i To SERA Jansaly ols Rp ~ -- Siabikaik News BY" Sunday School and Church services are at the usual hour next Sunday. 'Mrs. F.. Phoenix, Miss Helen Phoenix and Miss Jill Stone, visited with Miss Janice Stone in London over @ the weekend. <« . Mr. Fred Tutty of Sand: ford visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lotton: for a few days. The McKean 'boys of Willowdale visiting with friends at _ Greenbank on 'Sunday, We welcome Mr, and Mrs, Harold Lotta: and family to the village. They are living in the house formerly oc- cupied by Mr. and Mrs, Don Real. Mr. and Mrs. Don Real and family have moved to " their new home south of Greenbank. e. © Sorry to report that Mrs. McCalg is a patient in Sunnybrook - Hospital in o Toronto. We wish her a speedy recovery, Mr. and Mrs. Jas Young, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young and daughter from Cobourg spent Sunday with Mr. arid Mrs. Ron Young, Mr. and ° Mrs. Kirt Christenson visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ivon Spencer last Thursday. Mr. Leonard Blight of Brooklin was a dinner guest > of Mr. and Mrs. "at Thomas last Sunday,' Mr. Keith Lotton™ en- tertained several friends to a -birthday party on Saturday: afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Rennie called on Mr. and Mrs. Armour McMillan one evening recently. Neighbours of Mr, and Mrs. G. Gonnerman met at the Werrafal Restaurant to extend best wishes to them for a pleasant vacation, Mr, and Mrs. Gonnerman will be - away five months visiting relatives and friends in Europe and the British Islands. Halloween in the village this year was a big flat tire, Mr. and Mrs. V. Mount visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Reading and family at + Norwood on Sunday. Those who attended the evening unit smorgasbord and scarf and pin demon- stration by Pat Paterson had a very enjoyable time, What a gruesome sight to see a timid defenseless sheep ravaged by dogs. All the sheep farmers in the com- munity have had their flocks molested, It is compulsory . for dog owners to keep their dogs under control at all times. Mrs. 'Art Couves en- + Continued on page 24 Ri CE p Men's ot Ladies' "Caravelle" watch by BULOVA (an excellent family Xmas gift) When you buy your'72 Moto-Ski during BONUS DEAL DAYS From Oct. 29th to Nov. 21st, 1971. 14 models all packed with performance, design and safety features that make * Moto-Ski YOUR Best Buy! NO DOWN PAYMENT until the snow flies! Over 300 Moto-Ski dealers in Ontario to serve you : + * NESTLETON SNOWMOBILE SALES NESTLETON ! GLEN VALLIE MOTO-SKI SALES R. R. 1, PORT PERRY [ ] « 4 Almer . i . fv or HALE eA 23 Seagrave Nae . Wednesday is the date of Seagrave's big annual event -- The Turkey Supper. While this affair is sponsor- ed by. the Stewards of the . Church with more than a little help from the U.C.W. it actually involves almost all our citizens and is won- derful for the' community spirit. 'It is too bad that there are so few local pro- jects to bring all our peo- ple together, We were naturally quite upset on Sunday morning when it became known that Mr. Heywood Short had been rushed to. hospital during the night suffering - from a heart seizure. As it turned, out his condition is not as serious as had been feared. Another sick one 'is Mrs. Laval Jobin who is receiv- ing. treatment in Oshawa hospital. I Saturday was a fine day for a: stroll so the local 'Guides- went walking to Port Perry and back. There were 21 starters and also 21 finishers but they didn't break any speed records * for the last few miles. Bon. nie Short was the champion speeder. A similar group but fewer in number from Port Perry covered: the same route starting from their home base. Hallowe'en was compar- atively quiet and so far we 'have heard no complaints - of damage. Lots of spooks were abroad: 'looking for treats and collecting for U.N.ICEF. Our grocer re- ports that about 100 visited him, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Scott entertained some long-time friends on Saturday even- ing. They were Mr. & Mrs, Al, Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. - Cliff Holt, all of Toronto. PORT PERRY STAR = Wednesdoy Nov. 3, 1971 On Sunday Mrs. Ken Stur- man attended a bridal show- er at the home of her cou. sin Mrs. Allan Hoar in Ty- rone. It was in honour of another cousin Miss Marilyn Crowells, Mr. Lawrence ¥vans of Uxbridge is becoming quite well-known to us, having been our pulpit supply sey- eral times lately, We wel- come him here at any time, Mr. Critch expects to make - another -come - back next Sunday when there will be a baptismal service, There was nothing news- worthy about S.S. this week.' Check The Label On Your Paper Somebody didn't just say, "Hey, this is" the year for little economy cars--let's build one, Fact is, 24 years of Volkswagens preceded it. Each one a little better than the year before. The idea was that we had a good idea. So we stayed with it. And improved it. Thousands of times. That old bugaboo of car makers, new model bugs, was eliminated years ago. If there's one thing we learned about making economy cars, it's this: There's no such thing as an overnight success. The1972 Super Beetle. "and there appeared a 1972 Volkswagen. ow" Werner's Service Center RR. #4/PORT PERRY/985-7162 Os ey LIRR A EE oF DNAs AT y MS 2