Large Wooden: Vise, Trunks, Authon. Sales . SATURDAY, NOV. oh Auction Sale of Carpenter's *:- Toon, ne Belts, Railroad Jack, ds of planes Saws, dders, Gate, Power Lawn i Mowat, Trailer, McCormick ' Gas Engine 1% h.p. (antique) good \ Tani con ition, Deer, ng Mower, Buzz saw, single plow, wheelbarrow, «Large Su of * scrap, hundreds of Hen you would find in"a a 'the property of the Late WARREN BEACH, Lot 1, Con, 2, Uxbridge twp. (at Silos 5imiles west of Ux. bridge. Terms Cash. Sale at * 'M=am, Ladies will serve luneh, 6 Tas Graham, AS LARRY J0HNsSON, ture and Antiques, 2 Dactors, One with: Manure Auction Sale of 40 head of Hereford Cattle, the" SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6 Auction 'Sale of Farm Ma, chinery, * Household , Furni. 2 Ford Loader; MF, 7, Power Mower, Manure Spreader, Bale Ele: vator, Hay, the property o: Mr, & Mrs. GEBRGE JOH Lot 22, Con, 7, Cartwri Twp,, 1% miles east of tleton on Hwy. 7A to t John's Side Road and % mile north. 'Terms Cash. No Re: serve, ; Ward Holmes. and Jack Calla. t sh HA small N. of 'fur, gn Sale at '1:00 p.m. an, Clerks ARL HICKSON. "Auctioneer boro, Ont| "Ph, Lindi 705.324.9059 "THURSDAY, NOV. Ath roper- R, Lot . Con, 17, Scott Twp. % "Ph, 705 - 357.3210 mile east of Leaskdale. 20 . 2--Nov.3 Cows, 7 with calves by side, remainder bred from Mar, to Oct., 9 Steers (1 yr.), 4 open Heifers' (rising 2 yrs.). . Note "this_is a real- good herd of T0050000050 53 Cott tts SoS cattle, sale, Owner giving up ac tive farming. Terms . Cash, Sale at 1:30. Gerald Graham, clerk. REG & LARRY JOHNSON, 2 Nov.3 Auctioneers {0 Facts and Fantasy | _BY RETA M. BERRILL Moments For Sharing Moments for sharing are usually small unexpected experiences of ordinary ingredients, but spiced with ) tha intangible something, that makes us especially aware, One summer when our children were young we arranged for a holiday on a small lake in Fastern Ontario. We had never been there. ) As we neared the place-- our hearts rimming with. 3. 0 anticipation, the road ahead "suddenly fell 'sharply: away, and there it was. One word sufficed. Beautiful! Before us lay a mammoth stage and, the curtain had just-gone up.-- An oversized sun sitting perkily on an edge of 'the horizon had touched every building and tree to set them aglow. And on the lake in a Pageant of Welcome, 'were millions of Dancing Diamonds. _ These were moments for sharing. I shared a hospital room with a lovely lady who was coping courageoulsy with a dreaded crippling disease. On several occasions I heard her recite one line from an old much-loved poem. It was always the same line, said prayerfully. One night after Lights' Out, when she probably thought me to be asleep I heard her again but this time as if groping for more of it--like something just out of reach. After a moment Fquietly quoted the | L next line. She said "Thank you my dear." Then together, we recalled the entire poem and supplied its - author. Another few 'moments shared was also in a hospital room. A Man of The Cloth visiting my room-mate_§. noticed a book I'd been reading and came to my bed to discuss it with me. It led to a happy discussion of many books that we'd both read and enjoyed. Many years ago I was destined to spend the day : before Christmas, alone. In the late afternoon I was lonely. Then, Out of The Blue, a dear friend arrived. . § We shared & supper of sandwiches from a'tray, as we sat on the floor in front of 'an open fire. Commonplace? Surely--but long remembered. Some years ago when visiting England I rose early 8 one Sunday mornirig and took a walk that led me out of . the city, beydnd its subs and into The Fagin : Countryside. 4 It was early autumn, warm and still. : I found myself standing on high ground. Below, and into the yonder, was a differe d. Mentally. I began turning the pages of old English Story-books. Before me now were the settings I'd tried to visualize. + White and stately in the morning sunlight, was an old Manor House and its cluster of workmen's cottages. Reminiscent of a mother hen and her brood of chicks. A lone figure crossed the yard attesting to life. - Passing the estate was a winding high-hedged country lane, and through the foliage a moving object -_ came slowly into view. It-too--out of the story-book; a Gypsy Carnavan. Gaily decorated in yellow and red, the van was drawn by two small brown horses with another gne in tow. Cooking utensils hung from its side and-ffom a . small chimney piece, blue smoke curled and drifted upward. oy I thought of Wordsworth "The smoke ascends to heaven as lightly from the cottage hearth as from the haughty palace," and wondered if he hadn't meant to include, the Gypsies Caravan. . As T watched it take the last bend and disappear, 1 longed for a certain big hand into which I could tuck ° juine. This was truly a moment for sharing. But--alas .. CEOS SSSS SSCS Plan to attend this Ph. 705 - 357- or a eo ® Faith Festival The Oshawa Preshytery of the United Church of Canada will 'be 'staging. a "Faith Festival at '3:00 p.m., Sun- ay, Noveinber 14, in the Collegiate, Simcoe O'Neil . i, .North, Oshawa. The tival 'is' in conjunction "With similar festivals being . staged the same day by each of the seven Presbyteries jn "the Bay of Quinte conference of the United Church. : ~The theme of the Festival, which is thé first of its kind, * will be "We Are Not Alone" -and the purpose is to re- _ affirm, fundamental faith in the church, and bring United .Church members together in witness to it.. Mrs. Marie Taylor will be director of a mass choir and the special guest speaker willbe Rev. Richard Davidson of the St. Andrews United Church, Toronto. Rev.. Davidson is co-author ° of the new United Church hymnal. Because a large number of people is anticipated at the festival, Rev. W. Reeves of Port Perry. United Church says that attendance will have to be by reservation. "Rev. Reeves hopes that 100 members from Port Perry and Prince Albert will be able to attend. Bus service will be provided, leaving the Port Perry United Church at 2: 00 p.m. United Church 'November 5. members from Por Perry and Prince Albert who would like to attend 'the' Festival are asked /to. contact Mrs, "Frank --Slemmon 2153; or Mrs, Méta Howsom 7173, before © 5:00 p.m, on- ik robbery The Ontario Provincial Policé 'is investigating a "break-in that occurred last Friday at the home of Mr. William McCallum, R.R. 1, Port Perry, A spokesman for the OPP said that the thief or thieves: made off with a TV set, vacuum cleaner, movie camera, and power saw. The value of'the stolen goods had been placed at about $700. Constable Bill Phillips of 'the "Whitby Detachment is the investigating officer, Poppy tag days November 4-5-6 The - Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 419, Port Perry has announced the activities for Remembrance Week, November 4th to 7th. November 4, 5and 6 will be Poppy Fund Tag Days. On Saturday, November 6, a Remembrance Day. Banquet will be held at. the Legion Hall with the "old Bills" of a 1967 Plymouth 2 Door Hardtop, V8 Auto- matic, P.S., P.B., Radio, New _ Tires, Fully Safety Checked. A Real Sharp Car. Lic. 6610A $1395. 1970 FORD -CUSTOM;-4- door-Sedan- |- V8 Automatic, Radio . Low Mileage Fully Safety Checked An ideal family car. © $2295. 1965 Chevrolet 2 TON PICK - UP FULLY SAFETY CHECKED 50,000 orig. miles So echanically $695. . ternoon. .agked to contact John Maw " N F w 1) SNOW TIRES - PORT PERRY STAR -- Wadnaiddoy, Nov. 3,1971 - 11 Port Perry as nonourea guests. Landfill site - to cost $16,800 On Sunday, November 7, a The - Ontario Water memorial -service will 'be held at the Legion Cenotaph ' i an i Resources Commission has , Jtaitling ab 2:90 inthe af informed: Council that the purchase price of a landfill, site will total $16,875. The payment will be shared by the Village of Port Perry, TL and -Reach and Scugog " {{ Townships. Armed forces veterans wishing more information on the 'week's activities are or Michael Hlozan at 985- 2080, YITETTINIT] Thurs., to Wed. - Six Ddys, Nov. 4 to 10 "BLUE WATER J| WHITE DEATH" 7:15. The hunt for the Great White Shark. Warning: Some Killing of Whales. "LE MANS" 9:00, Steve McQueen, UXBRIDGE VALLEY JAM. BOREE Sun., Nov. 7th starting at 8, featuring Con Archer, . : Uxbridge Valley Jamboree NOVEMBER 7th "at 8:00 P.M. Featuring the Canadian Showband with special guest star ® CON ARCHER oo singing live his new hit. song "One More Valley" with other guests such as Len Ferguson, Grant Roach, ~ Bunt Lewis and many more and CFGM Disc Jockey Dave Johnson. : Advance Tickets can be purchased at Carnies Superette Show at Roxy Theatre, Uxbridge. Tickets on sale 7:30 p.m. 'Showtime 8 p.m. "1967 Dodge -- CORONET -- Sedan, 6 cylinder Auto- matic, Radio, Very Clean and in original condition. Floor Shift, Radio. Console, Radio, Lic. N98934 35 ~~ S NAA 1967 FORD XL CONVERTIBLE, V8, Automatic, P.S., P.B., Bucket Seats, Automatic Priced right at . . .... 1966 PLYMOUTH SATELITE, 2 door hardtop, V8, Bucket Seats, Auto. Floor Shift, DOWN Payment WITH EACH PURCHASE OF ANY Lic. L72639 OF THESE USED CARS : $1295 ¥ § "1963 Dodge |1969 DODGE |1965 Ford LTD Th | .% TON PICK-UP_ 4 door hardtop, V8 Auto- ES 1 2 Door Hardtop, Slant V8 engine, Custom Cab | matic, Power Steering, 2A) 6 cyl, Automatic, Radio | West Coast Mirrors Power Brakes, Radio, ! Tinted Windshield, Fully | Long Box 'Rear seat speakers, Vinyl _ Safety Checked. Tu-tone paint roof, fully safety checked ' Sharp -- 1 owner Burgundy with . $395 i . white vinyl roof : Lic, $1895. Lic. 71205K $995 44904C 1967 PONTIAC 1967 Pontiac LAURENTIAN, 4 door sedan, V8 Automatic, 2 DOOR HARDTOP Power Steering, Power Brakes, Radio, New V8 Automatic, Power ; Paint, Fully Safety checked. Steering, P. Brakes, - - ic. 69057K $1295. | Radio, Very i. hie 590 Cloan $1395. ; =% 1966 Dodge ; i * 2 Door Hardtop 1966 Buick Wildcat L V8 Automatic £4 hoOR HARDTOP t * Radio Sed . { » V8 automatic, Power Steering 2 Very Clean Car . 1 ' $89 Power Brakes, Power Windows, i : 9, Power Antennae, Radio, Fully fis : Safety Checked, New Paint @ OPEN Job, Very Clean Car. $1095. { EVENINGS | $1195. hi ~ =X till 9:00 BAIR py SCANLON MOTORS m 94 WATER STREET 985-2212 PORT PERRY Up to 42 Months to Pay with Bank Interest Rates to those that Qualify