Pupils Learn About Morey . How To Save, Spend, Etc. by Mitzi Cohen Oshawa Central Collegiate Institute is offering a new and very valuable course this year, called Consumer Education. The course has been set up to provide students with practical knowledge in areas of saving, spending and invest- Pine Grove Cemetery Annual Meeting N Sat., February 7, 1970 AT 2.00 P.M. | Port Perry Municipal Office: FRED CHRISTIE, NORMAN HEAYN, President . Sec.-Treas. ¥ BUSINESS & P DIRECTORY " EMMERSON INSURANCE ROFESSIONAL DUFF ELECTRONICS AGENCY C | ip osed - o HMITED | Crmow 9857306 PORT Perry | Jan. 30 to Feb. 10 Septic Yanks "For Income ¥. 'PUMP EQUIPMENT SEPTIC TANKS AND WEEPING Beds INSTALLED REG. ARMSTRONG 4 Port Perry -- 985.2226 -- Tax & Bookkeeping Services see ALEX SHEPHERD | Room 2, Post Office Building * Phone 985-7031 Specializing 'in business and farm operations. FOR ANY OF YOUR Insurance Needs Do it the Co-operative Way Co-Operators Ins. Assoc. ETHEL NOTTINGHAM Myrtle 655-4832 [S HONDA - SUZUKI SALES and SERVICE PARTS -- AGCESSORIES SUPPLIES - SERVICE ALL MAKES SNOWMOBILE SERVICE R. WHITAKER Phone 985-2276 » COMPLETE REAL ESTATE REALESTATE LTO REALTOR * 985.7373 Fralick Insurance Agency CO-OP and FARMERS MUTUAL LIFE - AUTO.- HOME . PROTECTION ing. This, we hope, will help them develop into more intel- ligent consumers, - The course is offered as an option to Grade 12 four-year Arts and Science students. It is given by four of Central's staff members: Mr. Dave Brown; Mrs. Jean Clements, Mr. Fred Ennis, and Mr. Brian Jordan, each of whom takes the class for a nine -week period. Some of the major topics included in the course are: Budgeting and Borrowing; Short and Long Term Savings; Life Insurance; Mutual Funds; 'Real Estate and Mortgages; Stocks and Bonds; Apartment Living and Buying a Home; Fraudulent Advertising and Consumer Protection; Wills and Estate Taxes; Unions; Pensions; and Government Retraining Programs. Throughout the course, the instructors . are calling upon experts in some of the above fields topresent lectures to the class, Besides lectures and discuss- ion periods, projects are being done by the_students. One project involved -going out into the stores, finding about a certain product, and compar- ing prices and quality. Stud- ents also made up budgets that would approximate their way of living after graduation from high school. : It is quite clear that stud- ents could learn a great deal from this type of course, and it is hoped that the numbers benefiting will in- crease. able prices. service is fast, For A Tank Of PORT PERRY Phone 985-7447 |of Mr. R. Tetlow. PORT PERRY STAR -- Thurs., January 29, 1970 - 11 Scug Mr. and Mrs. J. Case of l'or- onto week-end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. Watts, Mr. and Mrs. F.- Tyrell, Whitby spent the week-end at Pine Point. Mr. and Mrs. S. Galanta recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. McLaren. - Mr. and Mrs. John Arnott of Ilderton, Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Kreig, Mr. and Mrs. M. Appleton and family Friday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Appleton of Whitby. Mrs. F. Jackson spent a few days in Oshawa last week Y m of Greenbank and Mr. Pearce of Listowel Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. R, Tet- low. of Brooklin recent guests ol Mr. and Mrs. M. McLaren Wed. Feb. 4th with Mrs. Amy Smith's Three travelling food boxes have already started on their travels from member to mem- ber. og News On Sat. Mr. and Mrs. Al- lan Redman and children took a trip to Lake Simcoe to see the great number of fish shanties along with the great number of ardent fish- ermen, On Sat. evening Mr. and Mrs. Murray Jackson cele- brated their 6th Wedding Anniversary accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Taylor. Last week Mrs. Nick Wou- ters held a shower and en- tertained many friends in honour of her friend Mrs. Tony Bloeman. Junior choir is again on Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pearce E. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jackson Service at Grace at-10 a.m ou are invited to attend The "Head" UC.W. will eet at "Grace" Church on group in charge. Please don't forget to with Mr. D. Jackson andjsave your used stamps and |to prepare for Easter servi- family. Mrs. Jackson was in|C.P. labels, ces. hospital. Miss Gloria Fralick of Tor- onto a Sunday dinner guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fralick. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cairns of Toronto guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Fralick. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Empringham included Mr. and Mrs. J. Melanson and girls of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. M. Jackson and family. Mr. Rzany a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Reese. Mr. and Mrs. W. Brockof Port Perry Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Kane. . Miss Heather Demara a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Jeffrey. Mr. and Mrs. T. Bull Satur- day night guests-of Mr. and Mrs. B. Jeffrey. i Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Baker were Mr. and Mrs. Guy -Dubeau and Guy Jr. of Rexdale. e annual church meet- ing of Grace is to be held February 2nd at 8 p.m. at the church. "Mr. and Mrs. W. Moore and friends of Pickering spent the week-end at Pine Point. Mr. and Mrs. Appleton and family Saturday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Rents of Whitby. Attending the ski-doo races at - Balantray on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Percy Jef- frey, Mr. and Mrs. B. Bell and family and Mr. and Mrs. B. Jeffrey. Sorry to report so many in hospital and with the flu. Mr. Glen Demara has return- ed to hospital. Keep coming Glen. Miss M. McLaren of Port Perry a Sunday visitor of Mr. and Mrs. M. McLaren. Mr. A. Haines and Brian of Tyronne Saturday guests > > > > 4 > y > > SHARD... . 0.0 0 ob OO Ooo io AD PVP IOVIIIOIOOPPOOOTOOP Mr. and Mrs. T. Eden Sun- day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. .R. Parker of Whitby. HOME HEATING OIL For the best in home heating, Oil provides SAFE, CLEAN, Automatic Heat at reason- Our OIL is of the HIGHEST Quality and our Phone Us Reesor Fuel & Lumber | Home Comfort 985-7951 Howard's Draperies | HOWARD VICE, Prop. BROADLOOM Draperies by the Yard Venetian & Cloth Blinds Custom Made Drapes Drapery Rods & Tracks Interior Decorating Service Custom Made Slip Covers Come To "Cy's Place" This Week-end Our Chef "BILL", Is Serving 2 HAMBURGERS for the Price of ONE Sat., Jan. 31 to Sun., Night Feb. 1 This is also an Invitation to meet our chef -- "BILL HOLLIDAY" - ¥ CHEF BILL SAYS SEE YOU AT "CY'S PLACE" 7A & 12 Highways Manchester ,Ont. AND MEN MOTORISTS TO! FREE Box of Kleenex or Coffee Mug ; with each \ t| $3.00 Purchase. SAVE ON PREMIUM QUALITY GAS: A new DX Station TO SERVE YOU AT ec COLUMBUS - Phone 655-3892 starting * ny -- Ca > -~ HERS a o! R= ws Cag om, NEES 3 at a \ RN Roe SN pt ut PRN ww SERN ba Pn orn i hf ~ ---- - i Re oN NT ly ae ~