Port Perry, Reach, Scugog, Cartwright Amalgamation In Proposed Nine - Community Regional Government Study UXBRIDGE UXBRIDGE CARTWRIGHT OSHAWA -E. WHITBY BOWMANVILLE i DARLINGTON Map shows proposed boundaries for Regional Govern: ment composed of Ontario County, City of Oshawa, Bow- manville, Cartwright and Darlington Townships. Permits Temporary Parking For Loading And Unloading At the regular meeting of council, Wednesday, July 8th, Mr. Gord Lewis, owner of Port .Perry Auto Supply attended and issued a complaint regard- ing the newly installed parking meters on Water Street, Mr. Lewis pointed out to council that he has no parking or loading area at the rear of his store, and was therefore using Water Street, along side his building for loading, un- loading, and parking. He also said, he now operated the terminal for the C.N. Delivery and C.N. trucks quite regularly loaded and unloaded in the samé area. g . Councillor Ken Jackson told Mr. Lewis he sympathized with him and realized this was "a problem, but added, every time someone has a parking problem it's not possible to change rules already establish- ed by council. VAC fA $24 WEEK ENDING JULY 8th Admissions . , . ..... 29 Births: ii... 4. 2 Deaths... ...,..... 2 Emergencies .. .. .. 105 Operation ,....... Discharges ........ Remaining . ....... 32 Visiting Hours 3 -- 8 p.m.- ~ After considerable discuss- ion, council pass2d a resolut- ion to change one parking space, along side Port Perry Auto Supply, to a temporary Loading - -Unloading Area, until such time as sewers are installed and a permanent 'centred 2 --~#lmost all of Ontario County parking area can be arranged. The wishes of the councils' of Port Perry, Reach and Scugog Townships to be in- corporated as one munici- pality within the boundaries of a planned Regional Govern- ment are included in the Third Paper by. the Oshawa Area Planning and Development Study. Also included in the municipality «. is: Cartwright Township, a logical decision considering the geographical location as well as trade and social relation of the area. A nine-community Oshawa] ; region including is proposed in the Oshawa Area Planning and Develop- ment Study's third discussion paper revealed today. The region would include all of Pickering Township with the exception of a small corner west of the Rouge River which would join Scar- borough in Metro Toronto. The proposal also calls for the 'inclusion of three Dur- ham - County municipalities Bowmanville and the town- ships of Darlington and Cart- wright in the Oshawa region. The third discussion paper will be presented at a planning and development study exec- utive committee meeting, July 16th. Whatever is approved at the meeting will then be the basis for discussion at public meet- ing which will be held through- out the region in August and October. When all briefs and viewpoints have been present- ed by individuals and groups the executive committee will meet again to draft a final report for presentation to the provincial government. MAJOR POINTS Major points in the pro- posal to be considered at the July 10 meeting include: More than half of the region's existing 21 munici - palities are eliminated, and replaced by five boroughs along the lakeshore and four in the north. Be Oshawa. will annex part of Darlington Township and all of East Whitby Township to allow for predicted major increases in population. The city will extend north about 12 miles from the lake, to a line which cuts the region in half and runs from Stouffville in the east to just north of the Manvers Town- ship-Clarke Township boun- Continued on page 15 Will Discuss At Public Meeting, July 28 Two letters from Port Perry Chamber of Commerce wefe read in council at the last regular meeting. The first was in regard to complaints received about: the unsanitary condition of the public washrooms at the lakefront. The letter stated, the lake- front is an area attracted by many tourists and should be kept in a sanitary condition. The second letter was a request from the C of C to meet with the Village Council and the consultants from Philip Planning and Engineer- ing Ltd., the firm in charge of a proposed Official Plan. A public meeting will be' 6 ! held on Tuesday, July 28th | «= 30 {and jt was suggested the! directors of the local Chamber of Commerce attend and Official Plan express their views then. Second Cartoon In This Issue The second cartoon in the Elmer Summer Safety Contest for children of this area can be found on page 14 of this issue of the Star. In the bottom part of the cartoon, an explanat- ion is given on how to enter the contest and where to send it, when completed. Deadline for contest no. 2 is Tuesday, July 21 and the address is Elmer Con- test No. 2, Box 4072, Station A, Toronto 1. MATL ws rd H YE AANA yg oA bh AA AR UT SCRA OSE SEY ETI) dh BEATA YE PREORARE PEAS FDA I RV RAT BI TIE BAL BA. SAW FE FARIA edi «I YI SY 1 Aa FRALEY Yrs ~ : ean radii PPRT{ PERRY {Volume 105 -- Port Perry, Ontario, Thursday, July 16th, 1970 -- Number 38 Public Keenly Interested InScugog Shores Museum After one week of operat- ion the Board of the Museum is extremely pleased at the receptiongiven to the museum and its Craft School by the public generally. In the first week, over 200 people visited the museum and in the first two weeks of Craft School operation there were over 50 people engaged in various programs. Will Hold Dance To Raise Funds The Executive of the Cen- tennial Committee met last Wednesday evening. The pur- pose to discuss plans for a pre-centennial danceto be held in the near future to raise funds for activities in Cen- tennial year. Samples of the Centennial flags should be available at the next meeting for all to see. These will be on display in a couple of locations and orders taken. On Monday July 20th, there will be a general meeting of the Centennial Committee at| the Municipal Building in Port Perry, and all representatives of the organizations are urged to attend. The museum committee under Mrs. Aileen Kane are Continued on page 14 Star Closing For Vacation No publication of the Star will appear Thursday, August 6. The office will be closed from Friday morning, July 31, until Monday morning, August 10. During this period the management and staff of 'the Port Perry Star will takeoff for summer vacat- ion. The next issue will be published on Thursday, August 13. Advertising normally required for the week of closing should therefore be inserted the week previous, the July 30th issue. Customers who may require printing- about the time of closing should place orders early so jobs may be completed prior to vacation, ) Parking Sign To Be Moved The "No Parking Here To Corner" sign-in front of Mc- Dermott-Panabaker"son Queen Street will be moved back one space, on the suggestion of By-Law Officer, Don Los- combe. He pointed out to council, the sign was too close to the corner obstructing the view for cars turning from Perry Street to Queen Street when vehicles were parked at that point. Reeve Kenny agreed with Mr. Loscombe and explained his car had been hit while parked at that point by a car turning too sharply. This would have been avoided if the sign had been placed a car length further back. Will Build Restaurant Phil Goreski, proprietor of Club Annrene has taken the initial steps to build a rest- aurant at the south end of Water Street, opposite the garage operated by Ptolomy and Grieves. A permit to erect a build- ing on this site 40' x 50' with a restaurant on the first floor and apartments on the second was approved by Port Perry Council at the last regular 'I meeting. HARDBOILED veterans of many rounds of eggthrowing, John Scott (left) and Eric Smith received their trophies Friday after they won the egg throwing contest at the Senior Playground. Ceremoniously crowning the victors EGGheads is playground super- visor Deanne Smith of R.R. 3, Uxbridge. Their trophies are two gold-painted hard boiled eggs with a golden tin foil base. More pictures inside. 1 CTR Ru AN 23 x ¥W SR (17:8 PORN Re ARLE A a ATR AR LR Photo -- Bob McDougall ¢ es oy WE ~. - xh SER = -~ a NE