Mrs. L. Beacock We all welcome Mr. and Mrs. Howard Forder and fa- mily who are now residing in a new home in our village, ¢ having moved from Brooklin., Local guests attending the Bacon - Preece wedding in Anglican Church, Thornhill, Saturday, Aug. 15 included Mr, and Mrs. Frank Harris, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Snelgrove, 4 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gibson, Mr. Milton Heayn and lady friend. Sunday afternoon, Aug. 16, a sunny sky and refreshing breeze provided ideal weath- er when Mr. and Mrs. Harold oHoltby graciously shared their spacious home and at- tractive grounds for a recent- ly married couple Mr. & Mrs. Earl Martyn. The host and hostess, the Holtbys greeted the gather- & ing of invited guests on arri- val, consisting of immediate relatives, neighbours and old- time friends. This party had been arranged to pay honour to a man who was born, lived his years among us and 3 was extremely community spirited and also to spread a feeling of welcome to his bride whose life has princi- ply been devoted to the field of music, During the early hours a receiving line was formed in the comfortable living-room where a colorful arrange- ment of flowers lent that fragrant touch. Mr. and Mrs. Les Beacock, who were close neighbours| in the past years were asked to assist the bridal couple in the welcoming line, Earl, the happy groom commenced the duty of introducing his charming wife "Jean", _ This meeting one another, or to-getherness created much delight to the nearly seventy folk who voiced best wishes, congratulations and a liberal amount of "kisses". The bride and groom were escorted to the outside en- trance of the front door while the friends roamed about on the lawn. At this time Mr. Bruce Snelgrove read a com- plimentary and worthy ad- dress, compiled by Mrs. Holt- by. Mr. and Mrs. Martyn, the surprised recipients each in turn sincerely expressed. the hospitality of the Holtbys, Mrs. G. Hunter, Mrs. Beacock and other ardent workers be- hind the scenes, the neigh- borly spirit of those present, and a warm "thank-you" for the gifts, and finally stressed' one and all visit them in Prince Albert News | their home. We all through the years have heard the following quotation: "may your genu- ine friendship grow brighter. and stronger" and this we all wish for your total future. As customary the guests reminisced and enjoyed dain- ty refreshments served by the ladies, thus ended anoth- er pleasant occasion. ,. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gibson spent the week-end with their friends Mr. and Mrs. L. Mul- kins of Haggersville. Mrs. Esther Heayn and fa- mily enjoyed a few days with her sister Mr. and Mrs. W. Webb of Haliburton. Miss Lexie Love is spend- ing a month vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Love and brother John. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Jones and family have returned from an enjoyable week at: the family cottage at Magne- tawan. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jeff- rey, Millbrook visited on Sun- day with his brothers the Al- bert and Howard Jeffreys & families. Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Hope and her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Hargrave and family of Willowdale. " How much home are you missing A 4 today's needs. There are many signs. Fuses blowing. Lights dimming. Appli- through outdated wiring? When this house was built it was: hard to imagine all the wonderful ways in which electricity would + be serving us today. That's why 'the wiring in so many older homes just isn't adequate for So, if you're planning to mod- ernize your home, think first of the wiring. Have a qualified elec- trical contractor check it. You'll be surprised at how easily and inexpensively it can be updated. The Hydro Finance Plan makes + ances performing sluggishly. "Cluttered extension cords. Not enough outlets, &E -.. Name of the Game is Electrical Living.. it easy to get started right away. Just ask your Hydro. %, eR @ Jean Jeffery The Fabric of Life The fabric of Life is not woven Of only the bright strands and gay-- For now and then mixed' with the golden, We find a few strands of gray! And as they blend into the pattern, They add depth and help make more clear The lovely design in life's fabric That all of us weave, year by year. To Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ashton and relatives and friends of the late Gordon Ashton, who passed away last Wed. in Oshawa General Hospital, the heartfelt sym. pathy of loving friends in the loss of your dear one. Mr. Roy Wilson and sons Pembroke have been visiting relatives and friends in the area. Miss Joyce Wilson has start- ed her second year as nurse in-training in Toronto. Robin and Richard Benns and their cousin Patty Ken- dry attended a birthday party at grandma and grandpa Card's. house in honour of their mother's birthday. The Epsom - Utica U.C.W. will commence . their season Sept. 1st at Epsom. time 8:15, group 1 in charge. Richard and Julia Ashton spent Friday afternoon with their aunt Mrs. Jim Clarke of Ashworth to play with and Judy who "are visiting for two week's at the Clarke home. . Congratulations to Bill Stearman who successfully passed his second year Exam- inations at Guelph University. Bill hopes to graduate in April. one of our favourite young men. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sander- son on Sat. were Mr. & Mrs. Keith Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Beach of Siloam, Miss Cindy Campbell and friend Ciad Petersen. her sister Mrs. Chris Burke also visited the Sandersons on Sat. Barrie, Linda and Lorie Bushell of Roxborough Quebec have been visiting their grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Ashton for the past three weeks. Miss Cathy Ives visit- ed them for a couple of days last week. On Wed. evening as a spe- cial treat for neighbours and children, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ashton held a hayride and Weiner Roast. All had a marvellous time. On Wed. evening Mr. and Mrs. Barry Bushell arrived to attend the funeral of her cou- sin Gordon Ashton. On Sunday before the Bu- shells returned to Quebec Mr. and Mrs. Ashton enter- tained them at a family din the occasion. Linda and Lorie also visit- ed with the Brown girls one afternoon. A nephew Mr. Ross Wag- ner was also at the Ashton home on Sunday. q Tom and Joe who live near| fall | Ivan and his two guests Faye | Our best wishes for Mr. Sanderson's mother &|§ of Fort Lauderdale Florida | § then motored to} ner with everyone home for | PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Aug. 27,1970 - 13 Mr. Walter Kerry has had trouble with trespassers, not too nice characters as they gather a few bags of pota- toes whenever they visit. Sunday evening they visited about nine o'clock and Mon. evening at eight-thirty. The Police were on the job in Epsom News short time. (They have been watching for some time now) The license of the car has been. procured and it should not be long before the night visitors are apprehended. One left some torn material on the fence last night, I wonder if he will return for LL PLUMBING - HEATING SPORTS SALES Fox Mini-Bikes Art Petrozzi KEN P. MURRAY | Electrical Contractor "Domestic & Industrial WIRING CALL US FOR FREE ESTIMATES HOME HEAT ON COMPLETE ELECTRICAL Phone: 985 - 7005 > 274 ROSA ST. -- PORT PERRY F CO-OP Fertilizer and CO-OP Feed, --you wouldn't mix them -- but let's combine them to help you produce more Ibs. of milk from every acre. Let's start with CO-OP fertilizer. Fertilization of forages establishes vigorous plants and improves winter survival of legumes. Applying the proper analysis of CO-OP fertilizer every year boosts the total digestible nutrients (TDN) you get from every acre of forage. In fact, your livestock carrying capacity can often double or triple and your return can be as much as $3 for every $1 spent. Now add the proper CO-OP Feed Ration to balance your forage for optimum production of milk per acre. Sound crop management and feeding practices, as detailed in these feed and crop brochures, will give you better production year after year in both the field and the barn. CO-OP Fertilizer and |! Feed Rations don't mix, but they combine well to give you maximum results. United Co-operatives | of Ontario i available at your Co-operative (UXBRIDGE BRANCH) Port Perry ZEKE. 8-4130 Last year and this year Ew Feed and Crop Products: a total service for Ontario farmers A IRE YOR hi, NR yy