20 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Oct. 27, 1971 and adventure : LEAVE Canada's snows far behind and fly across the equ- ator to Sunny Africa. See the natural home of Jions, ant- elope, giraffes, elephants, rhinos and crocodiles - - -all in their wild state. Watch native Bantu dances. Visit the incredible lush farms at Stellenbosch and Paarl, world fam- VanCamp and three sons of ' Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs." Arthur VanCamp and Jayne of Scugog Island and Mr. Jack VanCamp. Mr. and Mrs. Carl 'Wright spent four days visiting their Bancroft relatives last week. They report .the - leaves were very colourful - in the lovely :Indian Sum- mer weather which we en- joyed last week. amusing; "The 'ladics had their skills : gli : cugog of words put to a test with'a, ' L . 79 x : : contest. co of the . Blackstoc CWS op oom on on tim on we i sl 0 s vo > r or Their many friends of this carrying out this remodel: Mrs, George Rutherford at rola meeting was pad Angola : and the ladies C Dunha and everyone area will be sorry to learn ling on the old farmhouse. Seagrave. Aldred: followed by the were informed. about that Mrs, Harrison, wife of Miss Nancy Harness and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Werry ginging of Hymn 579 and the Presbytery meeting on i 4 Rev. R. B. Harrison former Mr. Fred Pawly of Oshawa and Larry, Mr, and Mrs, repeating of the: Lord's 2 October 18th at St. Stephen's Burketon minister of the United were mid - week evening Nejt"Balley attended the Prayer. The Roll Call was United Church in Oshawa i Church died at her home in" guests of Mr. and Mrs. funeral . of Eleanor and pswered by twelve ladies, - and at Kendal United Church Mr, & Mrs, Ted Holroyd 4 Cannington on Friday even. Gerald Kelly.and girls, Mr. Elaine's grandmother, Mrs. and we were pleased to Have on October 25th. Boa ville. Visited il ing. Several from this area . and Mrs, Ray Essery and wm, Johnston at Sutton on Mrs. London with us -as a A letter of thanks was also 'day with Mr. & Mrs. Frank ) called at the funeral home Mr, and Mrs. Howard Staple: Saturday. Mrs. Johnston yisitor. read from Roy and Betty Say hi) and fami] . . at' Cannington on Sunday. ton all of Oshawa-were Fri- was in 'her 95th year and The devotional part of our Collins in regards to their, roy al from ni district Blackstock has started to day" evening dinner guests passed away in her sleep, evening was in keeping with daughter's wedding. tten bi the Chicken. S grow rapidly like most other of the Kelly's, Several local households, ~Thanksgiving. Mrs. Camille We continued on with the 2 4H op small communities. Resi. Belated sympathy is "ex- the Baileys and the Donner- Crozier gave a reading and business part of our meeting pet e % ac at- ° dents and passers-by.are in- tended to Mrs. Ray Brad. als have left recently for Mrs. Eli Fralick read the With the main topic per- * ld Sven i rt Mr. G terested to watch the pro burn and family on the the sunny South, No doubt . scripture an 'i Mrs. Mar. taining to our turkey supper id hig . Jar. gress of the new subdivision passing of Mr. Ray Brad: others will'be leaving short: joie Aldred also read coming up on October 20th; ih aly il vs oy 3 the north end of the Vill, burn 2 week ago. _ ini 5 "scripture taken from Deu - Mrs. Joan Aldred presented icp him a speedy recovery ge -- it is named Meadow Mr. and Mrs, Ray Mount: On Saturday evening the yo onomy "chapter eight. .a 'reading entitled "HOW ay and Mrs, E, Barrett, Green 'Estates. There is joy of Toronto were Sunday = St. John's Anglican Church Joan Al oo od rides Eu Children Think About God" 4 y a rs, : arrett, one house built with a For evening guests of Mr. and _ held their annual Fall Sup: eoationcl Dorian wills a . this Wat written by Dick - Scar' jis spent t > week- PY Sale sign on and several Mrs, Bruce Mountjoy and' per and are happy to re- Tk A) opi * Van Dyke" and was very nw 5 i iy ig others started. Other major boys. port that it was one of the _. or o8iviNg Frayer. ; Frank Holroyd and family. renovation job is the re. Mr. and Mrs, Grainger of most successful that they've : [Ag modelling of the Recreation Peterborough were Tuesday had. The weather-man was Centre -- it is to be extend: and Wednesday *guests of most co-operative. * All who ed to the east side and to Mr. and Mrs, Russell Mount. found time and interest to have many new and impro- joy. -. attend are heartily thanked. ® "ved features.' Mrs, = George Vick of "Tt was most gratifying and Still another major reno- Brooklin was a recent call: gppreciated. vation project is taking er of Mrs. Alma Fowler. On Miss Lorrie Turner of place on the house on the Sunday her cousin, Mr. and waterloo University spent . former Mahaffy farm on Mrs, Bill Kaslick of Teas "the week-end at home. Al - Purple Hille- Mr. Michael water and Mr. & Mrs. John ' a home for the weekend . Wade of Markham has Willis of Toronto visited was Miss Linda Mountjoy ry bought this property and is her after visiting Mr. and of London University and John Larmer of 'McMaster } University. Leave Winter Behind | hier SE A 00 ville was a week-end guest F | of her sister, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon - Paisley, Craig and y fo sunny - fae . S 1 h A fri On Sunday evening, Mr. Harry VanCamp was the ou rica honoured membér of a fa- mily dinner on "his birth- ~ 30 days of pleasure day. Attending at hishome = ; were Mr. and Mrs.' Glenn ° P ous for peaches, gripes, oranges and other tropical fruit, Many from this area at- ° and the tobacco farms in Rhodesia. Stand on the shores of tended the 4-H Award night the Indian Ocean. Feel the romance and mystery of Africa, in Orono on Saturday night." raved the Dark Continent. Visit Capetown, Johannesburg, Several young people re- § - Durban, Victoria Falls, Salisbury and other historical places. ceived recognition for their This tour is especially designed for you, departing from year's Club work, namely ! Toronto February 14, 1972, returning on March 15th. Dale VanCamp, Cindy Van- ] : Camp, Colin Asselstine, PS Thirty days of pleasure and adven- ture. Your tour leader Mr. Dean Hughes, is an experienced traveller. He will go with you all the way to ensure your complete comfort. Mary Lou Malcolm, Jamie Malcolm, John, David and Paul Larmer. David Larm- er received the trophy for the High Junior Dairy Calf member. John Larmer re- ceived the honour of being presented the Watch for the Or "boy who has shown out standing interest in his club work since first becoming If you' re looking beyond ody : plan ahead with Canada 8avings Bonds. They're the go-ahead way to. save for the future -- With worry. Easy to Buy: You can oy them three different ways; for cash where you work, bank or invest; oninstalments through the good interest -- -- year after * year. New Canada Savings Bonds yield an average of 7,19% a year when' held to maturity. They're available in amounts from $50 up to a limit of $50,000. ® ° Each $100 Bond begins with $5.75 interest for the first year, pays $6.75 interest for the second MR. DEAN HUGHES Farmer, Writer, Broadcaster. Clip and mail coupon for free booklet. phone, collect, 297-1175. To: Mr. Dean Hughes. Briarwood Farms: 16th Ave. a member. John has com- Payroll Savings Play Where you 'year, pays $7.50 interest for each R.R. 1, Unionville, Ontario. leted 31 clubs during his WOrK; or. on instaiments tnrougn . i YES: | would like to hear more about the South Africa Tour SF in' 4-H which ne ey the Monthly Savings Plan where ee iors: for such of . > cord in Durham County. you bank or invest. the last two years. 'Cornigratulations to all of . ; these young people Who BonGe" aro cold, hard cash Or, 28 Of this you can earn have achieved such honours, interest. on your interest and Mr. and Mrs. Ceell Hyde instantly. They can be redeemed ake each $100.00 grow 'to of Rochester. N.Y. were any time at their full face value © $187.00 in just 9 years. . : - Monday morning callers of plus earned interest. ; c das : i od . All Travel Arrangements By VELLINGA'S her mother, Mrs, Margaret Good to Keep: Canada Savings © anada Savings Bonds are good WORLD WIDE TRAVEL SERVICE : S © today, better tomorrow. They're Argue and of Mr. and Mrs. To qiodas and bo Bonds are safe. They're backed: by all the resources of Canada and they pay Canada's most popular personal - investment. Look ahead! D% Go ahead! Buy Canada Savings Bonds. o . average cia ire omy P.O. Box 234, Chatham, Ontario -- In cooperation with C.P.Air and South African' Air Lines SAAR CPAir I<