"n 0 « LCI) CIAS ROOFING, Eavestroughing & aluminum siding. All work id guarantosd, For Free mates, a Caesarea 86-462 : T.F. » Work Wanted | AL SPEARS BODY SHOP COMPLETE COLLISION ¢ SERVICE 'Body Repairs and Spray Painting FREE ESTIMATES PRINCE ALBERT. 985-3401 For Rent | Sweetman--$85.00. LISS =19h GE = {WEN = { =] Nh gO {VV =I HIRE Wanted WATKINS Rural Division re- quires. dealers to sell, pro- mote, and service Watkins Household and Agricultural Products. For complete in- formation Write Don Paige, Li Doxsee St., Campbellford, nt. -NOTICE NOTICE Winner of Legion Welfare Draw, July 4th, 1970 -- Mrs. Donna Sandison--$851.00. Consolation Prize -- Mary ) R Lakeshore frame cottage, furnished, on Lake Scugog gog with 4 pc. bath and pic- ture window to lake, Natural sandy beach, excellent lot with mature white birch and poplar trees. Guest cabin. $7,500 PORT PERRY PUBLIC LIBRARY will be CLOSED for 2 weeks vacation, commecing Monday, JULY 20 and Ovenirg on AUGUST 4th at 3 p.m. ROOM for rent, Lakes'de view, close to bus:ness area. Phone 985-3003. T.F. # LIGHT housekeeping room for rent. All conveniences, Phone 985-2406. BRIGHT, modern, 2 bedroom upper duplex, stove, Frig, washer and dryer supplied. Su retired couple. Call 985 4 BEDROOM House, for rent, kitchen, dining and living rooms.: All conveniences, in Little Britain. Phone 705- 357-3693 Sunderland. i 2--Jlyl6 J --_-- ¢ 6 ROOM HOUSE, partly fur- 'nished, fenced yard, private drive, from Sept. 1/70 to July 1/71. East end of Tor- onto, 10 minutes to subway. $150 month. Write Box 24, Port Perry Star. THOMPSON'S RENTAL « Tag-A-Long Trailers, $35.00 per week. Call early due to demand during summer holi- days. A deposit must be made 5 days prior to rental. For information phone 986- 4760, Hwy. TA ,opposite Wil- son, Nestleton. SWEETMANS TAXI 24 HOUR SERVICE Phone 985-7365 Miscellaneous TUITION MARIE TAYLOR - ARCT. RMT - Registered Teacher of Piano, Singing, Organ and Theory; Gold Medalist, Silver Medalist, Beginners to ARCT accepted. Reduced fees for beginners and lower Grade students. General Course o, study, or Conservatory Gra es. Register before August 13th," if possible. - Jly2 - Augl3 50 acres, 7 workable, bal- ance woods with spring pond. On a paved road 9 miles north of Port. Perry. $11,000 with $3,000 down. 2 storey 7 room white brick large corner lot. 4 beautiful 'with bay window, dining room with fireplace, modern kitchen, 3 baths, garage. Pre- stige home' throughout. Of- fered at only -$36,500 with $10,000 down. Horse Farm 100 acre clay loam. 2 storey, 7 room frame home. All mo- dern conveniences, fireplace, wall to wall broadloom ex- cept kitchen and bathroom, immaculate throughout. 40 x 70 barn with box stalls, Pad- docks & training track. -- $75,000 with terms. : od 2 bedroom frame bungalow on Cochrane, Port Perry. New oil furnace, broadloom in living and dining room. FREE WIG--earn your own wig by having a wig party. Phone 7284488 or 728-8711. 5--J1y30 « LOVELY 2 bedroom furnish: ed apartment in Manchester. Private entrance and bath, 23" TV included. Suitable for 2 working females or couple only. Available Aug- ust 1st." Phone 985-3189. 2---Jly16 MORTGAGES AVAILABLE 1st and 2nd, Small or Large Prompt, Confidential Service Phone 985-2827, anytime C. BLAKE Mortgage Broker FOR EXPERT sewing mach. ine repairs, rentals, parts & service see your local Singer. Cenfre, 16 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa. Phone hs. a FH wt. * Wanted To Rent 2 BEDROOM Apartment, or house in Port Perry by Sept- ember 1st, for engineering representative. Replies to Box 145 Gile Wisconsin, o 54525. 4-Jly30 Wanted ROUND dining room tables, cuboards, etc. Atlas of Ont- ario and other books, China, glass, etc. Call Vera Lee's ¢ Antiques, Greenbank -- 985: 7723. T.F. WANTED to buy for parts, lawn mowers, roto tillers, out boards. chain saws. etc. will pick up. Phone 985 7369. ¥ COMMUTERS--Riders want ed from or near Port Per:y to Toronto. Leaving Port about 6:15 a.m. arriving Union Station about 7:15 a.m. Returning about 3:45 p.m. Room for two. Will drop off along route. 985-2737. ¥ COMPANION, non smoker for elderly lady, light house- keeping duties, live in, week- ends free. Oshawa suburbs. Phone 655-3057. DAY CARE, for 4 yr. old] boy, Monday to Friday 8:30 ¢2.m. to 5:30 p.m. while mo. ther works. Call -after 6 p.m. 985-2781. CASH LOANS We have private mortgage funds to loan. 1st, 2nd and 3rd mortgages. Fast private service in your home. Low monthly payments. CALL ANYTIME NO HIDDEN CHARGES JORD INVESTMENTS Gord Charlton 576-1433 GONG OVERSEAS You'll Need A PASSPORT PHOTO Contact Peter Hvidsten 985-7383 : PORT PERRY STAR - partially Excellent lot. $17,500 with $6,000 down. 1 acre building lot on Scugog Island. Treed boun- dry on 2 sides. Good value at $4,000 cash, 3 bedroom frame bungalow in Manchester. 3 pec. bath. modern kitchen, new garage and workshop. Extra build- ing lot $13,500. 3 bedroom 8 room brick bun- galow in Port Perry, double garage, paved drive, all ern conveniences, nicely decorated throughout. Close to schools. Excellent value at only $27,900 with terms. 3 bedroom brick bungalow in Port Perry with attached garage. Prestige area of ex- cellent homes. Broadloom and corlon floors. Stone fire- place in rec. room. Quality ome with character. $31,500 with terms. Waterfront cottage on Lake Scugog, near Port Perry. 2 bedrooms, large kitchen, liv ing room with fireplace, bath. insulated. Good ach. An opportunity at $8,700 with $5,000 down. 6 room brick home in Greenbank on quiet street, attached garage, all modern conveniences. For quick sale $15,000 with $3,500 down. -- CALL - George S. Stone F.R.I. 985-2632 Scenic 10 acre lot on hwy. 12 north of Blackwater. ature pine and maple trees. Beautiful building site. $12,000 with $3,000 down. 7 acre treed building lot on paved road, east of Sun derland, building permit a vailable. $5,000. Herb Puckrin W. REAL ESTATE LIMITED REALTOR 189 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY, ONT. dwelling in Port Perry, oni ms, 26' living room| I PRINCE ALBERT New brick, 3 bedroom bungalow, 1380 sq. ft. living area, fireplace. Glass patio doors to 25 foot sundeck. Quiet village. $29,900. Terms. PORT PERRY--Income home, central location 2 mo- _dern, self-contained apartments, basement & laundry facilities, Home plus help with the mortgage. Asking $24,900. Terms arranged. $4000. DOWN--$22,500. 7 room home, excellent condi- tion, conveniences, oil heat, 4 bedrooms, one mortgage 91% 9, $150.00 monthly payments, INCOME HOME--2 storey home, could divide into 3 apartments. Presently 2 apartments, showing good income. Good location for renting. Asking $21,000. Terms. VILLAGE HOME--Large 8 room 2 storey older home, conveniences, oil heat, 3% acre lot, paved road. Good commuter home. $17,000.00 with $5,000.00 down. CRESWELL VILLAGE--3 bedroom frame home, good size kitchen and living room, 4 piece bath, -oil furnace, small barn, on a nicely treed lot. Asking $11,900. Easy terms. B ~ i HIGHWAY FARM--100 acres on No. 7 Hwy., all work- able, good barn. Three bedroom bungalow, conveni- ences. Manilla area. Asking $49,900. Good terms. HORSE FARM--Port Perry, 50 acres, five room 1% storey home, good horse barn. Spring on property, good pond site. 20 miles Oshawa. $37,000. Terms. RETIREMENT Summer Home only, custom built, winterized, electric heat, fireplace, screened porch, appliances, custom made furniture included. Garage with storage & workshop. High lot, scenic view of Lake Scugog. $24,000. Terms arranged. SUNRISE BEACH Lake Scugog, five room, winterized cottage, conveniences. Furniture included. $12,000.00 with terms. , CAESAREA--Winterized cottage, 5 rooms, convenien- ces. Furniture included, $13,500. with $5000. Down. BALSAM LAKE desirable treed 95 foot waterfront lot. Asking $8,000.00 with $2,500. down. IN UXBRIDGE SOUTH--32 acre retreat, wooded, high rolling land, pond sites. Excellent view of Uxbridge hills. ~ Asking $26,900. with good terms. HOMESITE--Scenic five acres, overlooks Lake Scugog. Good homesite, excellent garden land. Asking $3,500. with $1,000. down. . - 705-357-3671 TELEPHONE: Port Perry 985-7386 Toronto 364-2516 Oshawa 723-0302 Office Hours 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. AFTER HOURS CALL -- Howard Forder 655-3868 Maurice Baker 852-7256 Ken Middleton 985.7548 Jack Hooker 665-4504 George Beaton 985-3040 Ken Holliday 723-5420 Bruce Currie 705-357-3392 BUY * SELL: RENT + SWAP 'HIRE * BUY * SELL: RENT - PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, July 9, 1970 -- 11 Real Estate Fred Cook Real Estate Ltd, Realtor Greenbank, 11% storey 7 room brick, attached garage, sun porch, large lot, $18,500. Terms. * Cresswell," 1% storey 6 room brick, % acre, $13,900. Terms. Uxbridge area, 4 bedroom, 2 storey brick, 1 acre, on paved road $3000 down, 89% financing. : Uxbridge Hills, 3 bedroom, 2 storey home, living room 22 x 16, double garage new, electric heat, $27,500. Terms. Uxbridge area, 1% acre lots, good road $6,900. Terms. 40 acres spring fed stream, 10 acres bush, 1% mile off paved highway $14,000 terms. MORLEY. BRUCE 985-2528 Blackstock -- Highway pro- perty, 5 bedrooms solid brick -| home, 2-3 pc. baths, fireplace, double carport, large lot plus many extras. $31,500. Terms. 99 acre farm, 7 room brick home, conveniences, barn 30 X..114, on paved county road. 'Manvers Twp. Asking $47,000 --Terms. Nestleton, 7A Highway -- 50 acres suitable. for sub- dividing. Asking '$37,500. Terms. Building lots-- Blackstock, Port Perry, Uxbridge area-- from 1 acre to 25 acres. IVAN THOMPSON" - 986-4987 "Auction Sales SAT., JULY 11th Auction Sale of Household Furniture and Antiques, the property of WILLIAM LAY- OE, will be held in the Village of Sunderland on SAT. JULY 11th. Admiral Refrig., Glass door cupboard (Eastlake), 4 chairs, 1 arm chair (fiddle back), 9 piece walnut dining room suite, Jaques & Hayes couch, Ja- ques and Hayes Mr. and Mrs. chairs, Rosewood square grand piano, full size (com- pletely restored), 3 piece An- tique Neo-Classic love set, Solid Mahogany (good), Ball feet parlour table. Glass door pine cupboard, cherry pedes- tal table, Eastlake couch, 3 arrow back chairs, Sloop rorker, wicker table and 2 chairs, 3 piece bow front oak bedroom suite (good), cherry chest of drawers, chest of drawers, cherry, birds eye maple & pine, Brass bed, Em- pire Loyalist hand woven bed spread (good), 5 Hanging lamps, 11 Aladdin lamps, 7 coal oil lamps, Bone china, Pressed glass, silverware, Ruby ' glass, hundreds of other antique items, 2 air compressors, skill saw, 3 belt sanders, vibrytor sander, 2 aluminum ladders, Qu. of carpenters & refinishing tools Antique rope machine, ete. Owner moving. Terms Cash. Sale at 12 noon sharp. Plan to attend this large sale. REG JOHNSON & SON, Auctioneers Ph. Sunderland 357-3270 Found YOUNG brown & white doe found in area of Simcoe and Queen Sts. Has been injured. Owner may claim for price of ad. Phone 985-2355. bs