filling 1 green pepper, minced 1 tbsp. butter 1 10-0z can mushroom soup Y4 cup milk 1 pimento, cut into strips 1/8 tsp. curry powder 1 cup cooked turkey, finely chopped % cup sifted flour Ya tsp. salt 2 eggs 1 cup milk 1 tbsp. melted butter 1. Combine flour 'and salt. Beat eggs slightly and add milk. & 2. Add egg-milk mixture to dry ingredients and beat until smooth, . 3. Stir in melted butter. : 1 4. Cover and chill batter for 2 hours. 1 5. For each crepe, measure 2 tbsp. of batter into a hot 1 lightly greased 7-inch frying pan, tilting the pan to in < spread batter quickly and evenly over the bottom. 1 Cook 1 to 2 minutes, until bottom is brown. Turn. 8 Cook 1 minute longer. 8 6. As crepes are cooked, stack them with paper towel- ling between each crepe. Makes about 12 crepes. 7. Saute green pepper in butter until tender. 8. Add rest of ingredients and heat through. A To fill the crepes: Place a heaping tablespoonful of filling on each crepe. Roll up as you would a jelly roll. Place in a single layer in an oven-proof dish. Pour remaining sauce over top.- : To freeze: Cover dish securely with foil. Chill, then 3 freeze. « . "To serve: Bake at 400°F- for 10 minutes or until | -- - in sauce bubbles. ie sa mus, in Hydro. sh Among the numerous flor-| Pallbearers were Messrs. he al tributes were those from [John Green, Donald Green, 5 Shirley W.L, St. Mary's IOOF, | Henry Wotten and Grandsons > Goodyear Tire and Rubber| Ronald Fowler, Dan Mahaffy is Co. Bowmanville, Ontaria| and Wayne Wright. wl SO we OPTIMIST CLUB OF UXBRIDGE - - . « ati the . ; spe Os ho i : in = 4 Ran : : : qui 7 shic ? cor Thursday, January 22 |.» AT 8:00 P.M. SACRED HEART PAR'SH HALL JACKPOT - $190.00 = IN 52 NUMBERS -- Small Jackpot $70.00 = IN 52 NUMBERS ~ bps " . JERLTEEESt Atv nanus ET. . . - \

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