HRY < prain rE a SL 3 y ' Wives =) -- Aviad ehabdafe Lodi aad said 16 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Aug. 20, 1970 ga Ta 'ROUND THE TOWN: The Right Rev. F. W. Wil- kinson, Ex-Bishop of the Tor- onto Diosese of the Anglican Church and Mr. Philip Isbis- ter Q.C. Toronto ,enjoyed a game of golf at the Sunny Brae Golf Course with Roy Cornish last week ,and later Mr. and Mrs. Cornish had the pleasure of entertaining the distinguished guests at din- ner. LJ] LJ] [J Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stap- ley and family, Prince Albert visited with her grandmother Mrs. M. Bailey ,also Mr, Jack Bailey and Mrs. A. Parent, all of Norway Bay, Quebec over the week-end. ® LJ J Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Kight, Patricia and Lillian Midgley visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Street, Burlington, over the week-end. [J ® L Mr. and Mrs. Al. Johnson and family, Sudbury, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Prentice. ® L J \d 'Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Prentice and girls of Peterboro were recent visitors of Mr. & Mrs. Alf. Prentice. * L LJ Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gendron and Paul, Scarborough, Sun- day visitors with Mrs. Dora Nott. J LJ LJ Lions Ralph Honey, Cec. King, Ken Murray, Pete Pe- trozzi and Donald Carnegie attended the Lions School for executives in Belleville over the week-end. LJ LJ EJ Prince Albert Continued group in honour of her par- ents 35th wedding anniver- |. sary. . Mr. and Mrs. Les Beacock enjoyed joining the forty- - eight folk who boarded the "new" DeNure bus for Gan- anoque & "Thousand Island" boat cruise last Tuesday. This trip was sponsored by Nestle- ton Women's Institute. 'Mr. & Mrs. F. Gibson were Sunday evening dinner com- pany with Mr. and Mrs. Her- man Kerry of Greenbank. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hook were also present on holidays, home from Florida. Mrs. E. Stanton, Mrs. C. Luke and Mrs. E. McKerihan enjoyed accompanying the Murray Lukes on a trip to Bay of Quinte area, viewed Lake on the Mountain, Sand Banks and other interesting places last Thursday. Mrs. Esther Heayn, David and Melodie have returned from a holiday visiting rela- tives in Winnipeg and area. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Midgley have been visited by his sis- ter Mrs. Essie Taylor of Brighton and daughters Ma. bel, Gladys of Toronto, Rob- ert of Oshawa. We are all pleased to learn Mr. Midgley is feeling much better health. wise, Miss Mary Grainger, Tor- onto spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Cannon have just returned from a trip to Scotland wher they visited relatives, théy enjoyed at tour of the La Country and Shakespeare Country - and spent some time in London. LJ LJ] ® ing in Calgary, Alberta. Mr. Ian Cannon is holiday- Blackstock News Continued will be married on August 2. Cub Camp Twenty-eight boys from Cartwright A and B Packs enjoyed a week-end camp from 6:00 p.m. Friday until 3:00 p.m. Sunday at Vine's park. Mrs. Christionson and Mrs. Black were the excellent cooks to. provide food for these hungry lads. On Satur- day morning Don Barraball and Jim Sloane gave the boys instruction in canoing which the cubs enjoyed very much. At the end of the camp awards were decided as fol lows -- best camper -- Scott Williams; 2nd (ti Darcy Dorrell & Peter Dif§veystan, The best tent was Number Five made up of Marvin Mec- Mahon, Bradley Freer, Kevin Grieve and Tom Prosser. Walter Welts was Cubmaster while Arnold Williams, Perry Grandel and Doug Hudson were leaders for the camp. At the end of camp, all the boys left after having had a most enjoyable week-end. PLUMBING - HEATING SALES SPORTS "= Fox Mini-Bikes 955-2581 Art Petrozzi BAN SuPer DRY HEALTH & BEAUTY FEATURES! CONFIDETS 2189. "BEST BUY! -- SAVE 18c! BEST BUY! 702. TN 1.29 VIVA BATHROOM TISSUE 6 -- Save 14c! -- PAPER TOWELS SCOTTOWELS 2-~49: SCOTTIES =» 311 REG. 2 for 53¢ VALUE! -- 3c Off Pack! -- STOKELY'S FANCY GREEN or ¢ wre» SAVE 19¢! -- FACIAL TISSUES FEATURE! -- WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE 14-0z. Tins WAX BEANS «= 5:99: BEANS wa: 5:77. BEST BUY! -- CANADA BRAND WHITE VINEGAR = 69 FEATURE! -- ASSORTED HEINZ i=: 6:79 4%,-0z. Jars SAVE 41cl -- Fancy Quality Pineapple JUICE 3:1 48-02. Tins HEINZ ASSORTED Junior Foods 5+99: PLUMP -- YOUNG -- IDEAL FOR THE BARBECUE . CHICKEN:===37 8-0Z. JARS LOIN You Save Twice - With Trim "and Price! Price! PORK CHOPS :85 TENDER - JUICY RIB RIB STEAKS cL) 'Maple Leaf RINDLESS | Coil Shyle pot | . MAPLE LEAF LUNCHEON MEATS Shickan Outeh - Bokogut + Mik § SARA - Chas. Grainger. FREE CUSTOMER PARKING At Roar Of Store BUY-OF-THE-WEEK PANTRY SHELF PURE VITAMINIZED A FALE JUI air BE SAVE 23c! TANG ss 5 ORANGE 5 1 | CRYSTALS oJ * REG. 33¢! -- RED & WHITE DONUTS - 25° FEATURE! -- SUNSPUN QUALITY ICE CREAM 79 BEST BUY! -- PRE-PRICED $1.03! ABC =~» DETERGENT 189 2h by 4 5c Yo 3 $1 FISH STICKS we sn 59 LEMONADE i: 2 i 45¢ FRESH FRUITS - VEGETABLES | : ONTARIO CANTALOUPES rem 3 os] 00 ONTARIO TOMATOES ONTARIO SWEET, SEEDLES GREEN PEPPERS CALIFORNIA GRAPES No. 1 Grade 4 «voir 79: 3-25 . 30: rte 2. FRUIT DRINKS «= 3s. Oren' A Der Weeder Grape Crystals 8 suo. tor s1. BLITZ a quick food energy drink ~ 32 oz. § 3°