Pare * LE a q. >» \ B Q« » - Some paper at 40% Off Lindsay Presbyterial UCW. Continued Mrs. B. Roeske,; Burnt River. Mrs, Gordon Gilson, Jr. RR. Little Britain, Presbyv- terial Literature Secretary in her pleasant manner, report- ed $350.00 worth of Litera- ture was purchased in Lind. say Presbyterial in 1969 and also gave a resume of many fine books available for our use in 1970. Mrs. Edmund Ruth, Ome- mee, introduced our speaker in the person of Lieutenant Colonel Lindores, of the Sal- vation Army, Toronto. Lt. Lindores is the National Di- rector of 'the Salvation Army's Correctional Services. He was the Canadian Repre- sentative at the United Na- tions in London for this De- partment in 1969 and in Aug- ust, 1970, will attend a simi- lar conference in Japan. The topic. of his address was "Problems of the Youth of To-day" and our responsibil ity toward the situations which arise in this area. He said parents and Sunday School teachers should al- ways keep in mind "that to make a boy is better than to mend a man". He told how the Salvation Army helps the, first offend- ers in Court and gave an ac- count of the work in their hostels for probationers with- out -homes. These hostels are called Houses of Con- cord. There are three of them, originating in 1959. The Salvation Army at- tends the Police Courts every day. Lieutenant Lind- ores said that 92.79; -who go into prisons, return to their. own community. Is society, by its Christian concepts ready to re-accept this per- [ son--and give him courtesy and friendliness? Mrs. G. H. Palmer graci- ously thanked Lt. Col. Lind- ores for his splendid address on Reconciliation. Mrs, Clarence Wright, Can- nington U.C.W. invited Lind- say Presbyterial U.C.W. to convene for their Annual Meeting in Cannington Unit- ed Church in 1971. Mrs. Deane Wellman, R.R. #1, Omemee, Presbyterial Programme Chairman, gave a report on Camp-Quin-Mo-Lac, stressing the three needs of the Camp - Campers, Lead- ers-and Funds. - There were 1,050 Campers who register- ed in 1969. The first Senior Citizens Camp will be at Camp Quin-Mo-Lac next sum- mer, . A delicious dinner was en- joyed in the Recreation Hall, served by Beaverton U.C.W. The afternogn session was opened with a very impres- sive Devotional on the Theme of the Meeting, by Dalrymple U.C.W. and led by Mrs. Gar- net Stewart. Scripture was taken from 1 Corinthians, Chapter 13 followed by three short meditations on Our Purpose, Our Reconciliation & our loving Response. "We must. apply the love in our hearts in a practical way. Hymn 348 "0, .Lord and Maker of us all, we test our lives by Thine", was read in unison as a prayer. The Of- fering was received by Dal- rymple U.C.W. and dedicated by Mrs. Ethel Irwin. Miss. Vina Neal, Victoria Road, President of Bay of Quinte Conference U.C.W. gave a report on the Confer- ence she recently attended on "Congregational Life and PRICES YOU CAN'T GLIDDEN & C.L.L PAINTS Mrz HARDING CARPET = PLUSH TYPE -- Indoor - Outdoor Reg, / 8.95 $5 foes 9 . Uxbridge Paint FEBRUARY SALE" SELECTION . . . . UNLIMITED Big Discount On Lighting Fixtures Store Wide Sale = YOUR HOME BEAUTIFUL CENTRE -- 70 BROCK ST. -- UXBRIDGE ~ 852-3591 paper AFFORD TO MISS NT BRUSHES DRAPERY ORDERS all Work in the Church", Miss Neal said: We must review constantly, what is the Pur- pose of the United Church Women and are we fulfilling it?" We must think of our- selves as ministers (we all have a ministry) as well as laymen. We must study our Faith and .be ready for con- structive change in our Church so we can more truly witness in our world". Mrs. Ray Weldon, Lindsay, presented a tribute to Miss Vina Neal, for her untiring efforts on behalf of the UCW and the United Church, and the members stood, to hon- our Miss Neal. Beautiful vocal selections were rendered by Mrs. Ralph Chambers, Wilfrid, who ac- companied herself, on the accordian. Mrs. Samuel Speiran, Ud- ney, gave an informative. and encouraging report of Hill- crest Lodge, Orillia. - A very enjoyable and pro- fitable playette, entitled "The Baker's Dozen", was presented by Omemee U.C.W. and introduced by Mrs. M. Pogue. The report of the Nominat- ing Committee was presented by Mrs. Richard Westaway, Cameron, and was accepted. Rev. A. J. Neal, Beaver- ton, installed the Lindsay | Presbyterial U.C.W. Execu- tive for 1970. : Mrs. Allen Bursey, Minden, RR. #2, spoke briefly and announced the first Execu- tive Meeting to be held in Feenlon Falls United Church | on Moday, Feb. 2 at 10 a.m. The Courtesy Report was read in unison and the Bene- diction was pronounced by Rev. A. J. Neal. from Mrs, C. Hadden, Sunderland R.R. #4, Ont. LIST WITH L REAL ESTATE LTD REALTOR 985-7373 OVEr or (it) Church Services CHURCH OF ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. R. C, Rose, Minister SUNDAY, FEB. 15th-- Lent I 9:45 a.m.--Holy Communion "Church School For Transportation call 985-2866 THURSDAY, FEB, 19th-- 12:05 p.m.--Noonday Service in Presbyterian Church ST. JOHN, BLACKSTOCK SUNDAY, FEB. 15th-- Lent 1 11:15 a.m.--Morning Prayer Church School PORT PERRY PASTORAL CHARGE The United Church of Canada Rev. W. Mark Reeves, B.A. Minister SUNDAY, FEB. 15th-- The Minister will preach, at both Port Perry and Prince Albert, on the subject, "Treasures in Garbage Cans!" PORT PERRY-- 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 11 a.m.--Primary Church 10 a.m.--Junior and Inter- mediate Church School | PRINCE ALBERT-- 2 p.m.--Service of Worship 1 p.m.--Church School ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. William Black, F.R.G.S. SUNDAY, FEB. 15th-- The Fifth Commandment "Bulwork Under Attack" Lenten Luncheon Services-- 12th February until 26th March inclusive. Service time 12:05 p.m. - 12.25 p.m. Luncheon following the Service in the Hall. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH PASTOR A HERN (Queen and Rosa Sts) SUNDAY, FEB. 15th-- 9.50 a.m.--Bible School for all ages 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship 7:00 p.m.--Evening Service United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral CHARGE Rev. George Teskey SUNDAY, FEB. 15th-- SCUGOG--10:00 a.m, PROSPECT--12:30 p.m. MANCHESTER 11:15 a.m. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH - Rev. R. Batten, Rev. |. MacLean 10 a.m.--Family Bible Hour J1 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evang. Service viginaat aa add ys rd 2 vYaguia 7ema xr PORT "PERRY STAR -- Thurs., February 12, 1970 -- 19 ~~ -- OBITUARY - James Henry Mahaffy The death of James Henry |Mahatfy, aged 88 years, oc- curred on January 21, 1970 at Bowmanville = Memorial Hospital." He had been ill for three weeks. The deceased was a son of the late Jane Byers and John Mahaffy. He was born in Cartwright Township and was educated at Purple Hill where he lived all his life. In November, 1909 he married the late Annie Florence Gib- son who predeceased him less than a month before. Mr. Mahaffy is survived by six sons, Thomas and Bruce of Oshawa, Robert of St. Mary's, Norman of Ottawa, William of Blackstock and Grant of Port Perry and five daughters, Viola of Buffalo, New York, Ella (Mrs. Charles Faye Mountjoy), Mary (Mrs. George Fowler) both of Bow- manville, Doris (Mrs. George Wright) Hampton. A son the late Harvey Mahaffy was killed in active service in World War II. The funeral service was heldat 3:30 p.m., January 24th, 1970 at McDermott- Panabaker Funeral Chapel, Port Perry. Rev. Victor Parsons, minister of Black- stock United Church ¢onduct- ed the service. Interment was at Cadmus Union Cemetery. Pallbearers were Melville Henry, Thomas DeMille, Faye Mountjoy, George Wright, James Fowler and George Murphy. 3 Among the many floral tributes were those from General Motors, Goodyear Rubber Co. of Canada, Sigma ard Bread Mutuals and friends Frayne) of Toronto, Iva (Mrs. and neighbours, This Italian vegetable soup, Ya pound salt pork 2 quarts water 2 tbsp chopped parsley 1 tbsp butter '3 beef bouillon cubes HEARTY HOMEMADE SOUP "Soup's on" is a welcome call on any winter day. Macdonald Institute, University of Guelph, can be prepar- ed ahead of time, and then simmered slowly, ready at a moment's notice for hearty appetites. MINESTRONE 2 cloves garlic, minced (optional) Cut salt pork into small strips, add water, and bring to aboil in a large saucepan. Add parsley and garlic. Trim out core of cabbage and add shredded leaves, carrots, lima beans, peas, and butter to soup. Cook two hours. Add rice. When rice is cooked, add dissolved bouillon cubes. Mix well and simmer until ready to serve. Serve sprinkled with cheese. Makes enough for six. from the Food Department; % small head cabbage 3 carrots, sliced 1 cup lima beans 1 cup frozen peas 1 cup rice Parmesan cheese, grated Preshyterial For Regional Rallies The fir§t 1970 executive meeting of Lindsay Presby- terial United Church Wo- men was held at Fenelon Falls United Church on Mon- day, Feb. 2, with 29 present, 13 members of the executive were in attendance. Fenelon Falls ladies welcomed every- one with a cup of coffee on their arrival. Mrs. Bursey, the new pre- sident, presided, and started the 'morning session with a poem called Opening Things, followed by prayer. Mrs. Hopkins read the Roll Call and the minutes of the last meeting. A discussion as to whether the U.C.W. presidents, at- tending the executive meet.' ings, remain as correspond: ing members or be: voting members ensued. It was de- cided to defer a decision until the next executive meeting, because so few U.C.W. presidents were pre- sent. Mrs. Palmer read the trea- surer's report for Mrs. Co- burn' who was unable to at- tend. Balance on hand at the end of 1969 was $446.40. The Bay of Quinte Confer- ence U.C.W. annual meeting will be held at Colborne on March 2, 1970. The dele- gates to attend will be Mrs. Bursey ,and 6 Regional chair- men or their alternates. The names of those attending to be sent to Mrs. J. A. Robert- son, Haliburton, as 'soon as possible. Other U.C.W, mem- bers may attend. Delegates were appointed from Presbyterial U.C.W. to committees on Lindsay Pres- bytery. Folowing grace by Mrs. Bursey a box lunch and social and coffee were served by hour was enjoyed by all. Tea the host church ladies. The afternoon session was opened with a meditation en- titled -- Make Every Day a Good Day, read by Mrs. Bur- sey. Dates weden't set for Re- gional Rallies. Region 1--At Little Britain, in the spring. Chairman-- Mrs. Mark Corneil, R.R. 2, Little Britain, Set Dates Region 2--At Beaverton, in the fall. Chairman--Mrs. Harry Graham, Canning- ton, Ont. Region 3--At Cambray, in the spring. Chairman-- Miss Olive Geach, 33A Peel Street, Lindsay. Region 4--At Kinmount, in " the spring. Chairman-- Mrs. B. Roeske, RR. 2, Burnt River. Region 5--At Yelverton, in the fall. Chairman--Mrs. J. Barrett, Fénelon Falls. Region 6--At Gooderham, in the fall. Chairman-- Mrs: Cleo Cruickshank, Wilberforce. Vive-Presidents to assist the Regions are--Mrs. A. Gillis, RR. 2, Cameron, Regions 1 and 5; Mrs. R. Harding, Cam- eron, Regions 2 and 3; Mrs. B. Roeske, R.R. 2, Burnt River, Regions 4 and 8. Mrs. Deane Wellman, of Omemee, and Mrs. Roy Me- Mullen of Sunderland, will be sending the Newsletters again this year. One is sent to each U.C.W. president and contains U.C.W. information and material that can be used at local meetings. It is hoped that this letter will be shared with all U.C.W. members and that it will be kept and pass- ed on to future presidents of your U.C.W. INVEST NOW! VICTORIA & GREY TRUST Guaranteed Investments 1-2 Years. . 8%% 3-4-5 Years 83%% Interest is payable half yearly or may be left to + compound. EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED 191 Queen St. - Port Perry PHONE 985-7306 i Cam SSN ve Sch Aes LT , "2 ond