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Port Perry Star (1907-), 12 Feb 1970, p. 18

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. { RT BATES Fol »w + Ls . LY . ¢ ACER a SEAR AL Th TEE TG BE fa AT SA VRE VOL RRA Sr WALTER REN UIRRE LE EFFORT. 18 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Thurs. February 12, 1970 WOMENS Lindsay Presbyterial UCW. Hear Salvation Army Speaker | musicians, universities, an. i ith' Greenbank and Shirley In.|W.I. enrich our lives, not cient cities and towns, con- Pe maciie Wii He bits y Sy stitutes joined with Honey-|wear us out", in a very able | cluding with the story of be pent' ahd ' presented a Twenty ladies gathered to- Rally at Little Britain. Mrs. dale for their International|manner. the "Passion Play" at Ober-|prief nediiation on, "Open | gether in the Church Parlour Beaton read a short report meeting on Thursday, Feb. 5, Dorothy Naples gave a|ammergau. "| the Door" ' for the Feb. meeting on Wed-|on the recent U.C.W. meet in the Municipal Hall. paper on the founding of | Mrs. Wygerde born in Hol-| A gracious welcome was | nesday the 4th at 2.00 p.m.|ing at Beaverton. 11 mem- A hot buffet luncheon at|"International Day" and its {land came to Canada to extended by Miss Helen Fur-| Mrs. Mero entertained with bers from Greenbank were one o'clock, arranged by Mrs. | beginnings in the Women's | marry and has lived here for | ness Beaverton, to all in at-| piano music prior to the op- present and enjoyd the 4 Bryant and her group, lured | Institute. over fifteen years. She des: tendance. ' ening hour. Mrs. Dusty read speaker from the Salvation the guests in out of the Win- ter cold. A good response was given to the roll call -- "A public relations act I have done," after which the business was cut to a minimum to allow time for Mrs. Bryant's pro- gramme which follows: Mrs. Paul Diamond enlarg- ed on the Motto--"Let the Feb. 3rd - 28th Feb. 10th - 28th Feb. 17th - 28th Feb. 24th - 28th --- Bloiv The Winter Blues = Specials For February -- Reg. $15.00 -- $13.00 Reg. $13.50 -- $12.00 Reg. $11.50 -- $10.50 Reg. $ 7:50 --$ 6.50 -- Bleaches & Streakes -- Reg. $15.50 -- $12.50 FREE CUSTOM CARE SETTING LOTION with every Shampoo & Set WIGS - reg. $48.50 -- $31.50 (without case) -- For All February -: Richard's Beauty Studio Mrs. Mero from Greenbank contributed a couple of very fine piano solos. Mrs. Mabel Cawker brought from Nestleton two ladies whom she introduced to speak to us:of their home- land. The first speaker Mrs. Welts was born in Germany and had lived behind the -- PERMS --- -- TINTS - NEWS « EVENTS Honeydale WI Meeting With International Theme iron curtain, She was able to get over to Canada and marry and has lived here for fifteen years. She gave a brief sketch of the History of Germany with its. great cribed her homeland to us and showed us pictures on the screen of the "Tulip Fes- tival" held yearly in Holland. Mrs. Wygerde answered many questions on growing bulbs. The demonstration of 'hats made at the W.I. hat course took place between speakers, Mrs. Wotten from Shirley also read a poem written by a native of Durham County 132 years ago, called "Sixty years ago", which everyone enjoyed. Small prizes were given to the speakers and the 'great. est number of years a mem- 'ber' prize went to Mrs. Em- merson of Nestleton. "Hav- ing a birthday nearest the day of meeting" prize went to Mrs. Jean McDermott. Mrs. Bryant read a poem entitled "Man's Pedigree" be fore calling on Mrs. Marion Bell to express thanks to those . who made our 'Inter- national Meeting' a memor- able occasion. The meeting closed by The Annual Meeting of Lindsay Presbyterial United Church Women was held in Beaverton United Church on Wednesday, January 28th, 1970. The theme was "Re- conciliation". . . Mrs. G. H. Palmer Fenelon Falls, President of Lindsay Presbyterial U.C.W. opened A recommendation regard- ing delegates for the School for UCW. to be held at Camp Quin-Mo-Lac on Sept- ember 12, 13 and 14, 1970 was discussed. It was car- ried that the Presbyterial will pay expenses of six dele- gates, one from each Region, and in addition will pay $5.00 toward expenses of other members sw to attend, providing adequate accommo- dation is available. Mrs. John Coburn, Fenelon Falls, Treasurer of Lindsay Presbyterial U.C.W. present- ed her report, congratulating the members on reaching the Self-Determination amount of $22,643.00, toward the Uni- fied Budget of the United Church. Mrs. A. F. Abernethy, Oak- wood, Preshyterial Finance Chairman, presented the Ex- pense Budget for 1970, which was accepted. The Roll Call was read by Mrs. Roy. Hopkins, Fenelon Falls, with 200 responding excluding Beaverton U.C.W., who were preparing dinner Miss Olive Geach, Lindsay, for her loyal support and de- dication td* Lindsay Preshy- terial U.C.W. serving as Treasurer, Corresponding Se- cretary & Region Chairman, Miss Geach was unable to be present, due to illness, -so Mrs. Edmund Ruth, Omemee, accepted a Life Membership Certificate and Pin, on her behalf. The Secretary was instruc- ted to send get well wishes, to Miss Geach and also to (Continued on Page 19) several verses on the theme Depression. Prayer was of- fred by Mrs. McCague. Hymn 199 was sung followed by Scripture reading from 1st Kings 19th Chapter, Verses 1-18, by Mrs. Pearson. The collection was received - and dedicated. © Mrs. McCague read -the theme on Depres- sion as it applied to Elijah. Hymn 203 was sung followed "by Prayer as read by Mrs, Dusty. - Mrs. Phoenix took the Study Book." The topic be- ing crisis and changes in t church. This provoked a very lively discussion with most members joining in. The afternoon unit leader Mrs. Robert Leask presided for the business, welcoming the ladies and thanking the group in charge. Mrs. Ro: berta Baird, over all Presi- dent, gave a report of-the Presbyterial meeting of Exe- cutives & Unit Leaders held recently in Fenelon Falls. She drew attention to the forth coming Leadership Greenbank AfternoonUCW Army. The minutes were adopted as read by the secretary followed by the roll call. An invitation from Manchester 2:30 p.m. The Topic book was discussed and Mrs. Mero reported that no Messenger material was available. Trea- surer's report showed -a bal- ance of $277.34. The World's Day of Prayer on Thurs, March 6th at Seagrave was noted. The cost of the Ob- server was indefinite so our share of same was left till March meeting to be decided upon. Some thought was given to a suitable date and Speaker for the Annual 'Thank Offering Service. Can- mittee were left the same as last year with Mrs. Guy re- placing Mrs. Robert Leask. Several Thank You cards were read and several cards signed for various sick peo- ple in our midst. Meeting closed with' Mizpah Benedic- tion. Lunch was served by was read to a Valentine Tea and Bake Sale on Feb. 18 at ® J vassers for the supply com- : singing O Canada. Our best ' School 'and also the Regional| the group in charge. wishes ard extended to Mrs. | 2! that time. : & y CH Paul Diamond, a recent pa- Mrs. Stanley Murray, Wood- R (6) ) 4 A T 4 I y.\ T 4 F Phone 985-7991 tient in the Toronto Western | ville, on behalf of all pre- Hospital. sent, paid a fine tribute to UXBRIDGE 852-6033 Wed.--Thurs.--Fri.--Sat. February 11-12---13-14 % Jo idl fod sy family Robert Lansing, Pat Wayne and Slim Pickens in -- planned to se em again. 0 " : « They changed their tune all Eve Hi AN EYE 7:30 ? . right. ) or general au lences ) 7 Doris Clark : I heard my uncle tell my Anne Bancroft and Dustin Hoffman as the SE Toronto Telearam Syndicate foninia ee ue "GRADUATE" 9:00 A nd are a pauper!" My son told his Adult Entertainment { eo : ; Dad: "I'm told the Masons only Coming next week-end John Wayne in the "Undefeated" £5) H officiate at the funeral. They . S47 A reso rt for the handicapped } do not bury their members un- c 2 25% 4 DEAR DORIS -- I would like day. This year we were prom less they are down and out." : oN to know if there are resorts for ised a beautiful watch for her, And my husband now wants ome [eezer WIers Ea wheel-chair living anywhere in which she has not received me to keep ihe plots. Thanks \ J Canada. Be and, as usual, no excuse is ever to you, all is well. n bl I, too, am confined to a offered for these delays." . Hurt Sides 3 quater of heel, Sides of Pork sul cand HS wheel chair as a result of polio Throughout these disappoint DEAR HURT -- So the hurt appe your speciticalion, a e larges Af in childhood, and find it hard ments we have always been has been healed. A triumph for selection of grain fed beef in Durham and Ontario 3 to negotiate some of the nar- prompt and considerate in giv- communicating! : counties. Come in and select your own beef. All [J<¢~ : DEAR DORIS -- At a recent discussion group, the problem of notice between employer and employee came up. I main- ing our gift to them ahead of Christmas. A short time ago we invited them for dinner here, for some row doors and sharp turns and elevators that still characterize most of our public buildings. - Not to mention the great need our meat is government graded and inspected. _ Pine Ridge Packers Lid. 3 Sor TODS. "time after the New Year. But tained than, an employer had to 4 Miles East of Port Perry on 7A Highway. 986-4932 : Beth now I don't find it in my heart give notice of one' week, a : HAROLD FORDER, Manager. DEAR BETH -- Rostrevor to'even see them. month or a day, according to Ee ay Lodge in Ontario's Muskoka Could you advise me on how how the employee is paid. fi 4 5 district. has .been especially to handle this, or do you sug- The others did not agree. gest I just drop the entire mat- ter? Am I wright or wrong? 1. If I am wrong, what are the legal rights of an employer .and an employee? .2. If an employee loses his job without notice, what are converted to _ accommodate handicapped persons who are confined to wheel chairs. You can arrange a holiday there by writing Mr. Lyle L. Kersey, 4332 Kingston Road, Apart: ' Howard's DEAR NO OE ee ah ne disease -- chronic with some Draperies # I -- to. never come through on r ; ment 3, Westhill, Ontario. time. They simply 'can't know his legal tights? = : "HOWARD VICE, Prop. 4 Other resorts, while-not spe- what these promises mean. to Mr. JM.D, cifically designed for handi- your little girl. ' : DEAR MR. J.M.D: -- In gener- BROADLOOM caps like Rostrevof, may be Better clue her in to expect = Al a person is entitled to the : partially accessible for you. procrastination from these Same notice as the basis for his Draperies by the Yard For a convenient and' suitable godparents of hers, while mak- pay. So you. are. right. Which spot, ask your local travel ing sure she knows this is not i ig a hee 7 Venetian & Cloth Blinds ; agent, who keeps informed the way to keep. pr y 9:4, : ; about these things. Then talk Pn somises. severance pay to cover the ac. Custom Made Drapes i 4 DEAR DORIS -- My nine- about how she counts on: them Cepiance Hotes Detiod If Je Drapery Rods & Tracks ei year-old daughter's godparents -- before giving up entirely. scharge Were tof cause, then : Ti We 8 | are in the habit of giving her ~~ DEAR DORIS -- I was so glad 1° notice of any kind need be Interior Decorating pp aly] ia their Christmas presents after about your advice on those given. Service : aa Christmas instead of on the cemetery plots I bought. I did Toronto Telearam Syndicate 725-3144 OSHAWA v : Custom Made Slip Covers 926 Simcoe St. N. \

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