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Port Perry Star, 23 Apr 1970, p. 10

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ae Co OK 2 2) ch ~ RN CEE RA Sn : RO Ty >t EY Tn gn iT Sen Os 25 a To Yay SELL RENT «» SWAP HIRE * BUY SELL: RENT . COI» GIASSIFIED ADS GE RESU IRE « BUY + SELL RENT + SWAP © USER =19h gf 10 - PORT PERRY STAR - Thursday, April 23,1970 WANT ADS Real Estate Auction Sale WED., MAY 6th Auction Sale of Furniture, Modérn & Antique, the pro- perty of JOHN McLEAN, 159 Bigelow St., Port Perry. Sale at 1.00 p.m. Terms Cash. R. Scott, G. Wanamaker, Clerks. TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, Apr.23-30 Auctioneers REAL ESTATE LIMITED REALTOR 189 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY, ONT, Port Perry Special, 4 bedroom bunga- low, living room separate dining room, rec. room, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, walkout basement, extras include, broadloom. cent- ral vacuum system, elec- tronic air cleaner and many others. Un a well landscaped lot. Price $33,500 terms with 6% % mortgage. Prince Albert . Suitable for V.L.A., new brick, 3 bedroom bunga- low, 2 baths, attached garage, lot 100 x 200, close to school. Asking $29,500. Terms arranged. Uxbridge $5,000 down, 6 year old, separate dining, large kit- chen, attached garage. -- Asking $23,000. 79 mort- gage. . Income Home Port Perry, central loca tion, panoramic view of lake, 2 modern self con- tained apartments, each with basement and laun- dry facilities. Ideal ar- rangement for young couple just starting. Ask: ing $24,900. Terms Ar- ranged. Port Perry 2 storey, 4 bedroom home in excellent repair, full basement, separate dining room, along with family size kitchen, central loca- tion close to schools, shop- ping etc. $21,700. Terms. Family Home 134 storey, 4 bedroom frame home, separate din. ing area, 2 bedrooms and bath on main floor, close to schools and shopping. Value $18,500 with 79% mortgage. Blackstock Area Mechanic handyman' spe- cial, 7 years old, 4 bed- room, frame bungalow with color-lox siding on 214 acres. Two bedrooms and porch not finished, garage 26 x 30 with 100 amp. wiring. Asking -- $18,500. With.good terms. 3 bedroom brick bungalow Lake Scugog New 6 room cottage, com- pletely insulated, electric heat, 4 piece bath, family room with sliding glass doors to sundeck, 87' lake frontage. Asking $19,300. Terms. Lake Scugog 3 room furnished cottage overlooking lake, treed lot, harbecue and well, Asking $7,000. Terms. Commercial -Property Almost % acres at inter- section of 2 busy high- ways, cosy 2 bedroom bun- galow with divided base- ment, large garage, suit- able for welding or body shop. Asking $22,500. Horse Farm Insulated barn 32-x 64, 17 acres level land, mo- dern 3 bedroom home, finished recreation room, pool room, attractive set- ting, Port Perry. $38,000. Terms. : Uxbridge Area 60 acre retreat, everflow- ing stream starts on pro- perty. Scenic pond site, 8 room home, convenien- ces, oil heated, barn. Pric- ed at $45,000 with $12,000 Down. Oshawa 8 Miles 163 acres beef or dairy, corner farm, excellent land, good barns, silo, 9 room brick home, con veniences. Asking $85,000 Terms. Retreat Property 68 acres, high and scenic, partially wooded, stream running through property, excellent homesite, terri. fic view, $22,000. Good terms. Port Perry Homesites Prestige homesite in a planned community, each lot 120' frontage, on roll ing land adjacent to Port Perry. . Asking $6,500. Terms. Homesite Scenic, 5 acres, over' looking Lake Scugog, good homesite, excellent gard- en land. Asking $3,500 with $1,000 down. nL 1 Xia Howard Forder 655-3853 Ken Middleton 985-7548 TELEPHONE: Port Perry 985-7306 * Toronto 364-2516 Oshawa 723-0302 Office Hours 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. AFTER HOURS CALL - Maurice Baker 852-726€ Jack Hooker 655-4504 Ken Holliday 728-5420 ; [ Georee Beaton 986-3040 4 Port Perry Attractive 4 bedroom brick and aluminum bungalow, at- tached garage, beautiful sun- ken living room with mural design, Hollywood kitchen, separate dining room, finish. ed recreation room, Includes built in oven.and grill, some drapes, all broadloom and many extras on a large treed lot. 6% 9 mortgage. Ask- ing $28,000, terms. By appointment. Year Round Living Very modern 5 room cottage overlooking the lake. With built-in cupboards, 3 pc. bath electric heating, all panelling covered patio, large porch, Access to lake on a well treed lot. $3,500 down. Asking $18,000. Good Possibilities North of Port Perry; 10 acres .of vacant land. Lots of trees, 4 ponds, spring fed and each its own dam. Excellent spot for homesite or retreat. Down $7,500., asking $14,900. Derryville 2 large building lots 100x280. Asking $4,000. each. A Real Bargain ; 2 acres of vacant land for 35.000 or 1 acre for $3,000 cash, Uxbridge Special $10,000 down. 5 bedroom brick bungalow, 2 complete baths, modern conveniences. Could use for an income home. In an excellent' locat- ion, only minutes from shop- ping area. To see this attract- ive property call us now. Wonderful Opportunity Beautiful 3 bedroom brick bungalow featuring a separ- ate dining room and garage. Excellent condition on a well landscaped lot. Close to park. Priced to sell at -- $26,900 with terms. Building Site 2 separate parcels of vacant land. 10 acres each in love- ly country setting. Only 5 miles east of Port Perry. Asking only $8,000 down. Compact Home Excellent opportunity for beginners or retirement. Set in the quiet town of Port Perry, 2 bedroom frame bun- galow with garage and a full basement. Low taxes, rea. sonable to heat. Contact as to further information. SELL: RENT + SWAP HIRE «BUY * SELL: RENT . | Auction Sales Auction Sales "Auction Sales : SAT., MAY: 2nd Auction Sale of household furniture, the property of CHARLES ORR, will be held in the Village of Woodville (King St. W.) on SAT.,, MAY 2nd. Refrigerator, electric stove, 2 space heaters, chrome set, writing desk, Ad- miral T.V., Book case, Ches- terfield, record player, large cupboard, dressers, was stands, beds, Gadiron, full line of furniture, large qu. of lawn ornaments, all kinds of tools for a work shop for making -ornaments. Owner giving up housekeeping. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms Cash. Ger- ald Graham, Clerk. . REG. JOHNSON & Son, Apr.23-30 _ Auctioneers Ph. Sunderland 357-3270 h| Drill, the property of THURS., APRIL 23rd Stock Reduction Sale!! Aue tion Sale of Farm Machinery and Construction Machinery, 15 Tractors, 8 Balers, Ploughs Mowers, 19069 Forage Harves- ter Manure Spreaders, Wag: ons, Discs, 1970 4 Row John Deere Corn Planter, 3 Trac- tor - Loader Back-Hoes, 3 Automatic Stookers, Seed A RAY- MAN EQUIPMENT Co. (Case Dealer) and CARVETH SER- VICE Ltd. (John Deere Deal: er), to be held at LINDSAY FAIR GROUNDS. Terms Cash or 209 down day of sale, balance in 15 days from sale date. Auctioneer's Note -- This is a large sale of new and reconditioned: machin- ery. Plan to attend. Please note starting times. Sale at 10.00 a.m. sharp, starting THURSDAY, APRIL 30th-- Auction sale of farm machin- ery, and garage equipment, including 1969 Ford Diesel No. 4400 tractor and indus- trial loader, 1000 hrs.;; New Holland hay bine; 24T John Deere baler; John Deere 4 furrow 14" plow; automatic bale -stooker; 3 pt. hitch 28 tooth cultivator; 8% Ford disc; M.H. No. 11 spreader, 3 section harrows; 1952 Ford 8N tractor, 2300. hrs., blade; John Deere side rake; 225 amp electric welder; Gardin- er Denver compressor, 3 h.p. motor; paint regulator; 50' air hose; torches; gauges; cart; 1962 LH.C. dump truck and hoist; tools; Trexler po- tato cutter and bagger; bench grinder and drill sharpening attachments; wood lathe and cuters; saws, furniture, etec., the property of Jack Beach at lot 20, at Ballantrae, on Hwy. 48, 10 miles north of Markham or 20 miles south of Sutton. No reserve as owner moving to Bancroft. Terms cash, Sale at 1 p.m. Norm Faulkner, auctioneer. Apr.23-30 with Construction Equipment. Farm Machinery at 11:00 a.m. Lunch available. Ward Hol mes, Clerk. CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer. Apr.16-23 Reaboro, Ont. * Phone Lindsay 705-324-9959 MON., APRIL 27th Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay and Furni- ture, the property of GIFF- ORD GRANSDEN, Lot 11, Con. 1, Sommerville Twp., 8 miles north east of Fenelon Falls, 5 miles north on Hwy. 121, turn east at Propane gas tanks, approx. 3 mile or 10 miles N.W. of Bobcaygeon. 45 head of Hereford Cattle, 13 cows, calves by side, 14 steers & heifers (1 yr), § heifers (2 yrs). Ford 640 tractor & Dearborn loader), Ford 8N tractor, Ford power mower (nearly new), McCor- mick 46 baler, Bale buncher, Ford forage harvester, No. 612 with corn head (1966), 1 forage box. Full line of ma- chinery, Qu. of hay, antique wooden pump & 28 ft. of logs, Nordheimer piano & bench (good), Qu. of furniture. Farm sold. Terms Cash, Sale at 1 p.m. Gerald Graham Clerk ; REG. JOHNSON & SON, Apr.16-23 Auctioneers Ph. Sunderland 357-8270 WED., APRIL 2%h Auction Sale -- Modern and antique furniture, the pro- perty of Mrs. ALLAN JONES, 14 Winchester Road, Brook- lin, on Wed., April 29th at 12:00 noon sharp. Furniture, 2 refrigerators, oak dining "room table, china cabinet Lbedroom suites, quantity of bedding, pillows, linen, tow- els, dressers, stands, rugs, etc. Antiques, Bell organ, walnut furniture, walnut gentleman's chair, 3 chests drawers, antique clocks, hang- ing lamp, toilet sets, antique dishes, many, many other fine articles. Terms Cash. John Medland, Clerk. y TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, Apr.16-23 Auctioneers Family Home 2 storey 6 room frame house. Immaculate condition. This home features many extras including a large separate dining room. Only minutes to shopping and schools. Ask- ing $8,000 down. R. MARTIN Real Estate Limited Call Anytime 985-3223 MARION HOPKINS or MARG. REYNER Auction Sales 1 THURS., APRIL 30th Complete Mijhill Dispersal-- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Livestock and Implements, 100 Head of Holstein Cattle, 25 Registered -- 75 Grades, A-C ED40 Tractor, M.H. No. 33 Tractor, 1967 New Idea Manure Spreader PTO, M.H. No. 60 Combine, Int. Seed Drill, Team of Chestnut Bel: gian Horses, Milking Equip: ment, Hay, Corn Silage, the property of JOE McFEETERS t 21, Com 9, Brock Town. ship, 1 mile west of Manilla SAT., APRIL 25th : Auction Sale of Real Estate, Furniture, Dishes, Antiques, etc., the property of the Es- tate of the late GERTRUDE BRADBURN, Janetville. A lovely eight room house, in excellent condition, with oil furnace, water on pressure, excellent well and many other features, will be offer ed for sale (subject to re- serve bid). This home is situated on a double lot. Sale at 1:00 pm. . TED JACKSON, Apr.16-23 on #7 Hwy. & 1 mile north. All Cows will be pregnancy checked before sale. Auc- tioneer's Note--An. outstand. ing herd of Holstein Cattle, rating 25th in Ontario on DHIA, 1968 herd average on 35 records--14,020 Ibs. milk, B06 fat, 3:63%. Records up to 10,049 1bs., 632 fat. Plan to attend. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Machine Sale at 10:30 a.m. Cattle Sale at 12:30 p.m. Ward Holmes; & Ed. Allen, Clerks. Ross Na . lor, R.R. 2, Cameron, pedl. ees and DHIA Records. ARL HICKSON, Auctioneer. Apr.16-23 Reaboro, Ont. street. ment, permits available. ments, quirements to-day. House To-day. For retreat properties, Auctioneers Phone Lindsay 705-324-0959 THOS.N.SHEA LTD. REALTOR - LAKEFRONT COTTAGE Lake Scugog four bedroom modern cottage. lined, modern conveniences, closed in porch. beach and within walking distance of shopping. ing $14,200 with low down payment. RETIREMENT HOME Two bedroom brick bungalow on large' lot on a quiet Laundry facilities on main floor. age with an &ntrance to the basement for the gentle- man of the family. An excellent buy at $17,300 and will carry for $100 monthly with a small down pay- Call to-day for details. BUILDING LOTS Large building lots in a small village with building Asking $4,000.00 with low down payments. Enquire to-day. LAKE SCUGOG Cottage lot with 120 feet of lake frontage Asking $5500. Scenic cottage lots with access to beach directly in front of them. Asking $3000. with low down pay- ] NEW HOMES . Three bedroom brick bungalows. Several to choose from, and various locations. properties or homes, enquire without obligation. PHONE: 985-3031 - -- AFTER HOURS -- ~ MARJORIE TRIPP -- 985-7606 a Double gar- Lets talk over your re- brochures available. Call farms, acreages, vacation THOS. N.BHEA LTD. REALTOR

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