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Port Perry Star, 27 Aug 1970, p. 8

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ol -- ERE TI 3 SAA bani me. Hen hada, - Laas *HIRE « BUY + SELL: RENT « SWAP + HIRE * 8 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Aug. 27, 1970 Classified Advertising Rates (Effective March 1st, 1967) ARTICLES FOR SALE -- REAL ESTATE -- WANTED -- CARS FOR SALE LOST -- FOUND -- ETC. Cash Rate --4c. per word 1st week, 3c. extra consecutive weeks for a minimum of $1.00 1st week, 75¢c. for extra consecutive weeks. Must be paid week of insertion--if charged, and additional 26c. will be added. 50c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR USE OF A BOX NUMBER. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS 4c. a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS -- MARRIAGES -- DEATHS » 4c. a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 IN MEMORIAMS -- $1.50 minimum for 4-line verse, 10c. |} a line for additional lines. DISPLAY CLASSIFIED--$1.25 per inch with a minumum one inch. | All Classified Ads must be in this office not later than -- 4:00 p.m. Tuesday ' Send cash, stamps, or money orders and save money PHONE 986-7383 -- Clip this out for reference. Cards of Thanks IRVINE -- In loving mem- __ory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, James C. Whe passed away Aug. 27th, To some you may be forgotten To others a part of the past To those who loved you and lost you Your memory will ever last. Sadly missed by wife Ethel, sons and daughters in law, daughters and sons in law and grandchildren Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martyn wish to express their sincere thanks to their friends of Prince Albert and district for the reception held in their honour at the home of Mr, and 'Mrs. Harold Holtby, on Sunday, August 16th. We deeply appreciate the beauti- ful gifts received and the. letter of welcome and tri- bute. IRVINE -- In loving mem- ory of James Curry who passed away August 27th, Farewell, dear father, thy work is o'er Thy willing hands will toil no more, A loving father, kind and true, No one on earth we'll find like you. Always remembered by son Dave, daughter-in-law Joanne and grandchildren We gratefully acknowledge the many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy, beau- tiful floral tributes, and charitable donations, at the time of our tragic bereave- ment. 'Howard, Diana, and Karen Rowan Ray and Mavis McCully. Jand Rév. Butler. =]10h a SELL RENT +« SWARP 'HIRE * BUY * SELL: RENT - Cards of Thanks Coming Events For Sale For Sale We would like to thank our friends at Scugog & Com- munity for the lovely gifts presented to us. Barry & Diane Edgar Sincere thanks to friends and neighbours for kindness | 3493 shown to me while a patient in Port Perry Hospital. Spe- cial thanks to Dr. M. Dymond Nurses and Staff. James Hope PARKER--I wish to express my sincere thanks and appre- ciation to friends and rela- tives, for cards flowers and visits while in Lindsay hos- pital." Special thanks to Dr. Watson, Dr. McLean, nurses and staff on surgical floor Daisy Parker SUGGITT--In loving mem- ory of a dear husband, fa- ther and grandfather Allan R. Suggitt who passed away August 26th, 1962. Memories are like stars that shine Made to last to the end of time. Ever remembered by wife Gladys and family. Once again I would like to express my appreciation for kindness and care shown me during my stay in Port Perry Community Hospital-and Port Perry Nursing Home. Special thanks to Dr. Cohoon, Dr. Allan, nurses and staff. Mabel Reynolds EDGAR -- In loving mem- ory of our mother and grand- mother Dorothy Elizabeth Hgor who passed away Aug. 30th, 1967. To some you may be forgotten To others part of the past To us who loved you and lost you Your memory will ever last. Always remembered by daughter Sylvia LeSaux, son-in-law Jack & grand- daughter Joanne. There are no words which can express the heartfelt thanks to our many kind neighbours, friends and rela- tives for their prayers, sym- pathy and many acts of kind- ness during the sudden pass- ing of our beloved husband and father, Charles Geer. Special thanks to Mr. John Hopkins for his comforting words, also Dr, Haralampides, nurses & staff of (Uxbridge) Cottage Hospital. We would like to extend our thanks for the many floral tributes and also t ose who donated to the Heart Fund & the many kind friends who prepared & served lunch after the fun- eral. A special thank you to the Low and Low Funeral Home for their efficient ser- vice, Ruby Geer & family At Rest CRAGG, Hattie Emma--At Victoria B.C., Aug. 2nd, 1970, beloved sister of Edgar, Blake and Norman, aunt -deceased and beloved aunt of George, Theo., Roy, ith & Chas. predeceased, in her 86th year. Funeral service at Mc- Call Bros. on Wednesday at 10:30 a.m., followed by cre- mation. CHICKEN- BARBECUE will be held at "Grace" United Church on Scugog Island, Sat., Sept. 5th start ing at 5 p.m. Tickets will be available from any member of the U.C.W. or phone 985- 2--Spt.3 "TV TOWERS INSTALLED Uxbridge Communications 852-3591 -- Uxbridge TF | %4 H.P. Motor -- LEGION DANCE Saturday, September 5 Music by the ROYAL : AMBASSADORS Admission $3.00 per couple Member and guest. BLACKSTOCK DANCES Saturday Aug. 29th at 9 p.m. in Blackstock Rec. Centre "Gay 40's" by the Lowry Masters Orchestra. And in the rink modern dancing to the "School Girl Crush", Ad- mission to one or both $1.00 per person. GREGG--Eva Margaret, at the Hillcrest Nursing Home Port Perry on Saturday Aug. 22, 1970. Eva Gregg, dearly beloved daughter of the late Robert Gregg and Annie Gra- ham of Greenbank, and dear sister of Hazel Gregg Port Perry. Rested at the Low dnd Low Funeral Home, Ux- brdige. Service was held in the chapel on Monday, Aug. 24th at 2 p.m: Jytotment at Gregg Cemeter Victoria Corners. i WAKEFORD, Clifford--At the Humber Memorial Hos- pital on Sunday, Aug. 23rd, 1970. Clifford Wakeford of Weston, beloved husband of Grace Wakeford, dear broth. er of Norman of Toronto, Ross of Port Credit, Harold of Unionville, Bill and Lloyd of Port Perry, Jean (Mrs. T. Jenkins) Toronto, and Aleta (Mrs. W. Campbell) Oshawa. Resting at the Ward Funeral Home, 2035 Weston Rd. at King St. Weston. Service in the chapel Wednesday, 1 p.m. Interment, Glendale Memor- -ial Gardens. Coming Events BINGO Thursday, Aug. 27th at 8 pm. at Legion Hall. Jack- pot $110 in 51 numbers, Le gion Special $35 in 13 num- bers. Top line, 20 regular game. Share the wealth. RISEBROUGH -- In loving memory of our wife and mo- ther Allaurien Kight who passed away Aug. 28, 1962. God took her home, it was his will, - But in our hearts we love her still, . Her memory is as sweet to-day As in the hour she passed away. Always remembered by her husband and' family. Many thanks to friends & neighbours for flowers, cards and visits during my stay in Hospital, also special thanks to Mr. John Ballingall of Fla- mingo Pastries who took me to the hospital the first time and all those others concern- ed at work. Also thanks to Dr. Cohoon, nurses and staff of Port Perry Hospital for their excellent care. S Sincerely, Eileen Breen Branch 419 Royal Canadian Legion CENTENNIAL DINNER -& DANCE SATURDAY, SEPT. 19th Legion Hall 8:30 p.m. $5.00 per couple Tickets now on Sale SPECIAL DECORATION SERVICES Sunday August 30th, 1970 at 2:30 p.m. at Nestleton United Church. Speaker Rev. Victor Parsons. LYNN FAIR DINNER If you have not already picked up your ticket for the Lynn Fair retirement dinner to be held in Sunderland Arena Friday evening, Sept. 11, please note there will be no tickets sold after Sept. 2. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright of Blackstock will receive their friends and neighbours on the occasion of their Gold- en Wedding Anniversary at the Christian Education Centre of Blackstock United Church on Sat.,, Sept. 12th, 79 p.m. Best Wishes only. BINGO, Friday Aug. 28th at 8 p.m. Sponsored by Catho- lic Men's League, Jackpot $200 in 53 numbers. Mingr Jackpot $35 in 52 numbers. Oshawa CEDAR POSTS--Call Sunder- land 357-3666. 2--Aug.20 . WATKINS "The Product with the Money Back Guarantee. Call Art Reeder, 9864810. Your Deal- Diesel Tractor B-275 - Me- Cormick $1800 or best offer Set Tire Chains, Tractor -- $125.00 Hay Bailer #45, McCormick 25.00 Roll top Desk -- $175.00 $15.00 200 gal Fuel Tank with pump. 100 gal Diesel Oil, . Phone E. R. Woodward 576-6216 . PORTABLE Typewriter, red leather zippered case, used only a few 'times. $50.00. Call after 6 p.m, 985-7129. er in Cartwright and Manvers ; T.F. GLENVIEW ACRES Boarding Stable A good selection of RIDING HORSES for SALE : at all times. CALL 985.7058 1st Farm South of Seagrave 63 CHEV. % ton Pick-up Truck with certified safety check. Call 985-7502. YOUTH'S SUIT, size 16, fine wool, navy, excellent condi- tion, matching gaberdeen British Storm King all wea- ther coat with borg lining, size 18, like new, reasonable. Phone 985-7159, CORN & VEGETABLES -- Blacks, R.R. 4, Port Perry. 985-3513. Old Road -- West Side 18" FALL, reddish brown. Alfiost new $15. Phone 985- 7698. : SWEET _ CORN. Pick your own. 3 doz. $1.00. '1 mile east of Raglan. D. Linton. 2 BARBIE DOLLS, clothes & case in good condition. Call 085-2029. : 1965 CHEV. % ton. Phone 985-3140. PIANO for sale, good condi- tion. te after 5.00 p.m. FRESH picked sweet corn. 985-7 Phone 985-2454. 1965 ENVOY Epic in excel- lent condition. Phone Scott 985-2210. Business College announces the opening of the FALL TERM TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 Complete and up-dated courses in CLERICAL, STENOGRAPHIC SECRETARIAL and ACCOUNT. ING TRAINING. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION FREE brochure entitled "Job Train. ing for Business", AveoMable upon request. ¥ DIAL 728-0052 or 725.5878 18 SIMCOE STREET NORTH, OSHAWA -- - --- cae Clip and mall this coupon for g Complete Detsiis Nome .ouivavssscecserrnnnnere Address «vances ivnnnnee avasse Age... Telephone .......,.. Announcement Mr. & Mrs. Wm. H. Loates are happy to announce the engagement of their daugh- ter Patricia Beatrice to Gord- on Russell Pogue. Marriage to take place on Saturday, Sept. 12th, 5.30 p.m. in the Church - of Ascension, Port Perry. : NOTICE ANYONE with Furniture left at Leal's Upholstery Shop. Furniture will be on display Monday, August 31, in yard |M benind the shop at 1 p.m. Owners please come and pick up your belongings. S. Le- vison, 985-7062, Lost MALE BEAGLE Hound, last seen on Hwy seven. Answers to name Banjo. Tattoo KUB- 3Y Right ear. Reward. Ph. 728-9011. Miscellaneous SWEET CORN ENSILAGE for the trucking. Phone Whitby 668-3500. Paul Moran 1967 SUNBEAM, 4 door auto- matic, . low mileage,' extra wheels, snow tires, block heater. Phone 9884831. | 25 GAL AQUARIUM. All ac- cessories included $50. Phon 985-2133. : T 3 EXCELLENT serviced lots. Phone 985-7140. 1961 PONTIAC Strato-Chief for parts. Also radio. Terms cash only. Phone 985-2261. 8 SMALL Collie pups for sale 5 weeks old. Phone 985-2456. HAMMER MILL, some double stanchions, also 3 year old purebred Arabian Gelding. Phone 985-2844. - Mister T.V. Towers 378 King St. W. 723.9525 INSTALLED 40' tower with all channel antenna .00 40'- tower with rotator and : colour antenna--$135.00 Extra 10' section--$11.50 : en9-9 Res. 372 King St. W. : T.F. . CORN -- 3 dor. $1.00 Phone "985-7737. HARPER'S Flower Land GLADIOLUS RESERVE ORDER BY PHONE R.R.2 Seagrave 3 Miles N. PORT PERRY 985-7824 SKIROULE Sales and Service Buy now at August discount . prices. A Skiroule trained mechanic on duty 7 days a week ARCHER SALES Janetville -- 986-4310 2 miles north of 7A on the Cartwright Boundary 728-3478. 'CONTENTS from Model home, chesterfield and mat- ching chair, dining room suite, bedroom suite, desk, book- case stereo & T.V. broad- loom rug 9 x 12, coffee and end tables, etc, etc. All items dike new. Phone Oshawa WESTERN AND ONTARIO Stockers. Stock calves, and Holstein heifers, every week. Ivan Johnson, R.R. 1, South onaghan. Phone Bailieboro 985-6865. 10 miles south of Peterborough, Hwy. 28 miles east. TF . GORD'S MARINE 'Mercury Motors & Ski-Doo Sales & Service, Grew Fiber- lass boats 18' to 22' V.-Hulls nboard models powered b Mercruiser, stern drives with power- trim. Sport ray (leav-, ans) Fiberglass: & Aluminum' boats. Remington chain saws, Fox mini-bikes, Canadian Ex- plorer trailers. Yes, we have everything for the boater. All on display NOW at Gord's Marine, Claremont. Phone 649-2007, 17 years experience with Mercury service. WATKIN PRODUCTS for Reach and Scugog. Call LE Standish, Seagrave. 985- i Jay --Dee Handicrafts 110 Main St. N.,, UXBRIDGE We stock Emu-Sirdar-Dernat- Paton's:and Baldwins knitting yarns. Handmade goods to order F.| OPEN: Sun. 104; Thurs. 25; Fri. 2-5 ;evenin 6:15-7:30 PHONE . 2-7310 Help Wanted 2|AN EXPERIENCED married .. * Iman for holstein farm. W. G. "| Bowles. ' 986-4268. aa DRIVERS NEEDED Train now to drive semi truck, local and over the road. Diesel or gas; experi. ence helpful but not neces sary. You can earn over $4.00 per hour after short training. For interview and application call 416-362-4002, or write Safety Dept., United Systems, Inc, c/o Transport Training Systems of Canada; Ltd., 207 Queens Quay West, Toronto 117, Ontario, Canada. ©

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