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Port Perry Star, 20 Aug 1970, p. 9

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& IEEE For Rent Work Wanted | Miscellaneous ROOM for RENT, furnished, PLOUGHING HN shared bath. Phone 985-3366. Phone 786-2354 NT AgES DUCK POND for rent. Cu- cumbers for sale. 985-7807. PASTURE FOR RENT Phone 985-2776 2 BEDROOM Apt. for rent. Available Aug. 15th in Sea. grave. No children. Phone 985-2079. - 52 ACRE farm with house & barn for rent. Available Sept. 1st. Phone 985-7151. Wanted To Rent COUPLE would like 1 or 2 INTERIOR or EXTERIOR PAINTING Call John Holtby 985-7653 after 4 p.m. T.F. Dead or Crippled Farm Stock Picked Up Promptly. Telephone Collect HAMPTON 416-263-2721 MARGWILL FUR FARM| R.R.5 Bowmanville Licence 258-C-70 bedroom apt. in Port Perry. Phone 985-2836. Wanted CHEST of Drawers, stereo radio-gram, must be good condition. J. Burfitt.. Phone 985-3581. - BILL TAYLOR Coloured Floors Cement Finishings Phone 852-7101 Uxbridge, Ontario ROUND dining room tables, cuboards, etc. Atlas of Ont- ario and other books, China, glass, ete. Call Vera Lee's Antiques, Greenbank -- 985: 7723. T.F. SMALL Wood Lathe. Phone 086-4251. : E ROZELL ROOFING ALUMINUM SIDING, EAVESTROUGH'NG CHIMNEY REPAIR new or old ® Free Estimates @ CALL 576-7271, OSHAWA . Tr REFINED, active, pensioned lady to share country home in exchange for some light duties. Own room and bath. Ample free time. No child: ren, Call 985-2016. FOR EXPERT sewing machi ine repairs, rentals, parts & service see your local Singer; Centre, 16 Simcoe St. Oshawa. Phone 795-6555. T.FJ Help Wanted HELP WANTED FOR EXTRA INCOME DRESS MAKING and Altera- tions at the Aquarius Bouti- que 221 Queen St. Port Perry. Call 985-3296 after 6:00 p.m. T.F Men and Women any age. Part or Full Time. High Earnings. Pleasant Digni- fied Work. Flexible Hours. Perfect for men with jobs and women with school age children. Training provided. For information contact Gerald Breen, Port Perry, phone 985-7063. REGISTERED Nurse, middle age, part time for nursing home. Apply Box #27 Port Perry Star. LADIES who drive and men too, can earn 50 to 80 dollars er week. Full or part time. cing established Fuller routes in Port Perry, Prince Albert, Scugog area. Call 085-2045 or 7289422, MAN to cut grass, with scythe. Phone 985-2193. WANTED Immediately, ex- perienced bookkeeper with typing for Law Office in Ux- bridge. Call 852-3363. DRIVERS NEEDED Train now to drive semi truck, local and over the road. Diesel or gas; experi: ence helpful but not neces- sary. You can earn over $4.00 per hour after short training. For interview and application call 416-3624002, or write Safety Dept., United Systems, Inc., ¢/o Transport Training Systems of Canada, Ltd., 207 Queens Quay West, Toronto 117, Ontario, Canada. AVON CALLING! For you to join the thousands of housewives who are enjoy- ing good earnings and meet- ing interested people. Write: Mrs. J. Cunneyworth, 149 Sheldon Ave., Newmarket or Phone 895-9939. * Work Wanted ROGER PAINTING SERVICE Interior and Exterior Paintin Telephone 32 6 Lindsay, Ontario 8--Spt.10 AL SPEARS BODY SHOP COMPLETE COLLISION SERVICE Body Repairs and Spray Painting FREE ESTIMATES PRINCE ALBERT 985-340F NOTICE SWEETMANS TAXI *24 HOUR SERVICE Phone 985-7365 A Neticeto Creditors In the Matter of the Estate of John Carroz, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of John Carroz, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, who died on or about the 30th day of June, 1970, are hereby noti- fied to send to the under- signed on or before the 14th day of September, 1970, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled hereto, having regard only claims of which they shall then have notice. : Dated at Port Perry, Ont- ario, this 4th day of August, 1970. GREER, KELLY & JERMYN, Barristers & Soliictors, Box 131, Port Perry, Ontario. . Solicitors for the above Estate. Aug.13-20-27 1st and 2nd, Small or Large Prompt, Confidential Service Phone 985-2827, anytime . BLAKE Mortgage Broker Real Estate $1500. down will buy 6 room brick bungalow in Greenbank on quiet street, attached gar. 'age, full basement, modern conveniences. Price reduced to $15,000. Lakeshore frame cottage, furnished, on Lake Scugog gog with 4 pc. bath and pic- ture window to lake, Natural sandy beach, excellent lot with mature white birch and poplar trees. Guest cabin. $7,500. 3 bedroom brick bungalow .on Ash Street, Port Perry, immaculate condition, din- ing room, nicely landscaped, frase excellent value, only 100 acres medium clay loam in Sunderland Area, 2 storey, 11 room, brick home with conveniences, bank barn 60 x 80, spring pond, 25 acre gravel deposit, $60,000. with terms. Scenic 10 acre lot with ex- cellent view, in Nestleton area, maple and cedar bush, stream crosses property. $7,900 with $1000. down. Horse Farm 100 acre clay loam. 2 storey, 7 room frame home. All mo- dern conveniences, fireplace, wall to wall broadloom ex- cept kitchen and bathroom, immaculate throughout. 40 x 70 barn with box stalls, Pad- docks & training track. -- $75,000 with terms. 2 bedroom frame bungalow 'on Cochrane, Port Perry. New oil furnace, broadlooni in living and dining room. Excellent lot. $17,500 with $6,000 down. . 1 acre building lot on Scugog Island. Treed boun. dry on 2 sides. Good value at $4,000 cash, 3 bedroom 6 room brick bun- galow in Port Perry, double garage, paved drive, all modern conveniences, nicely decorated throughout. Close to schools. Excellent value at only $27,900 with terms. 3 bedroom brick bungalow in Port Perry with attached garage. Prestige area of ex- cellent homes. Broadloom and corlon floors. Stone fire- [lace in rec. room. Qualilv ome with character. $31,500 with terms. -- CALL --- George S. Stone F.R.l. 985-2632 Scenic 10 acre lot on hwy. #12 north of Blackwater. Mature pine and maple trees. Beautiful building site. $12,000 with $3,000 down. 7 Acre treed building lot on paved road, east of Sunder- land, building permit avail able. $5,000. Herb Puckrin 705-357-3671 REAL ESTATE LIMITED REALTOR 189 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY, ONT. Quiet'Port Perry Crescent Beautiful 3 bedroom bun- galow in Prestige area, only 1 year old. Spacious living throughout, broad- loomed floors, large rec. room with stone fireplace. Attached garage. Priced 'for | quick sale. : Only © $31,500. Terms. Prince Albert . New brick, 3 bedroom bungalow, 1380 sq. ft. liv- ing area. fireplace. Glass patio doors to 25 foot sun- deck. Quiet village. $29,900. Terms. Can't Be Duplicated Outstanding 4 bedroom 2- storey brick home, beauti- fully treed and landscaped lot. Separate dining room, spacious kitchen and liv- ing room. Garage and car- port. Exceptional proper: ty in good repair and central location. $28,700. Terms. Port Perry Retirement 2 bedroom bungalow with attached garage and paved drive on quiet street. Se- parate dining room, fini- shed rec. room and screen- ed patio, lot is fenced and nicely landscaped. Ready to move in immediately. $27,500. Terms. Port Perry 9 room family home, 4 bedrooms, dining room, large kitchen, utility room. Treed lot. good garden. $22,500. with $8,000 down. Port Perry Older 3 bedroom frame 2- storey home, 1% acre lot with creek, overlooking at. tractive pond. Small barn. Home completely renovat. ed. new furnace. plumbing and kitchen. Broadloom included. $21,800. Terms arranged. Beginners Home Six room bungalow, three bedroom very appealing home and grounds. Ask- ing $19,500. Easy terms. 7V:9% Mortgage 3-bhedroom, frame bunga. low. Spacious kitchen and living rooms. Single gar. age. Treed lot. quiet area close to shopping, schools.. $15,000. $5,000. down. Handyman's Special Manilla Village home, frame, four rooms, paved road. Large lot. Asking $7,500. with $2,500. down. Lake Scugog Immaculate 3 bedroom cottage treed 1 on beautifully 50 ft. waterfront lot. Fully insulated, elec- tric heat. Beautifully fin- ished and ready to move . in. Complete furnishings; almost new. Boathouse, 16 ft. boat, 35 h.p. Must be seen. $19,700. 50 miles Metro. Terms, Lake Scugog 4 bedroom lakefront cot- tage. kitchen, around Large living room, Good lot on year road. $16,000. Good terms. Caesarea Winterized cottage, 5 rooms, conveniences. Fur- niture included. $13,500 with $5,000 down. Horse Farm Beaverton area 78 acre horse farm with 1% mile training track. Immacu- late seven room 2 storey brick home, modern kit. chen and bath, separate dining room. Good barn, i outbuildings. Asking ranged. Terms to be ar- Sunderland 200 acres, 135 workable, balance stream. bush, pasture with 10 room brick home suitable for two fa. milies. repairs. terms. Barns need some $49,000. Good Uxbridge Area 50 acres, high & scenic, partly wooded 20,000 Scotch pine, 5,000 spruce. Excellent home site. Good commuter property to Tor- onto or $35,000. GO train. Asking Terms. Lake Scugog Exceptional treed water- front lot, 80 x 325 ft. New area of tages. custom built cot. $12,900 cash. Port Perry Area 50 acres all wooded, large pond, 12 feet deep, gravel road into homesite, front age on paved road, $12,000 Easy terms. 42 acres, partly stream, $9,500. Hideaway rolling land, wooded, pond, Port Perry area. Good terms. "1 acre Homesite Easy commuting Oshawa & within walking distance of Lake Scugog. One acre partly wooded. Good road frontage. $4,700. Cash. Ken Middleton George Beaton Toronto Oshawa 72 TELEPHONE: Port Perry 985-7386 364-2516 3-0302 Office Hours 9 am to 9 p.m. AFTER HOURS CALL -- Howard Forder 655-3863 Maurice Baker 985-7548 Jack Hooker 985-3040 Ken Holliday Bruce Currie 705-357-3392 852-7256 655-4504 723-5420 LEVI BE AREAS REAL ESTATE LIMITED 5 room furnished water- front cottage and garage. Dock, patio, many extras. Small down payment. Ask- ing $12,500 with terms. Port Perry Attractive 3 bedroom brick bungalow, combined dinin room. On a quiet street. Ful price $24,500. Vacant Land 10 acres of beautiful vacant land, excellent for that active family. Building permit avail. able. Asking $14,900 with terms, J) Call MARION HOPKINS 985-7215 or 985-3102 Real Estate Fred Cook Real Estate Ltd. Realtor Little Britain, overlooking Lake Scugog, 147 acre beef farm, 4 bedroom frame home, conveniences, painted ica loose housing. Make (ideal private airfield. $47,500. Terms. 100 acres, Little Britain area, 7 room century old log house, bank barn, stream & small pond $21,500. Terms. 40 acres, vacant land, 30 acres workable, small stream, excellent pond site, $14,000. Terms. 14 acre building lot on paved highway, close to vill- age $4,500. % acre, waterfront lots, 125 foot frontage from $6,900. Uxbridge area, 25 acres, 1% storey home, double garage, situated in Uxbridge hills, excellent view, $27,500, terms Greenbank, 1% storey, 3 bedroom brick home, attach. ed garage, quiet street -- $18,500. Terms. MORLEY BRUCE 985-2528 Fred Cook Real Estate b= | Fred Cook Real state Lod. Realtor Lindsay south -- 100 acres, .| structurally sound barn, good well, abandoned 3 bedroom 11% st. log house. Hvdro in barn. Askine $26,500, 7% mortgage. 25 acre parcels -- wooded high land. Asking $7,500. Terms. 2 mi. 35 Hwy., 200 acres, 125 ac. cleared, balance ced- ars, hardwood, good creek. Ranch or Snowmobile. Ask- ing $43,500. Terms. IVAN THOMPSON 986-4987 Real Estate KEITH PETERS Realty Ltd, 728-7328 103 King Sreet East, Oshawa NEAR NEW HOSPITAL New five room bungalow, only $22,500., low down pay- ment considered. Call Joe Crawford 723-1021. Lakeside Beach (Ab [8 SEL we RT) 3. A ~ "d ~ he Tr pe ro) Ty ER A aed po hein oF 4 _ FART Re TG BE . * < ve. eT SE oe as Sw i ad Mi a a RS J SERS Ey To ro KS

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