© - . Notice to Creditors - GREER, KELLY & JERMYN, - light house keeping. Write 985.7365 * BUY * SELL: RENT + SWAP + HIRE * BUY * Work Wanted Work Wanted In the Mattef of the Estate of Mona Alberta MacGregor, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Mona Alberta MacGregor. late of INTERIOR or EXTERIOR ' PAINTING Call John H¢ uy after 4 Pr Holtby 985-7559 the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Wi-| dow, who died on or about the 7th day of February, 1970 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on IROOFING, Eavestroughing & aluminum siding. All work fully guaranteed. For Free 'Estimates. Call Caesarea 986-4624. T.F. or before the 30th day of April, 1970, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased w:ll be distributed among the parties entitled thereto. having re- gard only to claims of which WILSON OIL BURNER Sales & Service Furnace Installation and Space Heater Service and Plumbing. T. WILSON" 986-5521 they shall then have notice. DATED , at Port Perry, Ontario, this 23rd day of March, A.D. 1970. Barristers -and- Solicitors, Box 131, PORT PERRY, Ontario. Solicitors for the above BILL TAYLOR CONCRETE CONTRACTOR * Coloured Floors Cement Finishings Phone 852-7101 Uxbridge, Ontarlo 'BOOKS, Port Perry GARDEN SERVICE --- 985.2494 - Now is the time to have trees fertilized and pruned, shrubs and trees pruned and Garden cleaned up. Geoff Taylor & Sons Wanted Furniture, China, Glass, etc. Call 985-7723. © Vera Lee's Antiques Greenbank ~~ T.F) Estate 3--Apr.9 Help Wanted WOMAN OR GIRL as com- panion, to sleep in, time off, Mrs. M. Wéldon, Box 117, Uxbridge or Phone 852-6259. AL SPEARS BODY SHOP COMPLETE COLLISION SERVICE LADY for lunch counter to include some housekeeping work' Monday to Friday and some early evenings. Apply in writing giving full parti- culars to Sunny Brae Golf Club, Box 188, Port Perry. LADIES or MEN who drive can-make $80.00 weekly with -- Fuller, part time or full time | in Port Perry, Raglan, Green- bank, Seagrave and Area, Phone 728-4922, T. REAL ESTATE CAREER Wanted, full time real estate agent for -Blackstock area. Join Canada's largest realtor. Experienced manager to help you.' Strong promotional as- sistance. - Member. of most Real Estate Boards. If you are interested in making big commissions, call Lloyd G. Lee, F.R.I. Vice President, H. Keith Ltd, Realtor, 181 Eg- linton Ave. E., Toronto 12. NOTICE _ SWEETMAN'S TAXI Work Wanted | DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS Picked up Pramptly For direct line call Long Distance and 'ask for : Zenith 32800. Call anytime - ED PECONI & SON Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C- 66 Dead or Crippled Farm Stock Picked up promptly. Telephone collect HAMPTON 416-263-2721 MARGWILL FUR FARM R.R. 6 Bowmanville Licence 258-C-70 ~~ "MURRAY BURNFIELD PLUMBING & HEATING FURNACES " PHONE 985-7980 Body Repairs and Spray Painting FREE ESTIMATES PRINCE ALBERT 985-3401 Real Estate Fred Cook Real Estate Ltd. Realtor 5 acres, 7 room century old log house, oil furnace, 3 pec. bath, attached garage, bank barn, new machine shed -- Full price $16,500 with terms. Blackstock, 12 acres, wood- ed, highway frontage, large pond, year round stream, $16,000 with terms. 13% storey, 7 room frame home, aluminum siding, cor- ner lot, Port Perry. Asking $17,500, with terms. Century old 7 room 1% storey log house. bank barn, 100 acres, Little Britain area, stream and pond, $26,000.00 with terms. 25 acres, Seagrave area, $16,000 with terms. Little Britain area, 93 acres, half wooded, manle, beech, white birch, cedar, one mile road frontage, ex- cellent building site in hard- wood setting. $200 per acre. Uxbridge hills, 10 acre lots, stream, bush, highwav frontage priced from $12,600 ; with terms. 50 acres, 3 bedroom 1% storey brick home, bank barn, machine shed, highway front- age, 28 miles from Oshawa. $40,000 with 79% mortgage. " MORLEY BRUCE Fred Cook Real Estate 985.2528 Blackstock--Frame 7 room 11% storey house, on 4 acre land, oil 'heat, 3 pc. bath. 2 garages, barn.- Asking $16,500 '|Easy terms. Blackstock -- 50 acres vac- ant land, good well, $21.500. Terms. j Blackstock--10 acre parcel high- ground, close to_ high. way. Asking $11,500. Terms. IVAN THOMPSON Port PerrY, Ontario Evenings 986-4987. wooded, river frontage -- . WILL BUY Lawnmowers, garden tillers, outboards, etc. Do not need to be in running condition. Will pick up. Phone 985-7369. For Rent HOUSE in Port Perry, avail able April 15th. Write Box #11, Port Perry Star. LIGHT Housekeeping room, All conveniences. Phone 9 . PORT PERRY office space for lease, modern ground floor, in Business Section. Apply to Box, #13, Port Perry Star Co. Auction Sales SAT. APRIL 4th 4th Annual Stock Reduction Salé--Auction Sale of Farm Machinery, 8 Tractors, 6 Ploughs, 5 Discs, 4 Self-pro- pelled Swathers, 6 Balers, 7 Cultivators, 3 Seed Drills, 10 Power Mowers, 4 Manure Spreaders, - Miscellaneous Equipment, New & Used with more to add, the pro- perty of W. J. LAMBERT & SON, Massey Ferguson Dealer Lot 10, Con. 6, Thorah Twp.. on east side of.Hwys. 48 & 12 on Beaverton By-Pass, or 1 mile north of Hwy. 15. Terms Cash or Financing may be arranged prior to sale. Abso- lutely No Reserve. 109, dis count on parts day of sale. This is a large sale. Plan to attend. Sale at 12:30 p.m. Ward Holmes, Clerk. Lunch available. CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer 2--Apr.2 __ Reaboro, Ont. Ph. Lindsay 705-324-9959 SELL: RENT + SWAP + HIRE + BUY + SELL: RENT PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, APRIL 2, 1970 -- 11 TENDERS The Cottage Hospital Auction Sale Auction Sale " (Uxbridge) TENDERS Sealed Tenders for the con- struction of: (a) Storage- Building (b) Walkway (c) Car Port (d) Modifications to Chimneys Addressed to: R.F. Lawrence Secretary Board of Directors The Cottage Hospital (Uxbridge) Uxbridge, Ontario Will be received until 12:00 Noon, Local Time, Friday, April 10th, 1970 The buildings - (storage build- ing and car port) to be of concrete, brick and wood construction, the walkway to be of concrete with steel roofing and steel side con- struction and the modificat- ions to chimneys to be of steel fabricated steel and, brick construction. Storage building area approx- imately 1650 square feet, car port approximately 350square feet. ! Complete Tender documents may be obtained from the Business Office of the Cottage Hospital (Uxbridge), Uxbridge, Ontario. A Tender Deposit in the form of a Bid Bond or Certified Cheque for $15,000.00, pay- able to the Board of Directors, The Cottage Hospital, (Ux- bridge), must accompany each Tender. Tenders are subject to a formal contract being prepared and executed. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all Tenders and the lowest or any Tender will not necessarily be accept- ed. Roy F. Lawrence Secretary . Board of Directors The Cottage Hospital (Uxbridge) Uxbridge, Ontario REAL ESTATE ) buyers and sellers -- and cords -- the chances are ve the need. But don't be misled by It is during his day-toda sal An experiericed and com -needs or desires. too by steering you away «later be unhappy with. . 'Don't wait until you see How Much Advertising Is Necessary To Sell Your House Fast? FRED COOK BS.A,, FRI Very often, it may be none. If a realtor is aggressive in seeking out prospective waiting the moment you put your house up for sale. This often results in an almost immediate sale with- out even the time to advertise the property, let alone | will have earned his commission by the weeks and months of persistent spadework that preceded: the sale. needs and desires that a realtor accumulates a pros- spect list that covers almost any property put up for ale. ; "i "This is the key to successful marketing of real estate property -- the mating of the right buyer to the right property with all the. numerous details of personal wants to be considered and weighed. time by avoiding properties that are.not suited to your And perhaps a good deal of money -vertised. Seek out a competent realtor. house for you may just have been added to his files. Realtor diligent at keeping his re- ry good that he has a buyer appearances, The realtor y detailing of each buyer's petent realtor will save you |' from a property you will the property you want ad. The perfect MONDAY, APRIL 6th Auction Sale of Household Furniture, the property of the Late Mrs ALICE CASEY will be held in the town of Beaverton, 116 North St. Westinghouse refrig, & stove, Findlay Cook Stove, Dishes, some antiques, Round exten- sion table, china cabinet, buf fet and 6 chairs, Bedroom suites, shaving mug, Antique lantern, Qu. of other furni ture. ote anyone in Bea- verton wishing to add to this sale contact the auctioneer. Gerald Graham, Clerk. REG JOHNSON & SON, Apr. 2 Auctioneers Ph. Sunderland 357-3270. SAT., APRIL 11th Farm Sold--Auction Sale of Farm - Machinery, Syrup Equipment, etc., the property of RAY FINNEY, Lot 19; Con. 8, Manvers Twp. 3% miles east of Jet. Hwy. 35 & 7A or 1 mile west of Bethany on Highway TA. Terms Cash No Reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Owner giving up farming. TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, Apr.2-9 Auctioneers Check The Label On Your Paper REAL ESTATE LIMITED Special, 4 bedroom bunga- low, living room separate dining room, rec. room, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, walkout basement, extras include, broadloom, cent- ral vacuum system, elec- tronic air cleaner and many others. On a well landscaped lot. Price $33,500 terms with 6%4 9, -| mortgage. Model Home Brand New, 1350 square feet, Old Dutch brick ven- eer bungalow, on extra large lot, 3 large bedrooms 2 baths, modular kitchen cabinets, armour plate double patio doors, broad- loom throughout, attached 2 car garage, paved drive Asking $31,900. with $9000 down. : Port Perry 2 storey, 4 bedroom home in excellent repair, full basement, separate dining room, along "with family size kitchen, central loca- tion close to schools, shop- ping etc. $21,700. Terms. Port Perry . 11% storey frame home, only 2 blocks from main business centre and shop- ping, kitchen, dining. liv- ing room, 2 bedroom and bath on ground floor, good home for retirement or family living. 79, mort- gage, only $18,500. Terms. Blackstock Area Mechanic handyman spe- cial. 7 years old. 4 bad- room, frame bungalow with color-lox siding on 2% acres. Two bedrooms and porch not finished, garage 26 x 30 with 100 amp. wiring. Asking -- $18,500. With good terms. Country Home 4 bedroom, 1% storey frame and stucco home, conveniences, large lot 130 x 180. Asking $12,500 Cash. % [REALTOR | 188 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY, ONT. Port Perry Commercial -Property Almost 3% acres at inter- section of 2 busy high- . ways, cosy 2 bedroom bun- galow with divided base- ment, large garage, suit: able for welding or body shop. Asking $22,500. - Horse Farm Insulated barn 32 x 64, -17 acres level land, mo- dern 3 bedroom home, finished recreation room, pool room, attractive set- ting, Port Perry. $38,000. Terms. Uxbridge Area 60 acre retreat, everflow- ing stream starts on pro- perty. Scenic pond site, 8 room home, convenien- ces, oil heated, barn. Pric- ed at $45,000 with $12,000 Down. Port Perry Area 70 acre farm, barns, terrif- ic pond site, creeks, some bush, 2 storey home, 3 bedrooms, conveniences, oil heated. Priced $45,000. Terms. ' Hobby Farm 100 acres, 9 room brick home, conveniences, 50 acres woodlands with pond school bus at gate. Ask. ing $48500. Terms. Country Acreage Retreat property, 26 acres, mostly wooded. pond site, some open 'land, good homesite, Asking $12,500 with 1% down. . Lake Scugog 2 wooded back lots, 100 ft. frontage, close to ac- cess to good beach, per- manent home or cottage site. $4,500 each. Howard Forder 655-3853 Ken Middleton 985-7548 George Beaton 985-3040 TELEPHONE: Port Perry 985-7386 Toronto 364-2516 Oshawa 723-0302 Office Hours 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. AFTER HOURS CALL -- Maurice Baker 852-7256 Jack Hooker 655-4504 Ken . Holliday 723-5420