VanCamp, Mr. Roy Werry. was spent by the relatives = Tyrona spent some holidays (Y New .Year's Day guests of and friends 'in attendance; with her daughter, Mr. and : RD 'Mr. and Mrs. Keith Van- After all had partaken of Mrs. Roy McLaughlin and Wednesday supper and some holidays with his Christmas. celebration with Camp and family were Mr. the very sumptuous dinner Debbie, SE i "overnight guests of Mr. and Larmer cousins and Paul Mr. and. Mrs. Ray Larmer and Mrs. Wilbur Toms, Mr. which ~ had" been so New Year's Day guests of Mrs. Gerald Kelly and returned home with him for and family at their new and Mrs, Percy VanCamp, beautifuly arranged by Mr. and « Mrs. Roy family were Mr. and Mrs, Some holidays in Solina. home in North Oshawa. Miss Aileen VanCamp, Mr. Conway Gardens of Port McLaughlin 'were Mr, and Gordon Kelly and Leigh Ann Mr, and Mrs, Neil Bailey, = Mr, and Mrs. Ron Drink- and Mrs. Merrill VanCamp Perry, the bride and groom Mrs, Denis McLaughlin, oe of St. Thomas, Howard and Tara Lynn flew water and family, Ottawa and family. were ° congratulated and Guelph, Mrs. Edith Murphy, Mr, and' Mrs. Mafwood to Florida to spend a week's who have spent part of their . On Thursday evening, presented with a sum of Tyrone, Mr, and Mrs. David McKee were pleased to have holiday with the Arthur holidays with Mrs. W.W. .Decermber 30th, at the home money, roses: and. several Kyte, Karen and Jason Mr. a visit from their cousins Mr, Baileys at Brandon Trailer VanCamp spent some time of Mrs, L. McArthur, a most other gifts. John and and Mrs. Lloyd Rogers of and Mrs. Wallce Bruce. from Park. While there they en- with his relatives in Bramp- successful surprise party Dorothy thanked their guests Clarkson. is Coleville, Saskatchewan who ~ joyed visiting several of the ton. 1. New Year's Eve guests was held for Mr. and 'Mrs. for the lovely gifts and for Sunday guests of Mr. and flew over for a short holiday, Cartwright folk there and of Mrs, W.W.VanCamp and John Venning to osm. making this such a pleasant Mrs. Roy McLaughlin' were ; Sunday dinner guests of takingin many of the tourist Miss Mabel VanCamp were memorate the occasion of occasion. The remainder of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Wright, ¢ Mr, and Mrs, Arnold Taylor Sites. They arrived home on Mr. and Mys. Ron Drink- their 35th wedding an- the evening was enjoyed by Oshawa, Mrs. Joyce Read, and girls were Mr. and Mrs, J.K. Noble, Uxbridge, Mrs. Young, Weston, Mr; and Mrs, Don Noble and family, ckstock Friday and are happy to report no Chicken-pox. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Werry, Larry and Joy, Mr. and Mrs. NRE EOE HINA aie n So & ig LL PRIA TL iy water and family, Mr. and © Mrs. Stephen © Saywell, Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, Percy --- ' VanCamp, Miss Aileen niversary. In spite of the weatherman's stormy mood, . a' most enjoyable evening PORT PERRY STAR ~ Wednesday, Jan, 5,1972 - § playing cards and other games, Mrs. Edith. Murphy, Heather, Pam and Penny of Brampton, (continued on page 6) NE > > Uxbridge, Mr, Tan Cooke, i paley, Hoyard and i Port P , D d Mrs. aralynne were Sunday / ire aad ois. dimmer guest ok Mr: ona CONTINUING EDUCATION : Agincourt, and Mr, and Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin and Debbie, Mr. New Year's Eve Dance in INCOME TAX COURSE (Wednesdays 6-8 p.m.) Designed the day-to-day knowledge required to handle the problems ¢ and Mrs. Harold the Rec. Centre which has for - small business operators and proprietors, self- of credit and collections in consumer and mercantile McLaughlin, Linda, Janis just been recently moder- employed persons, salesmen on commission and sales - business. Fee is $30.00 for 12 sessions. and Kelly, Mrs. David Kyte, Karen and Jason, Mr. and Mrs. Denis ¢ McLaughlin, Guelph spent 2 the - holidays with his . parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin and Debbie, Wednesday night card party results were Ladies High Erma Strong, Second - Hazel English; Men's High, Carl Gimblett, Second - Percy VanCamp Birthday. nearest Christmas - Mrs. ~~Freeman -McCullough. ~The - - next card party in Blackstock will be Wed- * nesday, January 12. Mrs. Alma Fowler was a Saturday guest of - Mrs. Albert Wright and Mrs. Jean - Trewin. New Year's Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer, John, David and and Paul were Mr. and Mrs. Eber Snowden, Courtice, Mr. and 1 Mrs, Grant Thompson | of The 0.N.O. held its annual nized. In fact it was a great rush to have it to a stage completed enough to hold the dance, : Approximately 200. guests attended and enjoyed the wondeful music provided 'by Mr. M.W. Pallant of Scugog Island on the organ. A sumptuous lunch: was served and a hilarious time was: had. : Several other - house parties were held to honour the New, Year's Eve-- tradition as well, Lis Christmas Guests of Mr... and Mrs, Vernon Asselstine and family were Mrs. Chaplin, Oshawa, Vera's mother and Mr. and Mrs. Les Asselstine and Gayleof Waterloo, who spent some holidays with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott and boys, Oshawa were holiday callers and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Asselstine, Colin and Teresa returned . income tax procedure. Special attention is given to the study of the Canadian Tax Reform Bill. Course fee is $20.00 for a total of 12 sessions. i FORKNER SHORTHAND 2 (Thursdays 6-8 p.m.) This credit course is for those who have taken a basic Forkner Shorthand course and are interested in building -up their speed. Fee is $30.00 for a total of 25 sessions. CHALLENGE TO CHANGE (Mondays 6-8 p.m.) This is a special programme for women of all ages, educational _| backgrounds and work- experience-who-wish-to-find- out-- about opportunities for employment and further education, Discussions under experienced leaders will cover current "Canadian issues, and relate to how women can broaden total of 12 sessions. TV SERVICING (Tuesdays and Thursdays 7-9:30 p.m.) This is a *'trouble shooter' handyman's course, covering the basic theory of black and. white and color TV, work on-sets.-Fee-is $30.00 (with parts extra) for 20 sessions, HUMAN RELATIONS (Tuesdays 8-10 p.m.) This credit course covers the many areas where an "understanding of people' is_essential. Topics include: understanding agents, this course provides an understanding of current their ambitions and role in society. Fee is $20.00 for a including color TV set-up adjustments, and practical CREDIT AND COLLECTIONS (Mondays 6-8 p.m.) Obtain BASIC SILK SCREEN PRINTING (Wednesdays 6-8 p.m.) This is a course designed for persons who wish to attain skills in basic stencil cutting, screen making and . printing. Fee is $25.00 for 12 sessions which includes materials, APPLIANCE SERVICING (Thursdays 6-8 p.m.) Leam to repair and service household appliances with the use of home tools. Special tools will also be shown and used. Fee is $20.00 for 10 sessions. pattem OWNING AND. OPERATING A SNOWMOBILE '(Mondays 7-9 p.m.) Open to anyone with an interest, this course is designed to provide information on snowmobile preventive maintenance, preliminary corrective check for engine failure, machine handling characteristics, preparation for storage, and first aid procedures. Fee is $20.00 for 10 sessions, ' PUBLIC SPEAKING AND HUMAN RELATIONS (Wed- nesdays 8-10 p.m.) Businessmen, service club and church group members can improve their personal effectiveness - in public speaking situations. The course will cover the _ theory of communication, techniques of writing and delivering - successful speeches, informal "talks and presentations. Fee is $20.00 for 12 sessions. EFFECTIVE READING (Thursdays 6-8 p.m.) Improve (3 Ron Kester and family, Nestleton. i es aie mn <2 |New Durham Courses ; ~~ Christmas Day guests of niskillen spent some f Mr. and Mrs, Marwood holidays with "John and V McKee were Mrs. Lawson David Larmer. Beginning January 17, Dutham College is adding new, EFFECTIVE SUPERVISION ADMINISTRATION (Tues- ® and Bruce of Janetville, Mr. New Year's Day guests of | important. courses Lo its extension programme, as well-as ~~~ days 6-8 pm.) Leam problem solving techniques available (i "and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly repeating courses in response to popular demand. Take- to administrative supervisors, and receive tips on al Nestleton, and girls were Mr. and Mrs, advantage of new career opportunities through continuing managing high-talent personnel. Topics for the credit pl On Wednesday, the William Kelly, Bobcaygeon, education, Special interest courses, too, can enable you course include: identifying the role of the supervisor; PIS McLaughlin family Mrs. Courtney Graham, to, make. the most of your 'leisure time. Fill out and mail analyzing problems; organizing and planning; the human' i gathering was held at Mrs. Reg Boundey, Port the application form below or for further information call "factor; information flow; evaluating operations and Ye Hayden Community Centre. ~ Perry and Miss Christine | 596.0210 (extension 260), Durham College, Box 385, controlling activities, Fee is $30.00 for 10 sessions. ¥ * a Attending from here were McMenemey of Oshawa. * Oshawa, Ontario. : oh Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees, their visit. Miss Sharon Batt, | people; selection and induction; training, morale; your reading and listening skills. Careful evaluation and Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Glonp "Oshawa was a New Year's communications; = performance = appraisal; discipline; an individual programme to suit your - abilities will Larmer, Doug and Craig, Day guest. planning; leadership; resistance to change. Fee is greatly assist you in improving reading speed and com- 'Mr. and Mrs. Ray Essery, Last Sunday Mrs. Fowler $30.00 for 10 sessions. prehension. Fee is $20.00 for 12 sessions. : ® Oshawa. along with Mr. and Mrs. Don : ; thy FAMILY FINANCIAL EDUCATION (Tuesdays 6-8 p.m.) N/C PROGRAMMING 2 (Mondays 6-8 p.m.) This course Dennis Yellowlees spent Chislett, Whitby. spent ! : ¢ : ' : The purpose of this course is to help show the relation- involves computer-assisted programming of the AARARRARRARARRRARNARS 2 RZ 2 > ship of financial problems and decisions to the family's numerically controlled milling machine centre. Pre- BILL, MILEY. a value system, develop a sound decision making procedure, requisite is N/C Programming 1, which involves manual aN ; 2 ; evaluate alternatives in the market place, and get the programming only.(It is anticipated that N/C Progtamniing UGAR AND S PICE best buys -for-the money. Subject areas include: values 3,which.will cover advanced computer-assisted programm- and goals, budgeting, - spending, borrowing, saving, ing techniques, will be offered in the 1972 Fall lly 2 ARRRARRRANRAAAIAR, investing, estate and retirement planning, consumer programme). Fee is $25.00 for 13 sessions, There is a 5 ; : 3 rights and responsibilities, Fee is $20.00 for 10 sessions. maximum enrollment of 15 for this credit course. distilled in our Christmas vacation with two cats. : ; APPLICATION FOR EXTENSION COURSES OFFICE USE ONLY We have a fat, neutered lady called Pip, ; ' ; , wr bequeathed to us by Kim when she feft DURHAM COLLEGE OF APPLIED 'ARTS & TECHNOLOGY Date Rec'd. .........cccoooooviiriicien, ! home. 3 P.O. Box 385, Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, Ontario -- 576-0210 e Well, Pip has established the fact. that she TO THE REGISTRAR: Sent NO. ieee is queen of her own domain. She chases s ; everything from squirrels to butterflies to I Please register me in the following courses: 2 : spiders out-of her backyard in summer; and "COURSE(S) "DAY & TIME HELD FEE deigns to spend the winter gating and : } 8 1 TILE ne A SLAM CE NR SOR, 26 eat. SRNR LLIN Ks $n, sleeping... ' * * Home trom college comes Kim, sneaking, 2) SERRE eA sree ead iE rete r iar Ra aa sarateeibedntenterieaiatnns' Beirrenteseetenterieatsitateterenrareetenneretreatentnenrasy $ TTT in a box with air-holes, the rauchiest, ran- TOTAL (cheque or money order enclosed)* : : $a diest young tomcat you've ever laid eyes on. II T have previously attended Durham College: No [] YES [] LATEST YEAR .................. For the first few days, Pip tried to lay down III Educational level achieved.before attending this College: belonged to... |]. 0." tm TEE RES, A postions pit pe RET ans FR The pre-Christmas air was rent with howls RI ER I SI LL TE TE LN SN SE ; and screams as they clashed, I'd put one in Iv ae Sn tay A a I a TIREIR the cellar, the other in the back johnnie. ress TEI : Et * Finally, fat old Pip got too pooped to Phone (home) .. ........... .. (business)... 0 eee participate. Alter a few days, they decided BIPIOYRE .. coco... itn de linn indepen ndetdens rans ebisianess sfonde rr Tapers pds tress seep at at departs sabes -- to 'co-exist, and now spend their time Date of Birth. oN hrs tins Be creer Sox M [J F 0 chasing each other up the drapes and over Date .. . Signature of, Applicant RAC LM TOL TAI "the upholstery. : *Your cheque or money order made payable to Durham College must accompany this application, A receipt will be Maybe there's a message here, issued as soon as it has been established that sufficient applications have been received to warrant offering the course. ® somewhere. The good and the bad, the bitter ! POSITIVELY NO REFUNDS CAN BE MADE except in the case of a course being cancelled. -- and the sweet; are part of life, and we can cither accept it or run away from it. eg . 2m