Carol Lorainne daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmor Fairman was married June '6, 1970 at 5 PM to James Stanley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Raines of Port Perry. Rev. James Mills officiated at the ceremony. The couple is now residing in Toronto. "BOB'S CARPENTRY ALL PHASES OF CARPENTRY ho. ' Courtesy, imagination and Estimates FREE - BOB BERO SEAGRAVE, ONT. 985-7027 Teenage Dance at CLUB ANNRENE SUNDAY, AUGUST 3() , -- 9:00 p.m. to 12:00 ADMISSION -- $1.25 Adult dances every Saturday night. Teenage dances every Sunday night. tho. 27 £1. 28 50.29 «© * [OPENS 8:00| SHOW STARTS AT DUSK oven GRAVE" ne JOSE OF 72 ORKIOERLET - [ Reig N Sun. 30 Mon. 3] ' " DRIVE-IN ey (LTEY.N @EVHTIA On Stine ' 2 Miles East of Lindsay on the Downyville Rd « Phone 324 4413 At the regular Wednesday night card party there were 15 tables with the following winners: Ladies 1st -- Mrs. Dorothy McDiarmid, 2nd Mrs. George Skelding, Consolation Mrs. Margaret Watson. Gents 1st--Mr. Richard Manns, 2nd Mr. Walter Lawrence, conso- lation Mrs. Ruth Wilson. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Law- rence entertained their fam. ily for a family gathering on Sunday. Attending were Mr. and-Mrs. Jim Cookson, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cookson and fa- mily all of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrence and family. B Mr. and Mrs. Michael Puk and Ted, Bowmanville were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Doug Sleep and family. Ted remained for some holidays. Last week Ronnie Harvey, Cobourg was a guest of his cousins, Bryan and Clinton Sleep. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kelly, Bobcaygeon were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and family. They had just returned home from a three week trip to the West Coast. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Samells and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong returned home on Fri- day from their three week trip to the West Coast. They report having a lovely visit ton in Brook, Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bailey entertained for a family din- ner party recently in honour of his sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Clark be- fore they returned to Eng- land. Those who were pre- sent were Mr. and Mrs. Allan 'Bailey and family and Mr. & Mrs. Hector Shortridge and Bill. Mrs. Joan Thompson, David and Bryan spent last week camping at Beaver Park at Omemee with Mrs. Eleanor Elliss and Ronald, Ernest & Darlene. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bryans and family spent a most en- joyable two weeks' holiday at their cottage at Kelly's Bay on Sturgeon Lake. Mr. Bob Smith, Toronto spent part of his vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith and Oliver. On Wed- nesday, they all visited rela- tives at Eagle Lake in Hali- Burton. Mr. and Mrs. Will Dugan, Minden were Tuesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Ar- cher. On Thursday, Mrs. Danny Colacicco and three children called on Mr. and Mrs. Archer. Jean has just 'returned from a vacation in Italy. - Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Archer, Toronto were Sunday guests of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Archer. Recent guests of Mrs. J. A. Johnston were Mrs. Elsi (Tre- win) Wyton of Brandon, Manitoba along with Mr. and Mrs. G. Trewin of Maple Grove. Mrs. Wyton was Mrs. Johnston's schoolmate of 1902 and the two ladies have always been friends. She has not been to Ontario in the past 38 years. Also Mrs. Elida Rigby, a cousin from Havelock along with Mrs. Walt Larmer and friend call- ed on Mrs. Johnston. Congratulations to Roy Me- Laughlin on winning third prize in the AA class at CNE Horse Shoe Pitching on Sat- '|urday. with Rev. and Mrs. W. Hut- |" Blackstock Mr. Dennis McLaughlin & John Lichtenburger, Burling- ton were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaugh- lin and Debbie. Several from this area at- tended Fenelon Falls Fair on Saturday. Harold McLaugh- lin placed second in the horseshoe pitching contest there. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mountjoy (Nee Judy Swain) who were mar- ried in the United Church on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wan- nan, Grace and Don, Toronto were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mountjoy, Judy and Linda. oy Ri wl dd dard MA deri n PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Aug. 27,1970 -- 7 News Mrs. Hazel Belyea and Nancy, Bronte spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin. Mr. Larry Hoskin, Hamil- ton was home for the wed- ding and the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Bud McNeil were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs, Murray Byers. Misses Donna and Sharon McNeil, Toronto were Satur- day overnight guest of Cheryl Graham. Mrs. Ruth Passant, Oshawa was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mackie and family. Saturday evening guests were Mr. and Mrs. Allan Passant, Oshawa and Sunday evening Mrs. Bob Lawrence, Oshawa called. - Their many friends and relatives in this area were very worried about Dr. and Mrs. John Marlow and family when the severe storm struck Lively on Thursday. Every- one was relieved to learn that Marion and family were at their camp about six miles away almost unaware of the storm. Jack was working at the hospital at the time of the storm but was safe, but of course very busy. Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Mac- Shane and Julie, Brampton attended the Mountjoy-Swain wedding and spent Saturday evening with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mountjoy. Mr. Ray Mountjoy and Miss Debbie Rombough were Sat- urday overnight guests. They Continued on page 16 gpecia AUGUST 26 TO SEPT. 16 ONLY 0% viscount ON ALL HARDWARE BY 4.\ amerock Cadillac Quality In Cabinet Hardware These And Many Other Designs In Stock colonial CABINET HARDWARE The authentic look and feel of colonial America. FoR X Bx) al mn rer F 73 0 olonnade CABINET HARDWARE Graceful style accent from colonial Williamsburg. Your Local Amerock Dealer "John Ballard Lumber Co. PORT PERRY, ONTARIO PHONE 985-7335 . FASE UR Pi TERE HUN + po bE TEEN OL Sul