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Port Perry Star, 16 Apr 1970, p. 8

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de tA Na%tL % pS hi PRA AAAI \ N'Y AL EN FRR ET ION PROT VER CAT on SRL ERER, J ICL * SELL. RENT « SWAP HIRE * BUY * SELL: RENT COI) CIASSIHED ADS GET RESULTS 'HIRE + BUY * SELL: RENT + SWAP HIRE + BUY * -- Thursday April 16, 1970 10. PORT PERRY STAR AAA AA AA A A ANN SES TEN NNR hhh Sa LL A lS EN ppp, Classified Advertising Rates (Effective March 1st, 1967) ARTICLES FOR SALE -- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REAL ESTATE -- WANTED -- CARS FOR SALE LOST -- FOUND -- ETC. Cash Rate--4c. per word 1st week, 3c. extra consecutive weeks with a minimum of $1.00 1st week, 75c. for extra consecutive weeks. ; Must be paid week of insertion--if| charged, an. VAAL CLLCRLRR ARV CL FRCL RRR RCT TR RRR RRR. Engagement Mr. and Mrs. William E. Goslin, Port Perry take plea- sure in announcing the en- gagement of their daughter, Joan Louise to Wayne Ed- ward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Miller Hartwick, Kincardine. The wedding will take place Mag 9, 1970 at 4.00 p.m, in Kincardine United Church. NOTICE We wish to announce the change of ownership of Hill- crest Nursing Home to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harris of Toronto as of April 15th, Mrs. Harris having been night supervisor of Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Toron- to is well qualified to handle all phases of nursing home care. We would like to thank everyone for past co- operation and wish Mr. and Mrs. Harris well. Mr. & Mrs. Allan Beacock ' an additional 25¢. will be added. 4 50c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR 4 USE OF A BOX NUMBER. H NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS : 4c. a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS -- MARRIAGES -- DEATH / 4c. a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 JIN MEMORIAMS -- $1.00 minimum for 4-line verse, 10c. p a line for additional lines. ' DISPLAY CLASSIFIED--$1.25 per inch with a minimum ' of one inch. | 4 All Classified Ads must be in this Office not later than ; '4:00 p.m. Tuesday , Send cash, stamps or money orders and save money. / PHONE 985-7383 -- Clip this out for reference. a A AS AAA EEL LN NN SN CNR RT mem waRRe SAUNDERS -- In loving memory of a dear son and brother Leonard P. Saunders Ye passed away _ April 29, 969 } Sadly missed by Mum and Donald GRAHAM--In loving mem- ory of mother and father, Maretta W. Graham ~ who passed away April 18, 1966 and Job Graham, April 29, 1946 One glorious hope revives Our courage by the way; Though for awhile we part We'll one day meet again. Remembered with love, by their daughter, Frances Cards of Thanks We would like to thank our friends, relatives and all those who attended our show- _er April 11th. Our many thanks for all the lovely and useful gifts. Joan Goslin and Wayne Hartwick Many thanks to all who sent cards, inquired about my health, to Drs Sproulle Price, & Allen and nurses o 3rd floor surgical, Oshawa Hospital. Thank You. - Alma Duff "APPRECIATION" Mr. Frank Vickery entered + into rest in Port Perry Hos- § pial following a two weeks liness. Therefore the" be- reaved family fail to find words to express the kindly acts of neighbours, friends & relatives, The flow of un. derstanding cards we receiv ed. Thanks too to the many folk who visited the chapel, the attractive floral tributes, & thoughtful donations sent in aid of "Port Perry Hos- pital" and "The Cancer So- ciety", all this created a feeling "someone cares". Much gratitude is extended to our minister the Rev. M, Reeves who delivered an ap- propriate consolation at the memorial service. We also observed the efficient service of the chapel staff. Again we repeat, thank-you all for the multitude of gratefulness especially at this time in the loss of a father, and grand. father. Grace - Les Beacock, Mary - Laverne Devitt and grandchildren EIS XT ER RRL RRR pp Cards of Thanks I would like to thank my Lost LOST--A blue Toronto Daily Star collection book on Sat: urday. Area of Queen and Crandell St. Phone 985-2547 after 5 p.m. ; Coming Events BINGO, Friday, April 17th at 8 p.m. Sponsored by Cath. olic League. Jackpot $230 in 56 numbers. Minor Jackpot $45 in 54 numbers. SWAP + HIRE * BUY + SELL: RENT + SWAP + HIRE - Coming Events = {= EE al a a A =I A cS Saal SN Coming Events For Sale FIREMEN'S DANCE SATURDAY, MAY 16th Port Perry Legion Hall Music by the Royal Ambassadors $10.00 per couple Lunch - Prizes Refreshments Included BINGO, Thursday, April 23, 8 p.m. at Legion Hall, Jack: pot $130.00 in 53 numbers, Legion Special $45.00 in 15 numbers. Top line 20 regu. lar games. Share the wealth. DANCE, Saturday, April 25 at: Utica Hall, Polkas, Fox. trots, squares, etc. Admission $2.00 per couple. Sponsored by Port Perry Loyal Orange Lodge. friends and neighbours for cards, flowers, fruit & candy and inquiries during my stay in hospital, also Dr. Cohoon and his associates; nurses & staff of Community Hospital, AUXILIARY MEETING Regular Hospital Auxiliary meeting will be held at the hospital on Monday, April 20 at 2:00 p.m. Everyone Wel- come, : COMPLETE variety of Music for Dances, Wedding Recep- tions; Call Jack: Bookham, Box 10, Uxbridge nt po The ANNUAL MEETING and election of Officers of the Port Perry Minor Hockey will be held Saturday, April 25th at 8:00 p.m. in the lower hall, Port Perry Legion. Please plan to attend. Apr.16-23 EUCHRE & BAKE SALE To be . held Saturday, April 18th, in the Catholic Com- munity Centre. Bake Sale starts at 2:00 p.m, Euchre in the evening at 7:45 p.m. Lunch and Prizes. Sponsored by the Port Perry POP TOPS. ' 3--Apr.16 For Sale ASTRAL Portable refrigera- tor in good condition $35.00. Phone 985-7220. LADIES Navy all - weather coat. Like new. Size 10-12, Phone 985-2465. DUNCAN PHYFE, doubje pedestal table, seats up to 10. Used baby carriage. 15 rub- ber stair treads. 986-4257. CAMPER TOPS for trucks. Iroquois. tent: trailors, Mini- bikes. Village Sales, Janet- ville, Ontario. 705-324-2050. Closed Sundays. TF * $750.00 DOWN, JANETVILLE, long term, twelve year loan, $75.00 month, only $7900.00. Needs some work, but what doesn't? } GUY LeBLANC, R. E. Ltd., + Realtor, 1 - 623-7461. TF 'CONTENTS from - Model 'home, cliesterfield and -mat- ching chair, dining room suite," bedroom suite, desk, 'bookcase stereo & T.V, broad- loom rug 9 x 12, coffee and, 'end tables, etc., etc, All ite like new, Phone Oshawa 728-3473. T.F) BUSH BUGGIE, Volkswagon engine & transmission, good running condition. Make of- fer. Call 985-7037 after 6:30 p.m, -- 140' tower with rotator and INSTALLED 40' tower with all channel antenna--$65.00 colour antenna--$135.00 Extra 10° section--$11.50 Open9-9 Res. 372 King St. W. T.F Mister T.V. Towers CARTWRIGHT High School Annual At Home will be held in the Recreation Centre, . 378 King St. W. 723.9525 OSHAWA STRAW FOR*SALE, at barn or delivered. Heywood Short, Seagrave. . Phone 985-2058. Apr.16-23 USED TRUCKS, various sizes Port Perry Auto Wreckers. Phone 986-4281. 4--May6 Blackstock on Friday, April 24th, at 9 p.m. Music by the Canadian Suns. Admission $4.00 per 'couple. Everyone Welcome. Apr.16-23 Port Perry. - Milton Fisher We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreci- ation for the beautiful floral tributes, cards and many acts DESSERT LUNCHEON and Jewellery demonstration at Masonic Hall, 'April 22nd at 1 p.m. Sponsored by East- ern Star. Tickets 75¢c. each. of kindness from relatives, friends and neighbours dur- ing our recent sad bereave ment of a beloved husband and father. Special thanks to The Rev. R. C. Rose, the McDermott-Panabaker Funer- al Home, the Flamingo Pas- tries and the ladies who pro- OUTDOOR CHICKEN BAR- BEQUE--Legion ground Port Perry, Victoria Day, May 18 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Spon- sored by Veteran's Sons As- sociation, Branch 419 of Royal Canadian Legion. See ad next week for details. vided and served the lunch. Nellie Popert and family "THANK YOU" . During the two weeks our father Mr. Frank Vickery was a patient in Port Perry Hos: pital, we his family first not- ed the -alert ambulance ser- vice, the attentive care of the doctors in charge, and the tender duties of the hos- pital staff in general. Also the regular kind visits from our minister and same by many other thoughtful folk. Then the daily mail and suit. able favours were all deeply appreciated by dad and our- selves. Mary & Laverne Devitt Grace & Les Beacock Births VANDERVOORT--MTr. and Mrs. Anton Vandervoort are happy to announce the birth of their son, 9 1bs., 2 oz. at Oshawa Hospital, Saturday, April 11th, a brother for Louise. Many thanks to Dr. EUCHRE Saturday, April 18 at 8:00 p.m. sharp at Odd. fellows Hall. Sponsored by Maybelle Rebekah Lodge. Ad- mission 50c. Prizes & lunch. LEGION DANCE PART LABRADOR - COLLIE pups for sale $5.00. Phone 985-7528. "WESTERN and ONTARIO 'Stockers. Stock calves, and 'Holstein heifers, every week. Ivan Johnson, R.R. 1, South Monaghan. Phone Bailieboro 1939-6855. 10 miles South -of | Peterborough, Hwy. 25 2 F.|BED . CHESTERFIELD and miles east. "|v ZERO Milk Cooler, capa- city, 33 cans, 3 Surge milk ing units, one Surge pump. 204-3402, Markham or 986 4769 Blackstock. Apr.16-23 +11963 FORD Galaxy, 2 door hardtop, best offer. Phone 655-4839. T.F. MASSEY HARRIS 80 bushel manure spreader, fair condi- tion, Best Offer. Call 655. 4839. T.F. 7/8 CHAROLAIS BULL, King John Dam, Artiste sire, ser- viceable age. Call 852-6305 after 6 p.m. Friday. SATURDAY, MAY 2nd Music by the | i ROYAL: AMBASSADORS $8.00 per couple Refreshments. Included |} Members and Guest LUNCHEON Seagrave Church, Wed., April 29th, 12:30. See Eaton's Dis- play of Wigs. Admission-- $1.00. Tickets 985-2528, 985 7239. : Apr.16-23 DANCE at Tyrone Hall, Sat. urday, April 18th. Round & Square. Sponsored by Ce¢il Hubbard and Leo Norman. Everyone Welcome. EVENING IN INDIA SATURDAY, APRIL 18th GORD'S MARINE Mercury Motors & Ski-Doo Sales & Service, Grew Fiber- glass boats 18' to 22' V.-Hulls Inboard models powered by Mercruiser, stern drives with power trim. Sport ray (leav- ans) Fiberglass & Aluminum oats. Remington chain saws, Fox mini-bikes, Canadian Ex- plorer trailers. Yes, we have everything for the hoater. All on display NOW at Gord's Marine, Claremont. . Phone 649-2007, 17 years experience with Mercury service. 6:30 p.m. AUTHENTIC DINNER & ENTERTAINMENT Coming from Toronto at the Port Perry United Church AUDITORIUM -- PRIZES Advance Sale of Tickets $3.00 985-2809, James Baird--7977. Jean McDermott--2407, Charles Bourgeois. k RUMMAGE SALE 2 DAYS -- April 29th and April 30th, 1 1am. to 4 p.m, "| Church of the Ascension. Apr.16-23 HEAR THE HARVESTERS QUARTETTE from Emmanual College, Kit- chener, at the Greenbank United Church, Sunday, April 26th, 11:30 am. _ Apr.16-23 Allan and staff. McLAUGHLIN -- Fran and Bill McLaughlin wish to an. nounce the arrival of their first baby, Kimberley Ann, on Sunday, April 12, 5 am., weighing 8 lbs. 13 oz. Many thanks to Dr.s Cohoon and Allen and nursing staff at pommunity Memorial Hospi: WALT DISNEY FILM, a warmhearted circus adven. ture, Toby Tyler, Friday, April 24th, 8:00 p.m. Family Nite, Saturday, April 25th at 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Spon: sored by Unit 7, Port perry U.C.W. at the United Chure Auditorium; Admission 75¢. Public School 35c. Tickets available at Harwood Clean: ers or call 985-7100. Apr.16-23 SCUGOG CHOIR ANNUAL SPRING CONCERT APRIL 25th, 1970 3--Apr.23 EVERYONE WELCOME to a Japanese Night of Movies & Japanese lunch, Manchester United Church, Friday, April 17th, at 8:00 p.m. Admisison $1.00, children under 12, 50c. Souvenir Chop - Sticks. 2--Apr.16 HOT LUNCHEON St. John's Presbyterian Church, Port Perry, Friday, April 17th. 11;30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Admission $1.25 For tickets 985-7256. : 2--Apr.16 TURKEY SUPPER Sponsored by Blackstock An: glican Church, Friday, April 17th at 5:30 p.m, Adults $1.75 Public School .75c., Pre: School Free. - RUMAGE & BAKE SALE Friday, April 17th 10:00 a.m, -- 4:00 p.m, At the Scout Hall, Lilla Street.~ Sponsor- ed by Guide and Brownie Mothers. For pick-up call 985-3134 or 985-2300. La Check The Label On Your Paper PROPERTY--4 room. bunga- low plus utility room. $15,000 Apply 196 Perry Street, Port Perry. = Apr.16-23 chair. Suitable for Cottage or Rec. Room. 985-2419, EXQUISITE - FABRIC SHOPPE, CANNINGTON Clearance Sale -- 'Bonded Wools, Blends & Pure Wools, 54" wide, now only $2.98 yd. Large selection of Assorted Fabrics to clear at $1.49 yd. Mary Maxim and Emu Wools and yarns.. Priced to clear. Now open Mondays. ---- NOTICE SWEETMAN'S TAXI 985-7365 "RUMMAGE SALE Sponsored by Port Perry Figure Skating Club Friday, April 24 - 10:00 a.m. MUNICIPAL OFFICES Rummage Articles may be left with Mrs, Ron Gibson, 96 Lilla Street, 985-7185 or phone Mrs. Marg. Podres 985-2166 for information or pick-up. i thé Municipal Building. noon, April 20th, 1970. Corporation of the Village of Port Perry Sealed tenders will be received by Council to re- decorate the Hydro Office and the Clerk's Office at Tenders to be in the hands of the undersigned by Lowest- or any tender not necessarily accepted, John F, Raines Clerk-Treasurer E42 RY \ 2

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