v "BINGO Thursday, February Sth AT 8:00 P. M. SACRED HEART PARISH HALL Ab + Seagrave News Feb.. 2 -- Ground-hog day again. No chuck could pos- sibly have seen his shadow this year--as if it made any difference. We extend both congratu- lations and sympathy to Mr. T. A. Venner this week. To understand our congratula- tions take a look at the prize- winner in the limerick con- test of the Star Weekly. On Friday Mr. Venner re- ceived the sad nws that his ceived the sad news that his passed: away, Mr. and Mrs. Venner attended the funeral on Monday. A car-load of ladies--Mrs. Barr, Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Boe, Mrs. Keen, & Mrs. B. Wana- maker attended the U.C.W. ' rally in Beaverton on Wed- nesday. The annual church meet- ing was held on Wednesday |! evening with 29 present, Af- ter opening exercises by Rev. Critch there were reports & reports and reports--most of them good. For the business part we had a nominating HOMES WANTED 985- 7373 Howard's HOWARD VICE, Prop. . BROADLOOM Draperies by the Yard Venetian & Cloth Blinds Custom Made Drapes > Drapery Rods & Tracks Interior Decorating Service 2 Custom Made Slip Covers OPTIMIST CLUB OF UXBRIDGE Draperies Ji committee which had decided almost everything, so all the audience needed to do was say "Aye Aye". There were few changes. Retiring Stew- ards were: Neil Wanamaker, Ken Short and Doug McMil- lan (already away). Succeed- ing them were Lawrence Ni- cholls, Ken Sturman (both re-elected), Don Hunter and Len Somerville. There will be the usual Thank-offering and Turkey dinner in the fall. We had lunch of course. The Friday evening euchre was only fairly well attended but was quite enjoyable. Highest counts were earned by Mrs. B. Dowson and Mr. Frank Coxworth while con- solation prizes went to Mrs. Belair and Ralph Lloyd These euchres will be held every other Friday so the next one will be on the even- ing of voodoo day, Friday 13th. On Wednesday, Feb. 18th Unit 1 U.C.W. are having a pancake supper at 6 o'clock and then more euchre. We are pleased to report that Mrs. W. Sturman was able to leave hospital on Wednesday in somewhat bet- ter health. Meanwhile Mrs. Roy Harper has had to un. dergo treatment there. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Boe and sons of Kingston spent Satur- day and Sunday with Mrs. Phone 725-3144 OSHAWA 926 Simcoe St. N.- JACKPOT IN 53 NUMBERS Small Jackpot $75.00 IN 53 NUMBERS . InAid of YouthWor $200.00 ® | Grove vice at | baker Chapel Port Perry. The ,|service was held at 2:00 p.m Reta Boe. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cox- worth and Mr, and Mrs. Dane Coxworth of Markham were with the Tobins during the week-end. Mr. and Mr$. Gary Twiner were at home too and organ- ized a snow-mobile party of about 40 on Saturday night. Guests were a mixture of Markham, Uxbridge and Sea- grave enthusiasts. After they had startled the neighbours, all returned' to the "Cliff Shorts for lunch. Mr. Fred Bolling and son Bernie went flying off to Germany on Friday for a 3 week visit with relatives. Where were the choir girls this week? The boys were mostly there. Attendance at both services was about av- erage but the flu bug is still active in places. At S.S. the primary class '|made a flannelgraph of the story about Paul's nephew. We hand a bouquet'to Brian Barr who considering his age made an amazingly good job of reading the story. Obituary Following a short illness Ernest Victor Scriver passed away at Ross Memorial Hos- pital, Lindsay, Ontario, on Monday, January 26, 1970. Mr. Scriver in his 65th year was born in Norwood, Ontario. He spent his early \| years in Hastings Ontario and | following two years service in |- the Anti-Tank Corp he moved to Port Perry in 1942. Mr. Scriver was married to 2 | Isabel "Innes at Hosings in ®|July 7, 1925. : He is survived by two sons Donald and Eric of Port | Perry ; daughters Marion [Mrs. H. Stoughton] Barrie; Grace [Mrs. Wm. Murry] Columbus. Rena [Mrs. E. Koss] prede- ceased him in 1964. Interment was at the Pine Cemetary, Prince Albert, Ontario. following ser- McDermott-Panna- Wednesday January 28, 1970. Pastor A. Hern of the Port Perry Baptist Church conduct- ed the service. Pallbearers were Messrs. C. Graham, K. Pavlick, R. Armstrong, T. Armstrong, A Baldwin, W. Vance. Nearly 20,000 Books Borrowed Below is an annual report from Port Perry Public Library. ADULT LIBRARY--Mrs. Edna Ingram Librarian. Total circulation of books 9,885. Fiction the most popu- lar with 8,185 books borrow- ed: 1,700 non-fiction books were borrowed which includ- ed, History, Travel, Biogra- phy, Science, Literature, Philosophy and the Arts, 442 magazines were circu- lated. There are 635 adult regis- tered members, 87 of this number from out of town. 185 new books were pur- chased during the .year and {62 donated by the Central Ontario Regional Library Service. CHILDREN'S LIBRARY-- Mrs. Florah Black Librarian. Number of registered bor- rowers 922, Circulation of books for the year 8,329. Cir- culation of Children's maga- zines 107. Total number of volumes on shelves 2,628. ii) Church Services CHURCH OF ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. R. C. Rose, Minister SUNDAY, FEB, 8th-- Quinquagesima 9:45 a.m.--Morning Prayer Church School WED., FEB. 11th-- Ash Wednesday 9 a.m.--Children Service 11:00 a.m.--Holy Communion THURS., FEB, 12th-- 12:05 p.m.--Noonday Service in Presbyterian Church ; For transportation call 2866. ST. JOHN, BLACKSTOCK SUNDAY, FEB. 8th-- Quinquagesima 11:15 a.m.--Morning Prayer WED., FEB. 11th-- Ash Wednesday 8:00 p.m.--Holy Communion PORT PERRY PASTORAL CHARGE The United Church of Canada Rev. W. Mark Reeves, B.A. 'Minister SUNDAY, FEB. 8th-- At Port Perry the service will be in charge of the Hi-C Group. There will be modern religious songs and a panel discussion. A spe- cial offering will be re- ceived for the work of the Alcohol and Drug. Con- cerns, Inc. At Prince Albert the Minister will give an illus- trated address on Drug Addiction. Donations will be. received on behalf of the Alcohol and Drug Concerns, Inc. School PORT PERRY-- 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 11 a.m.--Primary Church 10 a:m.--Junior and Inter- mediate Church School PRINCE ALBERT-- 2 p.m.--Service of Worship 1 p.m.--Church School The Port Perry Board of Session. will meet in the Lounge at 7 p.m. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. William Black, F.R G.S. SUNDAY, FEB. 8th-- The Eleven Commandments The Fourth--"Murdering the Intermission". Lenten Luncheon Services-- 12th February until 26th' March inclusive. Service time 12:05 p.m. - 12.25 p.m. Luncheon following the Service in the, Hall. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH PASTOR A HERN (Queen and Rosa Sts SUNDAY, FEB. 8th-- 9.50 a.m.--Bible 'School for all ages 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship 7:00 p.m.--Evening Service United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral CHARGE Rev, George Teskey ST NDAY, FEB. 8th-- SCUGOG--10:00 a.m. - PROSPECT--12:30 p.m. MANCHESTER 11:15 a.m. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. R Batten, Rev. I. MacLean 10 1.m.--Family Bible Hour J1 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evang. Service BUYING REAL ESTACE LTD REALTOR 985-7373 PORT PERRY STAR -- Thurs., February 5, 1970 -- 15 Epsom Continued Mrs. Ray Munro on Tuesday. The Baptist Young People had a Snowmobile party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson on Friday ev- ening, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Geer had supper on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Geer. We wish a speedy recovery counties, Pine Ridge Home Freezer Owners Sides and quarters of beef, sides of pork cut and wrapped to your specification. selection of grain fed beef in Durham and Ontario Come in and select your own beef. All our meat is government graded and inspected. 4 Miles East of Port Perry on 7A Highway. HAROLD FORDER, Manager. to Mr. J. P. Wilson who is in Uxbridge hospital. The Canasta Club met at the home of Mrs. L. Lyons last Wednesday for a very enjoyable afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Prentice and Marsha Lee visited Mr. and Mrs. Donald Prentice & boys of Markham on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Evans of Port Perry were supper guests on - Friday with Mr. and, Mrs. Chas. Geer. We have the largest Packers Ltd. 986-4932 SPECIAL On Permanents - HELEN & DAVID'S - Beauty Salon PHONE 985-7101 Perms Regularly $19.75 Now.....$17.50 Perms Regularly $17.50 Now.....$15.00 Perms Regularly $15.00 Now.....$12.50 Perms Regularly $12.50 Now.....$10.00 CO- BY G | | ; Corn able. United Uxbridge 852-3321 © 00-0P CORNER UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO Planning your total crop Produc tion program? Let's get together NOW! Let's sit down and discuss your programs for...... { Grain Crops Forage Crops We can offer you a complete pro- gram and the best services avail- of Ontario (UXBRIDGE BRANCH) OP TOPICS RANT HANCOCK Crops Co-operatives Port Perry ZE. 8-3130 AI a a dew >» >» ps ---- i A - DRG N Et aim = - CAR