WAR + HIF a A Ta 0 ORR SNA PN 10 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Nov. 17, 1971] Help Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted DON'T BE "STUCK INSIDE" THIS WINTER. Get out, meet people, make friends. Be an UPHOLSTERY DONE, very reasonable. Guaranteed work. Call A. Kuenstlen, 985-2991. Avon Representative. Have four own husiness during ours you select. Earn extra Call now; Mrs, J. 149 Sheldon 895- Work Wanted HARD FACE your snowmo- bile runners with Tungston. $6.00 per set. Ray Whitaker & Sons Machine Shop, R.R. 2, Port Perry. 985.7559. 4--Dec.8 DAY CARE in my home by money, Cunneyworth, Ave: Newmarket, Ont. 39. ' . CITY WATER Dellvety: Low cost water haulage to home, farm, pool, etc. Phone col lect -anytime, 725-4912, : . 4--0ct.13 MISTER T.V. TOWERS 378 King St. W., Oshawa 723.9525 T.V. Towers, Sales, Service and Installation Colour Antennas, Rotors, and black & white - also Rebdins INTERIOR. or EXTERIOR Fart PAINTING Call John. Holtby 985-7553 after 4 pm. T.F. 'EAVESTROUGHING 'Eavestroughing expertly in- : stalled, soldered inside and out. All work fully guaran. teed. We also repair, Reas- onable Prices. Call Caesarea' 086-4624, TF, EVER-GREEN SODDING and Landscaping, home and yard clean-up, roto-tilling, garden ing service, trees, flowers, shrubs, odd jobs. Free estim, ates 852-6460 or 3707. - T.F. DEAD OR CRIPPLED 'FARM ANIMALS Picked up Promptly For direct line call Long Distance and ask for". Zenith 32800. Call anytime ED PECONI & SON Woodville, Ont. Licence No, 324C-66 - Real Estate PRIVATE $1900. down or "| trade any item of equal livestock . for dotvn payment. Two family income ,home in Oshawa, ideal investment property or live in one half and rent the other. Phone 655-3326. value, even Auction Sales: Open 544 Adelaide St. W. T.F. day or week, babies welcome. Hot meals. 550 Queen St, or 985-7262. Ca / ¢ e CALL NOW eo For all your PAINTING and PAPERING Needs A. TILBURY 985.7625 4--Nov.17 Dead or Crippled Farm Stock Picked Up Promptly. _ Telephone Collect HAMPTON 416-263-2721 MARGWILL FUR FARM R.R.5 Bowmanville Licence No. -328-C-71 Jack Weyrich Cartage & Waste Removal | Phone 985-3312 TTT) UTICA SIGN SHOP SIGNS 'POSTERS, MURALS, any size, WEDDING RENTALS: floor candles, ring cushion, etc. 985-2916 |, Notice to Creditors REG and LARRY ~~ JOHNSON AUCTIONEERS , (20 yrs. Experience) LIVESTOCK & FURNITURE SALES Ph. Sunderland (705) 357-3270 In the Matter of the Estate of William Thomas Lambe, ah Deceased gS All persons having claims against the Estate of William Thomas - Lambe, late of the Township of Reach ,in the County of Ontario, Gentle- man, who died on or about the 19th day of October, 1971 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or be: RAY WHITAKER & SONS MACHINE SHOP R.R. 2, Port Perry © 985-7559 General Machine Work 'Sand Blasting Plastic Coatings Steel Fabricating Shearing & Welding FRED COOK REAL ESTATE Ivan Thompson _ PORT PERRY -- Looking for a home that is quality built, and for comfortable living, plus being conveni- ent to schools and shopping? This lovely new brick bungalow has 3 bedrooms, large living area and kit- chen, 4 pec. bath, separate front entering large treed lot. Asking $24,900. Call Bill Peters 985-2934, 985-7001. BUILDING LOTS on Nonquon River. Over 100 ft. Ideal homesites for boating and ski dooing. Paved roads, water, street lights, 7 mi. to. Port Perry. Asking $8,000. Joan Scott. . = SCHOOL HOUSE, 11/3 acre lot, 1100 sq. ft. zoned - frontage on river. | fore the 8th day of Decem- ber, 1971, full particulars-of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the par: ties entitled fhereto, having regard only to claims of "| which they shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, Ont. ario, this 8th day of Novem- ber, 1971. KELLY, JERMYN, : DONALD & THOMAS, Barristers and Solicitors, Box 131; Port Pery, Ont. Solicitors for the above 3--Nov.24 -Estate. AUCTION SALE 'Herongate Country Auctions' Every Thursday Night 7:30 p.m. -- Located off #2 High- way, 4 miles north on Altona Rd., at Rouge Hill, or 1 mile south of Whitevale, on Al- tona Rd. A good selection of. Antiques, Modern Furniture, Glass, China, Appliances, etc. Every week., Good Consign- ments accepted. HENRY KAHN, Auction Service. . Phone (416) 668-6189 or 294-0426 ~ REAL ESTATE BARGAINING IS AN ART Or at very least a skill resulting from experience, a knowledge of market values and a liberal sprinkling of common sense. Inept bargaining may very well cost a vendor a sale or delay the sale of his property to the point where loss of time and the increased cost of selling proves very uneconomic. One of the most common mistakes made by inex. perienced persons is "inflexibility". This attitude re. sults from the notion-that a good bargainer is someone who simply asks the highest possible price when selling and the lowest price when buying and sticks to it. A seller who puts a high figure on his property and then refuses to even consider any offers which do not meet this arbitrary standard is nothing but stubborn and foolish, Every realtor has known people who truly wanted to sell their houses, but who held on, month after - month; because they could not get exactly their price at exactly the terms they wanted. If such a vendor has not-studied the real estate market and refuses to take counsel from his realtor, he is "hurting his own prospect of getting the best price for his property. He will alienate legitimate prospects Yao otherwise would have-bought quickly at a fair price. - : SCENIC MEADOW GREEN ESTATES BLACKSTOCK Prestige All Electric Ranch Style Bungalows under construction. Featuring: ® Water Services. Fire Hydrants. ® Street Lights. Paved Streets. @® Y% acre lots. 100 ft. frontages. ® Garages. Built-in dishwasher. ® V.L.A. approved if qualified. $3,000 down -- starting at $25,800.00. FRED COOK REAL ESTATE 151 Queen Street. 985.7001 Port Perry -- Staff on site all week-end -- PORT PERRY -- New 3 bedroom brick bungalow, family sized living room, large modern kitchen with ample cupboards. Centrally located. Call Bill Peeters « 985-7001. single family. 1 mi. N. of Town. Asking $16,000. Terms, J. Scott. . Te Lovely Country home, school bus at door, 10 miles to Port Perry, 6 room 13 storey aluminum siding. Completely renovated. Tiled and broadloom through: out, 4 piece bath. Large lof. Oil furnace ,large garage Completely Call Mary and small barn presently used for horses. furnished. Asking $19,500.00. Terms. Enge 985-2517. 'BLACKSTOCK -- Solid brick four bedroom - con. veniences. $21,900. Terms. 985-7001. Ivan Thomp- son. PORT PERRY AREA--Brick 8 rooms older home. $15,500. Phone 985- Large lot. Low down payment. "7001, Ivan Thompson. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY--50 acres good land, Excellent 2 storey red brick home, large living room, kitchen spare room, 4 bedrooms, balcony 3 pe. bath, full basement, 2 barns, silo and 2 For further details call Port Perry area. car garage. Priced to sell. Bill Peeters. PORT PERRY -- 3 bedroom brick Bung. on treed lot. Rec. room. Insulated garage. Many extras. $31,600. 985-7001. Ivan Thompson. OAKWOOD -- New six room bungalow, brick 'with stone faced front on a large lot 86 x 150, just 8 miles to Lindsay. Asking $28,000.00 Mary Enge 985-7001. SUN VALLEY -- SEAGRAVE AREA. Winterized home, year round living, 5 rooms, heavy duty wired, large lot 50 x 305. Asking $13,500.00. Terms. Mary Enge 985-7001. PORT PERRY -- 2 bedroom bungalow, all modern conveniences, good garden, treed lot, full basement. Asking $17,500.00. Terms to be arranged. Call Madeline Rodd, 965-2819. PORT PERRY -- 4 bedroom, 2 storey frame home, 2 - 4 pc. baths, 1 - 2 pe., family room, dish washer, water softener, washer, drier, completely renovated in - 1969. Asking $33,500.00, 8% mortgage. Call Madeline Rodd 985-2819. ; Carn Street, Port Pe 3 opie Suet brick bunguiow red bath, Asking $24,600 with Rodd 986-2819, Commercial Corner downtown Port Perry, 3 bed- "room bungalow, approximately 850 sq. ft. floor" space. $22,500.00 with terms. Call Madeline Rodd 985-2819. - _| ber, 1971. KELLY, 1050 sq. ft., 4 pe. colou- terms. Phone Madeline 151 QUEEN STREET PORT PERRY Port Perry 985-7001 Toronto 297.2476 ~ NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Matter of the Estate of James Morley Moase, All persons having claims against the Estate of James Morley Moase, late of the Village of Port Pérry, in the 'County of Ontario, Gentle: man, who. died on or about the 22nd day of October, 1971 are. hereby: notified to" send to the undersigned on or be, "fore the 20th day of Decem- ber, -1971, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. : se DATED at Port Perry, Ont. ario, this 11th day of Novem. , JERMYN, : DONALD & THOMAS, Barristers and Solicitors, Box 131, Port Perry, Ont. Solicitors for the above 3--Dec.1 Estate SATURDAY, NOV. 27 "1:00 p.m. Auction Sale of Household furniture, antiques, dishes, applishces ,household effects. The Estate of the late Cora Atwell will be held on Col- _ borne Street in the village of Omemee. Watch next week's paper for particulars. Glenn Fry - 623-5387, Tom Lowery - 728-7639 Auctioneers SATURDAY, NOV. 20th Auction Sale of Antiques, Furniture, Tools, Dishes, etc. Including Hall stand, Arm Chair, Curved. glass China - Cabinet & Secretary, Drop- leaf Pine Table, Pine kitchen table, Gun-Stock Chair, Cap- tain's Chair, Oil lamps, Lan- terns, Jugs, crocks, churn, butter bowl, John Lylle shot- _ gun, Flat 'irons, spool bed, Pot belly Quebec Heater, 100 yr. old 'cheese dish, ete. T.V., Tables, Chest of Drawers, Re- cords, Tape Recorder, Radio, Dryer, Frigidaire, Washing Machine, Range, Chairs; Me- tal Trunks, Lamps, Dishes; etc. 1961 Vauxhall Engine, Lawn Mowers, Garden Trac- tor, Fence Stretchers, Post: Hole digger, Elec. Motors, Garden Tools, Paint Sprayer, Snow: Shoes, many other use- ful articles, the property of LAWRENCE'S "The Country Store, Nestleton, Ont. Terms Cash. Sale at 11'a.m. sharp. TED SPENCELEY, GRANT WERRY, 2--Nov.17 Auctioneers Notice The Municipal Electors of the TOWNSHIP OF REACH _ Are hereby Notified that nominations for- the -Offices of REEVE, DEPUTY-REEVE and COUNCILLORSto form the Council for the said Twp. of Reach for 1972 will be held in the TOWNSHIP HALL -- MANCHESTER, Saturday, November 27, 1971 at the hour of 1 p.m. ES.T. and in the event of a Poll being required the votes of the Electors will be taken on Monday, the 6th day of December, 1971 ° between the hours of 10 am. rand 8 p.m. at the following ' places, viz: -° | ELECTORAL POLLING : SUB-DIVISIONS ! No. 1--Memoray Hall, Utica i No. 2--L. Drew's House, i Epsom ' No. 3--Cordner's House, ] Lot 6, Con. 11 , No. 4--Township Hall, : No. No. Manchester No. 8--Community Hall, 5--Community Hall, Greenbank 6--Hill's Store, ' Cedar Creek : No. : Prince Albert + No. 9=Wm. Keene's House, i Seagrave. Saintfield 7--L. Willerton's House, H V. MALCOLM, Clerk i Township Office, Man~he t r Xmas bonspiel for jr. curlers Thornhill Country Club is again hosting one of junior curlers' - most popular bonspiels . December 26th, 27th and 28th. Entries are now being accepted from clubs throughout Southern Ontario for this "annual classic won last year by the Unionville Club. A mixed 'spiel for 20-year and under curlers, the event is'a 36-rink field with three- game guarantee. Curlers compete for 48 prizes and the CFRB trophy. Closing date for entries is December 10th. The 'piel is sponsored by Radio Station CFRB. DISCOUNT SPECIAL Two weeks-Nov, 15-28 BACHELOR PRODUCTS By REXALL Lawrence Pharmacy Your REXALL Store