} =~ ¥ AEN SRE t 3 $ { ~ Ross and 12 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Thurs, March 19, 1970 Epsom Continued ray Prentice, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Prentice and Mars™a accompanied by Mr. and Mrs Donald Prentice of Markham attended the christening of Dede's beautiful daughter, Marsha Lee, in the church Ross and Dedi attend- ed before moving to Epsom. Ross and Dedi are busy house hunting as they will soon be leaving to live in Waterloo. After the christening all had lunch at the. home of Dedi's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Vanderberk of Will- owdale. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lyons, Allen and Miss Connie Smith attended the open house at the True Blue Or- ange Home at Richmond Hill on. Friday evening. The meeting was in the auditor- ium in the new wing. The guest speaker was the INVEST; NOW! VICTORIA & GREY TRUST "Guaranteed Investments 1-2 Years. . 812% 3-4-5 Years 8%% Interest is payable half yearly or may be left to compound. EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED 191 Queen St. - Port Perry PHONE 985-7706 News Right Rev. Dr. C. K. S. Moff- att, Grand Master and Sov: reign of the Grand Orange Lodge of British America. As the Grand Council of the Orange Order is now meeting in Toronto, the chief dignitaries of the Lodge from each province were able to come to Richmond Hill to bring greetings and will doubtless take home an in- spirational message after see- ing thjs Orange home we are so proud of. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kerry Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kerry were supper guests on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Kerry. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kerry attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Arthur Rey- nolds of Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Jock McKaye of Toronto were supper guests on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Prentice. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Art ymko and boys of Markham visited with Mr. and - Mrs. Harry Geer recently. Mrs. Jim Clarke and Ivan visited Mr. and Mrs. Donald Asling for supper on Friday evening. On Monday Julia Ashton visited Grandma. Ash- ton. Recently Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton entertained Mr. and Mrs.--KenCatherwood and Brian of Brooklin, Mr. and: Mrs. Alan Ashton, Gregory and Michael of Manilla and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ashton, Julia and Richard. 4 Mr. Douglas Wilson and Mr. Norman Wilson visited friends near North Bay for the week-end to enjoy some real © snowmobiling in the north country. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson had = Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Jardine of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton called on Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gibson of Port Perry on Thursday «afternoon. We are pleased to learn that Mrs. Jean Neeson and Mrs. Pat Cracknell are en- joying a holiday in sunny Florida. Sorry Pat, I can't even see your cottage for a huge fifteen foot snow drift on the road west of our house. Miss Joyce Wilson has re- turned to Western hospital after spending a week's hol- iday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Medd and children of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Rainey of Whitby were supp- er guests on Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Medd. Don't forget the two sales in the area. Laurence Medd's sale of machinery and Mr. Bruce Bailey's sale of stock and implements. The UCW will be catering for the latt- er sale on April 14th. The W.I. euchre at Green- bank was successful and all enjoyed this social event. Manchester News Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Mitchell visited with Mrs. B. Christie, 1 Miss R. Christie, Mr. T. Ro- berts, Toronto, Sunday. Callers with Mr. and Mrs. G. Franklin this week were: Mr. and Mrs. Len Tustin, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Franklin, PORT PERRY BRANCH ~ CANADIAN GANGER SOGIETY CAMPAIGN STARTS APRIL 1st Port Perry ~ and District Objective $3,200.00 ° Mr. and Mrs. Murray David- son, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Walsh. ; Mrs. R. Dobson was in Osh: awa for a couple of days. Guest of Miss L. Christie. Callers with Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Roberts were: Mrs. J. Of The "LETS PUT IT OVER THE TOP" NOTE --- All Captains, Canvassers and Interested Persons Please Attend . . . . A MEETING Tuesday, March 31, - '8:00 p.m. ODDFELLOWS HALL -- PORT PERRY 3 INTERESTING SLIDES ON CANCER RESEARCH, ALSO MR. JACK LAMBERT, Field Representative for the Canadian Cancer Society will be guest speaker. 4 J sR Thompson and friend of Osh- awa, Mr. G. King and friend of Toronto. The Chicken Barbecue Res- taurant has reopened at Manchester. Eleven members of the Manchester Choir took part in the Special Lenten service at Prospect Church Friday night. Miss L. Hunter play- 'ed the piano. Miss A. Croxall and Mr. Bill McCartney sang a solo. The choir sang an Easter hymn. The play was "We Have Seen Him", put on by Pros- pect Young People. Mrs. A. Fielding and Mrs. Tom Snoddon spent Monday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. L. Fielding of Keswick were with Mr. -& Mrs. A. Fielding Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Dyle Thom- son and Ian of Newmarket called on Holthy relatives on Sunday afternoon. : Recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Josh Dobson were Mrs. Ewart Diamond and Barbara of Brooklin. Also Mr. and Mrs. H. Walker, who have recently returned from a holiday in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. John Croxall and her parents of Oshawa were callers at the Croxall home Sunday afternoon. Mr. Bill Holtby has return- ed home from Hospital. Best wishes for a speedy recovery The Special Lenten Serv- ice held at Manchester Church Mar. 6th, the play, "Love Never Dies", was well presented by Mrs. E. Frank- lin, Mrs. R. Best, Mrs. Wl. Lamb, Mrs. L. Wilson, Mr. H) Dobson, Mr. W. Johnson. | Mrs. Beckett, Grace Church, played the piano. , A good attendance reported and lunch was served. Regular church service at 11:15 a.m. Sunday. Every- one welcome, Mr. and Mrs. L. Best. were in Lakefield Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. G. Dunford. Sunday -Dinner guest with Mr. and Mrs. R. Dobson were Miss Olive McMillan of Whit- 1 by. LEAN One of the most enjoyable nights during the Lions Club year is the' annual Father, Son or Daughter Banquet, 39 girls and boys were guests at Club Annrene. Monday is a section of the many happy children. Dr. R. Jamie- ' son a past district governor was present on the same occasion and was given the duty of presenting Arnold Roach, left and John Zaporo- zan, right with their five : year perfect attendance pin. Dr. Jamieson in the centre. Photo -- Arnold Roach BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED General Insurance DIRECTORY DUFF ELECTRONICS ADMIRAL TELEVISION SALES and SERVICE Phone 985-7993 or 985-2728 985.7306 PORT PERRY PORT PERRY Septic Tanks| For Income Cleaned By PUMP EQUIPMENT SEPTIC TANKS AND WEEPING Beds INSTALLED "REG. ARMSTRONG Port Perry -- 985.2226 Tax & Bookkeeping Services - see ALEX SHEPHERD Room 2, Post Office Building Phone 985.7031 Specializing in business and farm operations. FOR ANY OF YOUR - Insurance Needs Do it the Co-operative Way Co-Operators Ins. Assoc. ETHEL NOTTINGHAM Myrtle 655-4832 PTOLEMY & GRIEVE GULF Service Station General Repairs Port Perry -- 985.3182 HONDA - SUZUKI SALES and SERVICE PARTS + ACCESSORIES SUPPLIES - SERVICE ALL MAKES SNOWMOBILE SERVICE R. WHITAKER Phone 985-2276 Fralick Insurance Agency CO-OP and FARMERS MUTUAL LIFE - AUTO . HOME PROTECTION Phone 985.7447 night, and in' the top photo _. Port Perry BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION Have your house experts built by CALL 985-2979 + 985-3203 Also General Repairs, Cottages Raised, Star Foundations etc, . |