mies fd EN . SRT ER Da a aS Ye HORNA 5 AY ERE BA SU TOTY VIAS EINE RELAY SENT SVR REA SIAN ELL: RENT ++ SWAP 'HIRE * BUY * SELL RENT - 10 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, July 9,1970 : : : PA REE ANE LEER LEENA LLL LAL NNN. Announcement F o r S a i e F 0 r S a i e Work Wanted t ' / : r ' H + LS 4 #1 Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Harris, | jc i ] BABY CARRIAGE and baby | SINGLE middle aged man, ' Classified Advertising Rates ' Port Perry, are happy to an- Jog CURES 3 n hag, Lounge in good condition, | steady and dependable work- ' 44 nounce the marriage of their | or more. Phone 985-3094. |Phone 985- 2650. er, fully experienced in , (Effective March 1st, 1967) 's | daughter, Sandra Lee, to Mr, 4--Julyl6 farming, desires work by day. ' ¢| Rico Di Carro, son of Mr. & . --| TWO 21" Console TV's, com | Box #23 Port Perry Star. ? | ARTICLES FOR SALE -- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE p a: oh, Gzto, of Torenin, ONE 18" girl's bike, banana] pletely Toon iioned, us WILL TAKE IN 2 child ' -- -- ¢| on Friday, July 3rd, , at 00.]| lent condition $40. s children ¢ REAL ESTATE -- WANTED -- CARS FOR SALE 'lthe Port Perry United ag Lg Sest.51500 Phone 985-7558. 3 . in my home, 5 days a week. ' LOST -- FOUND -- ETC. #4| Church. Phone 985-3064. ' # ' Cash Rate--4c. per word 1st week, 3c. extra consecutive 4 NEW, J, DEMONSTRATOR Lost CARPENTRY work and gen- ¢ weeks with a minimum of $1.00 1st week, 75¢c. for ~~ § Announcement 3 bed $459.00 SUN GLASSES, one pair of lg P;. Van A extia consecutive weeks. 4 Mr. and Mrs. William A.|] 2 bed $299.00 and nen s Ju sss, bitpeal, hd ¢ ' : : . ; 7| Stone are happy to announce | | 2 bed hartop $459.00. hone : TF H Must be paid week of insertion--iffcharged, §| the forthcoming marriage of MORLEY BRUCE ||' BILL TAYLOR ' an additional 25¢. will be added §| their eldest daughter Linda TRAILER SALES PART HUSKIE Puppy, 8 wks Whadl. | ' -W pi | Mary to William John (Jay) Seagrave old, lost on 8th Con. Reach| CONCRETE CONTRACTOR ' 50c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR #| Spark ; ! Twp. on Saturday evening.| * egoloured Floors ' ¢ | Spark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phone 985-3139 : l rs ' USE OF A BOX NUMBER. #4|W. J. Spark, Toronto. The [WESTERN and ONTARIO : Cement Finishings 4 4 marriage to take place on |Stockers. Stock calves, and Phone 852-7101 ¢yNOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS 4 | Saturday, July 18th, 1970 in [Holstein heifers, overy week, Cards of Thanks | = Thor 1 A . . ' 2 : ] t itari , Ivan Johnson, R.R. 1, Sou - - " : ] ' 4c. a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 ' Cdn ing Alborta tre Mons han, Phone Ballishorg ] JuRghRED 3 Yui Uxbridge, Ontarme #BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS -- MARRIAGES -- DEATHS : Ee aEuad Tplics South Site MS py wg ROOFING / 4c.a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 4| Coming Events [miles east. TF Hel p Wanted NEW ROOFS ' . / : a ; / - ini i , GORD"S MARINE _ Expertly Installed a MEMORIAMS . $1.50 minimum for Ailing verse, 10¢ ' iii TR gg PIR 'Mercury Motors & Ski-Doo| LICENSED Mechanic for with written guarantee ' a line for additional lines. / rae wi gw ig Sales & Series, grew Eiher truck 5 pa Rlaghjiiory =» ® Free Relais [ /' a $ i Cai ' i i glass boa ' to 22' V.-Hulls| pairs and maintenance. Ap- © PY J DISPLAY CLASSIFIED--$1.25 per inch with 3 minimum ¢ Coma Loy Lin ba Jnboard models powered by| ply Chalet Farms, Port Perry, Caesarea 986-4624 iy of one inch. _*#| gion Pipe _and Drum Band. | Mercruiser, stern drives with | Ontario. . T.F. 4 ' ' power-trim. Sport ray (leav- - - #' All Classified Ads must be in this Office not later than ¢ | BINGO, Friday, July 10th at [ans) Fiberglass & Aluminum | RETIRED gentleman, over 65| |NTERIOR or EXTERIOR ' . ' .m. Sponsored by Catholic | boats. Remington chain saws, | to drive a 10 H.P. M.F. trac- ' 4:00 p.m, Tuesday ¢ | 8 p.m. Sponso v PAINTING ' ) or . # | Men's League. Jackpot $240. | Fox mini-bikes, Canadian Ex-| tor mover, 2 days a week # Send cash, stamps or money orders and save money. %|in 57 numbers. Minor Jack- | plorer trailers. Yes, we have| cutting grass. Phone 985-|Call John Holtby 985-7553 / ' 4| pot $50 in 55 numbers. everything for the boater. All| 2460. after 4 P.m. ., 4 PHONE 985-7383 -- Clip this out fo: gaference. i on display NOW at Gord's " ES v ¢ of '4 ES AS EEX LL LRN EN CN CNR RR RR Re | BINGO, Thursday, July 16th Marine, Claremont. Phone UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY ROZELL ROOFING : at 800 p.m. at Legion Hall. | 849-2007, 17 years experience| Promotions within our Sales] AyyMINUM SIDING, ee : Jackpot $190.00 in 59 num. | With Mercury service. | Organization have created an| 'EFAVESTROUGH'NG In Memoriam Births bers. Legion special $25 in [= opening in this area. Weare| cpyMNEY REPAIR ; : -110 numbers. Top line, 20|CONTENTS from Model 2 large Mobi iy new or old MIDDLETON--A dear wife | RICHARDS --James & Joyce | regular games. Share the [home, chesterfield and mat-| any in the Spcwinrs) ield,| o Free Estimates ® and mother kind and true |are pleased to announce the | wealth. ching chair, dining room| and are looking for a man| ca); "5767271, OSHAWA who passed away July 13th, arrival of a daughter Chris- suite, bedroom suite, desk,| with recent agricultural back-| : : TF " . 1967. tina Lisa, 7 lbs. on Monday, | EUCHRE Saturday, July 11,|bookcase stereo & T.V. broad: ground. Position is full-time . The depths of sorrow we June 22nd, at Oshawa Gen: |at 8 p.m. sharp at Oddfellows | loom rug 9 x 12, coffee and| or can be handled at first SIGNS . cannot tell eral Hospital. Christine is| Hall. Sponsored by Maybelle nd tables, je. . All itemd] along with your present) first class lettering and il- Of the loss of one we loved |a sister for Ronald James and | Rebekah Lodge. Admission 728-3473, Ohe Oshave farming operation. Success-|]ystrating. Any size. Reason-- so well grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. |50c. Prizes and lunch. ~~ | 7 : 'T.F)| ful applicant can expect|able rates, Allow one week And while she sleeps a A. F. St. Pierre, Maple Grove o above-average earnings on aon all orders. : peacati] sleep oy ii oa i | F G O N The Product with the Money lant opportunity tora L y JicA hel SO i | Her faery we shall always |Richards, Bowmanville. Back Guaranee. (Cll Art AROSE L in this area. . Langiile . x TF. 3 . WALLACE -- Marion and er, 9864810. Your Deal-| you are ambitious, and want IE At he lace at BIE TC LUE on er in Cartwright and Manvers|to be associated with the Dead or Crippléd Always Rememebered, happy to announce the safe T.F. neucyrowng ow 2 a i or Stock - Fred, boys and family |arrival of their only son, ) arm. Stock Kenneth Ross, 7 lbs, 8 ozs. PARKINSON'S about yourself. Write to: dh - on June 18th, 1970 at Ajax SATURDAY, JULY 4th S tr - = Ys Panes M Picked np Dechy. . Hospital. A wee brother for G wherrie anadian Sales Manager elephone collect in Cards of Thanks Djanne a74 another Sranaion Vuiie by ths aw £4 5 A Ciltaria HAMPTON 416-263-2721 iy We should like to take this ely fe Ra Ad ROYAL {Uny ut July 20th) * U8 Julys|MARGWILL FUR FARM » Ls BE] RPC Rose tho ark the Rey: [lace "of Uxbridge. AMBASSADORS | SMALL ORDERS DAILY [EGILY experienced Wait] F-R-6 Bowmanville Ys John's Church, Blackstock $8.00 per couple (LARGE ORDERS if |ress required. Please apply|. Licence 2568-C-70 - {4 and the Church of the Ascen- At Rest Refreshments Included. © RESERVED) Conway Gardens, Port Perry. pean OR CRIPPLED HA, sion, Port Perry, and all our Members and Guest 4 , friends and neighbours for c oD For Tl --T =r SALESMAN or SALESLADY FARM ANIMALS ready the wonderful farewell par- ARROZ, John B.--At the > se .Fanmg given to sue. Picked up P ! i ties and gifts you have oH Community Hospital, Port| ANNIVERSARY SERVICE at Raspberries cessful Sbplicariis for fran-| po. direct g digg 8 - hl us, as we prepare to make | Perry on Tues, June 30th,|Breadalbane ° Presbyterian chise with world-wide elec-|. ng 8 . i our new home in Oshawa. We | 1970, John B. Carroz, beloved | Church, on Sunday, July 12, PICK - YOUR - OWN trical company. Full or part| Distance and ask for 7 have appreciated your friend- | husband of Martha, dear bro-|1970 at 2:30 p.m. Speaker 25 ots. pint time. * Experience not neces- Zehith 32800. , rd ship during our years in this | ther of Marie (Mrs. Dubuis)| Rev. Wm. Black. Special ' sary. ~Must have car and be Call anytime 2 community. To all, thank |of France, Adeline (Mrs.|Music. 2-J1y9 | STARTING ABOUT JULY 15] over 21. You do not have to ED PECONI & SON ; you and God's Blessings. Bonuin) & Clementine of MANCHESTER - PROSP : put up any money. For fur-|- ."- Robert and Kathleen Suitland, ese at the Congregational Meeti RCY ner ibfotmation gan Rx Woodville, Ont. Mansfield and f. apel of McDermott - Pana- 6-3560 or after 6.00 Licence » . and family baker, Port Perry for service Regardulg the possible clos. |. PHONE 985-2415 p.m. 728-2691. ' cence No. 324C-66 . - on Thursday at 2 p.m. Inter-| D8 a the two churches a (if Busy 985-7603) : My sincere appreciation to| ment Pine Grove Cemetery. |5Pecial vote will be taken al REW AR D " relatives, friends, Rebekos gaoh Shire and if a major-| "7 for gifts, flowers, cards and ty of members and adher-| Mister TV. Towers : visits, To Dr. Allin, Dr.|. REDMAN, Thomas -- At|ance in attendance are in LOST -- in or around downtown area last Grant and Associates for Laksion Mair, Beaverton favour these churches remain | 378 King St. W..723.9525 week ' Co minsnc & ct-frlon Mopday, July 6th, 1970, |open. : : er iar thanks i Thomas Redm of RR. 3,| Meeting at Manchester, INSTALLED SET OF 4 KEYS on 1/8" thick figure 8 those who helped at home Port Dems beloved hushand Hs, wy. 14 at 2 p.m: |40' Tower with al channel 'hog ring'. ; ; { 0 el Jones, dear father eeting at Prospect, antenn ; : < *. Quring my stay in Oshawa) oe Giittord, Irene (Mrs. A.| Wed, July 16 at 8 p.m. [40' tower with rotator ana || AAMYOMe finding please bring in to Star Office. : Marjorie Aldred |Carter) and Allan also sur: 3 ; } colour antenna--$135.00 o vived by 6 grandchildren, In Extra 10° section--$11.50 : : his 95th year. Restingatthe| - For Sale en 9 - 9 Mrs. John Carroz and fam-| Chapel of McDermott-Pana- Res. 372 King St. W. y | ily wish to thank all the|baker, Port Perry for ser- . TF. |¢ mem ----- risnis of pon, pers wi Ficw on Thursday at 2, p.m. GELDING riding "horse and : k . ave so graciously expressed | Interment Pine Grove Ceme- |saddle. Phone 985-2693. ~ |BOAT & MOTOR--12' Fiber- | | heir , : eA 1] oe Mg eric Mig WA bald HR 2516 | glass atures, blue & wilie|$ Village | Of Port Perry : | passing of her husband John| GRAHAM, Howard Court-|1955 G.M.C. half ton truck. |Red steering wheel $250.00. ; | gad the dedicated services of ney -- Suddenly at the Com. Phone 9864823. Caesarea-- Weekends Harry In accordance with by-law number 1545 | who continue on her behalf | DV"4tY Hospital, Port Berty | cesTERFIELD and chair. [Morgan Sears cottage. | $07 Parking Meter Control is the Village of | ge ! Sovier of strength at Courtney Graham, beloved Sory reasonable. Phone 985- 3--Jly16 Port Perry, meters have been installed in the | : usband, of Florence Toms, h | ; John Murys, Nephew Jour father of Harvey and 8 ACRES HAY, standing alf 2 VR. OLD Purebred Arab'an lakefront area. - © ' i Jofte [Qhte, Sera d kelly alin & Merdowios mang al Soret sg. onable. Phone You are hereby notified by Council, that { 4 My sincerest thanks to all| ther of Frances (Mrs. Reg. |985-2687. parking meter rates will be enforced seven the friends and neighbours, | Boundey) of Port Perry, also TOY FOX TERRIER i [ 4 for the cards, flowers, and survived by 7 grandchildren. RASPBERRIES Phone 085.9736 Puppies. 8 days a week from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. it visits while in hospital.| In his 69th year. Rested at |New patch - ready around gn starting Saturday, July 4th ; 4 Thanks also to the doctors &|the Chapel of McDermott. | July 15th, Pick your own--| 1963 BUICK Wildcat, 4 d Y, July 4th, 1970, nurses at the Community| pPanabaker Port Perry for |35¢. qt. Some orders ready | pari ois no EER © COOK ] } Memorial Hospital, and to|service on Tuesday at 2 p.m. | picked. Phone 985-7414 for haust P "$450 or of wi ¥] boi Pio John F. Raines, Clerk - '} ; Rev. Wm. Black, for his calls. | Interment Pine Grove Ceme- | price. Order- early. Neil[ppone gaz ssa ery Village of Port Pe t Aleta MacFarlane| tery. cMillan, Seagrave. 2--Jly9 : ge rry