- » ' Three Port Perry boys were among a group of twenty-four Junior members of the Ontario Regiment who took part in the Warriors Day Parade at the Canadian National Exhibit- ion on Saturday. The boys attend Port Perry High School 'and all three are members of the High School Cadet Corp. From left to right they are John Murray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Murray, Dave Parry, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Parry and Morris Vader, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Vader. John has been with the Militia since December 1969, has spent three weeks at Camp Petawawa, and has to his credit the Junior N.C.O. PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF PORT PERRY AND REACH TOWNSHIP Pre-School Registration September 3,1970 Parents of public school pupils (kindergarten -- grade 8) who have moved within or to Port Perry or Reach Township since school closed in June, are requestedto register their children for the new term beginning, Sept- ember 8, 1970, at public schools serving their district. Inquiries concerning school attendance areas may be directed to the office of the Superintendents of Program - Brooklin 6565-3391, or the closest school. R.H. CORNISH (PORT PERRY) 985-2691 REACH CENTRAL No. 1 (PRINCE ALBERT) 985-2877 REACH CENTRAL No. 2 (GREENBANK) 985-2567 REACH CENTRAL No. 3 (EPSOM) 985-7250 Kindergarten pupils must have reached their fifth birthday by December 31, 1970. Proof of age is required. FRIDAY SEPT. 4 .JENTH ANNUAL STEAM-ERA MILTON, ONT. -- LABOUR DAY WEEKEND SATURDAY SEPT. 5 FAIR GROUNDS MONDAY SEPT. 7 LARGEST STEAM SHOW IN ONTARIO PARADES ~-- f sours $1 Steam Traction Engines -- Antique Gas Tractors Antique Gas Engines -- Threshing -- Full Size Sawmill Models -- Antique Farm Machinery -- Antique Autos CONTESTS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC SHEAF TYING -- HORSE SHOE PITCHING -- LOG SAWING Vince Mountford Entertaining in front of Grandstand Daily 1700 Grandstand Seats Free CHILDREN 50¢ SOUVENIRS i 4 | of building houses on the PARKING 30¢ | - - a TT Course, General Military Training "and Crewmen Courses. Dave signed with the Militia for three years in February, .1969, is a grade eleven student, was at Peta- wawa this past summer where he received his Corporal stripes. He has the Junior N.C.O. Crewman and General Military courses. Morris is in the four year course at Port Perry High School, has spent two sum- mers at Camp Petawawa and has obtained the G.M.T. and Crewmen's Courses. ' Of the trio, Dave and John hope to make this their career while Morris is still undecided. Council Steps Out To Help When somebody has a pro- blem Port Perry council does- n't seem to mind stepping out of its way to help out. In fact last 'Wednesday the entire council vacated the chambers for more than 15 minutes to trudge up to Bigelow Street and examine a site to assist a contractor. When they returned after the firsthand inspection, it approved a bylaw granting Emedi Contractors exemption from the part lot control by- law. The firm is in the process lots and needed the exempt- ion so they could be sold. Bell Canada has been grant- ed permission to install bur- ied cable to give service on Alma Street between Maple and Simcoe Streets. Learn To Fly IN OWN AIRPLANE Be a part owner for $430. including lessons. For more information write Box 716, Uxbridge. Complaints Spark Fire Bylaw Idea Setting fires within the Village limits is to be soon controlled by a local bylaw. The step has become necessary because of the num- ber of = complaints about people burning refuse in- stead of putting it out for collection. Council last Wednesday considered a number of clauses to be included in the bylaw and will have it studied by the Fire Chief before adopting it. Among clauses is that fires cannot be set within 20 feet of a wood- en building or 15 feet of a brick building. The, bylaw is also ex- pected to state fires may not be lit on days when the wind is high and on all occasions must be guarded until out. Provision for a fine of up to $50 is also expected. Councillor Joe Podres ar- gued that the bylaw should go so far as to prevent the the proposed -1 burning of leaves in the fall, Port Perry Boys In Warrior's Day Parade But the council's concen- sus was that this would cause a great deal of inconvenience and extra expense on the part of the Village since it would be responsibile for hauling away piles of leaves. Reeve Robert Kenny ex- plained that the intent of the bylaw was to stop people from burning garbage. He said in some instances small con- tractors were bringing home| industrial refuse to burn. Councillor Phil Orde agreed adding that there was no need to burn garbage which could be put out for 'éollection. Milk Store Is Opposed The building of a proposed Becker's Milk Store on High- way TA just east of the Tex- aco Service Station has been objected to by six ratepayers in the immediate area. Their main objection, in written letters to council, is that the store will be built on land zoned residential. But council, last Wednes- day, pointed out to Robert Archer, owner of the prop- erty, that the objection is really invalid since the prop- erty is already zoned com- mercial and not residential. The only real question fac- ing council is to permit the rezoning of the land from one form of commercial zoning to another. However, the six objectors are also complaining that a Becker's Store would among other things, cause problems because there would be a lack of parking space, there would be drag racing on the parking lot of the store, teenagers | would be hanging around, noise would be increased and properties would be devalued. Since there has been ob- jections to the proposed re- zoning there will likely be an | Ontario Municipal Board hear- ing into the application. The six objectors are: Albert and May Allen, Owen Reader, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Short, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Duff, Isabell and Murray Wil- son and George Mahaffy. one stipulating]. DR. JOHN D. HAMMETT, who has been practicing in Toronto for the past year, has joined the Medical Associates of Port Perry. Dr. Hammett graduated from the University of Toronto in 1968 and interned at Toronto Western Hospital. He and his wife, Elaine, a public school teacher, live in the village. ROXY THEATRE UXBRIDGE 852-6033 Thurs., Fri.,, Sat, August 27 - 28 - 29 "CHARRO" Elvis Presly 7:15 "APRIL. FOOLS" Jack Lemmon (Adult Entertainment) Monday, Tues., Wed., Aug. 31, Sept. 1 -2 Walt Disney's "DARBY O'GILL and the LITTLE PEOPLE" ; with Sean Connery Plus Short "Hang Your Hat on the Wind" Nightly at 8:00 9:00 APPLICATIONS WANTED Corporation of the Village of Port Perry Applications will be received by Council for the position of Public School Crossing Guard. This position may be filled by man or woman; other particulars as to wages and hours may be obtained at the Municipal Office. Applications to be in the hands of the undersigned by noon, Wednesday, September 9th, 1970. John F. Raines, Clerk Village of Port Perry APPLICATIONS WANTED Corporation of the Village of Port Perry Applications will be received by Council for a man to serve as By-Law Officer, Building Inspector and Dog Controller. Starting salary $5,200 with salary to be reviewed annually. Fringe benefits include O.H.S.I.P., 0.H.S., Pension Plan and Sick Leave. hy Applicants should state age and qualifications, Applic- ations to be in the hands of the undersigned by noon, Wednesday, September 9th, 1970, John F. Raines, Clerk Village of Port Perry £2 Se aon i vl. Lo ge i; HEE a Ey fe, ¥ * RES on Sn ag I