4 43 ' i y / 0 J J 51 14 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Thurs, March 12, 1970 Seagrave News Our community extends ssmpathy to Mr and Mes. Pon Hunter ard the other Hunter familis neph he ciatse of the sudden passing Qn Thursday of these me er Mrs IHL Co Hunter who col- Lapsed and dicd white malin: arontine visit to her doctor. Funeral services were held on Satrday morning in Agincourt. BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED General Insurance 985-7306 PORT PERRY On cheerful nete we can report a great ime provement in health for Mrs. another of Myo M do more Stirson, Brueg. WVoooare the eat be said cof ex-eitizen Mr. Bill Clarke of Little Bri- tain who is now staving in a Port Perry nursing homo, On Friday Mrs N. Wana- sorry same maker paid a visit to her DUFF ELECTRONICS ADMIRAL TELEVISION SALES and SERVICE Phone 985-7993 or 985-2728 PORT PERRY -- Septic Tanks Cleaned By PUMP EQUIPMENT SEPTIC TANKS AND WEEPING Beds INSTALLED REG. | ARMSTRONG Port Perry -- 985-2226 For Income Tax & Bookkeeping Services see ALEX SHEPHERD Room 2, Post Office Building Phone 985-7031 Specializing in business and farm operations. FOR ANY OF YOUR Insurance Needs Do it the Co-operative Way Co-Operators Ins. Assoc. ETHEL NOTTINGHAM Myrtle 655-4832 PTOLEMY & GRIEVE GULF Service Station General Repairs Port Perry -- 985-3182 HONDA - SUZUKI SALES and SERVICE PARTS -- ACCESSORIES SUPPLIES - SERVICE ALL MAKES SNOWMOBILE SERVICE R. WHITAKER Phone 985-2276 Fralick Insurance Agency CO-OP and FARMERS MUTUAL LIFE - AUTO - HOME PROTECTION Phone 985-7447 1 255 QUEEN ST. BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION Have your house built by experts. CALL : 985-2979 985-3203 Also General Repairs, Cottages Raised, Foundations etc. . . PORT . CLEANERS (OPPOSITE THE SUNOCO SIGN) "Where The Action Is" CLEANING DONE ON THE PREMISES 4 HOUR SERVICE: DAILY Emergency Cleaning Saturday -- PORT PERRY - 985-7105 mother who is in Lindsay Fospital following surgery and found her doing nicely. Young Cheryl Standi-h hod afew days in hospital last week too but is home again now. Attendance at the "World's Dav of Praver" service eon Friday could have been bet- ter. While it is true that quite a number were at work, surely Greenbank and Seagrave could do better than 21 ladies, 2 men and 2 children. Mrz, MeNoail led the meeting and Mr. Critch gave the address At the conclusion" of the service'we had a cup of tea and some talk. The church taxi has sus- pended operation for. month or so. Mr. and Mrs. Heywood Short., Mrs. G'advs Short and Mrs. Reta Boe heeded for Florida in it on Utica Continued Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kendal) and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mar- tyn attend:d ihe Lakeland Legion Scout Conference at Barrie on Saturday. Recent visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Mervyn MacCannell were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Jackson of Newmarket and Mrs. Allan Cay of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. MacCannell attended a twenty-fifth wed- ding anniversary party for Mr. and Mrs. Olsen McCosh of Ajax on Saturday evening. Recént visitors with Mr. & Mrs, Frank Kendall were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fisher & Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton of Ashburn, Mrs. Fred Ackney, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kerry, Mrs. Lorne Thompson, Mrs. Murray Geer and Mrs. Bob Slack and Shelley. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Thomp- son attended the funeral of their cousin, the late Mr. Oscar Tindall of Uxbridge on Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs. Claire Brock- man and baby of Courtice and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Craw- ford and family of Millbrook were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sutcliffe and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sutcliffe. Mrs. Evelyn Beare and Mrs. Hallett of Toronto call- ed on Mr. and Mrs. Hillis, Wilbur on Thursday. Masters Todd Wilbur and Charlie Brown played on the winning Tyke team in the hockey game at Woodville on Saturday night. "I this time. another Sat. morning. Anoth r couple have disappeared from our community too. The B. L. Wanamakers had another family dinner on Sunday. Present were the Ron Wanamakers from Osh- awa, the Neil Wanamakers, Bill and an extra who we pre- sume was Miss Sharon Sweet- man. They didn't mention what they were celebrating Attendance at Church slip- ped a little this week. Flow- ers in memory of their mo- ther were placed there by Mr. and Mrs. Hunter. The adults goofed at S.S. Sat. morning. Anothbr couple have disappeared from our community too. The B. L. Wanamakers had family dinner on Sunday. Present- were the Ron Wanamakers from Osh- awa, the Neil Wanamakers, Bill and an extra who we pre- sume was Miss Sharon Sweet- man. They didn't mention what they were celebrating this time. Attendance at Church slip- ped a little this week. Flow- ers in meiaory of their mo- ther were placed there by Mr. and Mrs. Hunter. The adults goofed at S.S. LIST WITH L REAL (STATE LID REALTOR 985-7373 so there was no program number, but Bob Bruce, Cal vin Nicholls and Dawn Abra- ham didn't forget their birth: days. Question--don't pcop- le who have Feb. 29th birth- days consider themselves a year older? We are sorry to note that in about 2 weeks time we will be losing Mrs. Long and her little son-as S. S. mem- bers. The family are moving to Guelph on Mar, 25. Dur- ing the short time they have lived here' Mrs. Long. has served our S.°S. well. The Long farm will be occupied by the Procuner family from Unionville. Our new church caretakers, "Martin and Pat Fisher will be trying hard to keep us all warm and happy. We hope they succeed. It takes some doing. The Youth Group are in the Easter-egg business again this year. Get your order in early. The Historical Society 'are planning a meeting for mem- bers and anyone interested in Seagrave church on March 18th at 8 o'clock. Guest speaker will be Mr. T. Bouck- ley of Oshawa. Don't forget the euchre this Friday evening at 8 p.m. (maybe). In case you were wondering about it, there is no admission fee, just a col lection. Bring a few cookies or sandwiches and tea and coffee will be supplied. There is lots -of play space so children are welcome. To newcomers--If you have news for this columan call 2618 before bedtime on Mon- day. Blackstock Continued noon in the Hall with 19 la. dies present. President, Mrs. Velva Bailey was in the chair, -- Plans. were made for the short course, Furniture Facts to be held on March 12 with Mrs. Ken Samells in charge. The Citizenship Convener Mrs. Marwood McKee was in charge of the programme. Mrs. Wm. Hooey gave an ex- cellent paper on The Cana- dian and Eskimo. A person- al touch was given this topic as her nephew married a British 'Columbian Indian girl. Lunch and a social time concluded the after- 'noon. A very good crowd attend- ed the World Day of Prayer on Friday, March 6 in Cad- mus United Church. Mrs. Robert Sheffield, Oshawa spoke on the theme, Take Courage. Mrs. Lorne McKee and Mrs. Stinson were the leaders. Mrs. Gladys Thomp- son sang, "Saviour.Divine, I Hear Thy Gentle Calling" with Mrs. Gordon Strong at the organ. Robert and Paul VanCamp, Port Perry spent the week- end with their grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Harry VanCamp. Mrs. Reg Boundey, Port Perry was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and family. Hwy. 12 THIS WEEKEND When you are out for a drive or after shopping see this lovely new home! A Life Of Your Own Beaver pre-built home com- ponents save time, money and labour in fact you can "do it yourself" on a home of your own. 4 See you at the Open House for all the saving facts of having a Beaver Home. S ey County Rd. poet Se, 2605 Soste® Room To Live save $3000. or more if you , gos® '1'|/ OPEN HOUSE You are invited to see for yourself a Beaver Home just completed. 'PY BABYSQ OPEN HOUSE 3 Bedroom, Brick Veneer, Beaver "Ashton" Bungalow, with 10 feet added to make 1350 square feet of living space -- Double, Garage and Full Basement. 419 Dundas St. E. Whitby "668-5818 (SIBEAVER 246 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-3388 «4 »