Re Saas tear AGA RIA A neh . stream, = A EY CHEE EI SUK GLIASSIFIED A 12 -- PORT PERRY STAR LJ RA ¥ . Sl PEER BERL URAC ACIS CR a at SEAR SEERA THRO A po -- Thursday April 16, 1970 | Real Estate High dry scenic' fenced building lot in Port POLY: Close to school. $5,500 cash. Building lot in Greenbank on Highway. 170' x 140' hilly terrain for split level home or walkout basement. Sev- eral mature shade trees and well. $5500 with terms. . 3 bedroom brick bungalow with attached garage and paved drive. Large bright living room and dining room. Family sized kitchen with many cupboards. Screened in patio. Excellent view. . $29,500 with terms. 145 acres clay loam Dairy Farm in Sunderland area. 2 storey, 9 room red brick home with city conveniences. Beautifully d e corated throughout. Large steel barn with loose housing, milking parlour and milk house. Cement silo and implement shed. For quick sale $60,000 with terms. 50 acres wooded retreat or home site. 4 miles north of Port Perry. 2 spring fed ponds. Scenic property $23,900 with $7,000 down. 7 "acre treed building lot on paved road, east of Sun derland, building permit a vailable. $5,000. High scenic 100 acres san dy loam, 1% storey, 8 room frame home completely re modelled, excellent barn for horses, 35.acres cedar and hardwood bush, 3 springs, frontage on two roads, grav- el possibilities, possible to divide property. $55,000. 3 bedroom frame bungalow with modern conveniences on -Cochrane-Street;--Port-Perry. Maple trees and view of lake. An opportunity at $22,500. 3 bedroom brick bungalow in Port Perry. Separate din- ing room, nicely decorated throughout, Hardwood floors and mahogany cupboards. Three years old with all con. veniences. $29,000. 1 acre scenic building lot, 2 miles from Port Perry. High, dry building site with Maple & Cedar trees. $4,500 cash. 5 2 storey 7 room white brick dwelling in Port Perry, on large corner lot: 4 beautiful bedrooms, 26' living room with bay window, dining room with fireplace, modern kitchen, 3 baths, garage. Pre- stige home throughout. Of- fered at only $36,500 with: $10,000 down. ; Scenic 10 acre lot east of Port Perry. Maple & Cedar bush with excellent view and Building permits available. $7,900 with $1000 down. 143 acres of the best land! in Mariposa township, near' Little Britain. 9 room frame home with bath and oil heat- ing. New steel implement shed and beef barn. Chicken house. Contract for selling hatching eggs. Owner retir- ing. $45,000 with terms. 2 storey nine room frame home on quiet street in Por Perry,-Large kitchen, living, sewing, laundry and separate dining rooms on main floor, 4 bedrooms with closets up- stairs, excellent lot and gar- age. 'A pleasure to show, $22,600. with terms. New 3 bedroom frame bungalow in Port Perry, ex- cellent lot, close to down- town. - An opportunity with only $7000. down. -- CALL - George S. Stone F.R.I. 986-2632 or Herb Puckrin 705-357-3671 Auction Sales THURS., APRIL 23rd Stock Reduction Sale!! Aue. tion Sale of Farm Machinery and Construction Machinery, 15 Tractors, 8 Balers, Ploughs Mowers, 1969 Forage Harves- ter Manure Spreaders, Wag: ons, Discs, 1970 4 Row John Deere Corn Planter, 5 Trac- tor - Loader Back-Hoes, 3 Automatic Stookers, Seed Drill, the property of RAY- MAN EQUIPMENT Co. (Case Dealer) and CARVETH SER- VICE Ltd. (John Deere Deal- er), to be held at LINDSAY FAIR GROUNDS. Terms Cash or 209, down day of sale, balance in 15 days from sale date. Auctioneer's Note -- This is a large sale of new and re-conditioned machin- ery. Plan to attend. Please note starting times. Sale at 0 am. sharp, starting with Construction Equipment. Farm Machinery at 11:00 a.m. Lunch available. Ward Hol mes, Clerk. CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer. Apr.16-23 Reaboro, Ont. * Phone Lindsay 705-324-9959 MASAI RCEN FAH AGL SAAR AUR RR AE) a SS SRRSAENICE | STS CRIGIEEE Auction Sale MON., APRIL 27th Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay and Furni- ture, the property of GIFF- ORD GRANSDEN, Lot 11, Con. 1, Sommerville Twp., 8 miles north east of Fenelon Falls, 5 miles north on Hwy. 121, turn east at Propane gas tanks, approx. 3 mile or 10 miles N.W. of Bobcaygeon. 45 head of Hereford Cattle, 13 cows, calves by side, 14 steers & heifers (1 yr), 5 heifers (2 yrs). Ford 640 tractor & Dearborn loader), Ford 8N tractor, Ford power mower (nearly new), McCor- mick 46 baler, Bale buncher, Ford forage 'harvester, No. 612 with corn head (1966), 1 forage box. Full line of ma- chinery, Qu. of hay, antique wooden pump & 28 ft. of logs, Nordheimer piano & bench (good), -Qu. of furniture. Farm sold. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Gerald Graham Clerk. REG. JOHNSON & SON, Apr.16-23 Auctioneers Ph. Sunderland 357-3270 THOS.N.SHEA LTD. REALTOR =]Uh gl Auction Sales SELL: RENT + SWAP + HIRE + BUY * SELL: RENT + SWAP + HIRE 0S GE RESULTS | 4 = A = NR EA = RN TT = 1 = = {WhO = = RENT . Auction Sales: THURSDAY, APRIL 23 Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Implements. The proper- ty of MELVILLE JONES, lot 33, Con. 6, Uxbridge Town, ship, 1 mile west of Uxbridge 1 mile north of Quaker Hill, 36 head high grade Holstein Cattle, 20 milk cows, remain- der heifers, 448 lbs. milk quota, DeLaval bulk tank, 1991 1lbs., David Brown trac- tor model 1200 (like new), Allis «Chalmers gleaner com. bine 'with grain and 2 row corn header, Oliver 5 furrow plow, McCormick baler, Turnco wagon and grain box, McCormick 16 Disc feed drill on rubber (nearly new). Full line of machinery, Lease ex- pired ,owner giving up farm- ing. Terms Cash, Sale at 12.30. Gerald Graham, Clerk. REG. JOHNSON, & SON, Apr.9-16 Auctioneers Ph. Sunderland 357-3270 WED., APRIL 22nd Auction Sale of farm Stock, Implements, hay, grain, fur- niture, the property of JAMES PATTON, Lot 22, Con. 14, Brock Twp., 2 miles north of Cannington, % mile east. 65 head oft Hereford and Shorthorn Cattle, 30 cows calves by side or Springers, 10 'Hereford heifers (year- lings), 23 steers and heifers, 10 mon., No. of small calves, 95 Shaver hens (good), Qu. of hay, 1200 bu. mixed grain, Nuffield Universal 3 tractor (good condition), McCormick W 4 tractor, Geo. White threshing machine, M.F. baler No. 10, J.D. Model R Manure Spreader (nearly new), Cock- shutt manure spreader, Buel er Cultivator, Wetmore ham- mer mill & hammer mill belt. Small size cutter, full line of farm machinery, Willis Piano {pi & ing $14,200 with low down Two bedroom brick bunga street. permits available, Asking payments. Enquire to-day. Cottage lot with 120 feet ments. from and various locations. To-day. AFTER THOB.N.BHEA LTO. REALTOR . LAKEFRONT COTTAGE Lake Scugog four bedroom modern cottage. lined, modern conveniences, closed in porch. beach and within walking distance of shopping. RETIREMENT HOME Laundry facilities on main floor. age with ar entrance to the basement for the gentle- man of the family. An excellent buy at $17,300 and will carry for $100 monthly with a small down pay- ment. Call to-day for details. A ' BUILDING LOTS Large building lots in a small village with building LAKE SCUGOG $5500. Scenic cottage lots with access to beach directly in front of them. Asking $3000. al down pay- NEW HOMES Three bedroom brick bungalows. Several to choose quirements to-dayf" House brochures available. For Ttelreat properties, farms, acreages, vacation properties or homes, enquire without obligation. PHONE: 985-3031 MARJORIE TRIPP -- 9857606 Fully Sand Ask- payment. low on large lot on a quiet Double gar- $4,000.00 with low down of lake frontage Asking Lets talk over your re- Call HOURS & bench, Findley oval cook stove, Antique chair, parts of toilet sets, refrigerator, wa- shing machine, 3 piece ches. terfield (good), Qu. of other furniture. Farm sold. Terms cash. Sale at 12 noon. Fur- niture sells first. Ladies will serve lunch. Gerald Graham, lerk. - REG. JOHNSON, & SON, Apr.9-16 Auctioneers Ph. Sunderland 357-3270 ~8 Pon) MON., APRIL 20th Auction Sale of Household Furniture, the property of Mrs. MARY MORTSON will be held in the town of Bea: verton 117 Dundas St. across from Gulf Station on Mara Rd. Refrigerator, Moffat Gas stove (good) Beatty washing machine (nearly new), Brass bed, 5 coal oil lamps, West. inghouse T.V., Table - and chairs (Bronze) new, Bed- room suites, Qu. of other furniture. Terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. Gerald Graham, Clerk. REG.;JOHNSON & SON, SAT., APRIL 16th Auction Sale of Livestock & Implements, 100 Head of Hereford and Polled Angus Cattle, 1969 David Brown Fox Forage Harvester, Hay, 2 Self-unloading Wagons, the property of BOB WHITE, Lot 18, Con, 1, Verulam Twp. 14 mile east of Fenelon Falls and 2 miles south on Stur- geon Point Road, Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Ed. Allen, Clerk. CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer Apr.9-16 Reaboro, Ont. Phone Lindsay 705-324-9959 Apr. 16 Auctioneers Ph. Sunderland 357-3270 WED., APRIL 2%th Auction Sale -- Modern and | antique furniture, the pro- perty of Mrs. ALLAN JONES, 14 Winchester Road, Brook- lin, on Wed. April 29th at 12:00 noon sharp. Furniture, 2 refrigerators, oak dining room table, china cabinet bedroom. suites, quantity of bedding, pillows, linen, tow- els, -dressers, stands, rugs, etc. Antiques, Bell organ, walnut furniture, walnut gentleman's chair, 3 chests drawers, antique clocks, hang. ing lamp, toilet sets, antique dishes, many, - many other fine articles. Terms Cash. John Medland, Clerk. TED JACKSON, . TED SPENCELEY, Apr.16-23 Auctioneers WED., APRIL 2%h Farm Sold, Auction Sale of SATURDAY, APRIL 25 Giving Up' Farming, Auction Sale of Livestock and Imple- merits, 100 Hereford, Poll An and Holstein Cattle, 'Swine, 1968 Ford 4000 Diesel Tractor with Industrial Man. ure Loader, M:H: 33 Tractor with Loader, Int. H. Tractor with mounted Cultivator, 1967 New Holland 268 Baler, John Deere Combine, Corn Tandem Wheel Disc, Hay Conditioner, Wagon with Grain Box, Implement Trail er, the property of ROBT. L. UNDERWOOD, Lot 23 & 24, Con. 4, Otonabee Twp., 7 miles east of Peterborough on #7 Hwy. to David Fife Memorial and 1 mile south. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Machine Sale at 12:30. p.m. Cattle Sale at 3:00 p.m. Lunch available. Ward Holmes and Dick Vaughan, Clerks. CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer. Apr.16-23 Reaboro, Ont. Phone Lindsay 705-324-9959 Auction Sales Tractor, 1966 Nuffield Trac-- tor, 1968 Ford Baler, 1968 # Farm Machinery, 1968 Ford 5000 Diesel Tractor, 1964 Fordson Super Major Tractor, John Deere 430 Crawler Trac- tor, 1966 -New Holland Hay Bine PTO, 1969 New Holland Baler PTO, Calso Field Spray- er, Hay, Grain, Straw, the property of G. DUNCAN Fowler, Lot 12 & 13, Con: 6, Manvers Twp., 16 miles south of Lindsay on Hwy. 35 and 1 mile east. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Ward Holmes, and Ed. Allen, Clerks. CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer. Apr.16-23 Reaboro, Ont. Phone Lindsay 705-324-9959 LAMBERT KEAL ESTATE LTD REALTOR TORONTO 447-8518 217 Queen Street 985 - 73 73 5 Room Cottage with good access to beach. It could be made into year round residence: Lot size 125 x 200'. Asking price $9,300. Call Joan Scott. Near Janetville 48 acres, 36 acres floated, 12 acres bush, creek bo dering property. Good building sites with view, asking $14,600. Call Ma. deline Rodd. Port Perry Bungalow, 1 year old, 3 bedrooms, separate dining room, 'attached garage, finished rec. room with corner fireplace, good view. Close to schools & shopping. Call Madeline Rodd. ! 3 Bedroom Cottage Lakefront cottage, needs some repairs so can be purchased at a reasonable $7,000 Asking Price With $2,500 down. 2 bed. room lakefront cottage, 7 THURS., APRIL 30th Complete Mijhill Dispersal-- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Livestock and Implements, 100 Head of Holstein Cattle, 25 Registered -- 75 Grades, A-C ED40 Tractor, M.H. No. 33 Tractor, 1967 New Idea Manure Spreader PTO, M.H. Drill, Team of Chestnut. Bel- gian Horses, Milking Equip- ment, Hay, Corn Silage, the property of JOE McFEETERS Lot 21, Con. 9, Brock Town: ship, 1 mile west of Manilla on #7 Hwy. & 1 mile north, All Cows will be pregnancy checked before sale. Auc- tioneer's Note--An outstand- ing herd of Holstein Cattle, rating 25th in Ontario on DHIA. 1968-herd average on 35 records--14,020 lbs. milk, 506 fat, 3:639%. Records up |10',19,049 1bs., 632 fat. Plan to attend, Terms Cash. No Reserve. Machine Sale at 10:30 a.m. Cattle Sale at 12:30 p.m. Ward Holmes, & Ed. Allen, Clerks. Ross Nay: lor, RR. 2, Cameron, Pedi. grees and DHIA Records. ARL HICKSON, Auctioneer. Apr.16-23 Reaboro, Ont. Phone Lindsay 705-324-9950 miles north of Port Perry. Call Joan Scott. unrise Beach Lake Seugog, lagoon lot, 81'x160', access to beach, asking $3,000. with terms. Call Madeline Rodd. 2 Bedroom Cottage Insulated suitable for year round living, access to Lake Scugog. Priced to sell, furnished, at $8,000. with $8,000. down. Call Joan Scott. "Lake Scugogy- ttages, lake front and back lots, ranging in price as low as $6500, to $15,000. Now is the time to buy. For further de- tails call Madeline Rodd. Lakefront Cottage on Lake Scugog. 3 bed. rooms, fireplace, full fur. nished and insulated. Pric- REL ilable, - Betas Phi An Scott, Tan. with terms, AFTER HOURS . MADELINE RODD 985-2819 JOAN SCOTT TVR, 1 mile north of Sun- Tde SAT. APRIL 25th Auction Sale of Farm Mach: inery, Hay & Furniture, the roperty of ROBERT ROW- DARD, Lot 10, Con. 7, Brock rland, 1 mile west. Me- Cormick 434 tractor with front end loader (3 yrs.) M.F. No. 10 baler, N.H." No. 327 | Manure spreader(nearly new) | New Holland Haybine (3 yrs.) 2 -- B-ton wagons, Allied cul- tivator, Hydrien plow, 3 fur- row MF. Double Disc, 3 pt. hitch, full line of machinery, 4000 bales of hay, Qu. of cob corn, 4 Surge milker units, Surge pump & motor(handles 5 units), G.E. refrig (new), G.E. stove (new), Frigidaire washer and dryer (good), Westinghouse freezer, chro- me set (good), chesterfield & chdir, Admiral T.V. Large bedroom suite (nearly new). Telephone table, Dishes, of 'a 8 room house, all good furniture. - Giving up farm. ing. Terms Cash. Sale at 2 noon. Furniture sells first. REG. JOHNSON & SON, 985-7014 RL TRY | Apr.16-23 Auctioneers Ph. Sunderland 357-3270 No. 60 Combine, Int. Seed. L Planter, 4 Furrow Plough, » (good) rugs, entire contents - Pom