he ER ER UR NA be Lal ESSA RATT EERE SNE ITR SAFASILALIRH MLDTRY 4 SATE NE ER RE Eg EE a oN FRESHENER gE NS BAH MN Fp ir saive pr Nts a 14 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Aug. 27,1970 tt eh to hr Sect Bai ai a a Ms Et = 985-2539 PHONES BOWLING LANES Open September 11th 'Openings For League BOWLERS Men's, Ladies and Mixed 985-7263 Loves A Parade Gaily dressed as young mothers, Julie (left) and Jackie Abraham proudly push their baby carriages along Queen Street. Friday in the finale event of the summer for the Village playgrounds -- a colour- . ful parade, complete with a motorcycle police escort. Below, nurse Cherly Mec- Cague (right) pauses to give an injection with gigantic hyperdermic needle to Daphne Butt who puts on a brave front. (P.S. there wasn't really any needle). After the parade the child- ren from Tot Lot and Senior Playground went into the arena where play- ground supervisor Jane Liddell had organized a penny carnival for them. This turned out to be a great success with a wide assortment of games for the children to enjoy. 9 J | } } | | J | } } | J } kK J Everyone | J } } } J } } | Sy ---- \ RAR 8S Mook ThE os Tia VEN Burketon Continued of Purple Hill, Mr. and Mrs. John Stephen- son and family, Orono with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stephen- son on Sunday. Mrs. Fred Tabb entertain- ed a lady friend from Mont- real last week. Tobacco Harvest started here on Monday on the Ad- ams Farm, managed by Mr. Bill Jury and family. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor of Enniskillen were Sunday visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Les- lie Taylor. Holiday week-end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hambly were Mr. Cecil Hambly and Mr. Jack Lovering from Cold- water, Ont., Mrs. Frank Rout and family. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wright who were mar- ried in Enniskillen United Church on Saturday. Miss Gorrell was a former School teacher in Burketon. Mr. and Mrs. C. Cooper, Mrs. W. Bryan. Mrs. Sam Grant and boys, Mrs. R. Davey. Mr. and Mrs. D.. Gatchell, Oshawa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stephenson on Sunday. Mrs. M. Brown, Port Perry was a tea guest of Mrs. W. Bryan on Thursday. Several from this district attended the Strawberry Fes- tival at Mosport during the week-end. : Mr. Stanley Taylor attend- ed the Shorthorn Show at Peterborough Exhibition "on Tuesday evening. Miss Mary Peeling, Oshawa is visiting with Mrs. T. Bailey... ; (This Week's News) Miss 'Mary Peeling, Oshawa spent few days with Mrs. T. Bailey. : Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Stephen- son, Oshawa spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stephenson. Mrs. E. McKaig, Oshawa is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. H. Grace and fam- ily. i Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ham- bly attended the funeral of Mrs. Grace Hoskins in Engle- hart, Ont. : Exhibitors at Peterborough Exhbiition from this district were Mr. Russél Cochrane with Horses and Mr. Leslie Taylor with Swine. With Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tabb on Sunday were Mr. & Mrs. Z. Pnasukas.- Mr. Stanley Taylor was a Sunday supper guest of Mr. AMIGHTY WARM FRIEND ON A ~~ CHESTER APPLIANCES SALES and SERVICE Repairs to all Makes of Appliances. AUTHORIZED MOFFAT SERVICE DEPOT CAESAREA 986-4926 'and Mrs. E. R. Taylor, Ennis. killen. . Mr. & Mrs. E. Smith, Ajax are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. Fitzgerald. . Mr. A. M. Geury, Oshawa, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs: A. C. Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dean have returned home from a seven week trip to the Yukon and other points. Dr. W. Beers is spending two weeks in England. Masters 'Alan and James Grant, Oshawa, spent a few days with Mrs. R. Davey. Mr. Orland Bailey and fa- mily, California visited with Mrs. T. Bailey. Mr, & Mrs. Howard Davey, Susan and Stephen spent Sunday with Mrs. R. Davey. Mr. Fred Tabb and Mr. | Stanley Taylor motored to ( the farm of Charles Halliday | & Sons, Chesley ,on Wednes- day. 43 Orono visited Saturday with | Oshawa spent Saturday with | Sympathy is extended to Miss Hazel Gregg in the loss of her sister Eva. Keep in mind the congre- gational meeting of the Scu- gog Pastoral Charge on Tues- day, September 1st at 8 p.m. in Grace Church Scugog. Miss Judy Hitchens, Bow- manville is' holidaying with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Mitchell. Mrs. June Thompson and daughter, Karen spent a few days recently with Mr. & Mrs. B. J. 'Mitchell. Mrs. Dolly Roberts accom- panied Mr, and Mrs. T. Don- elly to visit Kathleen, their daughter who is at the Dia- betic Camp on Lake Couchi- ching on Sunday. Mrs. Keith Buckley spent the week-end with her par- ents Mr, and Mrs. John Wil- son, Master Craig Wilson has EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED General Insurance Manchester . been holidaying on the Burnt River with relatives. Master Ricky Dyke and Craig Wilson are spending a few days in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. K. Buckley, They will attend the C.N.E. and do some sightseeing in Toronto this week. Andy and Ruth Fenema have returned home after holidaying at a Lodge in Orillia." ~ Mrs. Mae Dyke is attend- ing the University of Toronto this week to further her stu- dies in Medical Librarian Course, Mrs. Jane Glynn of Toronto spent several days with Mrs. J. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Roach spent the week-end at their cottage at Minden. Check The Label On Your Paper BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY DUFF ELECTRONICS 'ADMIRAL TELEVISION SALES and SERVICE Phone 985.7993 or 985-2728 [] PUMP EQUIPMENT SEPTIC TANKS AND WEEPING Beds INSTALLED REG. ARMSTRONG - Port Perry -- 985-2226 985.7306 = PORT PERRY PORT PERRY Septic Tanks| For Income Cleaned By . : Tax '| & Bookkeeping Services see ALEX SHEPHERD Room 2, Post Office Building Phone 985-7031 Specializing in business and farm operations. "FOR ANY OF YOUR Insurance Needs Do it the Co-operative Way Co-Operators Ins. Assoc. ETHEL NOTTINGHAM Myrtle 6554832 PTOLEMY & GRIEVE GULF Service Station General Repairs MURRAY-- BURNFIELD PLUMBING & HEAYING 110 Simcoe St. North PHONE 985-7980 FORCED AIR FURNACES -- PRESSURE SYSTEMS NEW WORK 5 REPAIRS. Malcolm Phillips ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR 157 Main Street W. Stouffville, Ont. PHONE 6404031 Port Perry -- 985-3182 Earl Wallace ROOFING Asphalt SHINGLES, ROLLED ROOFING, STEEL and ALUMINUM ROOFING EAVESTROUGHING We wili contract for all kinds of roof work. BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION Have your house built by experts. CALL 985-2979 985-3203 Also General Repairs, Cottages Raised, Foundations etc... L. & M. ROOFING ® ALL TYPES eo FREE ESTIMATES Satisfaction Guaranteed Tel: 745-7684 Collect 501 Aylmer St. Peterborough, Ont. D »