: - i, 3 A mh =X NEE BA % i By N 1 TA SELL: R (=3 OV CRSA VV sf == 10-rorr PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Dec. 15, 1971 Many Seagravers were s0 busy with.Christmas pre- parations that they neglect- ed to report their goings & comings this week. We express sympathy to the. Nobbs family because of the death on Monday of Fred's father Mr. Joseph Nobbs of Markham. The funeral was on: Thursday. In the same way we are thinking of the family of the late Mr, Frank Honey who passed away so sudden- ly on Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs, Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Belair and Mr. & Mrs. Bolling represented Seagrave at the banquet Canadian Show Band. UXBRIDGE VALLEY JAMBOREE DECEMBER 19th, 7.:00 p.m. ® SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SHOW eo ' Featuring Canadian Show Band starring Caroll Baker, along with many special guests. Also for the Children Santa Claus will be there with treats. This show only begins at 7 p.m. at the Roxy Theatre. At this time too we extend our sincere greetings for Christmas and the New Year holiday from Bob Hathaway, Paul Evans and families. ; Also from the H IRE *« BUY SELL' HIRE ¢ => ' SELL. RENT ' SWAP . FICE BUY - ¢ eagrave News put on by the Federation of Agriculture in Uxbridge on Thurs. evening. On Saturday the Hunters were in Stouffville to wish their grand-daughter Joe. Ellen Pollard a happy birth. day. The Belairs that same night attended a large Tripp party in Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dow- son held a Christmas party for the Mitchell family on Saturday. Congratulations to Gertie Wanamaker. -She won a teddy bear at the hospital draw on Saturday. Unit 1 U.C.W. had a wind- up meeting for 1971 at the Bruce home on Monday ey- ening. There was no new business, just a social time and lunch, The U.C.W. party which on Wednesday night attrac. ted about 50 local ladies started off quite seriously RIE NT. . SWAR . } 11 RE CTH EEN T with a Christmas devotional given bv Mrs. B. Wana. 'maker, Mrs. McNeil, Mrs, Nicholls and Mrs. K. Stur. man with Mrs. Rae Abra. ham, Mrs, Carr. and Mrs, Belair forming a nativity scera as backaround. After that things became more and more relaxed as various numbers were pre: sented. We had carol sing ing, a vocal trio by Mrs. Reg. Abraham, Mrs, Ken- nedy and Mrs. Tobin, piano music by-Mrs, Chas. Short, readings by Mis, Beacock and Mrs. Barr, contests by Mrs. Bruce and Mrs, Belair and games or stunts led by Mrs. 'Carr and Mrs. Rae Abraham, Later all "descended to the basement and a "Tru. deau" . type Santa came along to kiss the girls and distribute -the gifts. Last item on the program was a generous buffet lun. cheon to which all did full justice. Church service was a3 usual and so was S.S. The birthday box got a real lift SWAP + HIRE FRED COOK REAL ESTATE Ivan Thompson WHAT DO THE LEGAL TERMS MEAN? If in doubt -- ASK! That's the best basic advice we can give anyone dealing in real estate when there is the slightest doubt about the meaning of terms. When misunderstandings occur in realty transactions it is often because buyers or sellers are embarassed to confess their ignorance of the technical language. They should realise that lawyers or Realtors would likely 1+ be unfamiliar with the special terms used in most other fields. Here are a few of the more common terms you should be familiar with: Mortgagee: The person or institution lending money 'on a property. Mortgagor: The lender of the money as distinct from the borrower. Mortgage: The legal document, or "instrument" as it is sometimes called, by which the property is con- veyed to secure the repayment of the debt. Equity: That portion of the total value of property an owner owns after the deduction of the mortgage. Encumbrance: Anything which limits the free title of a property such as a mortgage or easement. -- Fixtures: "Accessories to the basic building or land which cannot be removed without damage to the pro- perty and are included in the sale. > SCENIC MEADOW GREEN ESTATES BLACKSTOCK Prestige All Electric Ranch Style Bungalows under construction, Featuring: ® Water Services. Fire Hydrants. @ Street Lights. Paved Streets. ® % acre lots. 100 ft. frontages. ® Garages. Built-in dishwasher. @ V.L.A. approved if qualified. $3,000 down -- starting at $25,900.00. FRED COOK REAL ESTATE 151 Queen Street. 985-7001 Port Perry -- Staff on site all week-end -- PORT PERRY -- New 3 bedroom brick bungalow; family sized living room, large modern kitchen with ample cupboards. Centrally located. Call Bill Peeters 985-7001. 3 BEDROOM, 2 STOREY Frame House, Close to schools and shopping. Large lot. Low down payment.- Asking $21,000. Joan Scott. ; BUILDING LOTS on Nonquon River, Over 100 ft. frontage on river. Ideal homesites for boating and ski dooing. Paved roads, water, street lights, 7 mi. to Port Perry. Asking $8,000. Joan Scott. ~SCHOOL HOUSE, 11/3 acre fot; 1100 sq. ft," i single family. 1 mi. N. of Town. Asking $16,000. Terms. J. Scott. . Lovely Country home, school bus at door, 10 miles to Port Perry, 6 room 1% storey aluminum siding. |. Completely renovated. Tiled and broadloom through: |: out, 4 piece bath. Large lot. Oil furnace ,large garage -+-and small barn presently used for horses. Completely furnished. Asking $19,500.00. Terms. Call Mary Enge 985-2517. BLACKSTOCK -- Solid brick four bedroom - con. * veniences. $21,800. Terms. 985-7001. Ivan-Thomp- son. PORT PERRY AREA--Brick 8 rooms older home. Large lot. Low down payment, $15,500. Phone 985- 7001. Ivan Thompson, ETT tmp SKIDOO PROPERTY--24 acres of rolling hills, out- standing view of surrounding countryside, 2 ponds, close to Highway Port Perry area. Asking $19,500. Good terms. Call Bill Peeters 985-7001, 297-2476. Open if 9:00 p.m, PORT PERRY -- 3 bedroom brick Bung. on treed lot. Rec. room. Insulated garage. Many extras, $31,500. 985-7001. Ivan Thompson. OAKWOOD -- New six room bungalow, brick with stone faced front on a large lot 86 x 150, just 8 miles to Lindsay. Asking $28,000.00 Mary Enge 985-7001. SUN VALLEY -- SEAGRAVE AREA. Winterized home, year round living, 5 rooms, heavy duty wired, large lot 50 x 305. Asking $13,500.00. Terms. Mary Enge 985-7001. PRINCE ALBERT -- 1% storey brick home, new 4 pe. color bath, 4 bedrooms, fridge, stove and freezer, 2 car garage. Lot 94 x 220. Asking $23,500 with terms. Call Madeline Rodd 985-2819. LAKEFRONT and back lot cottages ranging in price from $7,000 and up with easy terms. PORT PERRY. -- 4 bedroom older home; completely renovated. Dishwasher, washer, dryer, water softener, family room, paved drive, garage. Immaculately kept. Asking $33,500. 8% mortgage. 151 QUEEN STREET PORT PERRY Port Perry 985-7001 Toronto 297-2476 when Mrs. Belair, Mrs. Keen, Mrs. "Clements and CBUY - Brian Barr stfolled up with~ their offerings. Mr. Critch was 'all set to attend the Christmas con- cert on Thurs. night but has now changed his mind. The date is Friday not Thurs," Be there for an. other of Santa's visits. Next Sunday there will be Christmas services at the usual hours. OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE announce the opening - - of the NEW WINTER TERM on Monday, January 3, 1972 offering Five Job-oriented Day School Courses from which to choose: Business Administration : Course Secretarial Course Stenographic Course Clerk-Typist Course Accounting Course These include individual instruction; Reasonable Tuition rates and: Job Placement Assistance pr for Graduates Enrolment in the above Courses is Limited Half-Day Courses: for : Housewives Attend either mornings or afternoons Mon. to Friday. Take up to four Subjects: Forkner Shorthand, Re- _ fresher Courses in Pit- man, or Gregg Shorthand, and Typing, Typing for: Beginners, Bookkeeping. Business Machines, Payroll, Accounting. There is a strong demand for mature women in Busi- - -ness, Train -now-to fill. that Demand For Complete Details Dial 728-0052 Manchester U.C. W. The Manchester U.C.W. held their Christmas Party at the home of Mrs. Annie Toombs on December 9th, The meeting was opened by the president Mrs." Kingstone, who welcomed everyone and thanked the hostess. The meeting was then turned over to Rev, Brown for the devotional. Hymn No, 423 was sung and the topic was the symbols of Christmas which Rev. Brown used to put a clear meaning of Christmas before us. Hymn No. 314 was sung followed by prayer -and all repeated the Lord's Prayer. The meeting was opened by the roll call, minutes, reports and several discussions. Rev. Brown closed the meeting with - prayer. A sumpous dinner was enjoyed by all. Sunday Church Service was well attended and Rev. Pogue spoke about the meaning of CHristmas Carols. , Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Christie were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dobson. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Croden and children of London were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. LIB. Roberts. Mr. W. J. Mitchell had many birthday wishes on Sunday, December 12 when 22 6f his family and friends i helpéd him celebrate over a turkey dinner. . * 'Please phone any news-985 - 7%, =1.1 RENT . | Pat. TENDER AND TRIMMED FRESH LOIN BOLAGNA "SILYVERWOODS BUTTER FRESH SLICED "(| WEINERS QUEEN ST, --- PORK CHOPS «85° COOKED - HAM WEINERS © - -o« :3.90 MIDDLETON'S MEATS PORT. PERRY ~ : . 30 . 13 1.09 2 i 85 985.2562 J] <}