A TEV \ Ser APRN 5 ---- CRIME EA a AL A er i nN CA OU IAL Vad EIT ee LHL) ! £2 TA ae The unveiling ceremony, at the C. Aldreds, 24 --- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Nov. 10, 1971 throughout province by the and Algonquin Park areas to Ontario = Department of Lake Ontario, The Scugog, Public Archives and used by settlers seeking land Records hecame fully navigable with : . : a i ) ' The text of the plaque be completion of the Purdy Continued describes - the Scugoy am. a. y ony H. McComb on Monday in Mr. Brent Heard, son of Mr. .and Mrs, Bud Heard who plays hockey for the Collingwood Junior B's was at his home over the week- TOWN [ Lindsay will unveil plaque An historical plaque, Route, stating that the river and lake formed part of the: Indian route from the Kawartha and Algonquin Park areas to Lake Ontario. The Scu- gog, used by settlers seek- sponsored bythe Viegoria Caunty Hisotrical Association will be attended 'by The Hon, Leslie M. Frost; John Aikens, Lindsay mayor; Glen Hodgson MPP, (Victoria-Haliburton); Oshawa. Kay and Lee Wood of Toronto were at her. parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jackson's for Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Edgar - "Mr. and Mrs. Archie Farmer and granddaughter of Toronto were Saturday evening guests of Tom and Marg Eden. Mr. and Mrs. T. Eden were Sunday dinner guests at end. commemorating the Scugog ing land became fully na- wifliam ° Scott, MP, (Vic- Brown and boys were their daughter's Mr. * and ES RA Route will be unveiled at "yigable with the comple- toria-Haliburton). Sunday dinner guests of her = Mrs, R. Parker at their home Mr. and Mrs. Everett Dob- Soldiers' 'Memorial Park," tion of the Purdy Dam at = The Ontario Archaelogical sister and family. Mr. and 'north of Manchester. son of Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Allan Jack- son on Sunday and accom- panied them to church in Manchester. Mrs. Dobson was the former Lola Vick- ery of Port Perry and at one" time taught school in Manchester, * * * The monies raised in the Walkathon by the Port Perry Guides is to be used by each indivdual company as they see fit. It is not being ised for camp equip- ment as stated in last week's paper. : LJ * %" . Mr. Bert Hillier of 280 North Street dropped in to the Star Office one day last week, he had with him some strawberries he had picked in his garden on November 4th, * LJ * The Port Perry Branch of the Canadian Cancer So- ciety were host on Tuesday Lindsay, on Sunday, November 14, at 2:00 p.m. The 'plaque is one of a series being placed Lindsay in '1830. The text of the plaque describes the Scugog Route, stating from the Kawartha and Historical Sites Board. will be represented by Professor "William Ormsby of Brock University. Mrs, Ted Rae and family of Clarkson Mrs. Ada Pearson of Oshdwa visited: on: Monday Brenda and Patty Brown are on' the mend now after" being sick on the weekend with tonsilitis. 7 HH HEH AE RRE RAR S Ny NN BLADE ROAS NOVEMBER IS THE MONTH "TENDER JUICY SARA AAAIAALRALIARLLALAAALRANNANANNNNNNNNNSNNNNNNN FOR MEATS STEWING BEEF » 89: roR EcoNoMY" BEEF LIVER 50: A) y ; / R/ 4 4 y 4 4 7 / 4 4 4 / 7 : : / / / ; / ; oe ane Anglican 4, SHORT RIB ROAST & 69¢ [AZY MAPLE BACON». 65. | COOKED / hurch for th 1 . ! inly meeting of the North § JUICY RIB STEAKS 78. | SWIFT WIENERS » so. HAM BEEF HEARTS 39: ; io B h of the So- LEAN - SWIFT PREMIUM - il i en BLADE" STEAKS. +105 | SMOKED PICNICS nao | 93° BRAISING Ribs 50 +s / =-- === EE = ' Meise hin Mpoan) Mrs. / a BEST BUY! -- NEW. CANADIANA DESIGNS -- 100 x 2-PL / p: apley and family on -- ; Sunday pd Mr. and Mrs / SPAGHETTI 5: i199. KLEENEX Tissites 5 99: 7 George Bailey of i ~ § | reavure -- nen « wu FEATURE! == LAYER STYLE DELUXE / ley and M : Ta L'a a .§ mci | [serie "TY! DUNCAN HINES 2i89° . T. Bailey and. fa- % by Rar 4 TEA BALD 100 cello 75 FEATURE! -- PEACH OR CHERRY ; a g ¥ FEATURE! -- BEE ] C Crock The Laver | | CORN Syrup 30. | E.D. SMITHS 7 runes 53 / On Y. P ¥# | Feature -- nenz assorted 140. Tina FEATURE! -- CARNATION 7 ou Pre | FOODS 5175 COFFEE MATE vo 79 | Soha V FRIENOLY / MILK Borden's 2: 35 FEATURET -- MAME LEAF . Hb Pgs | © FEATURE -- SAVE ALL RT Jie, TIN / LT TENDERFLAKE ur 2-49 | WAXED PAPER" 35 2 + IT TAKES OVER THREE ¥# | BEST BUYI -- BATHROOM TisSUES - 2LY BEST BUY! -- TALL TINS . # C c nosunti ins | | BABIES ONLY, PLEASE 4169 OCEAN KING SALMON 88 / NE MIT TOSCATTER IT. ' ; BEST BUY! -- ALL VARIETIES 14Y3.0%. Tins / : MCCAINS FRENCH FRIES 35. | RAGU SPAGHETTI Sauces 3:1 2 * / FARM HOUSE APPLE PIE 43 FEATURE 10s. Figs. 4 oraNGe ice «. an89. | CREAMETTES «niiif, Was 2:25: / j FRENCH TOAST s+ pio 55 AYLMER J AMS ue or" 'a:90. Z / MARMA " 3 - 7 re 4 | BEST BUYI -- CASH YOUR 10c COUPON . COCKTAIL MIXES ~ =; "12 to pk. - 89¢ | FEATURE! -- COLOURED - 3 / E MIELS | |KING SIZE TIDE 1.73] Zoe no tx [CHERRY WILL CHEESE 79 / PLACE" #A BABY CEREALS __-- 33¢ HEALTH & BEAUTY FEATURES! 3 '3 KOTEX 10 to pkg. - 48¢ SWEET JUICY - Good Size / / SPECIAL $3c1 / WHERE GOOD FOOD 1S J Gi Oranges - 9: Apples 5: 59 j * ' -o1. pa / VERYOAY. il QUICK RICE, seis 49: Cabbage - 19: Spinach 2:49:80 . Lu Ten of CHOCOLATE aps 3 3c ABLES BRUSSEL SPROUTS 33 : | /: 10 oz. Cup c / TO STAY. : Can you think of better ; coLp WATER WASH 59. a ; , fies tr fo Van pr; Suns un Butter to¢ gravis. Ah, 12: E. D. SMITH 28 oz. BOTTLES / | nice cup of coffee, a pot of , D st grade Garden Go ki | ? -f 6 Oc 4 | or or just an afternoon / GOLD SEAL C dl R / I I meme 4 Sockeye Salmon 7 -- B5e Macaroni or Spaghetti i ros it's only with a smile. Y 4 dg p / 2 SWIFT PREMIUM BY THE PIECE : / = TAKE 1 9 ' RB | 2 Oc LANCIA READY CUT c 2. is ips an , / Rigg ' bologna If. 2 Ib. Cello Pkg. 4 / Phone 985-2066 A SSSSSNSNSSSN 0500500605060 6005605064600 4 A A SE HAA SARNIA MAAR A AAA NR 4 »