16 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Aug. 27,1970 SMEEVAREIGREER WL EFHIGPRL VR RAGA ATANAN « holiday at Cape Cod & other Mrs. James Irvine spent last week with her aunt & uncle Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Howard of Bloomfield. LJ * * & Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Duff accompanied by their daugh. ter Ruth and Lloyd Duff spent the week-end in Agin- court and Don Mills with their daughters Myrtle Banks and families, Helen Randall and family. The occassion to celebrate Mr. Lorne Duffs birthday on Saturday. * * * Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. George Barthau of Co- chrane St. who will celebrate their twenty-fifth anniversary on Tuesday, September 1st. . * * * Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Ire- land and chilldren spent a few days last week visiting with relatives in Ottawa. * * * Recent visitors with Mr. & Mrs. George Barthau were Mr. and Mrs. William Bar- thau, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barthau, Markham, Mrs. William Kaye, Willow- dale, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hut- chinson, Cannington and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chard of Cordova Mines. * * s Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gray and Mrs. G. Stapley of Tren- ton, were with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stapley and Clinton on the week-end. Kathy Stapley who had been visiting her grandmother for a week re- turned home with them. * * * Mr. and Mrs. J. Waters & family were honoured on Sunday evening when friends and neighbours from Port Perry, Seagrave, Blackstock and surrounding area held a party for them in the old Catholic Church on John St. They were presented with end tables and a coffee table. They are moving to Orillia Blackstock News Continued are on holidays for this week and are spending the first part of it with Debbie's fam- ily at their cottage and will be returning to Blackstock later in the week. Rev. and Mrs. Victor Par- sons, Janet and Marlene have returned from their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mount- joy attended a steam show at Coon's Farm at Lakefield on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Corden, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey, Howard and Tara Lynn and Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hamilton spent Jast week at a cottage in Minden and report having a lcvely week. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dor- rel attended the play -- "School for Scandal" at the Shakespearean Festival at Stratford. Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Dan Corb; and Bruce Fish have return- ed from a most enjoyable points to the East Coa:t. HA. E Johnson OPTOMETRIST 'ROUND THE TOWN: {where Mr. THE TOP attyaction at the Peterborough Exhibition, as far as cattlemen were con- cerned, was the showing of five Santa Gertrudis beef cattle belonging 'to Joel Aldred Farms of Port Perry. The only true North Amer- ican breed of beef cattle, Santa Gerttudis are a cross between the Brahman cattle of South America and Short- horn cattle. Originating in Texas, they resemble red oxen and are the largest pure- bred beef cattle. Waters will be teaching Automotive Techno- logy, Mathematics & French in the Orillia Collegiate. * * * Mr. and Mrs. George Proc- tor have returned from two weeks vacation at their cott- age in Haliburton area. Mr. Proctor is Manager of the Royal Bank of Canada. more than $35,000, was the largest of the animals on dis- play, topping the scales at more than 2,700 pounds. The Gertrudis have the short, thick horns of the shorthorn, a heat and insect- resistant hide,and thehunched muscular neck and brisket of the Brahman. They also have the world record for weight gain, a low feed to weight conversion rate, larger calves and about 65 per cent of a slaughtered Rio Red, a bull valued at| carcass is prime beef. : The Santa Gertrudis breed was developed on the 900,000 acre King Ranch in Texas to be tough enough to withstand high temperatures and poor feed, and yet not produce stringy meat. Gertrudis were recognized by the United States govern- ment in 1940; the first ones came to Ontario in 1953, and the Federal Department of Agriculture recognized Santa Gertrudis as a thoroughbred breed last month. |Santa Gertrudis Cattle Top Ahraction The Canadian Santa Gert- rudis Association is attempt- ing to interest more beef farmers in crossbreeding with Gertrudis, or in raising thor- oughbred. GREENBANK Mr. and Mrs, Brian Gibson, Greenbank and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Howard and son Dean and Mrs. Irvine enjoyed a picnic at the Lake on the Mountain, on Sunday. BEST BUY! - ie lViv] A ¢ PRESENTS 1 he strated START THIS WEEK Save 24¢! ~--10¢ COUPON IN EACH JAR MAXWELL Ti 2 i 1 9 BB JAMS FRESH FRUITS - VEGETABLES! POTATOES CARROTS Free Stone PEACHES dar ver « 89° SATIN ORANGES US. FANCY BARTLETT PEARS 10 ws 39° 3 us 25¢ 200: TY° 6 1» 35° LIBBY BEANS 2:49 ~ Save 8c! - WAGSTAFFE RASPBERRY or STRAWBERRY 239 p BUY-OF-THE-WEEK BEST BUY! -- Save 6¢! 16-Ox. Jor BEST BUY! - SAVE 4c! -- DEEP BROWNED - WITH PORK . 14-03. Tins Seve 18¢! -- 200:2-PLY -- POP-UP KLEENEX Tissues 3i*1 SAVE 8c! - COLOURED > PARCHMENT MARGARINE ws 2 REG. $2.09 VALUE! - 25¢ OFF PACK TIDE DETERGEN Ta FROZEN FOOD FEATURES! CREAM PIES 2:69: FEATURE! -- FINE GRANULATED PRE-PRICED 79¢! FEATURE! -- SUPREME 'Brand 4 PICKLES 15-02. Jos 265¢ : WHOLE 'WHITE POTATOES 588: HIALYN & BEAUTY i ColaATe DENTAL CREAM '99¢ HALO SHAMPOO EXER SA $9¢ FEATURE! -- CHEERIOS SAVE 4c or Bel PURINA Club House SALAD OLIVES 1-0:x 39¢ LOUISIANA SMALL SHRIMP 55¢ CAMAY SOAP comnexion size § sutog 89c¢ . 69¢ Value! : 6c 4 TYME TABLE SYRUP & 55° MIR uoup uo DETERGENT 2i6 69 ORANGE JON JUICE PANTRY SHELF '35. WHITE DIXIE PLATES wows 98c BIG "G" CEREALS » 39 CAT CHOW, 200x. : SEANIP DINNER, 18-0x. phy. 49- REQ. $1.00 VALUEI -- 10s OFF PACK -- ROASTED COFFEE Mother Parkers © 3. SUGAR "$5.1 19 VALUE CHECK'D MEATS make the meal better! VALUE CHECK'D -- BRANDED ~ SHORT CUT -- CHEF STYLE PRIME RIB ROASTS J: 0 bb. PERFECT FOR THE BARBECUE! -- BRANDED CHUCK STEAKS 69: Swifts Lazy Ma or Burns R LEAN AND MEATY -- PORK SPARERIBS Dowson's Red & White PORT PERRY - ONTARIO Open Every Thur. & Fri. Night until 9:00 p.m. Open All Day Wednesday until 6:00 p.m. 229 MARY STREET ' 985--2383 FREE CUSTOMER PARKING At Roar Of Store 148. MGS. 79: 89 indless BACON | ... ple BUTT PREMIUM OR BURNS BRAND WESTON Chelsea Buns 8:45: Ivory Liquid 32-89: You save twice with trim an: PORK CHOPS 50. SKINLESS WIENERS BOLOGNA or se pe ® 59. 39: BT 2 Ew