Y STAR -- Wednesday, Nov. 17, 1971 -- BD RUG STORE S INA EAGT] CUTLERY SET 22 TIE A SET STAINLESS STEEL with genuine ROSEWOOD HANDLES A3.placa caning t stock knife set IMPORTED, COTTON : coLD CREAM 2 HUIZIN] WASH CLOTHS te P - TABLETS COMPLEXION ' {5g \ gape =z SPECIAL BOTTLE OF 125 e OF S0AP ONE \ nS ni 100s FOR SUGG. LIST 1.69 2 2 : HERSHEY ' 1 ' 3:80(3 77 or set +99 SYLVANIA PEPSODENT = FLASHCUBES RsovL OR Acnonny COLD DECONGESTANT" STOA SLEEVE ON A CARD PAMILY SIZB TTF i [5 A PORT PERRY'S LAURA SECORD STORE 2 phones for vour convenience Your Health is our most important objective! 985-3548 985-2511 2h Com on A a Rt att ee Led SS MULTIPLE VITAMINS ois 3-17 GIFT WRAP ; FOIL 26x60" HE PAPER 2672210" { soo. 0 PE Wa \ N A he ay 20-GHT Bh +49 | MINI LIGHT SELTZER |) INDOOR SET suc. Ls ge : 4 - INC [a] 255. am